 * call-seq: initialize_copy(orig)
 * Initializes this object from orig if it to be duplicated/cloned and returns
 * it.
static VALUE cState_init_copy(VALUE obj, VALUE orig)
    JSON_Generator_State *objState, *origState;

    Data_Get_Struct(obj, JSON_Generator_State, objState);
    Data_Get_Struct(orig, JSON_Generator_State, origState);
    if (!objState) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unallocated JSON::State");

    MEMCPY(objState, origState, JSON_Generator_State, 1);
    objState->indent = fstrndup(origState->indent, origState->indent_len);
    objState->space = fstrndup(origState->space, origState->space_len);
    objState->space_before = fstrndup(origState->space_before, origState->space_before_len);
    objState->object_nl = fstrndup(origState->object_nl, origState->object_nl_len);
    objState->array_nl = fstrndup(origState->array_nl, origState->array_nl_len);
    if (origState->array_delim) objState->array_delim = fbuffer_dup(origState->array_delim);
    if (origState->object_delim) objState->object_delim = fbuffer_dup(origState->object_delim);
    if (origState->object_delim2) objState->object_delim2 = fbuffer_dup(origState->object_delim2);
    return obj;
 * call-seq: array_nl=(array_nl)
 * This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON array.
static VALUE cState_array_nl_set(VALUE self, VALUE array_nl)
    unsigned long len;
    Check_Type(array_nl, T_STRING);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(array_nl);
    if (len == 0) {
        if (state->array_nl) {
            state->array_nl = NULL;
    } else {
        if (state->array_nl) ruby_xfree(state->array_nl);
        state->array_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(array_nl), len);
        state->array_nl_len = len;
    return Qnil;
 * call-seq: space_before=(space_before)
 * Sets the string that is used to insert a space before the ':' in JSON objects.
static VALUE cState_space_before_set(VALUE self, VALUE space_before)
    unsigned long len;
    Check_Type(space_before, T_STRING);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(space_before);
    if (len == 0) {
        if (state->space_before) {
            state->space_before = NULL;
            state->space_before_len = 0;
    } else {
        if (state->space_before) ruby_xfree(state->space_before);
        state->space_before = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(space_before), len);
        state->space_before_len = len;
    return Qnil;
 * call-seq: indent=(indent)
 * Sets the string that is used to indent levels in the JSON text.
static VALUE cState_indent_set(VALUE self, VALUE indent)
    unsigned long len;
    Check_Type(indent, T_STRING);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(indent);
    if (len == 0) {
        if (state->indent) {
            state->indent = NULL;
            state->indent_len = 0;
    } else {
        if (state->indent) ruby_xfree(state->indent);
        state->indent = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(indent), len);
        state->indent_len = len;
    return Qnil;
 * call-seq: configure(opts)
 * Configure this State instance with the Hash _opts_, and return
 * itself.
static VALUE cState_configure(VALUE self, VALUE opts)
    VALUE tmp;
    tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_h");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "opts has to be hash like or convertable into a hash");
    opts = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_indent));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->indent = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->indent_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->space = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->space_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space_before));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->space_before = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->space_before_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_array_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->array_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->array_nl_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_object_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->object_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->object_nl_len = len;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_max_nesting);
    state->max_nesting = 19;
    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
        VALUE max_nesting = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(max_nesting)) {
            Check_Type(max_nesting, T_FIXNUM);
            state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(max_nesting);
        } else {
            state->max_nesting = 0;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_depth);
    state->depth = 0;
    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
        VALUE depth = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(depth)) {
            Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);
            state->depth = FIX2LONG(depth);
        } else {
            state->depth = 0;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_buffer_initial_length);
    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
        VALUE buffer_initial_length = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(buffer_initial_length)) {
            long initial_length;
            Check_Type(buffer_initial_length, T_FIXNUM);
            initial_length = FIX2LONG(buffer_initial_length);
            if (initial_length > 0) state->buffer_initial_length = initial_length;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan));
    state->allow_nan = RTEST(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_ascii_only));
    state->ascii_only = RTEST(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_quirks_mode));
    state->quirks_mode = RTEST(tmp);
    return self;
int get_token_value()
	//printf("src[%d]:%c\n" , pos , src[pos] );
    char * str = src; 
    if (str[pos] == '\0')  return LEXEOF; /* Returns end of file */
   	if(str[pos] == ' ' ||str[pos] == '\t')
   		while(str[pos] == ' ' ||str[pos] == '\t') pos++;   /* Ignoring whitespace */
   		return get_token_value();
    if(!strncmp( &str[pos] , "//" , 2)) 
        pos += 2;
        while( str[pos] != '\n' && str[pos++] != '\0');    // Ignoring line comments
        return get_token_value();

    if(!strncmp( &str[pos] , "/*" , 2)) 
        pos += 2;
        while(pos++)    /* Ignoring block comments */
        	if(str[pos] == '*')
        		if(str[++pos] == '/')
        			return get_token_value(pos++);
        	if(str[pos] == '\0') return LEXEOF;

    start_pos = pos;    /* Keeping reference of the previous token */
    if ( str[pos] == ';' ) return str[pos++]; /* Optional semi-colon (;) support */
    else if ( str[pos] == '=' ) /* Checks the equal sign (=) */
        if(in_cond) return EQ;  /* Returns equality compariosn if in condition */
        return ASSIGN;          /* Returns assingment operation */
    else if ( !strncmp(&str[pos] , "*/" , 2))   /* Used for block comments */
        pos += 2;
        return CMNTEND;
    else if ( is_in(str[pos] , "!()+-*/<>,^[]{}\n") )    /* These characters are checked with their ASCII value */
            case '>':   if(str[pos+1] == '=') { pos++; return GE; } break; /* Returns greater than or equal comparison */
            case '<':   if(str[pos+1] == '=') { pos++; return LE; } break; /* Returns less than or equal comparison */
            case '!':   if(str[pos+1] == '=') { pos++; return NE; } break; /* Returns not equal comparison */
        return str[pos++];  /* Otherwise return what was found */

    else if (is_digit(str[pos]))    /* Checks if a number is found */
        while(is_digit(str[pos]))pos++; /* Skips until the first not number character appears */
        if(str[pos] == '.')     /* If it has a dot in it .. then it's a floating point number .. saved as double */
            lextext = strndup( &str[start_pos] , pos-start_pos );
            return DOUBLE_VAL;
        lextext = strndup( &str[start_pos] , pos-start_pos );
        return INT_VAL;

    else if (is_valid_id_start(str[pos]))    /* is either a keyword or an identifier */
        while(is_valid_id_name(str[pos]))pos++; /* Skipps characters , digits and underscores */
        lextext = strndup( &str[start_pos] , pos-start_pos );
        if(in_table) return ID;
        int len = strlen(lextext);
        /* Checking if it's a keyword */
        if  	(!strcmp(lextext, "if"         ) && len == 2)
        	return IF;
        else if (!strcmp(lextext, "then"       ) && len == 4)
        	return THEN;
        else if (!strcmp(lextext, "end"        ) && len == 3)
        	return END;
        else if (!strcmp(lextext, "while"      ) && len == 5)
            return WHILE;
        else if (!strcmp(lextext, "do"         ) && len == 2)
            return DO;
        else if (!strcmp(lextext, "function"   ) && len == 8)
            return FUNC;
        else if (!strcmp(lextext, "return"     ) && len == 6)
            return RETURN;
        else if (!strcmp(lextext, "for"        ) && len == 3)
            return FOR;
        return ID;  /* Otherwise it's an identifier */

    else if ( str[pos] == '"' )
    	while(str[pos] != '"') pos++;
    	lextext = fstrndup( &str[start_pos+1] , pos - start_pos -1);
        return STRING_VAL;

    else if ( str[pos] == '"' )
        while(str[pos] != '"')pos++;
        lextext = strndup( &str[start_pos] , pos - start_pos);
        return STRING_VAL;

    /* Unexpected symbol in the source code 
    fprintf( stderr , "unexpected symbol in line %d:\n" , pos_y );
    /* Printing from cur_line_start_pos until new line 
    int s_c = pos - cur_line_start_pos - 1;
    while(str[cur_line_start_pos] != '\n')
        fprintf( stderr , "%c" , str[cur_line_start_pos++] );
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    int m;
    for(m=0; m < s_c ; m++)
        fprintf(stderr , " ");
    fprintf(stderr , "^\n");