like realloc(r, newSize), resizeRegion will return a new region of size
newSize containing the old contents of r by:
1. checking if the present region has sufficient available space to
satisfy the request (if so, do nothing)
2. allocating a new region of sufficient size & copying the data
TODO: if the successor 's' to r's block is free, and there is sufficient space
in r + s, then just adjust sizes of r & s.
void *resizeRegion(void *r, size_t newSize) {
int oldSize;
// int nextPSize;
// size_t oldAndNew;
BlockPrefix_t *p = regionToPrefix(r);
BlockPrefix_t *nextp = getNextPrefix(p);
int nextpNum = getNextPrefix(p);
BlockPrefix_t *nexts;
if (r != (void *)0){		/* old region existed */
	oldSize = computeUsableSpace(regionToPrefix(r));
	oldSize = 0;		/* non-existant regions have size 0 */

if (oldSize >= newSize)	/* old region is big enough */
	return r;
// else if(nextpNum != 0){
// 	size_t nextPSize=computeUsableSpace(nextp);
// 	size_t oldAndNext=nextPSize+oldSize;
// 	if(oldAndNext>=align8(newSize)){
// 		// size_t asize = align8(newSize);
// 		// size_t availSize = computeUsableSpace(p);
// 		if (oldAndNext >= (align8(newSize) + prefixSize + suffixSize + 8)) { /* split block? */
// 			void *freeSliverStart = (void *)p + prefixSize + suffixSize + align8(newSize);
// 			void *freeSliverEnd = computeNextPrefixAddr(nextp);
// 			makeFreeBlock(freeSliverStart, freeSliverEnd - freeSliverStart);
// 			makeFreeBlock(p, freeSliverStart - (void *)p); /* piece being allocated */
// 		}
// 		p->allocated = 1;		/* mark as allocated */
// 		return prefixToRegion(p);	/* convert to *region */
// 	}
// }

else {			/* allocate new region & copy old data */
	char *o = (char *)r;	/* treat both regions as char* */
	char *n = (char *)nextFitAllocRegion(newSize);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) /* copy byte-by-byte, should use memcpy */
		n[i] = o[i];
	freeRegion(o);		/* free old region */
	return (void *)n;
void freeRegions( PStack desc ) {

	while( !PStackIsEmpty(desc) ) freeRegion(PopPStack(desc));
