文件: config_file.c 项目: Mazetti/asf
//! @brief get module config, by parsing config file.
//! @param filename     Input. file to read into.
//! @param pcField      Input. field to find in file.
//! @param pcValue      Output. value read for this field, as string.
//! @return short       0 if success, -1 otherwise.
signed short config_file_get_value(char * filename, char * pcField, char *pcValue)
int ErrorConfig = -1;
int size;
portCHAR * pcDataRead = NULL;
portCHAR * current;
portCHAR * end;
int fd;

  if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
    /* get the file size */
    size = fsaccess_file_get_size(fd);
    /* if size is consistent */
    if ((size > 0) && (size <= MAX_CONFIG_FILE_SIZE))
      if ((pcDataRead = pvPortMalloc(size+1)) != NULL)
      if ((pcDataRead = malloc(size+1)) != NULL)
        if (read(fd,pcDataRead,size) == size)
          pcDataRead[size] = '\0';
          // Look for the requested field.
          current = strstr(pcDataRead, pcField );
          if (current != NULL)
            /* goto = */
            current = strpbrk(current, "=" );
            if( NULL != current )
            {   // The equal sign was found
              current++; // Goto just after the = sign.
              // Look for the end of line
              // (Well-formed config file rule is : one param=value pair per line)
              end = strpbrk(current, "\r\n" );
              if( NULL != end )
                *end = '\0';
              // Else the param is the last one in the config file and we'll use
              // the '\0' of pcDataRead).
              strcpy(pcValue, current);
              ErrorConfig = 0;
            // else '=' sign not found => the config file is not well-formed.
            // (Well-formed config file rule is, per line: param=value).
        }// read succeeds
        /* free buffer */
      }// alloc succeeds
    }// size is OK
  }// open OK
  return (ErrorConfig);
/*! \brief parse the file request and send the requested file to the host
 *  \param pxNetCon   Input. The netconn to use to send and receive data.
 *  \param filename   Input. The incoming filename.
static void prvweb_SendFile( struct netconn *pxNetCon, char* filename )
portLONG            size, header_size;
portLONG            fd = -1;
portCHAR            *resp_data;
unsigned portSHORT  i;
err_t               error;
pf_read_src         pfread = read;  // Set the default read to a file read.

  // NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): %s", filename );

  /* allocate response */
  resp_data = (portCHAR *)pvPortMalloc(webMAX_DATA_TO_SEND);

  if (resp_data != NULL)
    /* add the header */
    header_size = prulweb_BuildHeaders(resp_data, 200, "OK", "", "", "text/html");

    if ((fd = open((const char *)filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
      // Set the read function to read from the pcDefaultPage
      pfread = prv_read_default_page;
      size = x_default_page_len;
      NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): file not found. Default page len:%d", x_default_page_len );
    else    /* get the file size */
      size = fsaccess_file_get_size(fd);

    /* check if file should be sent in a single frame */
    if ( size <= (webMAX_DATA_TO_SEND - header_size))
      /* get the data from filesystem */
      if( pfread(fd,&resp_data[header_size],size) != size)
        NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): short file read access error" );
        prvweb_SendErrorPage( pxNetCon, 404, filename, "Error during read access." );
        goto quit_send_page;
      /* send the response to network */
      error = netconn_write(pxNetCon, resp_data, (u16_t)(header_size + size), NETCONN_COPY );
      if (error != 0)
        NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): short file nw write error" );
        goto quit_send_page;
      /* send the header */
      error = netconn_write(pxNetCon, resp_data, header_size, NETCONN_COPY );
      if (error != 0)
        NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): long file hdr nw write error" );
        goto quit_send_page;

      /* try to send the biggest frame contained in the file */
      for (i = webNB_SECTOR_TO_SEND ; i > 0 ; i--)
        /* get sectors of maximum size */
        while(size > i * FS_SIZE_OF_SECTOR)
          /* get the data from filesystem */
          if( pfread(fd,resp_data, i * FS_SIZE_OF_SECTOR) !=  i * FS_SIZE_OF_SECTOR)
            NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): long file read access error" );
            prvweb_SendErrorPage( pxNetCon, 404, filename, "Error during read access." );
            goto quit_send_page;

          /* send the response to network */
          error = netconn_write(pxNetCon, resp_data, (u16_t)(i * FS_SIZE_OF_SECTOR), NETCONN_COPY );
          if (error != 0)
            NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): long file nw write error" );
            goto quit_send_page;

          size -= (i * FS_SIZE_OF_SECTOR);
      /* finish with the few data remaining (less than 1 sector)*/
      if ( size > 0 )
        /* get the data from filesystem */
        if( pfread(fd,resp_data,size) != size)
          NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): long file end read access error" );
          prvweb_SendErrorPage( pxNetCon, 404, filename, "Error during read access." );
          goto quit_send_page;
        /* send the response to network */
        error = netconn_write(pxNetCon, resp_data, (u16_t)size, NETCONN_COPY );
        if (error != 0)
          NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): long file end nw write error" );
          goto quit_send_page;
  }// end if response != NULL
    NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "SendFile(): mem alloc failed" );
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop");
  // vPortFree() handles the case where resp_data==NULL
  /* close the file */
  // close() handles the case where fd is an invalid file descriptor.
文件: datalog.c 项目: Mazetti/asf
 * \brief Open the current log file.
 * \return the file descriptor or -1 if open failed.
static int prv_xopen_current_logfile( void )
   int       fd_current_logfile;
   struct tm *pxDate;

   // TRACE_COM2( "open logfile begin==%d", xcptime_LocalTime );

   while( 1 )
      fd_current_logfile = -1; // Init to default value.

      /* Open the log file. */
      if( '\0' != *acLogFileName )
      {   // If we have an active current log file, simply open it in append mode.
         fd_current_logfile = open( acLogFileName, O_APPEND );

         // Check if the max file size has been reached.
         if( -1 != fd_current_logfile )
            if( DATALOG_LOGFILE_MAXSIZE <= fsaccess_file_get_size( fd_current_logfile ) )
            {   // The current log file has reached the max size.
               // Get the current time in the "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMS" string format.
               v_cptime_GetDateInFatStringFormat( pcTempoDate );
               // Set the file date.
               nav_file_dateset( (FS_STRING)pcTempoDate, FS_DATE_LAST_WRITE );
               close( fd_current_logfile ); // Close the file.
               *acLogFileName = '\0';       // Reset the current log file name.
               continue; // Do another loop to create/open a new file.
         {  // The file has been removed.
            *acLogFileName = '\0'; // Reset the current log file name.
            continue;              // Do another loop to create/open a new file.
      {   // Create a new log file.
         // Get the broken-down representation of the current date.
         pxDate = gmtime( &xcptime_LocalTime );

         // Build the filename: mmddyy_hhmm.log
         // WARNING: pxDate->tm_year == number of years since 1900.
         // For years >= 2000, we'll display the last 2 digits only.
         if( pxDate->tm_year >= 100 )
            pxDate->tm_year -= 100;

         sprintf( acLogFileName, "%s/%.2d%.2d%.2d_%.2d%.2d.log",
                  pcStringCurrentLogDirectoryName, pxDate->tm_mon +1, pxDate->tm_mday,
                  pxDate->tm_year, pxDate->tm_hour, pxDate->tm_min );

         NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "Creating log file %s", acLogFileName );

         // Create the log file only if the /LOG directory exists.
         if( true == fsaccess_IsDirPresent( (const char *)pcStringCurrentLogDirectoryName ) )
         {     // The LOG/ directory exists.
            // Create and open the file.
            // if the file already exists, then the file size is reset.
            fd_current_logfile = open( acLogFileName, (O_CREAT|O_WRONLY) );
            // previous file is closed, send a mail
            if ( *acPreviousLogFileName != '\0' )
               // post alarm to SMTP task
               v_SMTP_Post(acPreviousLogFileName, acPreviousLogFileName);
            strncpy(acPreviousLogFileName, acLogFileName, strlen(acLogFileName));
      if( -1 == fd_current_logfile )
      {   // The open failed. We're not in maintenance mode.
         // Just remove the oldest log file: TODO
         NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "Failed opening the current log file %s", acLogFileName );
         /*########### TEMPORARY #############*/
      else break;

   return( fd_current_logfile );
文件: BasicSMTP.c 项目: Mazetti/asf
 *  \brief Task for SMTP management
portTASK_FUNCTION( vBasicSMTPClient, pvParameters )

   struct sockaddr_in stServeurSockAddr;
   portLONG lRetval;
   portLONG lSocket = -1;
   portLONG ulResponseCode = 0;
   xMailDef * pxMail;
   int Size, SizeRead;
   portCHAR * pcRespData;
   int fd;
   portCHAR cToken[6];

   // Just to stop compiler warnings.
   ( void ) pvParameters;

   // Create the xMailsQueue capable of containing DATALOG_LOGSQUEUE_SIZE ptrs
   // to xLogDef structures.
   xMailsQueue = xQueueCreate( SMTP_MAILS_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof( xMailDef * ) );

   // SMTP configuration.
   // Get the xCFGMutex.
   if( pdFALSE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 500 ) )
      // Failed to get the CFG mutex, use the default HTTP config.
      uiSMTPPort = SMTP_PORT;
      cMailTo[0] = '\0';
      cMailFrom[0] = '\0';
      cServerName[0] = '\0';
   // Mutex has been taken
      // get the field value for port number
      if (config_file_get_value(SMTP_CONFIG_FILE, "port" , cToken) >= 0)
         sscanf(cToken, "%u", &uiSMTPPort);
      // if it does not exist, use the default value
         uiSMTPPort = SMTP_PORT;
      // try to get the mailto field
      if (config_file_get_value(SMTP_CONFIG_FILE, "mailto", cMailTo) < 0)
         cMailTo[0] = '\0';
         // can't find field in config file, warn user
         NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No mailto configured !!Please fill mailto= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
      // try to get the mailfrom field
      if (config_file_get_value(SMTP_CONFIG_FILE, "mailfrom", cMailFrom) < 0)
         cMailFrom[0] = '\0';
         // can't find field in config file, warn user
         NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No mailfrom configured !!Please fill mailfrom= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
      // try to get the server field
      if (config_file_get_value(SMTP_CONFIG_FILE, "server", cServerName) < 0)
         cServerName[0] = '\0';
         // can't find field in config file, warn user
         NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No server name configured !! Please fill server= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
      // Release the xCFGMutex.
      x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );

      // NOTE: the task should be resumed when it is necessary to send a mail
      // Get the oldest mail from the queue.
      // NOTE: we are sure there is an item to get => no block time.
      if( pdTRUE == xQueueReceive( xMailsQueue, &pxMail, ( portTickType )1000 ) )
         if (cServerName[0] == '\0')
            // can't find field in config file, warn user
            NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No server name configured !! Please fill server= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
         else if (cMailTo[0] == '\0')
            // can't find field in config file, warn user
            NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No mailto configured !!Please fill mailto= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
         else if (cMailFrom[0] == '\0')
            // can't find field in config file, warn user
            NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No mailfrom configured !!Please fill mailfrom= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
            // Set up port
            memset(&stServeurSockAddr, 0, sizeof(stServeurSockAddr));
            stServeurSockAddr.sin_len = sizeof(stServeurSockAddr);
            stServeurSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(cServerName);
            stServeurSockAddr.sin_port = htons(uiSMTPPort);
            stServeurSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;

            // socket as a stream
            if ( (lSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
               // socket failed
               NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Socket Failed\r\n");
            // connect to the server
            if(connect(lSocket,(struct sockaddr *)&stServeurSockAddr,sizeof(stServeurSockAddr)) < 0)
               // connect failed
               NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Connect Failed\r\n");
               eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPIdle;
               while ( eSMTPCurrentState != eSMTPMailSent )
                  // wait for SMTP Server answer
                     lRetval = recv(lSocket, cTempBuffer, sizeof(cTempBuffer), 0);
                  }while (lRetval <= 0);

                  cTempBuffer[3] = '\0';
                  // Get the response code from server
                  ulResponseCode = atoi(cTempBuffer);

                  switch (ulResponseCode)
                     case 220:
                        // send helo
                        send(lSocket, "HELO ", 5, 0);
                        send(lSocket, cServerName, strlen(cServerName), 0);
                        send(lSocket, "\r\n", 2, 0);
                        eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPHeloSent;
                     case 221:
                        // QUIT sequence has been acknowledged by server
                        if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPQuitSent)
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPMailSent;
                     case 250:
                        if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPHeloSent)
                           // send MAIL FROM
                           send(lSocket, "MAIL FROM: <", 12, 0); ;
                           send(lSocket, cMailFrom, strlen(cMailFrom), 0);
                           send(lSocket, ">\r\n", 3, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPMailFromSent;
                        else if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPMailFromSent)
                           // send MAIL TO
                           send(lSocket, "RCPT TO: <", 10, 0); ;
                           send(lSocket, cMailTo, strlen(cMailTo), 0);
                           send(lSocket, ">\r\n", 3, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPMailToSent;
                        else if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPMailToSent)
                           // send DATA
                           send(lSocket, SMTP_DATA_STRING, 6, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPDataSent;
                        else if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPContentSent)
                           // send QUIT
                           send(lSocket, SMTP_QUIT_STRING, 6, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPQuitSent;
                     case 354:
                        if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPDataSent)
                           // set Subject field
                           send(lSocket, "Subject:", 8, 0);
                           // add subject
                           send(lSocket, pxMail->Subject, strlen(pxMail->Subject), 0);
                           send(lSocket, "\r\nFROM:", 7, 0);
                           send(lSocket, cMailFrom, strlen(cMailFrom), 0);
                           send(lSocket, "\r\nTO:", 5, 0);
                           send(lSocket, cMailTo, strlen(cMailTo), 0);
                           send(lSocket, "\r\n\r\n", 4, 0);
                           // if a file has been specified, copy the content in the mail body
                           if (pxMail->File != NULL)
                              // allocate response
                              pcRespData = (portCHAR *)pvPortMalloc(SMTP_PACKET_SIZE);
                              if (pcRespData != NULL)
                                 if ((fd = open((const char *)pxMail->File, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
                                    Size = fsaccess_file_get_size(fd);
                                    // get sectors of maximum size
                                    while(Size > 0)
                                       // get the data from filesystem
                                       SizeRead = read(fd, pcRespData, SMTP_PACKET_SIZE);
                                       // if error occurs during the read
                                       if (SizeRead <= 0)
                                          // end the loop and send what has already been added
                                       // sned data to the socket
                                       send(lSocket, pcRespData, SizeRead, 0);
                                       // decrease remaing size
                                       Size -= SizeRead;
                                    // close the file
                                    // free the buffer
                                    // warn user : can't open the file
                                    NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Open file fails\r\n");
                                 // warn user : can't malloc the file buffer
                                 NAKED_TRACE_COM2("SMTP : Malloc fails\r\n");
                           // add "<CRLF>.<CRLF>"
                           send(lSocket, SMTP_MAIL_END_STRING, 5, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPContentSent;
                        // unknown SMTP code
                        NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Unimplented %l SMTP response from server\r\n",ulResponseCode);
                        // break loop and reset state machine
                        eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPMailSent;
               // close the socket
            // if the item was not posted from ISR
            if (pxMail->NeedFree == pdTRUE)
               // if a file has been specified
               if ( pxMail->File != NULL )
                  // free the item
               // free the items
文件: config_file.c 项目: Mazetti/asf
//! @brief This function replace a (or many) line(s) in a file.
//!        Syntax of the line should be : \verbatim field=value\r\n \endverbatim
//! @param filename Input. The filename to write into.
//! @param ac       Input. The argument counter. For this command, should be 1.
//! @param av       Input. The argument vector.
//! @return short : 0 if success or -1 else
signed short config_file_set_value(char * filename, int ac, signed char *av[])
int size, i;
char * pcDataToWrite = NULL;
char * pcDataTemp = NULL;
char * pcBegin = NULL;
char * pcEnd = NULL;
char * pcEq = NULL;
signed short xreturn = -1;
size_t  FileLen;
int fd;
char   pcTempoDate[17];

  pcDataToWrite = pvPortMalloc(MAX_CONFIG_FILE_SIZE);
  pcDataToWrite = malloc(MAX_CONFIG_FILE_SIZE);
  if (pcDataToWrite != NULL)
    if ((fd = open(filename, (O_RDONLY))) >= 0)
      if ((size = fsaccess_file_get_size(fd)) > 0)
        /* get data from file */
        if (read(fd, pcDataToWrite, size) > 0)
          pcDataToWrite[size] = '\0';
          for (i = 0 ; i < ac ; i+=2)
            /* search the field in the file */
            pcBegin = strstr(pcDataToWrite, (char *)av[i]);
            if( NULL == pcBegin )
            {  // The field is not yet in the file.
              strcat( pcDataToWrite, CRLF );  // Add a new line for this field.
              strcat( pcDataToWrite, (char *)av[i] ); // Add the field.
              strcat( pcDataToWrite, "=" );   // Add the =
              strcat( pcDataToWrite, (char *)av[i+1] );  // Add the value.
              strcat( pcDataToWrite, CRLF );  // Add the CRLF.
              /* Search for the = sign. */
              pcEq = strpbrk(pcBegin, "=");
              /* search for end of line */
              pcEnd = strpbrk(pcBegin, "\n");
              if( NULL == pcEnd )
              { // no crlf, we're at the end of the file.
                pcEq++; // WARNING NOTE: we assume the cfg file is well-formed,
                        // i.e. there must be an equal sign after the field name then a value.
                strcpy( pcEq, (char *)av[i+1] );  // Add the value.
                if( ( pcEnd - pcDataToWrite ) < size )
                { // There are other fields after this one.
                  if ((pcDataTemp = pvPortMalloc(MAX_CONFIG_FILE_SIZE)) != NULL)
                  if ((pcDataTemp = malloc(MAX_CONFIG_FILE_SIZE)) != NULL)
                    strcpy( pcDataTemp, pcEnd );
                pcEq++; // WARNING NOTE: we assume the cfg file is well-formed,
                        // i.e. there must be an equal sign after the field name then a value.
                strcpy( pcEq, (char *)av[i+1] );  // Add the value.
                strcat( pcEq, CRLF );
                if (pcDataTemp != NULL)
                  /* add old data to the buffer */
                  strcat( pcEq, pcDataTemp );
          }// for number of args
        }//read succeeds
      }// size > 0
    }// open succeeds
    if ((fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY)) >= 0)
      FileLen = strlen( pcDataToWrite );
      if( write( fd, pcDataToWrite, FileLen ) == FileLen )
        xreturn = 0;
      // Get the current time in the "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMS" string format.
      v_cptime_GetDateInFatStringFormat( pcTempoDate );
      // Set the file date.
      nav_file_dateset( (FS_STRING)pcTempoDate, FS_DATE_LAST_WRITE );

  }// malloc succeeds

  return( xreturn );