void OBDDevice::setupFTDI() { if ( !(ftdi = ftdi_new()) ) { qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": Failed to create ftdi context"; return; } if ( ftdi_set_interface( ftdi, INTERFACE_ANY ) < 0 ) { qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": Unable to set interface: " << ftdi_get_error_string( ftdi ); return; } if ( ftdi_usb_open_desc( ftdi, VID, PID, DESCRIPTION, NULL ) < 0 ) { qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": Unable to open ftdi device: " << ftdi_get_error_string( ftdi ); return; } if ( ftdi_set_baudrate( ftdi, BAUDRATE ) < 0 ) { qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": Unable to set baudrate: " << ftdi_get_error_string( ftdi ); return; } if ( ftdi_set_line_property( ftdi, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, NONE ) < 0 ) { qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": Unable to set line parameters: " << ftdi_get_error_string( ftdi ); return; } ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(ftdi); }
static int dmx_init(struct ftdi_context* ftdic) { int ret; if (ftdi_init(ftdic) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ftdi_init failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((ret = ftdi_usb_open(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6001)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open ftdi device: %d (%s)\n", ret, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdic)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((ret = ftdi_set_baudrate(ftdic, 250000)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set baudrate: %d (%s)\n", ret, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdic)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((ret = ftdi_set_line_property(ftdic, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_2, NONE)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set line property: %d (%s)\n", ret, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdic)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((ret = ftdi_setflowctrl(ftdic, SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set flow control: %d (%s)\n", ret, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdic)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
cell ft_open_serial (cell devidx, cell pid) { ft_handle fh = ftdi_new(); ft_errno = ftdi_usb_open_desc_index(fh, 0x0403, pid, NULL, NULL, devidx); if (ft_errno) { return (cell)NULL; } ftdi_set_baudrate(fh, 115200); ftdi_set_line_property(fh, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, NONE); ftdi_setflowctrl(fh, SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL); ftdi_set_latency_timer(fh, 1); com_ops_t *ops = malloc(sizeof(com_ops_t)); ops->handle = (cell)fh; ops->close = ft_close; ops->get_modem_control = ft_get_modem_control; ops->set_modem_control = ft_set_modem_control; ops->set_baud = ft_set_baud; ops->set_parity = ft_set_parity; ops->write = ft_write; ops->timed_read = ft_timed_read; return (cell)ops; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Iniitialize the ICS interface * Here we mainly setup the FTDI USB-to-serial communication * 115200 baud, 8 bits, even parity, 1 stop bit. * Returns: 0 if successful, < 0 otherwise */ int ics_init(ICSData * r) { assert(r); r->debug = 1; // init usb if (ftdi_init(&r->ftdic) < 0) ics_ftdi_error(r, "ics_init (init usb)"); // select first interface if (ftdi_set_interface(&r->ftdic, INTERFACE_C) < 0) ics_ftdi_error(r, "ics_init (select interface)"); // open usb device if (ftdi_usb_open(&r->ftdic, ICS_USB_VID, ICS_USB_PID) < 0) ics_ftdi_error(r, "ics_init (open usb device)"); // set baud rate if (ftdi_set_baudrate(&r->ftdic, ICS_BAUD) < 0) ics_ftdi_error(r, "ics_init (set baud rate)"); // set line parameters (8E1) if (ftdi_set_line_property(&r->ftdic, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, EVEN) < 0) ics_ftdi_error(r, "ics_init (set line params)"); return 0; }
bool FalconCommLibFTDI::setFirmwareMode() { unsigned int bytes_written, bytes_read; unsigned char check_msg_1_send[3] = {0x0a, 0x43, 0x0d}; unsigned char check_msg_1_recv[4] = {0x0a, 0x44, 0x2c, 0x0d}; unsigned char check_msg_2[1] = {0x41}; unsigned char send_buf[128], receive_buf[128]; int k; if(!m_isCommOpen) { m_errorCode = FALCON_COMM_DEVICE_NOT_VALID_ERROR; return false; } //Save ourselves having to reset this on every error m_errorCode = FALCON_COMM_DEVICE_ERROR; //Clear out current buffers to make sure we have a fresh start if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_usb_purge_buffers((m_falconDevice))) < 0) return false; //Reset the device if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_usb_reset((m_falconDevice))) < 0) return false; //Make sure our latency timer is at 16ms, otherwise firmware checks tend to always fail if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_set_latency_timer((m_falconDevice), 16)) < 0) return false; //Set to: // 9600 baud // 8n1 // No Flow Control // RTS Low // DTR High if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_set_baudrate((m_falconDevice), 9600)) < 0) return false; if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_set_line_property((m_falconDevice), BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, NONE)) < 0) return false; if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_setflowctrl((m_falconDevice), SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL)) < 0) return false; if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_setrts((m_falconDevice), 0)) < 0) return false; if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_setdtr((m_falconDevice), 0)) < 0) return false; if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_setdtr((m_falconDevice), 1)) < 0) return false; //Send 3 bytes: 0x0a 0x43 0x0d if(!write(check_msg_1_send, 3)) return false; if(!read(receive_buf, 4)) return false; //Set to: // DTR Low // 140000 baud (0x15 clock ticks per signal) if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_setdtr((m_falconDevice),0)) < 0) return false; if((m_deviceErrorCode = ftdi_set_baudrate((m_falconDevice), 140000)) < 0) return false; //Send "A" character if(!write(check_msg_2, 1)) return false; //Expect back 2 bytes: // 0x13 0x41 if(!read(receive_buf, 2)) return false; m_errorCode = 0; return true; }
bool EnttecDMXUSBOpen::open() { if (isOpen() == false) { if (ftdi_usb_open_desc(&m_context, EnttecDMXUSBWidget::VID, EnttecDMXUSBWidget::PID, name().toAscii(), serial().toAscii()) < 0) { qWarning() << "Unable to open" << uniqueName() << ":" << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_context); return false; } if (ftdi_usb_reset(&m_context) < 0) { qWarning() << "Unable to reset" << uniqueName() << ":" << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_context); return close(); } if (ftdi_set_line_property(&m_context, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_2, NONE) < 0) { qWarning() << "Unable to set 8N2 serial properties to" << uniqueName() << ":" << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_context); return close(); } if (ftdi_set_baudrate(&m_context, 250000) < 0) { qWarning() << "Unable to set 250kbps baudrate for" << uniqueName() << ":" << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_context); return close(); } if (ftdi_setrts(&m_context, 0) < 0) { qWarning() << "Unable to set RTS line to 0 for" << uniqueName() << ":" << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_context); return close(); } if (isRunning() == false) start(); return true; } else { /* Already open */ return true; } }
QString LibFTDIInterface::readLabel(uchar label, int *ESTA_code) { if (ftdi_usb_open_desc(&m_handle, DMXInterface::FTDIVID, DMXInterface::FTDIPID, name().toLatin1().data(), serial().toLatin1().data()) < 0) return QString(); if (ftdi_usb_reset(&m_handle) < 0) return QString(); if (ftdi_set_baudrate(&m_handle, 250000) < 0) return QString(); if (ftdi_set_line_property(&m_handle, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_2, NONE) < 0) return QString(); if (ftdi_setflowctrl(&m_handle, SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL) < 0) return QString(); QByteArray request; request.append(ENTTEC_PRO_START_OF_MSG); request.append(label); request.append(ENTTEC_PRO_DMX_ZERO); // data length LSB request.append(ENTTEC_PRO_DMX_ZERO); // data length MSB request.append(ENTTEC_PRO_END_OF_MSG); if (ftdi_write_data(&m_handle, (uchar*) request.data(), request.size()) < 0) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Cannot write data to device"; return QString(); } uchar *buffer = (uchar*) malloc(sizeof(uchar) * 40); Q_ASSERT(buffer != NULL); QByteArray array; usleep(300000); // give some time to the device to respond int read = ftdi_read_data(&m_handle, buffer, 40); //qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data read: " << read; array = QByteArray::fromRawData((char*) buffer, read); if (array[0] != ENTTEC_PRO_START_OF_MSG) qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Reply message wrong start code: " << QString::number(array[0], 16); *ESTA_code = (array[5] << 8) | array[4]; array.remove(0, 6); // 4 bytes of Enttec protocol + 2 of ESTA ID array.replace(ENTTEC_PRO_END_OF_MSG, '\0'); // replace Enttec termination with string termination //for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) // qDebug() << "-Data: " << array[i]; ftdi_usb_close(&m_handle); return QString(array); }
bool QLCFTDI::setLineProperties() { if (ftdi_set_line_property(&m_handle, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_2, NONE) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } }
int send_rs485_data(struct rs485_data_t *rs485_data, unsigned char *data, int length) { int ret; if ((ret = ftdi_set_line_property(rs485_data->ftdi, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, MARK)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set flow control: %d (%s)\n", ret, ftdi_get_error_string(rs485_data->ftdi)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((ret = ftdi_write_data(rs485_data->ftdi, data, 1)) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to sent data (address): %d (%s)\n", ret, ftdi_get_error_string(rs485_data->ftdi)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((ret = ftdi_set_line_property(rs485_data->ftdi, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, SPACE)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set flow control: %d (%s)\n", ret, ftdi_get_error_string(rs485_data->ftdi)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((ret = ftdi_write_data(rs485_data->ftdi, &data[1], length - 1)) != length -1) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to sent data (address): %d (%s)\n", ret, ftdi_get_error_string(rs485_data->ftdi)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return 0; }
cell ft_set_parity (cell handle, cell parity) { int parityval; switch (parity) { case 'n': parityval = NONE; break; case 'e': parityval = EVEN; break; case 'o': parityval = ODD; break; default: return -1; } return ft_errno = ftdi_set_line_property((ft_handle)handle, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, parityval); }
bool USBPort::open_port (std::string /*port_name*/) { if (ftdi_usb_open (&ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6001) < 0) return false; if (ftdic.type == TYPE_R) { unsigned int chipid; //printf("ftdi_read_chipid: %d\n", ftdi_read_chipid(&ftdic, &chipid)); //printf("FTDI chipid: %X\n", chipid); } /* choose speed */ if (Settings::speed == STANDARD) { if (ftdi_set_baudrate (&ftdic, 185000) < 0) return false; } else if (Settings::speed == LOW) { if (ftdi_set_baudrate (&ftdic, 125000) < 0) return false; } else if (Settings::speed == HIGH) { if (ftdi_set_baudrate (&ftdic, 375000) < 0) return false; } if (ftdi_set_latency_timer (&ftdic, 2) < 0) return false; if (ftdi_set_line_property (&ftdic, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, NONE) < 0) return false; //if(FT_SetTimeouts(ftHandle,5000,0) != FT_OK) // return false; //if(ftdi_enable_bitbang(&ftdic,0xFF) < 0) // return false; return true; /* all ok */ }
QList<DMXInterface *> LibFTDIInterface::interfaces(QList<DMXInterface *> discoveredList) { QList <DMXInterface*> interfacesList; int id = 0; struct ftdi_context ftdi; ftdi_init(&ftdi); #ifdef LIBFTDI1 libusb_device *dev; libusb_device **devs; struct libusb_device_descriptor dev_descriptor; int i = 0; if (libusb_get_device_list(ftdi.usb_ctx, &devs) < 0) { qDebug() << "usb_find_devices() failed"; return interfacesList; } while ((dev = devs[i++]) != NULL) { libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &dev_descriptor); #else struct usb_bus *bus; struct usb_device *dev; struct usb_device_descriptor dev_descriptor; usb_init(); if (usb_find_busses() < 0) { qDebug() << "usb_find_busses() failed"; return interfacesList; } if (usb_find_devices() < 0) { qDebug() << "usb_find_devices() failed"; return interfacesList; } for (bus = usb_get_busses(); bus; bus = bus->next) { for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { dev_descriptor = dev->descriptor; #endif Q_ASSERT(dev != NULL); // Skip non wanted devices if (validInterface(dev_descriptor.idVendor, dev_descriptor.idProduct) == false) continue; char ser[256]; memset(ser, 0, 256); char nme[256]; char vend[256]; ftdi_usb_get_strings(&ftdi, dev, vend, 256, nme, 256, ser, 256); QString serial(ser); QString name(nme); QString vendor(vend); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "DMX USB VID:" << QString::number(dev_descriptor.idVendor, 16) << "PID:" << QString::number(dev_descriptor.idProduct, 16); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "DMX USB serial: " << serial << "name:" << name << "vendor:" << vendor; bool found = false; for (int c = 0; c < discoveredList.count(); c++) { if (discoveredList.at(c)->checkInfo(serial, name, vendor) == true) { found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { LibFTDIInterface *iface = new LibFTDIInterface(serial, name, vendor, dev_descriptor.idVendor, dev_descriptor.idProduct, id++); #ifdef LIBFTDI1 iface->setBusLocation(libusb_get_port_number(dev)); #else iface->setBusLocation(dev->bus->location); #endif interfacesList << iface; } #ifndef LIBFTDI1 } #endif } #ifdef LIBFTDI1 libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); #endif ftdi_deinit(&ftdi); return interfacesList; } bool LibFTDIInterface::open() { if (isOpen() == true) return true; QByteArray sba = serial().toLatin1(); const char *ser = NULL; if (serial().isEmpty() == false) ser = (const char *)sba.data(); if (ftdi_usb_open_desc(&m_handle, vendorID(), productID(), name().toLatin1(), ser) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::openByPID(const int PID) { if (isOpen() == true) return true; if (ftdi_usb_open(&m_handle, DMXInterface::FTDIVID, PID) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::close() { if (ftdi_usb_close(&m_handle) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::isOpen() const { return (m_handle.usb_dev != NULL) ? true : false; } bool LibFTDIInterface::reset() { if (ftdi_usb_reset(&m_handle) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::setLineProperties() { if (ftdi_set_line_property(&m_handle, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_2, NONE) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::setBaudRate() { if (ftdi_set_baudrate(&m_handle, 250000) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::setFlowControl() { if (ftdi_setflowctrl(&m_handle, SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::clearRts() { if (ftdi_setrts(&m_handle, 0) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::purgeBuffers() { if (ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(&m_handle) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool LibFTDIInterface::setBreak(bool on) { ftdi_break_type type; if (on == true) type = BREAK_ON; else type = BREAK_OFF; if (ftdi_set_line_property2(&m_handle, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_2, NONE, type) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } }
int Context::set_line_property(enum ftdi_bits_type bits, enum ftdi_stopbits_type sbit, enum ftdi_parity_type parity) { return ftdi_set_line_property(d->ftdi, bits, sbit, parity); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ftdi_context *ftdi; unsigned char buf[1024]; int f = 0, i; int vid = 0x403; int pid = 0; int baudrate = 115200; int interface = INTERFACE_ANY; int do_write = 0; unsigned int pattern = 0xffff; int retval = EXIT_FAILURE; while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "i:v:p:b:w::")) != -1) { switch (i) { case 'i': // 0=ANY, 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D interface = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'v': vid = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'p': pid = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'b': baudrate = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'w': do_write = 1; if (optarg) pattern = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); if (pattern > 0xff) { fprintf(stderr, "Please provide a 8 bit pattern\n"); exit(-1); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-i interface] [-v vid] [-p pid] [-b baudrate] [-w [pattern]]\n", *argv); exit(-1); } } // Init if ((ftdi = ftdi_new()) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ftdi_new failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!vid && !pid && (interface == INTERFACE_ANY)) { ftdi_set_interface(ftdi, INTERFACE_ANY); struct ftdi_device_list *devlist; int res; if ((res = ftdi_usb_find_all(ftdi, &devlist, 0, 0)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No FTDI with default VID/PID found\n"); goto do_deinit; } if (res == 1) { f = ftdi_usb_open_dev(ftdi, devlist[0].dev); if (f<0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open device %d: (%s)", i, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdi)); } } ftdi_list_free(&devlist); if (res > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%d Devices found, please select Device with VID/PID\n", res); /* TODO: List Devices*/ goto do_deinit; } if (res == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No Devices found with default VID/PID\n"); goto do_deinit; } } else { // Select interface ftdi_set_interface(ftdi, interface); // Open device f = ftdi_usb_open(ftdi, vid, pid); } if (f < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open ftdi device: %d (%s)\n", f, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdi)); exit(-1); } // Set baudrate f = ftdi_set_baudrate(ftdi, baudrate); if (f < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set baudrate: %d (%s)\n", f, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdi)); exit(-1); } /* Set line parameters * * TODO: Make these parameters settable from the command line * * Parameters are choosen that sending a continous stream of 0x55 * should give a square wave * */ f = ftdi_set_line_property(ftdi, 8, STOP_BIT_1, NONE); if (f < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set line parameters: %d (%s)\n", f, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdi)); exit(-1); } if (do_write) for(i=0; i<1024; i++) buf[i] = pattern; signal(SIGINT, sigintHandler); while (!exitRequested) { if (do_write) f = ftdi_write_data(ftdi, buf, (baudrate/512 >sizeof(buf))?sizeof(buf): (baudrate/512)?baudrate/512:1); else f = ftdi_read_data(ftdi, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (f<0) sleep(1); else if(f> 0 && !do_write) { fprintf(stderr, "read %d bytes\n", f); fwrite(buf, f, 1, stdout); fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout); } } signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); retval = EXIT_SUCCESS; ftdi_usb_close(ftdi); do_deinit: ftdi_free(ftdi); return retval; }
QList <DMXUSBWidget*> QLCFTDI::widgets() { QList <DMXUSBWidget*> widgetList; quint32 input_id = 0; struct ftdi_context ftdi; ftdi_init(&ftdi); #ifdef LIBFTDI1 libusb_device *dev; libusb_device **devs; int i = 0; if (libusb_get_device_list(ftdi->usb_ctx, &devs) < 0) { qDebug() << "usb_find_devices() failed"; ftdi_error_return(-5, "libusb_get_device_list() failed"); } while ((dev = devs[i++]) != NULL) { #else struct usb_bus *bus; struct usb_device *dev; usb_init(); if (usb_find_busses() < 0) { qDebug() << "usb_find_busses() failed"; return widgetList; } if (usb_find_devices() < 0) { qDebug() << "usb_find_devices() failed"; return widgetList; } for (bus = usb_get_busses(); bus; bus = bus->next) { for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { #endif Q_ASSERT(dev != NULL); // Skip non wanted devices if (dev->descriptor.idVendor != QLCFTDI::FTDIVID && dev->descriptor.idVendor != QLCFTDI::ATMELVID) continue; if (dev->descriptor.idProduct != QLCFTDI::FTDIPID && dev->descriptor.idProduct != QLCFTDI::DMX4ALLPID && dev->descriptor.idProduct != QLCFTDI::NANODMXPID) continue; char ser[256]; char nme[256]; char vend[256]; ftdi_usb_get_strings(&ftdi, dev, vend, 256, nme, 256, ser, 256); QString serial(ser); QString name(nme); QString vendor(vend); QMap <QString,QVariant> types(typeMap()); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "DMX USB VID:" << QString::number(dev->descriptor.idVendor, 16) << "PID:" << QString::number(dev->descriptor.idProduct, 16); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "DMX USB serial: " << serial << "name:" << name << "vendor:" << vendor; if (types.contains(serial) == true) { // Force a widget with a specific serial to either type DMXUSBWidget::Type type = (DMXUSBWidget::Type) types[serial].toInt(); switch (type) { case DMXUSBWidget::OpenTX: widgetList << new EnttecDMXUSBOpen(serial, name, vendor); break; case DMXUSBWidget::ProRX: { EnttecDMXUSBProRX* prorx = new EnttecDMXUSBProRX(serial, name, vendor, input_id++); widgetList << prorx; break; } case DMXUSBWidget::ProMk2: { EnttecDMXUSBProTX* protx = new EnttecDMXUSBProTX(serial, name, vendor, 1); widgetList << protx; widgetList << new EnttecDMXUSBProTX(serial, name, vendor, 2, protx->ftdi()); EnttecDMXUSBProRX* prorx = new EnttecDMXUSBProRX(serial, name, vendor, input_id++, protx->ftdi()); widgetList << prorx; break; } case DMXUSBWidget::UltraProTx: { UltraDMXUSBProTx* protx = new UltraDMXUSBProTx(serial, name, vendor, 1); widgetList << protx; widgetList << new UltraDMXUSBProTx(serial, name, vendor, 2, protx->ftdi()); EnttecDMXUSBProRX* prorx = new EnttecDMXUSBProRX(serial, name, vendor, input_id++, protx->ftdi()); widgetList << prorx; break; } case DMXUSBWidget::VinceTX: widgetList << new VinceUSBDMX512TX(serial, name, vendor); break; default: case DMXUSBWidget::ProTX: widgetList << new EnttecDMXUSBProTX(serial, name, vendor); break; } } else if (name.toUpper().contains("PRO MK2") == true) { EnttecDMXUSBProTX* protx = new EnttecDMXUSBProTX(serial, name, vendor, 1); widgetList << protx; widgetList << new EnttecDMXUSBProTX(serial, name, vendor, 2, protx->ftdi()); EnttecDMXUSBProRX* prorx = new EnttecDMXUSBProRX(serial, name, vendor, input_id++, protx->ftdi()); widgetList << prorx; } else if (name.toUpper().contains("DMX USB PRO")) { /** Check if the device responds to label 77 and 78, so it might be a DMXking adapter */ int ESTAID = 0; int DEVID = 0; QString manName = readLabel(&ftdi, name.toLatin1().data(), serial.toLatin1().data(), USB_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER, &ESTAID); qDebug() << "--------> Device Manufacturer: " << manName; QString devName = readLabel(&ftdi, name.toLatin1().data(), serial.toLatin1().data(), USB_DEVICE_NAME, &DEVID); qDebug() << "--------> Device Name: " << devName; qDebug() << "--------> ESTA Code: " << QString::number(ESTAID, 16) << ", Device ID: " << QString::number(DEVID, 16); if (ESTAID == DMXKING_ESTA_ID) { if (DEVID == ULTRADMX_PRO_DEV_ID) { UltraDMXUSBProTx* protxP1 = new UltraDMXUSBProTx(serial, name, vendor, 1); protxP1->setRealName(devName); widgetList << protxP1; UltraDMXUSBProTx* protxP2 = new UltraDMXUSBProTx(serial, name, vendor, 2, protxP1->ftdi()); protxP2->setRealName(devName); widgetList << protxP2; EnttecDMXUSBProRX* prorx = new EnttecDMXUSBProRX(serial, name, vendor, input_id++, protxP1->ftdi()); prorx->setRealName(devName); widgetList << prorx; } else { EnttecDMXUSBProTX* protx = new EnttecDMXUSBProTX(serial, name, vendor); protx->setRealName(devName); widgetList << protx; } } else { /* This is probably a Enttec DMX USB Pro widget */ EnttecDMXUSBProTX* protx = new EnttecDMXUSBProTX(serial, name, vendor); widgetList << protx; EnttecDMXUSBProRX* prorx = new EnttecDMXUSBProRX(serial, name, vendor, input_id++, protx->ftdi()); widgetList << prorx; } } else if (name.toUpper().contains("USB-DMX512 CONVERTER") == true) { widgetList << new VinceUSBDMX512TX(serial, name, vendor); } else if (dev->descriptor.idVendor == QLCFTDI::FTDIVID && dev->descriptor.idProduct == QLCFTDI::DMX4ALLPID) { widgetList << new Stageprofi(serial, name, vendor); } #if defined(Q_WS_X11) || defined(Q_OS_LINUX) else if (dev->descriptor.idVendor == QLCFTDI::ATMELVID && dev->descriptor.idProduct == QLCFTDI::NANODMXPID) { widgetList << new NanoDMX(serial, name, vendor); } #endif else { /* This is probably an Open DMX USB widget */ widgetList << new EnttecDMXUSBOpen(serial, name, vendor, 0); } #ifndef LIBFTDI1 } #endif } #ifdef LIBFTDI1 libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); #endif ftdi_deinit(&ftdi); return widgetList; } bool QLCFTDI::open() { if (m_openCount < m_refCount) m_openCount++; if (isOpen() == true) return true; if (ftdi_usb_open_desc(&m_handle, QLCFTDI::FTDIVID, QLCFTDI::FTDIPID, name().toLatin1(), serial().toLatin1()) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::openByPID(const int PID) { if (m_openCount < m_refCount) m_openCount++; if (isOpen() == true) return true; if (ftdi_usb_open(&m_handle, QLCFTDI::FTDIVID, PID) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::close() { if (m_openCount > 1) { m_openCount--; return true; } if (ftdi_usb_close(&m_handle) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::isOpen() const { return (m_handle.usb_dev != NULL) ? true : false; } bool QLCFTDI::reset() { if (ftdi_usb_reset(&m_handle) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::setLineProperties() { if (ftdi_set_line_property(&m_handle, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_2, NONE) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::setBaudRate() { if (ftdi_set_baudrate(&m_handle, 250000) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::setFlowControl() { if (ftdi_setflowctrl(&m_handle, SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::clearRts() { if (ftdi_setrts(&m_handle, 0) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::purgeBuffers() { if (ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(&m_handle) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } } bool QLCFTDI::setBreak(bool on) { ftdi_break_type type; if (on == true) type = BREAK_ON; else type = BREAK_OFF; if (ftdi_set_line_property2(&m_handle, BITS_8, STOP_BIT_2, NONE, type) < 0) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name() << ftdi_get_error_string(&m_handle); return false; } else { return true; } }
int nifalcon_load_firmware(falcon_device* dev, const char* firmware_filename) { unsigned int bytes_written, bytes_read; unsigned char check_msg_1_send[3] = {0x0a, 0x43, 0x0d}; unsigned char check_msg_1_recv[4] = {0x0a, 0x44, 0x2c, 0x0d}; unsigned char check_msg_2[1] = {0x41}; unsigned char send_buf[128], receive_buf[128]; FILE* firmware_file; int k; if(!dev->is_initialized) nifalcon_error_return(NIFALCON_DEVICE_NOT_VALID_ERROR, "tried to load firmware on an uninitialized device"); if(!dev->is_open) nifalcon_error_return(NIFALCON_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, "tried to load firmware on an unopened device"); //Clear out current buffers to make sure we have a fresh start if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(&(dev->falcon))) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; //Reset the device if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_usb_reset(&(dev->falcon))) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; //Make sure our latency timer is at 16ms, otherwise firmware checks tend to always fail if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_set_latency_timer(&(dev->falcon), 16)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; //Set to: // 9600 baud // 8n1 // No Flow Control // RTS Low // DTR High if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_set_baudrate(&(dev->falcon), 9600)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_set_line_property(&(dev->falcon), BITS_8, STOP_BIT_1, NONE)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_setflowctrl(&(dev->falcon), SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_setrts(&(dev->falcon), 0)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_setdtr(&(dev->falcon), 0)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_setdtr(&(dev->falcon), 1)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; //Send 3 bytes: 0x0a 0x43 0x0d if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_write(dev, check_msg_1_send, 3)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_read(dev, receive_buf, 4, 1000)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; //Set to: // DTR Low // 140000 baud (0x15 clock ticks per signal) if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_setdtr(&(dev->falcon),0)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_set_baudrate(&(dev->falcon), 140000)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; //Send "A" character if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_write(dev, check_msg_2, 1)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; //Expect back 2 bytes: // 0x13 0x41 if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_read(dev, receive_buf, 2, 1000)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; firmware_file = fopen(firmware_filename, "rb"); if(!firmware_file) { nifalcon_error_return(NIFALCON_FIRMWARE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, "cannot find falcon firmware file"); } while(!feof(firmware_file)) { int firmware_bytes_read; int i; firmware_bytes_read = fread(send_buf, 1, 128, firmware_file); if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_write(dev, send_buf, firmware_bytes_read)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; if((dev->falcon_status_code = nifalcon_read(dev, receive_buf, firmware_bytes_read, 1000)) < firmware_bytes_read) { nifalcon_error_return(NIFALCON_FIRMWARE_CHECKSUM_ERROR, "error sending firmware (firmware send step, 128 byte reply not received)"); } for(i = 0; i < firmware_bytes_read; ++i) { if(send_buf[i] != receive_buf[i]) { nifalcon_error_return(NIFALCON_FIRMWARE_CHECKSUM_ERROR, "error sending firmware (firmware send step, checksum does not match)"); } } if(firmware_bytes_read < 128) break; } fclose(firmware_file); //VERY IMPORTANT //If we do not reset latency to 1ms, then we either have to fill the FTDI butter (64bytes) or wait 16ms //to get any data back. This is what was causing massive slowness in pre-1.0 releases if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_set_latency_timer(&(dev->falcon), 1)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; //Shift to full speed if((dev->falcon_status_code = ftdi_set_baudrate(&(dev->falcon), 1456312)) < 0) return dev->falcon_status_code; return 0; }
// // Configure the serial port (baudrate, databits, parity, stopbits and flowcontrol). // static dc_status_t serial_ftdi_configure (void *io, unsigned int baudrate, unsigned int databits, dc_parity_t parity, dc_stopbits_t stopbits, dc_flowcontrol_t flowcontrol) { ftdi_serial_t *device = io; if (device == NULL) return DC_STATUS_INVALIDARGS; INFO (device->context, "Configure: baudrate=%i, databits=%i, parity=%i, stopbits=%i, flowcontrol=%i", baudrate, databits, parity, stopbits, flowcontrol); enum ftdi_bits_type ft_bits; enum ftdi_stopbits_type ft_stopbits; enum ftdi_parity_type ft_parity; if (ftdi_set_baudrate(device->ftdi_ctx, baudrate) < 0) { ERROR (device->context, "%s", ftdi_get_error_string(device->ftdi_ctx)); return DC_STATUS_IO; } // Set the character size. switch (databits) { case 7: ft_bits = BITS_7; break; case 8: ft_bits = BITS_8; break; default: return DC_STATUS_INVALIDARGS; } // Set the parity type. switch (parity) { case DC_PARITY_NONE: /**< No parity */ ft_parity = NONE; break; case DC_PARITY_EVEN: /**< Even parity */ ft_parity = EVEN; break; case DC_PARITY_ODD: /**< Odd parity */ ft_parity = ODD; break; case DC_PARITY_MARK: /**< Mark parity (always 1) */ case DC_PARITY_SPACE: /**< Space parity (alwasy 0) */ default: return DC_STATUS_INVALIDARGS; } // Set the number of stop bits. switch (stopbits) { case DC_STOPBITS_ONE: /**< 1 stop bit */ ft_stopbits = STOP_BIT_1; break; case DC_STOPBITS_TWO: /**< 2 stop bits */ ft_stopbits = STOP_BIT_2; break; case DC_STOPBITS_ONEPOINTFIVE: /**< 1.5 stop bits*/ default: return DC_STATUS_INVALIDARGS; } // Set the attributes if (ftdi_set_line_property(device->ftdi_ctx, ft_bits, ft_stopbits, ft_parity)) { ERROR (device->context, "%s", ftdi_get_error_string(device->ftdi_ctx)); return DC_STATUS_IO; } // Set the flow control. switch (flowcontrol) { case DC_FLOWCONTROL_NONE: /**< No flow control */ if (ftdi_setflowctrl(device->ftdi_ctx, SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL) < 0) { ERROR (device->context, "%s", ftdi_get_error_string(device->ftdi_ctx)); return DC_STATUS_IO; } break; case DC_FLOWCONTROL_HARDWARE: /**< Hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control */ if (ftdi_setflowctrl(device->ftdi_ctx, SIO_RTS_CTS_HS) < 0) { ERROR (device->context, "%s", ftdi_get_error_string(device->ftdi_ctx)); return DC_STATUS_IO; } break; case DC_FLOWCONTROL_SOFTWARE: /**< Software (XON/XOFF) flow control */ if (ftdi_setflowctrl(device->ftdi_ctx, SIO_XON_XOFF_HS) < 0) { ERROR (device->context, "%s", ftdi_get_error_string(device->ftdi_ctx)); return DC_STATUS_IO; } break; default: return DC_STATUS_INVALIDARGS; } device->baudrate = baudrate; device->nbits = 1 + databits + stopbits + (parity ? 1 : 0); device->databits = databits; device->stopbits = stopbits; device->parity = parity; return DC_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
void sample(uint32_t baudrate) { int vid = 0x403; int pid = 0x6010; struct ftdi_context *ftdi; if ((ftdi = ftdi_new()) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ftdi_new failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ftdi_set_interface(ftdi, 1); ftdi_read_data_set_chunksize(ftdi, 1<<14); uint32_t chunksize = 0; ftdi_read_data_get_chunksize(ftdi,&chunksize); printf("%i\n\r",chunksize); int f = 0; f = ftdi_usb_open(ftdi, vid, pid); if (f < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open ftdi device: %d (%s)\n", f, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdi)); exit(-1); } f = ftdi_set_baudrate(ftdi, baudrate); if (f < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set baudrate: %d (%s)\n", f, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdi)); exit(-1); } f = ftdi_set_line_property(ftdi, 8, STOP_BIT_1, NONE); if (f < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to set line parameters: %d (%s)\n", f, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdi)); exit(-1); } FILE * raw = fopen("raw.bin","w"); if (raw == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Value of errno: %d\n", errno); perror("Error printed by perror"); fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int total_bytes = 0; #define BUFFERLENGTH (uint16_t)2000 uint8_t buffer[BUFFERLENGTH]; uint16_t count = 0; while (!exit_requested) { count = ftdi_read_data(ftdi, buffer, BUFFERLENGTH); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), count, raw); total_bytes += count; printf("\rTotal bytes: %d",total_bytes); fflush(stdout); } printf("\n\rCleaning up...\n\r"); fflush(raw); fclose(raw); ftdi_usb_close(ftdi); ftdi_free(ftdi); }