cDNADB * new_cDNADB(SequenceDB * seqdb) { cDNADB * out; ComplexSequenceEvalSet * cses; if( seqdb == NULL ) { warn("No sequencedb - can't make a cDNADB!"); return NULL; } /** should check sequence database **/ cses = default_cDNA_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(); if( cses->type != SEQUENCE_CDNA ) { warn("You can't make a cDNA database with a non SEQUENCE_cDNA cses type [%d]",cses->type); return NULL; } out = cDNADB_alloc(); out->is_single_seq = FALSE; out->sdb = hard_link_SequenceDB(seqdb); out->cses = hard_link_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(cses); free_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(cses); return out; }
/* Function: free_GenomicDB(obj) * * Descrip: Free Function: removes the memory held by obj * Will chain up to owned members and clear all lists * * * Arg: obj [UNKN ] Object that is free'd [GenomicDB *] * * Return [UNKN ] Undocumented return value [GenomicDB *] * */ GenomicDB * free_GenomicDB(GenomicDB * obj) { if( obj == NULL) { warn("Attempting to free a NULL pointer to a GenomicDB obj. Should be trappable"); return NULL; } if( obj->dynamite_hard_link > 1) { obj->dynamite_hard_link--; return NULL; } if( obj->forw != NULL) free_ComplexSequence(obj->forw); if( obj->rev != NULL) free_ComplexSequence(obj->rev); if( obj->sdb != NULL) free_SequenceDB(obj->sdb); if( obj->current != NULL) free_Genomic(obj->current); if( obj->cses != NULL) free_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(obj->cses); if( obj->single != NULL) free_Genomic(obj->single); if( obj->revsingle != NULL) free_Genomic(obj->revsingle); ckfree(obj); return NULL; }
AlnBlock * Align_Sequences_ProteinBlockAligner(Sequence * one,Sequence * two,CompMat * comp,int bentry,int bexit,int b1exit,int b_self,int b_on,DPRunImpl * dpri) { ComplexSequence * cone=NULL; ComplexSequence * ctwo=NULL; AlnBlock * alb= NULL; PackAln * pal=NULL; ComplexSequenceEvalSet * evalfunc = NULL; if( one == NULL || two == NULL || comp == NULL ) { warn("Passed in NULL objects into Align_Sequences_ProteinSmithWaterman!"); return NULL; } if( one->type != SEQUENCE_PROTEIN ) { warn("Sequence %s is not typed as protein... ignoring!\n",one->name); } if( two->type != SEQUENCE_PROTEIN ) { warn("Sequence %s is not typed as protein... ignoring!\n",two->name); } evalfunc = default_aminoacid_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(); cone = new_ComplexSequence(one,evalfunc); if( cone == NULL ) goto cleanup; ctwo = new_ComplexSequence(two,evalfunc); if( ctwo == NULL ) goto cleanup; pal = PackAln_bestmemory_ProteinBlockAligner(cone,ctwo,comp,bentry,b1exit,b_on,b_self,bexit,NULL,dpri); if( pal == NULL ) goto cleanup; alb = convert_PackAln_to_AlnBlock_ProteinSW(pal); goto cleanup; cleanup : if( cone != NULL ) free_ComplexSequence(cone); if( ctwo != NULL ) free_ComplexSequence(ctwo); if( pal != NULL ) free_PackAln(pal); if( evalfunc != NULL ) free_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(evalfunc); return alb; }
cDNADB * new_cDNADB_from_single_seq(cDNA * seq) { ComplexSequence * cs,*cs_rev; Sequence * temp; ComplexSequenceEvalSet * cses; cses = default_cDNA_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(); cs = new_ComplexSequence(seq->baseseq,cses); temp = reverse_complement_Sequence(seq->baseseq); cs_rev = new_ComplexSequence(temp,cses); free_Sequence(temp); free_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(cses); return new_cDNADB_from_forrev_cseq(cs,cs_rev); }
/* Function: free_cDNADB(obj) * * Descrip: Free Function: removes the memory held by obj * Will chain up to owned members and clear all lists * * * Arg: obj [UNKN ] Object that is free'd [cDNADB *] * * Return [UNKN ] Undocumented return value [cDNADB *] * */ cDNADB * free_cDNADB(cDNADB * obj) { int return_early = 0; if( obj == NULL) { warn("Attempting to free a NULL pointer to a cDNADB obj. Should be trappable"); return NULL; } #ifdef PTHREAD assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&(obj->dynamite_mutex)) == 0); #endif if( obj->dynamite_hard_link > 1) { return_early = 1; obj->dynamite_hard_link--; } #ifdef PTHREAD assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&(obj->dynamite_mutex)) == 0); #endif if( return_early == 1) return NULL; if( obj->forw != NULL) free_ComplexSequence(obj->forw); if( obj->rev != NULL) free_ComplexSequence(obj->rev); if( obj->sdb != NULL) free_SequenceDB(obj->sdb); if( obj->current != NULL) free_Sequence(obj->current); if( obj->cses != NULL) free_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(obj->cses); ckfree(obj); return NULL; }
AlnBlock * Align_Sequences_ProteinSmithWaterman(Sequence * one,Sequence * two,CompMat * comp,int gap,int ext,DPRunImpl * dpri) { AlnBlock * out = NULL; ComplexSequenceEvalSet * evalfunc = NULL; ComplexSequence * query_cs = NULL; ComplexSequence * target_cs = NULL; PackAln * pal = NULL; if( one == NULL || two == NULL || comp == NULL ) { warn("Passed in NULL objects into Align_Sequences_ProteinSmithWaterman!"); return NULL; } if( one->type != SEQUENCE_PROTEIN ) { warn("Sequence %s is not typed as protein... ignoring!\n",one->name); } if( two->type != SEQUENCE_PROTEIN ) { warn("Sequence %s is not typed as protein... ignoring!\n",two->name); } if( gap > 0 || ext > 0 ) { warn("Gap penalties %d,%d only make sense if they are negative",gap,ext); return NULL; } evalfunc = default_aminoacid_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(); query_cs = new_ComplexSequence(one,evalfunc); if( query_cs == NULL ) goto cleanup; target_cs = new_ComplexSequence(two,evalfunc); if( target_cs == NULL ) goto cleanup; pal = PackAln_bestmemory_ProteinSW(query_cs,target_cs,comp,gap,ext,NULL,dpri); if( pal == NULL ) goto cleanup; out = convert_PackAln_to_AlnBlock_ProteinSW(pal); goto cleanup; cleanup : if( query_cs != NULL ) free_ComplexSequence(query_cs); if( target_cs != NULL ) free_ComplexSequence(target_cs); if( pal != NULL ) free_PackAln(pal); if( evalfunc != NULL ) free_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(evalfunc); return out; }