static gboolean cmdline_icon_pixbuf (const gchar *option, const gchar *value, struct config *cfg, GError **error) { StatusNotifierIcon icon; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; if (streq (option, "-I") || streq (option, "--pixbuf")) icon = STATUS_NOTIFIER_ICON; else if (streq (option, "-A") || streq (option, "--attention-pixbuf")) icon = STATUS_NOTIFIER_ATTENTION_ICON; else if (streq (option, "-O") || streq (option, "--overlay-pixbuf")) icon = STATUS_NOTIFIER_OVERLAY_ICON; else /* if (streq (option, "-L") || streq (option, "--tooltip-pixbuf")) */ icon = STATUS_NOTIFIER_TOOLTIP_ICON; pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (value, error); if (!pixbuf) { g_prefix_error (error, "Failed to load pixbuf from '%s': ", value); return FALSE; } free_icon (cfg, icon); cfg->icon[icon].pixbuf = pixbuf; cfg->icon[icon].has_pixbuf = TRUE; return TRUE; }
static void elemstyle_free(elemstyle_t *elemstyle) { elemstyle_condition_t *cond; for (cond = elemstyle->condition; cond;) { if(cond->key) xmlFree(cond->key); if(cond->value) xmlFree(cond->value); elemstyle_condition_t *prevcond = cond; cond = cond->next; g_free(prevcond); } switch(elemstyle->type) { case ES_TYPE_NONE: break; case ES_TYPE_LINE: free_line(elemstyle->line); break; case ES_TYPE_AREA: free_area(elemstyle->area); break; case ES_TYPE_LINE_MOD: free_line_mod(elemstyle->line_mod); break; } if(elemstyle->icon) free_icon(elemstyle->icon); g_free(elemstyle); }
void Widget_CheckBox::addedToWindowEvent(WidgetAddedToWindowEvent* event) { if(g_check_texture_user_count == 0) { IconColors ic; Image* img = get_icon(IconName::Check, 16, &ic); g_check_texture = event->textureManager()->newTexture(img); free_icon(&img); } g_check_texture_user_count++; }
void cleanup_launcher_theme(Launcher *launcher) { free_area(&launcher->area); GSList *l; for (l = launcher->list_icons; l ; l = l->next) { LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon*)l->data; if (launcherIcon) { free_icon(launcherIcon->icon_scaled); free_icon(launcherIcon->icon_original); free(launcherIcon->icon_name); free(launcherIcon->icon_path); free(launcherIcon->cmd); free(launcherIcon->icon_tooltip); } free(launcherIcon); } g_slist_free(launcher->list_icons); launcher->list_icons = NULL; free_themes(launcher->list_themes); launcher->list_themes = NULL; }
static gboolean cmdline_icon_name (const gchar *option, const gchar *value, struct config *cfg, GError **error) { StatusNotifierIcon icon; if (streq (option, "-i") || streq (option, "--icon")) icon = STATUS_NOTIFIER_ICON; else if (streq (option, "-a") || streq (option, "--attention-icon")) icon = STATUS_NOTIFIER_ATTENTION_ICON; else if (streq (option, "-o") || streq (option, "--overlay-icon")) icon = STATUS_NOTIFIER_OVERLAY_ICON; else /* if (streq (option, "-l") || streq (option, "--tooltip-icon")) */ icon = STATUS_NOTIFIER_TOOLTIP_ICON; free_icon (cfg, icon); cfg->icon[icon].icon_name = g_strdup (value); return TRUE; }
int open_window( GlobalFunc *global ) { int i; natorder = native_order(); msgf = global( LWMESSAGEFUNCS_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT ); filereq = global( LWFILEREQFUNC_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT ); rasf = global( LWRASTERFUNCS_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT ); panf = global( LWPANELFUNCS_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT ); if ( !msgf || !filereq || !rasf || !panf ) return AFUNC_BADGLOBAL; panf->globalFun = global; if( !( panel = PAN_CREATE( panf, PANEL_TITLE ))) { msgf->error( PLUGIN_NAME " couldn't create its panel,", "not sure why." ); return AFUNC_OK; } panf->set( panel, PAN_USERKEYS, handle_key ); panf->set( panel, PAN_USEROPEN, handle_panopen ); cras[ 0 ] = create_char( COLOR_WHITE, SYSTEM_Ic( 30 ), rasf ); cras[ 1 ] = create_char( COLOR_BLACK, SYSTEM_Ic( 2 ), rasf ); cras[ 2 ] = create_char( COLOR_BLACK, SYSTEM_Ic( 15 ), rasf ); create_controls(); panf->open( panel, PANF_BLOCKING ); PAN_KILL( panf, panel ); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) free_char( cras[ i ], rasf ); free_icon( rasf ); return AFUNC_OK; }
int resize_launcher(void *obj) { Launcher *launcher = obj; GSList *l; int count, icon_size; int icons_per_column=1, icons_per_row=1, marging=0; if (panel_horizontal) { icon_size = launcher->area.height; } else { icon_size = launcher->area.width; } icon_size = icon_size - (2 * launcher->>border.width) - (2 * launcher->area.paddingy); if (launcher_max_icon_size > 0 && icon_size > launcher_max_icon_size) icon_size = launcher_max_icon_size; // Resize icons if necessary for (l = launcher->list_icons; l ; l = l->next) { LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon *)l->data; if (launcherIcon->icon_size != icon_size || !launcherIcon->icon_original) { launcherIcon->icon_size = icon_size; launcherIcon->area.width = launcherIcon->icon_size; launcherIcon->area.height = launcherIcon->icon_size; // Get the path for an icon file with the new size char *new_icon_path = get_icon_path(launcher->list_themes, launcherIcon->icon_name, launcherIcon->icon_size); if (!new_icon_path) { // Draw a blank icon free_icon(launcherIcon->icon_original); launcherIcon->icon_original = NULL; free_icon(launcherIcon->icon_scaled); launcherIcon->icon_scaled = NULL; continue; } if (launcherIcon->icon_path && strcmp(new_icon_path, launcherIcon->icon_path) == 0) { // If it's the same file just rescale free_icon(launcherIcon->icon_scaled); launcherIcon->icon_scaled = scale_icon(launcherIcon->icon_original, icon_size); free(new_icon_path); fprintf(stderr, "launcher.c %d: Using icon %s\n", __LINE__, launcherIcon->icon_path); } else { // Free the old files free_icon(launcherIcon->icon_original); free_icon(launcherIcon->icon_scaled); launcherIcon->icon_original = launcherIcon->icon_scaled = NULL; // Load the new file and scale #ifdef HAVE_RSVG if (g_str_has_suffix(new_icon_path, ".svg")) { GError* err = NULL; RsvgHandle* svg = rsvg_handle_new_from_file(new_icon_path, &err); if (err != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not load svg image!: %s", err->message); g_error_free(err); launcherIcon->icon_original = NULL; } else { char suffix[128]; sprintf(suffix, "tmpicon-%d.png", getpid()); gchar *name = g_build_filename(g_get_user_config_dir(), "tint2", suffix, NULL); GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = rsvg_handle_get_pixbuf(svg); gdk_pixbuf_save(pixbuf, name, "png", NULL, NULL); launcherIcon->icon_original = imlib_load_image_immediately_without_cache(name); g_remove(name); g_free(name); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(pixbuf)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(svg)); } } else #endif { launcherIcon->icon_original = imlib_load_image_immediately(new_icon_path); } // On loading error, fallback to default if (!launcherIcon->icon_original) { free(new_icon_path); new_icon_path = get_icon_path(launcher->list_themes, DEFAULT_ICON, launcherIcon->icon_size); if (new_icon_path) launcherIcon->icon_original = imlib_load_image_immediately(new_icon_path); } if (!launcherIcon->icon_original) { // Loading default icon failed, draw a blank icon free(new_icon_path); } else { // Loaded icon successfully launcherIcon->icon_scaled = scale_icon(launcherIcon->icon_original, launcherIcon->icon_size); free(launcherIcon->icon_path); launcherIcon->icon_path = new_icon_path; fprintf(stderr, "launcher.c %d: Using icon %s\n", __LINE__, launcherIcon->icon_path); } } } } count = g_slist_length(launcher->list_icons); if (panel_horizontal) { if (!count) { launcher->area.width = 0; } else { int height = launcher->area.height - 2*launcher->>border.width - 2*launcher->area.paddingy; // here icons_per_column always higher than 0 icons_per_column = (height+launcher->area.paddingx) / (icon_size+launcher->area.paddingx); marging = height - (icons_per_column-1)*(icon_size+launcher->area.paddingx) - icon_size; icons_per_row = count / icons_per_column + (count%icons_per_column != 0); launcher->area.width = (2 * launcher->>border.width) + (2 * launcher->area.paddingxlr) + (icon_size * icons_per_row) + ((icons_per_row-1) * launcher->area.paddingx); } } else { if (!count) { launcher->area.height = 0; } else { int width = launcher->area.width - 2*launcher->>border.width - 2*launcher->area.paddingy; // here icons_per_row always higher than 0 icons_per_row = (width+launcher->area.paddingx) / (icon_size+launcher->area.paddingx); marging = width - (icons_per_row-1)*(icon_size+launcher->area.paddingx) - icon_size; icons_per_column = count / icons_per_row+ (count%icons_per_row != 0); launcher->area.height = (2 * launcher->>border.width) + (2 * launcher->area.paddingxlr) + (icon_size * icons_per_column) + ((icons_per_column-1) * launcher->area.paddingx); } } int i, posx, posy; int start = launcher->>border.width + launcher->area.paddingy + marging/2; if (panel_horizontal) { posy = start; posx = launcher->>border.width + launcher->area.paddingxlr; } else { posx = start; posy = launcher->>border.width + launcher->area.paddingxlr; } for (i=1, l = launcher->list_icons; l ; i++, l = l->next) { LauncherIcon *launcherIcon = (LauncherIcon*)l->data; launcherIcon->y = posy; launcherIcon->x = posx; launcherIcon->area.posy = ((Area*)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posy + launcherIcon->y; launcherIcon->area.posx = ((Area*)launcherIcon->area.parent)->posx + launcherIcon->x; launcherIcon->area.width = launcherIcon->icon_size; launcherIcon->area.height = launcherIcon->icon_size; //printf("launcher %d : %d,%d\n", i, posx, posy); if (panel_horizontal) { if (i % icons_per_column) { posy += icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx; } else { posy = start; posx += (icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx); } } else { if (i % icons_per_row) { posx += icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx; } else { posx = start; posy += (icon_size + launcher->area.paddingx); } } } return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; struct tsdev *ts; lua_State *L; myfb = myfb_open(); set_vfb_buf(1); ts = ts_init(); L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); lua_register(L, "SET_COUNT", lua_set_icon_count); lua_register(L, "SET_ICON", lua_set_icon_info); lua_register(L, "SET_CMD", lua_set_cmd_list); lua_register(L, "SET_BGCOLOR", lua_set_bgcolor); lua_register(L, "SET_BGIMAGE", lua_set_bgimage); luaL_dofile(L, file_ui); lua_close(L); while (1) { int c, da_count, old_da_count, pid, state = 0; struct ts_sample samp; struct icon *i; struct cmd_list *j; da_count = get_DeviceAttached(); if (!da_count) da_count = 0; if (!old_da_count) old_da_count = da_count; else { if (old_da_count != da_count) { clear_screen(); put_string_center(myfb->fbvar.xres/2, myfb->fbvar.yres/2 - 10, "Attached Info is changed!", white); put_string_center(myfb->fbvar.xres/2, myfb->fbvar.yres/2 + 10, "Touch the screen!", white); old_da_count = da_count; ret = ts_read(ts, &samp, 1); continue; } } set_bgimage(); set_bgcolor(); for (c=0; c<=da_count; c++) draw_block(myfb->fbvar.xres-12*c-12, 3); if (head == NULL) { put_string_center(myfb->fbvar.xres/2, myfb->fbvar.yres/2, "Sorry, No Apps. registered!", white); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "No Apps!\n"); #endif break; } for (i=head; i != NULL; i=i->next) draw_icon(i); ret = ts_read(ts, &samp, 1); if (ret < 0) { perror("ts_read"); continue; } if (ret != 1) continue; if (samp.x > 310 && samp.y >230) break; for (i=head, j=cmdlist; i != NULL; i=i->next, j=j->next) { if (icon_handle(i, &samp) > 0) { if (chat_count < 20) continue; chat_count = 0; pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, " *** This is CHILD! ***\n"); #endif if (j) ret = execl(j->path, j->args, 0); if (ret < 0) { perror("execl"); exit(1); } } else { sleep(1); wait(&state); no_count = 0; put_string_center(myfb->fbvar.xres/2, myfb->fbvar.yres/2, "End of Program!", white); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, " *** End of CHILD! ***\n"); #endif } } } } clear_screen(); put_string_center(myfb->fbvar.xres/2, myfb->fbvar.yres/2, "Thanks for Use!", white); free_icon(); free_cmd(); ts_close(ts); free_vfb_buf(1); myfb_close(); return 0; }