void push_front(const T& val) { MGBASE_ASSERT(!full()); ++size_; decrement(&first_); // Copy the value after decrement. data()[first_] = val; }
void main() {int gd=VGA,gm=VGALO; /*registerbgidriver(EGAVGA_driver);*/ initgraph(&gd,&gm,"e:\\tc\\bgi"); /*设置图形模式*/ setcolor(YELLOW); rectangle(105,105,175,135); /*画正方形*/ full(120,120,YELLOW); /*调填充函数*/ getch(); /*等待*/ closegraph(); /*关闭图形模式*/ }
void QProgressBarPlus::unitTimeout() { this->setValue(this->value() + 1); if(this->value() >= 100) { emit full(); } else { this->timer->setInterval(unitInterval); this->timer->start(); } }
void push_back(const T& val) { MGBASE_ASSERT(!full()); ++size_; // Copy the value before increment. data()[last_] = val; increment(&last_); }
/*Push Function Definition*/ void push(STK *s1,char elem) { if(!full(s1)) { s1->top++; /*Incrementing top*/ s1->data[s1->top]=elem; /*Storing element*/ } else printf("Stack is Full!"); }
void push(int top,int item[],int dato) { if(!full(top,item)) { (top)++; item[top]=dato; //elemento[1]=dato } else printf("\nOVERFLOW"); }
long CharStringBuffer::append(const char& c) { if ( full() ) { return 0; } else { contents[fill_point_marker] = c; fill_point_marker++; return 1; } }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); this->chatTimeout = true; this->connected = false; this->currColorId = 2; // czarny this->lastColorButton = ui->blackPushButton; this->graphicsScene = new QGraphicsScene(); ui->graphicsView->setScene(graphicsScene); this->currentPen.setColor(QColor("black")); connect(ui->graphicsView,SIGNAL(drawPoint(QPoint)),this,SLOT(drawPoint(QPoint))); connect(ui->graphicsView,SIGNAL(drawLineTo(QPoint)),this,SLOT(drawLineTo(QPoint))); connect(ui->clearPushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(clearView())); connect(ui->redPushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(switchColor())); connect(ui->greenPushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(switchColor())); connect(ui->blackPushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(switchColor())); connect(ui->sendMessagePushButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(sendMessage())); connect(ui->chatLineEdit,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(sendMessage())); this->socket = new KalSocket(); this->chatTimer = new QTimer(); connect(socket,SIGNAL(connected()),this,SLOT(connectionSuccess())); connect(socket,SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this,SLOT(displayError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); connect(socket,SIGNAL(pointsReceived(int,int,int,KalSocket::DrawType)), this,SLOT(pointsReceived(int,int,int,KalSocket::DrawType))); connect(socket,SIGNAL(clear()),graphicsScene,SLOT(clear())); connect(socket,SIGNAL(someoneLoggedIn(QString)),this,SLOT(someoneLoggedIn(QString))); connect(socket,SIGNAL(chatMessage(QString,QString)),this,SLOT(addMessage(QString,QString))); connect(socket,SIGNAL(nicknames(QList<QString>)),this,SLOT(getNicknames(QList<QString>))); connect(socket,SIGNAL(logout(QString)),this,SLOT(someoneLoggedOut(QString))); connect(socket,SIGNAL(drawStart(QString)),this,SLOT(drawStart(QString))); connect(socket,SIGNAL(gotSettings(ServerSettings)),this,SLOT(getSettings(ServerSettings))); connect(socket,SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)),this,SLOT(showMessage(QString))); connect(ui->wantDrawCheckBox,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(wantDrawToggled(bool))); // actiony z menu: Polaczenie connect(ui->actionPo_cz,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(connectWindowExec())); // laczymy sie connect(ui->actionRoz_cz,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(disconnect())); // rozlaczamy sie connect(ui->actionZako_cz,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(close())); // koniec programu // timer connect(chatTimer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(timeout())); connect(ui->progressBar,SIGNAL(full()),this,SLOT(drawTimeout())); // inne this->disableActions(false); // Polacz - aktywne, Rozlacz - nieaktywne }
int THMoviePictureBuffer::write(AVFrame* pFrame, double dPts) { THMoviePicture* pMoviePicture = nullptr; SDL_LockMutex(m_pMutex); while(full() && !m_fAborting) { SDL_CondWait(m_pCond, m_pMutex); } SDL_UnlockMutex(m_pMutex); if(m_fAborting) { return -1; } pMoviePicture = &m_aPictureQueue[m_iWriteIndex]; SDL_LockMutex(pMoviePicture->m_pMutex); if(pMoviePicture->m_pTexture) { m_pSwsContext = sws_getCachedContext(m_pSwsContext, pFrame->width, pFrame->height, (PixelFormat)pFrame->format, pMoviePicture->m_iWidth, pMoviePicture->m_iHeight, pMoviePicture->m_pixelFormat, SWS_BICUBIC, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if(m_pSwsContext == nullptr) { SDL_UnlockMutex(m_aPictureQueue[m_iWriteIndex].m_pMutex); std::cerr << "Failed to initialize SwsContext\n"; return 1; } /* Allocate a new frame and buffer for the destination RGB24 data. */ AVFrame *pFrameRGB = av_frame_alloc(); int numBytes = avpicture_get_size(pMoviePicture->m_pixelFormat, pMoviePicture->m_iWidth, pMoviePicture->m_iHeight); uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(numBytes * sizeof(uint8_t)); avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)pFrameRGB, buffer, pMoviePicture->m_pixelFormat, pMoviePicture->m_iWidth, pMoviePicture->m_iHeight); /* Rescale the frame data and convert it to RGB24. */ sws_scale(m_pSwsContext, pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize, 0, pMoviePicture->m_iHeight, pFrameRGB->data, pFrameRGB->linesize); /* Upload it to the texture we render from - note that this works because our OpenGL context shares texture namespace with the main threads' context. */ SDL_UpdateTexture(pMoviePicture->m_pTexture, nullptr, buffer, pMoviePicture->m_iWidth * 3); av_free(buffer); av_frame_free(&pFrameRGB); pMoviePicture->m_dPts = dPts; SDL_UnlockMutex(m_aPictureQueue[m_iWriteIndex].m_pMutex); m_iWriteIndex++; if(m_iWriteIndex == PICTURE_BUFFER_SIZE) { m_iWriteIndex = 0; } SDL_LockMutex(m_pMutex); m_iCount++; SDL_UnlockMutex(m_pMutex); } return 0; }
void RingBuffer<T,size>::push_back(const T& elem) { // if there is no space left we silently drop the operation if (full()) return; // back points to an empty space at the end of the queue, so we first set // the new element and then increase the pointer values[back] = elem; back = (back + 1) % size; // There is now one more element in the buffer count++; }
void theStack::push(void *x, const char theType) { if(full()) throw sFULL; tos++; // we successfully are adding something to the stack // switch here node *newNext = new node(x, theType, anchor->next); // make a nodepointer with a node with key *x newNext->next = anchor->next; // put it into the head position and keep the others afterward anchor->next = newNext; // point anchor to it }
void put(stackentry1 item,stack1 *s) { if(full(s)) { printf("stack full\n"); } else { s->entry[s->top++]=item; } }
void shutter::bulbStart(void) { if(cable_connected == 0 && ir_shutter_state != 1) { ir_shutter_state = 1; ir.shutterNow(); // ir.shutterDelayed(); } if(conf.bulbMode == 0) { full(); } else if(conf.bulbMode == 1 && shutter_state != 1) { full(); shutter_state = 1; _delay_ms(75); half(); } }
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_edu_berkeley_bid_CUMATD_full (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject jir, jobject jic, jobject jdata, jobject jod, jint nrows, jint ncols, jint nnz) { int *ir = (int*)getPointer(env, jir); int *ic = (int*)getPointer(env, jic); double *data = (double*)getPointer(env, jdata); double *od = (double*)getPointer(env, jod); return full(ir, ic, data, od, nrows, ncols, nnz); }
// If the push occurs, 1 is returned. If the // stack is full and the push can't be done, 0 is // returned. int push(struct stack* stackPtr, int value) { // Check if the stack is full. if (full(stackPtr)) return 0; // Add value to the top of the stack and adjust the value of the top. stackPtr->items[stackPtr->top+1] = value; (stackPtr->top)++; return 1; }
//实现入队的基本操作 void push(Queue* pq,int data) { //判断队列是否为满 if(full(pq)) { printf("队列已经满了,元素%d入队失败\n",data); return;//结束当前函数 } pq->arr[(pq->front+pq->cnt)%pq->len] = data; ++pq->cnt; }
void Store::addElement(const Product& other) { if(full()) { cout<<"The store is full\n"; exit(1); } products[size] = other; ptrs[size] = &products[size]; size++; }
void push_front(int ele) { if (full()) { // deque is full, expansion code is omitted } _head = _head == 0 ? _capc - 1 : _head - 1; _data[_head] = ele; }
void queue_array<Item>::put(Item item) { if(full()) { cout<<"Error in queue_array::put, buff is not enough!"<<endl; return; } m_pBase[m_posHead] = item; m_nDataLen += 1; m_posHead = (m_posHead+1)%m_nBuffLen; };
void push_back(int ele) { if (full()) { // ommit expansion } _data[_tail] = ele; _tail = _tail + 1 == _capc ? 0 : _tail + 1; }
void Buffer::push(MyTask *ptask) { MutexLockGuard mtg(m_mutex); while(full()) { m_notFull.wait(); } m_queue.push(ptask); m_notEmpty.notify(); }
/** * writes a Text + the Card suit and value in the History doc * @brief GameHistory::write * @param text * @param suit * @param value */ void GameHistory::write(QString text, Card::cardSuit suit, Card::cardValue value) { QString hand; Card c = Card(suit,value); CardItem item = CardItem(c); hand += cardToString(item); QString full(text + " - "+ hand); QTextStream out(file); out.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); out << full << "\n"; }
void CBuffer::advance(int offset) { assert(offset <= full()); m_readP += offset; if (m_readP >= m_bufferSize) m_readP -= m_bufferSize; if (m_readP == m_writeP) m_empty = true; m_full = false; }
void RingBuffer<T,size>::push_front(const T& elem) { // if there is no space left we silently drop the operation if (full()) return; // since front is points directly to the first element, we first decrease // the pointer and then set the new element front = (front + size - 1) % size; values[front] = elem; // There is now one more element in the buffer count++; }
bool Stack::push (const string &elem) { if (full()) { return false; } _stack.push_back (elem); return true; }
int THMoviePictureBuffer::write(AVFrame* pFrame, double dPts) { THMoviePicture* pMoviePicture = nullptr; SDL_LockMutex(m_pMutex); while(full() && !m_fAborting) { SDL_CondWait(m_pCond, m_pMutex); } SDL_UnlockMutex(m_pMutex); if(m_fAborting) { return -1; } pMoviePicture = &m_aPictureQueue[m_iWriteIndex]; SDL_LockMutex(pMoviePicture->m_pMutex); if(pMoviePicture->m_pBuffer) { m_pSwsContext = sws_getCachedContext(m_pSwsContext, pFrame->width, pFrame->height, (AVPixelFormat)pFrame->format, pMoviePicture->m_iWidth, pMoviePicture->m_iHeight, pMoviePicture->m_pixelFormat, SWS_BICUBIC, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if(m_pSwsContext == nullptr) { SDL_UnlockMutex(m_aPictureQueue[m_iWriteIndex].m_pMutex); std::cerr << "Failed to initialize SwsContext\n"; return 1; } /* Allocate a new frame and buffer for the destination RGB24 data. */ AVFrame *pFrameRGB = av_frame_alloc(); #if (defined(CORSIX_TH_USE_LIBAV) && LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(54, 6, 0)) || \ (defined(CORSIX_TH_USE_FFMPEG) && LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(51, 63, 100)) av_image_fill_arrays(pFrameRGB->data, pFrameRGB->linesize, pMoviePicture->m_pBuffer, pMoviePicture->m_pixelFormat, pMoviePicture->m_iWidth, pMoviePicture->m_iHeight, 1); #else avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)pFrameRGB, pMoviePicture->m_pBuffer, pMoviePicture->m_pixelFormat, pMoviePicture->m_iWidth, pMoviePicture->m_iHeight); #endif /* Rescale the frame data and convert it to RGB24. */ sws_scale(m_pSwsContext, pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize, 0, pFrame->height, pFrameRGB->data, pFrameRGB->linesize); av_frame_free(&pFrameRGB); pMoviePicture->m_dPts = dPts; SDL_UnlockMutex(m_aPictureQueue[m_iWriteIndex].m_pMutex); m_iWriteIndex++; if(m_iWriteIndex == ms_pictureBufferSize) { m_iWriteIndex = 0; } SDL_LockMutex(m_pMutex); m_iCount++; SDL_UnlockMutex(m_pMutex); } return 0; }
bool Queue_a::addq(qelement no) { if(full()) return 0; else { rear = (rear+1)%MAX; arr[rear]=no; count++; return 1; } }
bool DQ_a::addright(qelement no) { if(full()) return 0; else { rear=(rear+1)%MAX; arr[rear]=no; count++; return 1; } }
bool Adafruit_FIFO::write(void const* item) { if ( full() && !m_overwritable ) return false; memcpy( m_buffer + (m_wr_idx * m_item_size), item, m_item_size); m_wr_idx = (m_wr_idx + 1) % m_depth; if ( full() ) { m_rd_idx = m_wr_idx; // keep the full state (rd == wr && len = size) } else { m_count++; } return true; }
//! Push a new value onto the fifo. //! This function returns 0 if the operation succeeds, and a negative //! value if the operation fails. int8_t Fifo::push(FifoType* d) { if (full()) return -1; *(_end++) = *d; // Wrap the end back to the beginning. if ((_end - _pdata) > _size) { _end = _pdata; } return 0; }