int test_main( void ) { if ( ProcessorID() != 0 ) { _Bg_Sleep_Forever(); } showPersonality(); if ( ( fwext_getPersonality()->Kernel_Config.TraceConfig & TRACE_Verbose ) != 0 ) { dumpBeDRAM(); } waitForShutdown(); Terminate(0); }
int EMON_rank_on_card() { // return the rank of the node, on a 2^5 card int a,b,c,d,e, na,nb,nc,nd,ne, node_id; Personality_t *pers; pers = fwext_getPersonality(); a = pers->Network_Config.Acoord %2; b = pers->Network_Config.Bcoord %2; c = pers->Network_Config.Ccoord %2; d = pers->Network_Config.Dcoord %2; e = pers->Network_Config.Ecoord %2; na = nb= nc =nd = ne = 2; // 2x2x2x2x2 card node_id = a+na*(b+nb*(c+nc*(d+nd*e))); return node_id; }
int showPersonality() { Personality_t* p = fwext_getPersonality(); bg_uci_toString( p->Kernel_Config.UCI, JTAG_LOC ); printf("%s Personality -> %p\n", JTAG_LOC, p); printf("%s [%04lX] CRC : 0x%X\n", JTAG_LOC, offsetof(Personality_t,CRC), p->CRC ); printf("%s [%04lX] Version : 0x%X\n", JTAG_LOC, offsetof(Personality_t,Version), p->Version ); printf("%s [%04lX] SizeWords : 0x%X\n", JTAG_LOC, offsetof(Personality_t,PersonalitySizeWords), p->PersonalitySizeWords ); showKernelConfig(p); showDDRConfig(p); showNetConfig(p); showEthConfig(p); printf("%s TESTINT_CONFIG1 : %016lX IO:%d Port6:%d Port7:%d Swaps:%02lX\n", JTAG_LOC, DCRReadPriv( TESTINT_DCR(CONFIG1) ), TI_IsIoNode(), TI_UsePort6forIO(), TI_UsePort7forIO(), TI_GetDimensionSwaps() ); return 0; }
int stormWarningTest( unsigned numberOfThreads ) { unsigned i; if ( ProcessorID() == 0 ) { uint64_t start = GetTimeBase(); for ( i = 0; i < FW_RAS_EVENT_ERROR_THRESHOLD; i++ ) { fwext_getFwInterface()->writeRASEvent( 0x11110400, 0, NULL ); } uint64_t end = start + (uint64_t)FW_RAS_EVENT_ERROR_THRESHOLD * (uint64_t)FW_RAS_STORM_THRESHOLD_MILLIS * (uint64_t)fwext_getPersonality()->Kernel_Config.FreqMHz * (uint64_t)1000; while ( GetTimeBase() < end ) /* spin */ ; fwext_getFwInterface()->writeRASEvent( 0x11110400, 0, NULL ); } return 0; }
int test_main ( void ) { if (PhysicalThreadIndex() > 0) // run a single core test. test_exit(0); int rc=0; printf("Torus Remote Get Atomic Test\n"); // Perform initialization of the network and mu Personality_t *pers; pers = fwext_getPersonality(); uint64_t p1 = pers->Kernel_Config.NodeConfig & PERS_ENABLE_Mambo; if (p1) is_mambo = 1; // ND and MU init is done in firmware, but we disable it in svchost and // call it directly here because it performs much better. // #if 0 fw_nd_set_verbose(0); // if 1, prints all dcr commands, don't use on cycle sim // on cycle sim, can have DcrMonitory trace DCR commands rc = fw_nd_reset_release(pers); if(rc) { TRACE(("fw_nd_reset_release failed with rc=%d\n",rc)); test_exit (rc); } fw_mu_set_verbose(0); // if 1, prints all dcr commands, don't use on cycle sim // on cycle sim, can have DcrMonitory trace DCR commands rc = fw_mu_reset_release(pers); if(rc) { printf("fw_mu_reset_release failed with rc=%d\n",rc); test_exit (rc); } // #endif // if 0 uint64_t max_value = ~0; fw_mu_set_sys_range(0, /* range_id */ 0, /* min_value */ max_value); fw_mu_set_usr_range(0, /* range_id */ 0, /* min_value */ max_value); /* fw_mu_set_imfifo_rget (1, 1); */ /* fw_mu_set_imfifo_system (1, 0); */ TRACE(("Network and MU Initialization is complete\n")); #else int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc; #endif uint i = 0; // Destination for Remote Get packet MUHWI_Destination_t dest; MUSPI_SetUpDestination ( &dest, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); MUSPI_InjFifoSubGroup_t fifo_subgroup; uint64 message_size_in_bytes_remote_get = MESSAGE_SIZE_REMOTE_GET; uint64 message_size_in_bytes_direct_put = MESSAGE_SIZE_DIRECT_PUT; TRACE(("main(): Injection Memory FIFO (0,0,0), Send Remote Get Message with Atomic Increment\n")); //#ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_MESSAGES printf("Start!\n"); //#endif // ------------------------------------------------------ // allocates area for message_sent_remote_get[] buffer (RemoteGet) // ------------------------------------------------------ uint64 *message_sent_remote_get = (uint64 *)malloc(message_size_in_bytes_remote_get); uint64 *message_sent_direct_put = (uint64 *)malloc(message_size_in_bytes_direct_put); TRACE(("message_sent_remote_get (address) = %p\n", message_sent_remote_get)); TRACE(("message_size_in_bytes_remote_get = %lld\n", message_size_in_bytes_remote_get)); TRACE(("message_sent_direct_put (address) = %p\n", message_sent_direct_put)); TRACE(("message_size_in_bytes_direct_put = %lld\n", message_size_in_bytes_direct_put)); // Initializes the message_sent_remote_get[] buffer for (i=0; i<message_size_in_bytes_remote_get/8; i++) message_sent_remote_get[i] = 0x00ull; // 8-bytes Kernel_MemoryRegion_t mregionSentRemoteGet; rc = Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion ( &mregionSentRemoteGet, message_sent_remote_get, message_size_in_bytes_remote_get ); if ( rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion failed for message_sent_remote_get with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } // Initializes the message_sent[] buffer *message_sent_direct_put = (uint64)ATOMIC_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE; // 8-bytes uint64_t expected_counter_value = ATOMIC_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE + RECEIVE_BUFFER_INITIAL_VALUE; Kernel_MemoryRegion_t mregionSentDirectPut; rc = Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion ( &mregionSentDirectPut, message_sent_direct_put, message_size_in_bytes_direct_put ); if ( rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion failed for message_sent_direct_put with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } // Get an atomic address for the message_sent buffer. uint64_t message_sent_atomic_address = MUSPI_GetAtomicAddress ( (uint64_t)message_sent_direct_put - (uint64_t)mregionSentDirectPut.BaseVa + (uint64_t)mregionSentDirectPut.BasePa, MUHWI_ATOMIC_OPCODE_LOAD_INCREMENT ); TRACE(("message_sent_direct_put (atomic address) = 0x%llx\n", (long long unsigned int)message_sent_atomic_address)); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct recvArea { volatile uint64 counter; unsigned char recvBuffer[MESSAGE_SIZE_DIRECT_PUT]; } recvArea_t; // Allocate space for the reception counter and the receive buffer recvArea_t *recvAreaPtr = (recvArea_t*)malloc ( sizeof(recvArea_t) ); if ( !recvAreaPtr ) { printf("Allocating recvArea failed\n"); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } volatile uint64 *counterAddress = (volatile uint64*)&(recvAreaPtr->counter); unsigned char *recvBufferAddress = (unsigned char *)&(recvAreaPtr->recvBuffer[0]); *((uint64*)recvBufferAddress) = RECEIVE_BUFFER_INITIAL_VALUE; // Get a memory region for the recvArea. Kernel_MemoryRegion_t recvAreaMemRegion; rc = Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion ( &recvAreaMemRegion, recvAreaPtr, sizeof(recvArea_t) ); if ( rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion failed for recvAreaMemRegion with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } // Calculate the offsets of the counter and receive buffer from the base address. uint64_t recvAreaBasePA = (uint64_t)recvAreaMemRegion.BasePa; uint64_t counterOffset = (uint64_t)counterAddress - (uint64_t)recvAreaMemRegion.BaseVa; uint64_t recvBufferOffset = (uint64_t)recvBufferAddress - (uint64_t)recvAreaMemRegion.BaseVa; TRACE(("counterAddress=%p, recvBufferAddress=%p, recvAreaBasePA=0x%llx, counterOffset=0x%llx, recvBufferOffset=0x%llx\n",counterAddress, recvBufferAddress, (long long unsigned int)recvAreaBasePA, (long long unsigned int)counterOffset, (long long unsigned int)recvBufferOffset)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialize base address table and atomic counter info ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Set up the base address table */ uint32_t batids[1] = {0}; MUSPI_BaseAddressTableSubGroup_t bat; rc = Kernel_AllocateBaseAddressTable ( 0, &bat, 1, batids, 0 /* "User" use */ ); if (rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_AllocateBaseAddressTable failed with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } rc = MUSPI_SetBaseAddress ( &bat, 0, (uint64_t)recvAreaMemRegion.BasePa ); if (rc != 0) { printf("MUSPI_SetBaseAddress failed with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } TRACE(("Set BaseAddressTable entry slot 0 to 0x%llx\n", (long long unsigned int)recvAreaMemRegion.BasePa)); uint64_t muAtomicCounterOffset = MUSPI_GetAtomicOffsetFromBaseAddress ( &bat, 0, recvAreaBasePA + counterOffset, MUHWI_ATOMIC_OPCODE_STORE_ADD ); uint64_t muAtomicRecvBufferOffset = MUSPI_GetAtomicOffsetFromBaseAddress ( &bat, 0, recvAreaBasePA + recvBufferOffset, MUHWI_ATOMIC_OPCODE_STORE_ADD ); TRACE(("main(): recvCounterVa=%p, recvAreaBasePA=0x%llx, muAtomicCounterOffset=0x%llx, muAtomicRecvBufferOffset=0x%llx\n", &(recvAreaPtr->counter), (long long unsigned int)recvAreaBasePA, (long long unsigned int)muAtomicCounterOffset, (long long unsigned int)muAtomicRecvBufferOffset)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create a DirectPut Descriptor and copy it into the // message payload ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRACE(("main(): Configures direct put descriptor\n")); MUSPI_Pt2PtDirectPutDescriptorInfo_t mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Base.Pre_Fetch_Only = MUHWI_DESCRIPTOR_PRE_FETCH_ONLY_NO; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Base.Payload_Address = message_sent_atomic_address; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Base.Message_Length = message_size_in_bytes_direct_put; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Base.Torus_FIFO_Map = MUHWI_DESCRIPTOR_TORUS_FIFO_MAP_AP; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Base.Dest = dest; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Pt2Pt.Hints_ABCD = MUHWI_PACKET_HINT_AP; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Pt2Pt.Misc1 = MUHWI_PACKET_HINT_E_NONE | MUHWI_PACKET_DO_NOT_ROUTE_TO_IO_NODE | MUHWI_PACKET_USE_DETERMINISTIC_ROUTING | MUHWI_PACKET_DO_NOT_DEPOSIT; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Pt2Pt.Misc2 = MUHWI_PACKET_VIRTUAL_CHANNEL_DETERMINISTIC; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.Pt2Pt.Skip = 0; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.DirectPut.Rec_Payload_Base_Address_Id = 0; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.DirectPut.Rec_Payload_Offset = muAtomicRecvBufferOffset; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.DirectPut.Rec_Counter_Base_Address_Id = 0; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.DirectPut.Rec_Counter_Offset = muAtomicCounterOffset; mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo.DirectPut.Pacing = MUHWI_PACKET_DIRECT_PUT_IS_NOT_PACED; rc = MUSPI_CreatePt2PtDirectPutDescriptor( &mu_iDirectPutDescriptor, &mu_iDirectPutDescriptorInfo ); if (rc != 0) { printf("MUSPI_CreatePt2PtDirectPutDescriptor failed with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } //MUSPI_DescriptorDumpHex("Direct Put Descriptor", // &mu_iDirectPutDescriptor); // Copy Descriptor into RemoteGet message payload memcpy((char *)((void *)message_sent_remote_get), (char *)((void *)(&mu_iDirectPutDescriptor)), message_size_in_bytes_remote_get); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RemoteGet message // Create a remote get descriptor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRACE(("main(): Configures remote get descriptor\n")); MUSPI_Pt2PtRemoteGetDescriptorInfo_t mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Base.Pre_Fetch_Only = MUHWI_DESCRIPTOR_PRE_FETCH_ONLY_NO; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Base.Payload_Address = (uint64_t)message_sent_remote_get - (uint64_t)mregionSentRemoteGet.BaseVa + (uint64_t)mregionSentRemoteGet.BasePa; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Base.Message_Length = message_size_in_bytes_remote_get; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Base.Torus_FIFO_Map = MUHWI_DESCRIPTOR_TORUS_FIFO_MAP_AP; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Base.Dest = dest; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Pt2Pt.Hints_ABCD = MUHWI_PACKET_HINT_AP; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Pt2Pt.Misc1 = MUHWI_PACKET_HINT_E_NONE | MUHWI_PACKET_DO_NOT_ROUTE_TO_IO_NODE | MUHWI_PACKET_USE_DETERMINISTIC_ROUTING | MUHWI_PACKET_DO_NOT_DEPOSIT; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Pt2Pt.Misc2 = MUHWI_PACKET_VIRTUAL_CHANNEL_DETERMINISTIC; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.Pt2Pt.Skip = 0; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.RemoteGet.Type = MUHWI_PACKET_TYPE_GET; mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo.RemoteGet.Rget_Inj_FIFO_Id = 1; // Fifo 1 is for remote get use // Prepares Injection Memory FIFO Descriptor (RemoteGet) rc = MUSPI_CreatePt2PtRemoteGetDescriptor( &mu_iRemoteGetDescriptor, &mu_iRemoteGetDescriptorInfo ); if (rc != 0) { printf("MUSPI_CreatePt2PtRemoteGetDescriptor failed with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } // MUSPI_DescriptorDumpHex("Remote Get Descriptor", // &mu_iRemoteGetDescriptor); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configures Injection Memory FIFO Registers // - fifo 0 that the core injects descriptors into // - fifo 1 that the MU injects remote get payload into ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRACE(("main(): Configures Injection Memory FIFO Registers\n")); void *injMemoryFifoPtr, *memoryForInjMemoryFifoPtr; rc = malloc_memalign ( &memoryForInjMemoryFifoPtr, &injMemoryFifoPtr, 64, INJ_MEMORY_FIFO_SIZE+1 ); if (rc) { printf("inj_memory_fifo malloc failed with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } void *rgetMemoryFifoPtr, *memoryForRgetMemoryFifoPtr; rc = malloc_memalign ( &memoryForRgetMemoryFifoPtr, &rgetMemoryFifoPtr, 64, INJ_MEMORY_FIFO_SIZE+1 ); if (rc) { printf("rget_memory_fifo malloc failed with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } uint32_t fifoid[2] = { 0, 1 }; Kernel_InjFifoAttributes_t injFifoAttrs[2]; injFifoAttrs[0].RemoteGet = 0; injFifoAttrs[0].System = 0; injFifoAttrs[1].RemoteGet = 1; injFifoAttrs[1].System = 0; rc = Kernel_AllocateInjFifos (0, &fifo_subgroup, 2, fifoid, injFifoAttrs); if ( rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_AllocateInjFifos failed with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } Kernel_MemoryRegion_t mregionInj; rc = Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion ( &mregionInj, injMemoryFifoPtr, INJ_MEMORY_FIFO_SIZE + 1 ); if ( rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion failed for injMemoryFifoPtr with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } Kernel_MemoryRegion_t mregionRget; rc = Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion ( &mregionRget, rgetMemoryFifoPtr, INJ_MEMORY_FIFO_SIZE + 1 ); if ( rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_CreateMemoryRegion failed for rgetMemoryFifoPtr with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } rc = Kernel_InjFifoInit (&fifo_subgroup, fifoid[0], &mregionInj, (uint64_t)injMemoryFifoPtr - (uint64_t)mregionInj.BaseVa, INJ_MEMORY_FIFO_SIZE); if (rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_InjFifoInit Inj failed with rc=%d, errno=%d\n",rc,errno); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } rc = Kernel_InjFifoInit (&fifo_subgroup, fifoid[1], &mregionRget, (uint64_t)rgetMemoryFifoPtr - (uint64_t)mregionRget.BaseVa, INJ_MEMORY_FIFO_SIZE); if (rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_InjFifoInit Rget failed with rc=%d, errno=%d\n",rc,errno); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } rc = Kernel_InjFifoActivate (&fifo_subgroup, 2, fifoid, KERNEL_INJ_FIFO_ACTIVATE); if (rc != 0) { printf("Kernel_InjFifoActivate Inj failed with rc=%d, errno=%d\n",rc,errno); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } // --------------------------------------------- // Reception Side // --------------------------------------------- /* *data_counter_base_address = REC_PAYLOAD_BASE_ADDRESS; */ /* printf("data_counter_base_address = %p\n", data_counter_base_address); */ // Loop, sending the remote get, waiting for the reception counter to hit zero, // and verifying the received counter's value. // for (i=0; i<num_iterations; i++) /** disable loop **/ { // Let's initialize the Counter for corresponding Counter Id // Note: counter is initialized with the message size // updates counter with number of bytes sent *counterAddress = MESSAGE_SIZE_DIRECT_PUT; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Processor Advances Tail pointer - Descriptor is 64-bytes // MU should Inject (RemoteGet) message into the Torus // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Let's Inject the (RemoteGet) Descriptor into the Injection Memory FIFO #if 1 printf("main(): Inject Descriptor into Injection Memory FIFO\n"); #endif rc = MUSPI_InjFifoInject (MUSPI_IdToInjFifo(fifoid[0], &fifo_subgroup), (void *)(&mu_iRemoteGetDescriptor) ); if (rc < 0) // Should have injected 1 descriptor { printf("MUSPI_InjFifoInject failed with rc=%d\n",rc); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } #ifndef __FWEXT__ printf("main(): Successful injection of remote get descriptor\n"); #endif // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reception side, check counter value // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint64 volatile counter_value; // wait for the counter to reach ZERO while (1) { counter_value = *counterAddress; if (counter_value == 0) { // #if 1 printf("counter is now ZERO !!!!\n"); #endif break; } } _bgq_msync(); // Ensure data is available to all cores. // Let's print the Received Message contents //put_offset = (uint64)mu_pktHdrDirectPut.Put_Offset_LSB; #ifndef __FWEXT__ printf("recvBufferAddress = %p\n", recvBufferAddress); printf("---Prints Received Message contents\n"); Print_Message((unsigned char *)recvBufferAddress, message_size_in_bytes_direct_put); printf("---Where Received Message is being stored: recvBufferAddress = %p\n", recvBufferAddress); printf("---Checks Received Message contents(size = %lld)\n", message_size_in_bytes_direct_put); #endif uint64_t receivedCounterValue = *((uint64_t*)recvBufferAddress); if ( receivedCounterValue == expected_counter_value ) { printf("---Received Counter Value = %llu\n", (long long unsigned int)receivedCounterValue); } else { printf("ERROR: Received Counter Value = %llu, expected %llu\n", (long long unsigned int)receivedCounterValue, (long long unsigned int)expected_counter_value); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } if ( *message_sent_direct_put == ATOMIC_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE+1 ) { printf("---Sent Counter Value = %llu\n", (long long unsigned int)*message_sent_direct_put); } else { printf("ERROR: Sent Counter Value = %llu, expected %llu\n", (long long unsigned int)*message_sent_direct_put, (long long unsigned int)(ATOMIC_COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE+1)); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } } //printf("All counter values passed\n"); #ifdef __FWEXT__ if ( is_mambo == 0 ) // Termination checks don't work in mambo. ErrInt DCRs are not zero. { rc = fw_nd_term_check(pers); if (rc) { printf("ERROR: fw_nd_term_check failed with rc=%d\n",rc); test_exit(1); } rc = fw_mu_term_check(pers); if (rc) { printf("ERROR: fw_mu_term_check failed with rc=%d\n",rc); test_exit(1); } } #endif printf("Done!\n"); #ifdef __FWEXT__ test_exit (0); #endif return 0; }