static void xps_paint_tiling_brush(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, const fz_rect *viewbox, int tile_mode, struct closure *c) { fz_matrix ttm; xps_paint_tiling_brush_clipped(ctx, doc, ctm, viewbox, c); if (tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X || tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X_Y) { ttm = *ctm; fz_pre_scale(fz_pre_translate(&ttm, viewbox->x1 * 2, 0), -1, 1); xps_paint_tiling_brush_clipped(ctx, doc, &ttm, viewbox, c); } if (tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_Y || tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X_Y) { ttm = *ctm; fz_pre_scale(fz_pre_translate(&ttm, 0, viewbox->y1 * 2), 1, -1); xps_paint_tiling_brush_clipped(ctx, doc, &ttm, viewbox, c); } if (tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X_Y) { ttm = *ctm; fz_pre_scale(fz_pre_translate(&ttm, viewbox->x1 * 2, viewbox->y1 * 2), -1, -1); xps_paint_tiling_brush_clipped(ctx, doc, &ttm, viewbox, c); } }
static fz_matrix * fz_adjust_ft_glyph_width(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, int gid, fz_matrix *trm) { /* Fudge the font matrix to stretch the glyph if we've substituted the font. */ if (font->ft_substitute && font->width_table && gid < font->width_count) { FT_Error fterr; int subw; int realw; float scale; fz_lock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE); /* TODO: use FT_Get_Advance */ fterr = FT_Set_Char_Size(font->ft_face, 1000, 1000, 72, 72); if (fterr) fz_warn(ctx, "freetype setting character size: %s", ft_error_string(fterr)); fterr = FT_Load_Glyph(font->ft_face, gid, FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM); if (fterr) fz_warn(ctx, "freetype failed to load glyph: %s", ft_error_string(fterr)); realw = ((FT_Face)font->ft_face)->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance; fz_unlock(ctx, FZ_LOCK_FREETYPE); subw = font->width_table[gid]; if (realw) scale = (float) subw / realw; else scale = 1; fz_pre_scale(trm, scale, 1); } return trm; }
void Mpdf::showPage() { fz_page *page = fz_load_page(doc, currentPage - 1); fz_matrix transform; fz_rotate(&transform, 0); fz_pre_scale(&transform, currentZoom / 100.0f, currentZoom / 100.0f); fz_rect bounds; fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds); fz_transform_rect(&bounds, &transform); fz_irect bbox; fz_round_rect(&bbox, &bounds); fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, fz_device_rgb, &bbox); fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pix, 0xff); fz_device *dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, pix); fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &transform, NULL); fz_free_device(dev); QString qpng = QString("%1.png").arg(currentPage); const char *ccpng = qpng.toStdString().c_str(); char *cpng = new char[strlen(ccpng) + 1]; strcpy(cpng, ccpng); fz_write_png(ctx, pix, cpng, 0); QPixmap qpix(qpng); pdfLabel->setPixmap(qpix); fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); fz_free_page(doc, page); }
/* Create transform to fit appearance stream to annotation Rect */ void pdf_annot_transform(fz_context *ctx, pdf_annot *annot, fz_matrix *annot_ctm) { fz_rect bbox, rect; fz_matrix matrix; float w, h, x, y; pdf_to_rect(ctx, pdf_dict_get(ctx, annot->obj, PDF_NAME_Rect), &rect); pdf_xobject_bbox(ctx, annot->ap, &bbox); pdf_xobject_matrix(ctx, annot->ap, &matrix); fz_transform_rect(&bbox, &matrix); if (bbox.x1 == bbox.x0) w = 0; else w = (rect.x1 - rect.x0) / (bbox.x1 - bbox.x0); if (bbox.y1 == bbox.y0) h = 0; else h = (rect.y1 - rect.y0) / (bbox.y1 - bbox.y0); x = rect.x0 - bbox.x0; y = rect.y0 - bbox.y0; fz_pre_scale(fz_translate(annot_ctm, x, y), w, h); }
pdf_page * pdf_create_page(pdf_document *doc, fz_rect mediabox, int res, int rotate) { pdf_page *page = NULL; pdf_obj *pageobj; float userunit = 1; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_matrix ctm, tmp; fz_rect realbox; page = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, pdf_page); fz_try(ctx) { page->resources = NULL; page->contents = NULL; page->transparency = 0; page->links = NULL; page->annots = NULL; page->me = pageobj = pdf_new_dict(doc, 4); pdf_dict_puts_drop(pageobj, "Type", pdf_new_name(doc, "Page")); page->mediabox.x0 = fz_min(mediabox.x0, mediabox.x1) * userunit; page->mediabox.y0 = fz_min(mediabox.y0, mediabox.y1) * userunit; page->mediabox.x1 = fz_max(mediabox.x0, mediabox.x1) * userunit; page->mediabox.y1 = fz_max(mediabox.y0, mediabox.y1) * userunit; pdf_dict_puts_drop(pageobj, "MediaBox", pdf_new_rect(doc, &page->mediabox)); /* Snap page->rotate to 0, 90, 180 or 270 */ if (page->rotate < 0) page->rotate = 360 - ((-page->rotate) % 360); if (page->rotate >= 360) page->rotate = page->rotate % 360; page->rotate = 90*((page->rotate + 45)/90); if (page->rotate > 360) page->rotate = 0; pdf_dict_puts_drop(pageobj, "Rotate", pdf_new_int(doc, page->rotate)); fz_pre_rotate(fz_scale(&ctm, 1, -1), -page->rotate); realbox = page->mediabox; fz_transform_rect(&realbox, &ctm); fz_pre_scale(fz_translate(&tmp, -realbox.x0, -realbox.y0), userunit, userunit); fz_concat(&ctm, &ctm, &tmp); page->ctm = ctm; /* Do not create a Contents, as an empty Contents dict is not * valid. See Bug 694712 */ } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_obj(page->me); fz_free(ctx, page); fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "Failed to create page"); } return page; }
static void draw_flow_box(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *box, float page_top, float page_bot, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm) { fz_html_flow *node; fz_text *text; fz_matrix trm; const char *s; float color[3]; float x, y; int c, g; for (node = box->flow_head; node; node = node->next) { if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE) { if (node->y > page_bot || node->y + node->h < page_top) continue; } else { if (node->y > page_bot || node->y < page_top) continue; } if (node->type == FLOW_WORD) { fz_scale(&trm, node->em, -node->em); text = fz_new_text(ctx, node->style->font, &trm, 0); x = node->x; y = node->y; s = node->text; while (*s) { s += fz_chartorune(&c, s); g = fz_encode_character(ctx, node->style->font, c); fz_add_text(ctx, text, g, c, x, y); x += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, node->style->font, g) * node->em; } color[0] = node->style->color.r / 255.0f; color[1] = node->style->color.g / 255.0f; color[2] = node->style->color.b / 255.0f; fz_fill_text(ctx, dev, text, ctm, fz_device_rgb(ctx), color, 1); fz_drop_text(ctx, text); } else if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE) { fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm; fz_pre_translate(&local_ctm, node->x, node->y); fz_pre_scale(&local_ctm, node->w, node->h); fz_fill_image(ctx, dev, node->image, &local_ctm, 1); } } }
void cbz_run_page(cbz_document *doc, cbz_page *page, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_cookie *cookie) { fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm; fz_image *image = page->image; float w = image->w * DPI / image->xres; float h = image->h * DPI / image->yres; fz_pre_scale(&local_ctm, w, h); fz_fill_image(dev, image, &local_ctm, 1); }
static void img_run_page(fz_context *ctx, img_page *page, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_cookie *cookie) { fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm; fz_image *image = page->image; int xres, yres; float w, h; fz_image_resolution(image, &xres, &yres); w = image->w * DPI / xres; h = image->h * DPI / yres; fz_pre_scale(&local_ctm, w, h); fz_fill_image(ctx, dev, image, &local_ctm, 1); }
void xps_run_page(xps_document *doc, xps_page *page, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_cookie *cookie) { fz_matrix page_ctm = *ctm; fz_pre_scale(&page_ctm, 72.0f / 96.0f, 72.0f / 96.0f); doc->cookie = cookie; doc->dev = dev; xps_parse_fixed_page(doc, &page_ctm, page); doc->cookie = NULL; doc->dev = NULL; page->links_resolved = 1; }
void xps_run_page(fz_context *ctx, xps_page *page, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_cookie *cookie) { xps_document *doc = page->doc; fz_matrix page_ctm = *ctm; fz_pre_scale(&page_ctm, 72.0f / 96.0f, 72.0f / 96.0f); doc->cookie = cookie; doc->dev = dev; xps_parse_fixed_page(ctx, doc, &page_ctm, page); doc->cookie = NULL; doc->dev = NULL; }
static void cbz_run_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page_, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm, fz_cookie *cookie) { cbz_page *page = (cbz_page*)page_; fz_matrix local_ctm; fz_image *image = page->image; int xres, yres; float w, h; fz_image_resolution(image, &xres, &yres); w = image->w * DPI / xres; h = image->h * DPI / yres; local_ctm = fz_pre_scale(ctm, w, h); fz_fill_image(ctx, dev, image, local_ctm, 1, NULL); }
void j_mu_render_page(void* p_ctx, void* p_page) { fz_context* ctx = (fz_context*) p_ctx; pdf_page* page = (pdf_page*)p_page; fz_matrix transform; fz_rotate(&transform, 0); fz_pre_scale(&transform, 100 / 100.0f, 100 / 100.0f); fz_rect bounds; pdf_bound_page(ctx, page, &bounds); fz_transform_rect(&bounds, &transform); fz_irect bbox; fz_round_rect(&bbox, &bounds); fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, fz_device_rgb(ctx), &bbox); fz_pixmap_set_resolution(pix, 300); fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pix, 0xff); }
/* Coordinate transformations */ fz_matrix svg_parse_transform(fz_context *ctx, svg_document *doc, const char *str, fz_matrix transform) { char keyword[20]; int keywordlen; float args[6]; int nargs; nargs = 0; keywordlen = 0; while (*str) { while (svg_is_whitespace_or_comma(*str)) str ++; if (*str == 0) break; /* * Parse keyword and opening parenthesis. */ keywordlen = 0; while (svg_is_alpha(*str) && keywordlen < sizeof(keyword) - 1) keyword[keywordlen++] = *str++; keyword[keywordlen] = 0; if (keywordlen == 0) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "expected keyword in transform attribute"); while (svg_is_whitespace(*str)) str ++; if (*str != '(') fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "expected opening parenthesis in transform attribute"); str ++; /* * Parse list of numbers until closing parenthesis */ nargs = 0; while (*str && *str != ')' && nargs < 6) { while (svg_is_whitespace_or_comma(*str)) str ++; if (svg_is_digit(*str)) str = svg_lex_number(&args[nargs++], str); } if (*str != ')') fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "expected closing parenthesis in transform attribute"); str ++; /* * Execute the transform. */ if (!strcmp(keyword, "matrix")) { fz_matrix m; if (nargs != 6) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "wrong number of arguments to matrix(): %d", nargs); m.a = args[0]; m.b = args[1]; m.c = args[2]; m.d = args[3]; m.e = args[4]; m.f = args[5]; transform = fz_concat(transform, m); } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "translate")) { if (nargs != 2) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "wrong number of arguments to translate(): %d", nargs); transform = fz_pre_translate(transform, args[0], args[1]); } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "scale")) { if (nargs == 1) transform = fz_pre_scale(transform, args[0], args[0]); else if (nargs == 2) transform = fz_pre_scale(transform, args[0], args[1]); else fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "wrong number of arguments to scale(): %d", nargs); } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "rotate")) { if (nargs != 1) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "wrong number of arguments to rotate(): %d", nargs); transform = fz_pre_rotate(transform, args[0]); } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "skewX")) { fz_matrix m; if (nargs != 1) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "wrong number of arguments to skewX(): %d", nargs); m.a = 1; m.b = 0; m.c = tanf(args[0] * FZ_DEGREE); m.d = 1; m.e = 0; m.f = 0; transform = fz_concat(transform, m); } else if (!strcmp(keyword, "skewY")) { fz_matrix m; if (nargs != 1) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "wrong number of arguments to skewY(): %d", nargs); m.a = 1; m.b = tanf(args[0] * FZ_DEGREE); m.c = 0; m.d = 1; m.e = 0; m.f = 0; transform = fz_concat(transform, m); } else { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_SYNTAX, "unknown transform function: %s", keyword); } } return transform; }
void xps_parse_tiling_brush(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, const fz_rect *area, char *base_uri, xps_resource *dict, fz_xml *root, void (*func)(fz_context *ctx, xps_document*, const fz_matrix*, const fz_rect*, char*, xps_resource*, fz_xml*, void*), void *user) { fz_device *dev = doc->dev; fz_xml *node; struct closure c; char *opacity_att; char *transform_att; char *viewbox_att; char *viewport_att; char *tile_mode_att; fz_xml *transform_tag = NULL; fz_matrix transform; fz_rect viewbox; fz_rect viewport; float xstep, ystep; float xscale, yscale; int tile_mode; opacity_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Opacity"); transform_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Transform"); viewbox_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Viewbox"); viewport_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Viewport"); tile_mode_att = fz_xml_att(root, "TileMode"); c.base_uri = base_uri; c.dict = dict; c.root = root; c.user = user; c.func = func; for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "ImageBrush.Transform")) transform_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "VisualBrush.Transform")) transform_tag = fz_xml_down(node); } xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL); transform = fz_identity; if (transform_att) xps_parse_render_transform(ctx, doc, transform_att, &transform); if (transform_tag) xps_parse_matrix_transform(ctx, doc, transform_tag, &transform); fz_concat(&transform, &transform, ctm); viewbox = fz_unit_rect; if (viewbox_att) xps_parse_rectangle(ctx, doc, viewbox_att, &viewbox); viewport = fz_unit_rect; if (viewport_att) xps_parse_rectangle(ctx, doc, viewport_att, &viewport); if (fabsf(viewport.x1 - viewport.x0) < 0.01f || fabsf(viewport.y1 - viewport.y0) < 0.01f) fz_warn(ctx, "not drawing tile for viewport size %.4f x %.4f", viewport.x1 - viewport.x0, viewport.y1 - viewport.y0); else if (fabsf(viewbox.x1 - viewbox.x0) < 0.01f || fabsf(viewbox.y1 - viewbox.y0) < 0.01f) fz_warn(ctx, "not drawing tile for viewbox size %.4f x %.4f", viewbox.x1 - viewbox.x0, viewbox.y1 - viewbox.y0); /* some sanity checks on the viewport/viewbox size */ if (fabsf(viewport.x1 - viewport.x0) < 0.01f) return; if (fabsf(viewport.y1 - viewport.y0) < 0.01f) return; if (fabsf(viewbox.x1 - viewbox.x0) < 0.01f) return; if (fabsf(viewbox.y1 - viewbox.y0) < 0.01f) return; xstep = viewbox.x1 - viewbox.x0; ystep = viewbox.y1 - viewbox.y0; xscale = (viewport.x1 - viewport.x0) / xstep; yscale = (viewport.y1 - viewport.y0) / ystep; tile_mode = TILE_NONE; if (tile_mode_att) { if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "None")) tile_mode = TILE_NONE; if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "Tile")) tile_mode = TILE_TILE; if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "FlipX")) tile_mode = TILE_FLIP_X; if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "FlipY")) tile_mode = TILE_FLIP_Y; if (!strcmp(tile_mode_att, "FlipXY")) tile_mode = TILE_FLIP_X_Y; } if (tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X || tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X_Y) xstep *= 2; if (tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_Y || tile_mode == TILE_FLIP_X_Y) ystep *= 2; xps_begin_opacity(ctx, doc, &transform, area, base_uri, dict, opacity_att, NULL); fz_pre_translate(&transform, viewport.x0, viewport.y0); fz_pre_scale(&transform, xscale, yscale); fz_pre_translate(&transform, -viewbox.x0, -viewbox.y0); if (tile_mode != TILE_NONE) { int x0, y0, x1, y1; fz_matrix invctm; fz_rect local_area = *area; fz_transform_rect(&local_area, fz_invert_matrix(&invctm, &transform)); x0 = floorf(local_area.x0 / xstep); y0 = floorf(local_area.y0 / ystep); x1 = ceilf(local_area.x1 / xstep); y1 = ceilf(local_area.y1 / ystep); #ifdef TILE if ((x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0) > 1) #else if (0) #endif { fz_rect bigview = viewbox; bigview.x1 = bigview.x0 + xstep; bigview.y1 = bigview.y0 + ystep; fz_begin_tile(ctx, dev, &local_area, &bigview, xstep, ystep, &transform); xps_paint_tiling_brush(ctx, doc, &transform, &viewbox, tile_mode, &c); fz_end_tile(ctx, dev); } else { int x, y; for (y = y0; y < y1; y++) { for (x = x0; x < x1; x++) { fz_matrix ttm = transform; fz_pre_translate(&ttm, xstep * x, ystep * y); xps_paint_tiling_brush(ctx, doc, &ttm, &viewbox, tile_mode, &c); } } } } else { xps_paint_tiling_brush(ctx, doc, &transform, &viewbox, tile_mode, &c); } xps_end_opacity(ctx, doc, base_uri, dict, opacity_att, NULL); }
static void draw_flow_box(fz_context *ctx, fz_html *box, float page_top, float page_bot, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *ctm) { fz_font *font; fz_html_flow *node; fz_text *text; fz_matrix trm; const char *s; float color[3]; int c, g; for (node = box->flow_head; node; node = node->next) { if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE) { if (node->y >= page_bot || node->y + node->h <= page_top) continue; } else { if (node->y > page_bot || node->y < page_top) continue; } if (node->type == FLOW_WORD) { fz_scale(&trm, node->em, -node->em); color[0] = node->style->color.r / 255.0f; color[1] = node->style->color.g / 255.0f; color[2] = node->style->color.b / 255.0f; /* TODO: reuse text object if color is unchanged */ text = fz_new_text(ctx); trm.e = node->x; trm.f = node->y; s = node->content.text; if (node->char_r2l) { float w = 0; const char *t = s; while (*t) { t += fz_chartorune(&c, t); if (node->mirror) c = ucdn_mirror(c); g = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, node->style->font, c, 0, &font); w += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g) * node->em; } trm.e += w; while (*s) { s += fz_chartorune(&c, s); if (node->mirror) c = ucdn_mirror(c); g = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, node->style->font, c, 0, &font); trm.e -= fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g) * node->em; if (node->style->visibility == V_VISIBLE) fz_add_text(ctx, text, font, 0, &trm, g, c); } trm.e += w; } else { while (*s) { s += fz_chartorune(&c, s); g = fz_encode_character_with_fallback(ctx, node->style->font, c, 0, &font); if (node->style->visibility == V_VISIBLE) fz_add_text(ctx, text, font, 0, &trm, g, c); trm.e += fz_advance_glyph(ctx, font, g) * node->em; } } if (text) { fz_fill_text(ctx, dev, text, ctm, fz_device_rgb(ctx), color, 1); fz_drop_text(ctx, text); } } else if (node->type == FLOW_IMAGE) { if (node->style->visibility == V_VISIBLE) { fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm; fz_pre_translate(&local_ctm, node->x, node->y); fz_pre_scale(&local_ctm, node->w, node->h); fz_fill_image(ctx, dev, node->content.image, &local_ctm, 1); } } } }
void render(char *filename, int pagenumber, int zoom, int rotation) { // Create a context to hold the exception stack and various caches. fz_context *ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, NULL, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED); // Open the PDF, XPS or CBZ document. fz_document *doc = fz_open_document(ctx, filename); // Retrieve the number of pages (not used in this example). int pagecount = fz_count_pages(doc); // Load the page we want. Page numbering starts from zero. fz_page *page = fz_load_page(doc, pagenumber - 1); // Calculate a transform to use when rendering. This transform // contains the scale and rotation. Convert zoom percentage to a // scaling factor. Without scaling the resolution is 72 dpi. fz_matrix transform; fz_rotate(&transform, rotation); fz_pre_scale(&transform, zoom / 100.0f, zoom / 100.0f); // Take the page bounds and transform them by the same matrix that // we will use to render the page. fz_rect bounds; fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds); fz_transform_rect(&bounds, &transform); // Create a blank pixmap to hold the result of rendering. The // pixmap bounds used here are the same as the transformed page // bounds, so it will contain the entire page. The page coordinate // space has the origin at the top left corner and the x axis // extends to the right and the y axis extends down. fz_irect bbox; fz_round_rect(&bbox, &bounds); fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, fz_device_rgb(ctx), &bbox); fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pix, 0xff); // A page consists of a series of objects (text, line art, images, // gradients). These objects are passed to a device when the // interpreter runs the page. There are several devices, used for // different purposes: // // draw device -- renders objects to a target pixmap. // // text device -- extracts the text in reading order with styling // information. This text can be used to provide text search. // // list device -- records the graphic objects in a list that can // be played back through another device. This is useful if you // need to run the same page through multiple devices, without // the overhead of parsing the page each time. // Create a draw device with the pixmap as its target. // Run the page with the transform. fz_device *dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, pix); fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &transform, NULL); fz_free_device(dev); // Save the pixmap to a file. fz_write_png(ctx, pix, "out.png", 0); // Clean up. fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_close_document(doc); fz_free_context(ctx); }
DrPage * DrPDFExtractor::ExtractPage(unsigned int pageno) { fz_page * page = fz_load_page(m_doc, pageno); if (page == NULL) { return NULL; } DrPage * dpage = new DrPage; dpage->SetPageNo(pageno); std::list<DrChar *> charlist; std::list<DrPhrase *> phraselist; std::list<DrLine *> linelist; std::list<DrZone *> &zonelist = dpage->m_zonelist; fz_matrix transform; fz_rotate(&transform,0); fz_pre_scale(&transform, 1.0f, 1.0f); fz_rect bounds; fz_bound_page(m_doc, page, &bounds); fz_transform_rect(&bounds, &transform); fz_irect bbox; fz_round_rect(&bbox, &bounds); fz_matrix ttransform = transform; fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(m_ctx, fz_device_rgb(m_ctx), &bbox); fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(m_ctx, pix, 0xff); fz_device * dev = fz_new_draw_device(m_ctx,pix); fz_run_page(m_doc, page, dev, &transform, NULL); fz_free_device(dev); fz_text_sheet * sheet = fz_new_text_sheet(m_ctx); fz_text_page * tpage = fz_new_text_page(m_ctx); fz_device * cdev = fz_new_text_device(m_ctx, sheet, tpage); fz_run_page(m_doc, page, cdev, &ttransform, NULL); ExtractChars(charlist,tpage); fz_free_device(cdev); // DrThumbnail * thumb = new DrThumbnail(m_ctx,pix,pageno); // dpage->m_thumbnail = thumb; DrTextGrouper::TextGroup(phraselist, charlist); std::list<DrPhrase *>::iterator itphrase = phraselist.begin(); while (itphrase != phraselist.end()) { if ((*itphrase)->IsSpacePhrase()) { delete *itphrase; itphrase = phraselist.erase(itphrase); } else itphrase++; } DrTextGrouper::TextGroup(linelist, phraselist); DrTextGrouper::TextGroup(zonelist, linelist); dpage->CalculatePageBox(); // fz_free_text_sheet(m_ctx, tsheet); // fz_free_text_page(m_ctx, tpage); fz_free_page(m_doc, page); return dpage; }
/* * Parse unicode and indices strings and encode glyphs. * Calculate metrics for positioning. */ static fz_text * xps_parse_glyphs_imp(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_font *font, float size, float originx, float originy, int is_sideways, int bidi_level, char *indices, char *unicode) { xps_glyph_metrics mtx; fz_text *text; fz_matrix tm; float e, f; float x = originx; float y = originy; char *us = unicode; char *is = indices; int un = 0; if (!unicode && !indices) fz_warn(ctx, "glyphs element with neither characters nor indices"); if (us) { if (us[0] == '{' && us[1] == '}') us = us + 2; un = strlen(us); } if (is_sideways) { fz_pre_scale(fz_rotate(&tm, 90), -size, size); } else fz_scale(&tm, size, -size); text = fz_new_text(ctx, font, &tm, is_sideways); while ((us && un > 0) || (is && *is)) { int char_code = '?'; int code_count = 1; int glyph_count = 1; if (is && *is) { is = xps_parse_cluster_mapping(is, &code_count, &glyph_count); } if (code_count < 1) code_count = 1; if (glyph_count < 1) glyph_count = 1; /* TODO: add code chars with cluster mappings for text extraction */ while (code_count--) { if (us && un > 0) { int t = fz_chartorune(&char_code, us); us += t; un -= t; } } while (glyph_count--) { int glyph_index = -1; float u_offset = 0; float v_offset = 0; float advance; if (is && *is) is = xps_parse_glyph_index(is, &glyph_index); if (glyph_index == -1) glyph_index = xps_encode_font_char(font, char_code); xps_measure_font_glyph(ctx, doc, font, glyph_index, &mtx); if (is_sideways) advance = mtx.vadv * 100; else if (bidi_level & 1) advance = -mtx.hadv * 100; else advance = mtx.hadv * 100; if (font->ft_bold) advance *= 1.02f; if (is && *is) { is = xps_parse_glyph_metrics(is, &advance, &u_offset, &v_offset); if (*is == ';') is ++; } if (bidi_level & 1) u_offset = -mtx.hadv * 100 - u_offset; u_offset = u_offset * 0.01f * size; v_offset = v_offset * 0.01f * size; if (is_sideways) { e = x + u_offset + (mtx.vorg * size); f = y - v_offset + (mtx.hadv * 0.5f * size); } else { e = x + u_offset; f = y - v_offset; } fz_add_text(ctx, text, glyph_index, char_code, e, f); x += advance * 0.01f * size; } } return text; }
pdf_page * pdf_load_page_by_obj(pdf_document *doc, int number, pdf_obj *pageref) { fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; pdf_page *page; pdf_annot *annot; pdf_obj *pageobj, *obj; fz_rect mediabox, cropbox, realbox; float userunit; fz_matrix mat; /* SumatraPDF: allow replacing potentially slow pdf_lookup_page_obj */ pageobj = pdf_resolve_indirect(pageref); page = fz_malloc_struct(ctx, pdf_page); page->resources = NULL; page->contents = NULL; page->transparency = 0; page->links = NULL; page->annots = NULL; page->annot_tailp = &page->annots; page->deleted_annots = NULL; page->tmp_annots = NULL; page->me = pdf_keep_obj(pageobj); page->incomplete = 0; obj = pdf_dict_gets(pageobj, "UserUnit"); if (pdf_is_real(obj)) userunit = pdf_to_real(obj); else userunit = 1; pdf_to_rect(ctx, pdf_lookup_inherited_page_item(doc, pageobj, "MediaBox"), &mediabox); if (fz_is_empty_rect(&mediabox)) { fz_warn(ctx, "cannot find page size for page %d", number + 1); mediabox.x0 = 0; mediabox.y0 = 0; mediabox.x1 = 612; mediabox.y1 = 792; } pdf_to_rect(ctx, pdf_lookup_inherited_page_item(doc, pageobj, "CropBox"), &cropbox); if (!fz_is_empty_rect(&cropbox)) fz_intersect_rect(&mediabox, &cropbox); page->mediabox.x0 = fz_min(mediabox.x0, mediabox.x1) * userunit; page->mediabox.y0 = fz_min(mediabox.y0, mediabox.y1) * userunit; page->mediabox.x1 = fz_max(mediabox.x0, mediabox.x1) * userunit; page->mediabox.y1 = fz_max(mediabox.y0, mediabox.y1) * userunit; if (page->mediabox.x1 - page->mediabox.x0 < 1 || page->mediabox.y1 - page->mediabox.y0 < 1) { fz_warn(ctx, "invalid page size in page %d", number + 1); page->mediabox = fz_unit_rect; } page->rotate = pdf_to_int(pdf_lookup_inherited_page_item(doc, pageobj, "Rotate")); /* Snap page->rotate to 0, 90, 180 or 270 */ if (page->rotate < 0) page->rotate = 360 - ((-page->rotate) % 360); if (page->rotate >= 360) page->rotate = page->rotate % 360; page->rotate = 90*((page->rotate + 45)/90); if (page->rotate > 360) page->rotate = 0; fz_pre_rotate(fz_scale(&page->ctm, 1, -1), -page->rotate); realbox = page->mediabox; fz_transform_rect(&realbox, &page->ctm); fz_pre_scale(fz_translate(&mat, -realbox.x0, -realbox.y0), userunit, userunit); fz_concat(&page->ctm, &page->ctm, &mat); fz_try(ctx) { obj = pdf_dict_gets(pageobj, "Annots"); if (obj) { page->links = pdf_load_link_annots(doc, obj, &page->ctm); pdf_load_annots(doc, page, obj); } } fz_catch(ctx) { if (fz_caught(ctx) != FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER) /* SumatraPDF: ignore annotations in case of unexpected errors */ fz_warn(ctx, "unexpectedly failed to load page annotations"); page->incomplete |= PDF_PAGE_INCOMPLETE_ANNOTS; } page->duration = pdf_to_real(pdf_dict_gets(pageobj, "Dur")); obj = pdf_dict_gets(pageobj, "Trans"); page->transition_present = (obj != NULL); if (obj) { pdf_load_transition(doc, page, obj); } // TODO: inherit page->resources = pdf_lookup_inherited_page_item(doc, pageobj, "Resources"); if (page->resources) pdf_keep_obj(page->resources); obj = pdf_dict_gets(pageobj, "Contents"); fz_try(ctx) { page->contents = pdf_keep_obj(obj); if (pdf_resources_use_blending(doc, page->resources)) page->transparency = 1; /* cf. */ else if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_getp(pageobj, "Group/S")), "Transparency")) page->transparency = 1; for (annot = page->annots; annot && !page->transparency; annot = annot->next) if (annot->ap && pdf_resources_use_blending(doc, annot->ap->resources)) page->transparency = 1; } fz_catch(ctx) { if (fz_caught(ctx) != FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER) { pdf_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot load page %d contents (%d 0 R)", number + 1, pdf_to_num(pageref)); } page->incomplete |= PDF_PAGE_INCOMPLETE_CONTENTS; } return page; }
static void fz_paint_image_imp(fz_pixmap *dst, const fz_irect *scissor, fz_pixmap *shape, fz_pixmap *img, const fz_matrix *ctm, byte *color, int alpha) { byte *dp, *sp, *hp; int u, v, fa, fb, fc, fd; int x, y, w, h; int sw, sh, n, hw; fz_irect bbox; int dolerp; void (*paintfn)(byte *dp, byte *sp, int sw, int sh, int u, int v, int fa, int fb, int w, int n, int alpha, byte *color, byte *hp); fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm; fz_rect rect; /* grid fit the image */ fz_gridfit_matrix(&local_ctm); /* turn on interpolation for upscaled and non-rectilinear transforms */ dolerp = 0; if (!fz_is_rectilinear(&local_ctm)) dolerp = 1; if (sqrtf(local_ctm.a * local_ctm.a + local_ctm.b * local_ctm.b) > img->w) dolerp = 1; if (sqrtf(local_ctm.c * local_ctm.c + local_ctm.d * local_ctm.d) > img->h) dolerp = 1; /* except when we shouldn't, at large magnifications */ if (!img->interpolate) { if (sqrtf(local_ctm.a * local_ctm.a + local_ctm.b * local_ctm.b) > img->w * 2) dolerp = 0; if (sqrtf(local_ctm.c * local_ctm.c + local_ctm.d * local_ctm.d) > img->h * 2) dolerp = 0; } rect = fz_unit_rect; fz_irect_from_rect(&bbox, fz_transform_rect(&rect, &local_ctm)); fz_intersect_irect(&bbox, scissor); x = bbox.x0; if (shape && shape->x > x) x = shape->x; y = bbox.y0; if (shape && shape->y > y) y = shape->y; w = bbox.x1; if (shape && shape->x + shape->w < w) w = shape->x + shape->w; w -= x; h = bbox.y1; if (shape && shape->y + shape->h < h) h = shape->y + shape->h; h -= y; if (w < 0 || h < 0) return; /* map from screen space (x,y) to image space (u,v) */ fz_pre_scale(&local_ctm, 1.0f / img->w, 1.0f / img->h); fz_invert_matrix(&local_ctm, &local_ctm); fa = (int)(local_ctm.a *= 65536.0f); fb = (int)(local_ctm.b *= 65536.0f); fc = (int)(local_ctm.c *= 65536.0f); fd = (int)(local_ctm.d *= 65536.0f); local_ctm.e *= 65536.0f; local_ctm.f *= 65536.0f; /* Calculate initial texture positions. Do a half step to start. */ /* Bug 693021: Keep calculation in float for as long as possible to * avoid overflow. */ u = (int)((local_ctm.a * x) + (local_ctm.c * y) + local_ctm.e + ((local_ctm.a + local_ctm.c) * .5f)); v = (int)((local_ctm.b * x) + (local_ctm.d * y) + local_ctm.f + ((local_ctm.b + local_ctm.d) * .5f)); /* RJW: The following is voodoo. No idea why it works, but it gives * the best match between scaled/unscaled/interpolated/non-interpolated * that we have found. */ if (dolerp) { u -= 32768; v -= 32768; } dp = dst->samples + (unsigned int)(((y - dst->y) * dst->w + (x - dst->x)) * dst->n); n = dst->n; sp = img->samples; sw = img->w; sh = img->h; if (shape) { hw = shape->w; hp = shape->samples + (unsigned int)(((y - shape->y) * hw) + x - shape->x); } else { hw = 0; hp = NULL; } /* TODO: if (fb == 0 && fa == 1) call fz_paint_span */ if (dst->n == 4 && img->n == 2) { assert(!color); if (dolerp) paintfn = fz_paint_affine_g2rgb_lerp; else paintfn = fz_paint_affine_g2rgb_near; } else { if (dolerp) { if (color) paintfn = fz_paint_affine_color_lerp; else paintfn = fz_paint_affine_lerp; } else { if (color) paintfn = fz_paint_affine_color_near; else paintfn = fz_paint_affine_near; } } while (h--) { paintfn(dp, sp, sw, sh, u, v, fa, fb, w, n, alpha, color, hp); dp += dst->w * n; hp += hw; u += fc; v += fd; } }
QImage Pdf::page(int i) { fz_page* page = fz_load_page(doc, i); if (page == 0) { printf("cannot load page %d\n", i); return QImage(); } static const float resolution = 300.0; const float zoom = resolution / 72.0; fz_rect bounds; fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds); fz_matrix ctm; fz_pre_scale(fz_rotate(&ctm, 0.0), zoom, zoom); fz_irect ibounds; fz_rect tbounds; fz_round_rect(&ibounds, fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm)); fz_pixmap* pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, fz_device_gray, &ibounds); fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pix, 255); fz_device* dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, pix); fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &ctm, NULL); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; int w = fz_pixmap_width(ctx, pix); int h = fz_pixmap_height(ctx, pix); if (fz_pixmap_components(ctx, pix) != 2) { printf("omg: pixmap not bw? %d\n", fz_pixmap_components(ctx, pix)); return QImage(); } QImage image(w, h, QImage::Format_MonoLSB); QVector<QRgb> ct(2); ct[0] = qRgb(255, 255, 255); ct[1] = qRgb(0, 0, 0); image.setColorTable(ct); uchar* s = fz_pixmap_samples(ctx, pix); int bytes = w / 8; int bits = w % 8; for (int line = 0; line < h; ++line) { uchar* d = image.scanLine(line); for (int col = 0; col < bytes; ++col) { uchar data = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { uchar v = *s; s += 2; data >>= 1; if (v < 128) { // convert grayscale to bw data |= 0x80; } } *d++ = data; } uchar data = 0; for (int col = 0; col < bits; ++col) { uchar v = *s; s += 2; data >>= 1; if (v < 128) data |= 0x80; } } fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); return image; }
static void drawbmp(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_display_list *list, int pagenum, fz_cookie *cookie) { float zoom; fz_matrix ctm; fz_irect ibounds; fz_rect bounds, tbounds; int w, h; fz_device *dev; HDC dc, dc_main; RECT rc; HBRUSH bg_brush; HBITMAP hbmp; BITMAPINFO bmi = { 0 }; int bmp_data_len; unsigned char *bmp_data; fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds); zoom = resolution / 72; fz_pre_scale(fz_rotate(&ctm, rotation), zoom, zoom); tbounds = bounds; fz_round_rect(&ibounds, fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm)); w = width; h = height; if (res_specified) { fz_round_rect(&ibounds, &tbounds); if (w && ibounds.x1 - ibounds.x0 <= w) w = 0; if (h && ibounds.y1 - ibounds.y0 <= h) h = 0; } if (w || h) { float scalex = w / (tbounds.x1 - tbounds.x0); float scaley = h / (tbounds.y1 - tbounds.y0); fz_matrix scale_mat; if (w == 0) scalex = fit ? 1.0f : scaley; if (h == 0) scaley = fit ? 1.0f : scalex; if (!fit) scalex = scaley = min(scalex, scaley); fz_concat(&ctm, &ctm, fz_scale(&scale_mat, scalex, scaley)); tbounds = bounds; fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm); } fz_round_rect(&ibounds, &tbounds); fz_rect_from_irect(&tbounds, &ibounds); w = ibounds.x1 - ibounds.x0; h = ibounds.y1 - ibounds.y0; dc_main = GetDC(NULL); dc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc_main); hbmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc_main, w, h); DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, hbmp)); SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, w, h); bg_brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF)); FillRect(dc, &rc, bg_brush); DeleteObject(bg_brush); dev = fz_new_gdiplus_device(ctx, dc, &tbounds); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &ctm, &tbounds, cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &ctm, cookie); fz_free_device(dev); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = output_format == OUT_TGA ? -h : h; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = output_format == OUT_TGA ? 32 : 24; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmp_data_len = output_format == OUT_TGA ? w * h * 4 : ((w * 3 + 3) / 4) * 4 * h; bmp_data = fz_malloc(ctx, bmp_data_len); if (!GetDIBits(dc, hbmp, 0, h, bmp_data, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot draw page %d in PDF file '%s'", pagenum, filename); DeleteDC(dc); ReleaseDC(NULL, dc_main); DeleteObject(hbmp); if (output) { char buf[512]; FILE *f; sprintf(buf, output, pagenum); f = fopen(buf, "wb"); if (!f) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "could not create raster file '%s'", buf); if (output_format == OUT_TGA) { fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, fz_device_bgr(ctx), w, h, bmp_data); fz_write_tga(ctx, pix, buf, 0); fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); } else { BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpfh = { 0 }; static const int one = 1; if (!*(char *)&one) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "rendering to BMP is not supported on big-endian architectures"); bmpfh.bfType = MAKEWORD('B', 'M'); bmpfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(bmpfh) + sizeof(bmi); bmpfh.bfSize = bmpfh.bfOffBits + bmp_data_len; fwrite(&bmpfh, sizeof(bmpfh), 1, f); fwrite(&bmi, sizeof(bmi), 1, f); fwrite(bmp_data, 1, bmp_data_len, f); } fclose(f); } if (showmd5) { fz_pixmap *pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_data(ctx, fz_device_bgr(ctx), bmp_data_len / 4 / h, h, bmp_data); unsigned char digest[16]; int i; fz_md5_pixmap(pix, digest); printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) printf("%02x", digest[i]); fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); } fz_free(ctx, bmp_data); }
/* Some explaination of the parameters here is warranted. See: Add an arc segment to path, that describes a section of an elliptical arc from the current point of path to (point_x,point_y), such that: The arc segment is taken from an elliptical arc of semi major radius size_x, semi minor radius size_y, where the semi major axis of the ellipse is rotated by rotation_angle. If is_large_arc, then the arc segment is selected to be > 180 degrees. If is_clockwise, then the arc sweeps clockwise. */ static void xps_draw_arc(fz_context *doc, fz_path *path, float size_x, float size_y, float rotation_angle, int is_large_arc, int is_clockwise, float point_x, float point_y) { fz_matrix rotmat, revmat; fz_matrix mtx; fz_point pt; float rx, ry; float x1, y1, x2, y2; float x1t, y1t; float cxt, cyt, cx, cy; float t1, t2, t3; float sign; float th1, dth; pt = fz_currentpoint(doc, path); x1 = pt.x; y1 = pt.y; x2 = point_x; y2 = point_y; rx = size_x; ry = size_y; if (is_clockwise != is_large_arc) sign = 1; else sign = -1; fz_rotate(&rotmat, rotation_angle); fz_rotate(&revmat, -rotation_angle); /* */ /* Conversion from endpoint to center parameterization */ /* F.6.6.1 -- ensure radii are positive and non-zero */ rx = fabsf(rx); ry = fabsf(ry); if (rx < 0.001f || ry < 0.001f || (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)) { fz_lineto(doc, path, x2, y2); return; } /* F.6.5.1 */ pt.x = (x1 - x2) / 2; pt.y = (y1 - y2) / 2; fz_transform_vector(&pt, &revmat); x1t = pt.x; y1t = pt.y; /* F.6.6.2 -- ensure radii are large enough */ t1 = (x1t * x1t) / (rx * rx) + (y1t * y1t) / (ry * ry); if (t1 > 1) { rx = rx * sqrtf(t1); ry = ry * sqrtf(t1); } /* F.6.5.2 */ t1 = (rx * rx * ry * ry) - (rx * rx * y1t * y1t) - (ry * ry * x1t * x1t); t2 = (rx * rx * y1t * y1t) + (ry * ry * x1t * x1t); t3 = t1 / t2; /* guard against rounding errors; sqrt of negative numbers is bad for your health */ if (t3 < 0) t3 = 0; t3 = sqrtf(t3); cxt = sign * t3 * (rx * y1t) / ry; cyt = sign * t3 * -(ry * x1t) / rx; /* F.6.5.3 */ pt.x = cxt; pt.y = cyt; fz_transform_vector(&pt, &rotmat); cx = pt.x + (x1 + x2) / 2; cy = pt.y + (y1 + y2) / 2; /* F.6.5.4 */ { fz_point coord1, coord2, coord3, coord4; coord1.x = 1; coord1.y = 0; coord2.x = (x1t - cxt) / rx; coord2.y = (y1t - cyt) / ry; coord3.x = (x1t - cxt) / rx; coord3.y = (y1t - cyt) / ry; coord4.x = (-x1t - cxt) / rx; coord4.y = (-y1t - cyt) / ry; th1 = angle_between(coord1, coord2); dth = angle_between(coord3, coord4); if (dth < 0 && !is_clockwise) dth += (((float)M_PI / 180) * 360); if (dth > 0 && is_clockwise) dth -= (((float)M_PI / 180) * 360); } fz_pre_scale(fz_pre_rotate(fz_translate(&mtx, cx, cy), rotation_angle), rx, ry); xps_draw_arc_segment(doc, path, &mtx, th1, th1 + dth, is_clockwise); fz_lineto(doc, path, point_x, point_y); }
static void xps_draw_radial_gradient(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, const fz_rect *area, struct stop *stops, int count, fz_xml *root, int spread) { float x0, y0, r0; float x1, y1, r1; float xrad = 1; float yrad = 1; float invscale; int i, ma = 1; fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm; fz_matrix inv; fz_rect local_area = *area; char *center_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Center"); char *origin_att = fz_xml_att(root, "GradientOrigin"); char *radius_x_att = fz_xml_att(root, "RadiusX"); char *radius_y_att = fz_xml_att(root, "RadiusY"); x0 = y0 = 0.0; x1 = y1 = 1.0; xrad = 1.0; yrad = 1.0; if (origin_att) xps_parse_point(ctx, doc, origin_att, &x0, &y0); if (center_att) xps_parse_point(ctx, doc, center_att, &x1, &y1); if (radius_x_att) xrad = fz_atof(radius_x_att); if (radius_y_att) yrad = fz_atof(radius_y_att); xrad = fz_max(0.01f, xrad); yrad = fz_max(0.01f, yrad); /* scale the ctm to make ellipses */ if (fz_abs(xrad) > FLT_EPSILON) { fz_pre_scale(&local_ctm, 1, yrad/xrad); } if (yrad != 0.0) { invscale = xrad / yrad; y0 = y0 * invscale; y1 = y1 * invscale; } r0 = 0; r1 = xrad; fz_transform_rect(&local_area, fz_invert_matrix(&inv, &local_ctm)); ma = fz_maxi(ma, ceilf(hypotf(local_area.x0 - x0, local_area.y0 - y0) / xrad)); ma = fz_maxi(ma, ceilf(hypotf(local_area.x1 - x0, local_area.y0 - y0) / xrad)); ma = fz_maxi(ma, ceilf(hypotf(local_area.x0 - x0, local_area.y1 - y0) / xrad)); ma = fz_maxi(ma, ceilf(hypotf(local_area.x1 - x0, local_area.y1 - y0) / xrad)); if (spread == SPREAD_REPEAT) { for (i = ma - 1; i >= 0; i--) xps_draw_one_radial_gradient(ctx, doc, &local_ctm, stops, count, 0, x0, y0, r0 + i * xrad, x1, y1, r1 + i * xrad); } else if (spread == SPREAD_REFLECT) { if ((ma % 2) != 0) ma++; for (i = ma - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { xps_draw_one_radial_gradient(ctx, doc, &local_ctm, stops, count, 0, x0, y0, r0 + i * xrad, x1, y1, r1 + i * xrad); xps_draw_one_radial_gradient(ctx, doc, &local_ctm, stops, count, 0, x0, y0, r0 + (i + 2) * xrad, x1, y1, r1 + i * xrad); } } else { xps_draw_one_radial_gradient(ctx, doc, &local_ctm, stops, count, 1, x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1); } }
static void drawpage(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc, int pagenum) { fz_page *page; fz_display_list *list = NULL; fz_device *dev = NULL; int start; fz_cookie cookie = { 0 }; int needshot = 0; fz_var(list); fz_var(dev); if (showtime) { start = gettime(); } fz_try(ctx) { page = fz_load_page(doc, pagenum - 1); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_throw(ctx, "cannot load page %d in file '%s'", pagenum, filename); } if (mujstest_file) { fz_interactive *inter = fz_interact(doc); fz_widget *widget = NULL; if (inter) widget = fz_first_widget(inter, page); if (widget) { fprintf(mujstest_file, "GOTO %d\n", pagenum); needshot = 1; } for (;widget; widget = fz_next_widget(inter, widget)) { fz_rect rect; int w, h, len; int type = fz_widget_get_type(widget); fz_bound_widget(widget, &rect); w = (rect.x1 - rect.x0); h = (rect.y1 - rect.y0); ++mujstest_count; switch (type) { default: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% UNKNOWN %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case FZ_WIDGET_TYPE_PUSHBUTTON: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% PUSHBUTTON %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case FZ_WIDGET_TYPE_CHECKBOX: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% CHECKBOX %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case FZ_WIDGET_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% RADIOBUTTON %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case FZ_WIDGET_TYPE_TEXT: { int maxlen = fz_text_widget_max_len(inter, widget); int texttype = fz_text_widget_content_type(inter, widget); /* If height is low, assume a single row, and base * the width off that. */ if (h < 10) { w = (w+h-1) / (h ? h : 1); h = 1; } /* Otherwise, if width is low, work off height */ else if (w < 10) { h = (w+h-1) / (w ? w : 1); w = 1; } else { w = (w+9)/10; h = (h+9)/10; } len = w*h; if (len < 2) len = 2; if (len > maxlen) len = maxlen; fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% TEXT %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); switch (texttype) { default: case FZ_WIDGET_CONTENT_UNRESTRAINED: fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %d ", mujstest_count); escape_string(mujstest_file, len-3, lorem); fprintf(mujstest_file, "\n"); break; case FZ_WIDGET_CONTENT_NUMBER: fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %d\n", mujstest_count); break; case FZ_WIDGET_CONTENT_SPECIAL: fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %lld\n", 46702919800LL + mujstest_count); break; case FZ_WIDGET_CONTENT_DATE: fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT Jun %d 1979\n", 1 + ((13 + mujstest_count) % 30)); break; case FZ_WIDGET_CONTENT_TIME: ++mujstest_count; fprintf(mujstest_file, "TEXT %02d:%02d\n", ((mujstest_count/60) % 24), mujstest_count % 60); break; } break; } case FZ_WIDGET_TYPE_LISTBOX: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% LISTBOX %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; case FZ_WIDGET_TYPE_COMBOBOX: fprintf(mujstest_file, "%% COMBOBOX %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", rect.x0, rect.y0, rect.x1, rect.y1); break; } fprintf(mujstest_file, "CLICK %0.2f %0.2f\n", (rect.x0+rect.x1)/2, (rect.y0+rect.y1)/2); } } if (uselist) { fz_try(ctx) { list = fz_new_display_list(ctx); dev = fz_new_list_device(ctx, list); fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, &cookie); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_free_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot draw page %d in file '%s'", pagenum, filename); } } if (showxml) { fz_try(ctx) { dev = fz_new_trace_device(ctx); fz_printf(out, "<page number=\"%d\">\n", pagenum); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &fz_identity, &fz_infinite_rect, &cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, &cookie); fz_printf(out, "</page>\n"); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_free_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } } if (showtext) { fz_text_page *text = NULL; fz_var(text); fz_try(ctx) { fz_rect bounds; text = fz_new_text_page(ctx, fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds)); dev = fz_new_text_device(ctx, sheet, text); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &fz_identity, &fz_infinite_rect, &cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &fz_identity, &cookie); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; if (showtext == TEXT_XML) { fz_print_text_page_xml(ctx, out, text); } else if (showtext == TEXT_HTML) { fz_text_analysis(ctx, sheet, text); fz_print_text_page_html(ctx, out, text); } else if (showtext == TEXT_PLAIN) { fz_print_text_page(ctx, out, text); fz_printf(out, "\f\n"); } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; fz_free_text_page(ctx, text); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_free_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } } if (showmd5 || showtime) printf("page %s %d", filename, pagenum); #ifdef GDI_PLUS_BMP_RENDERER // hack: use -G0 to "enable GDI+" when saving as TGA if (output && (strstr(output, ".bmp") || strstr(output, ".tga") && !gamma_value)) drawbmp(ctx, doc, page, list, pagenum, &cookie); else #endif if (output || showmd5 || showtime) { float zoom; fz_matrix ctm; fz_rect bounds, tbounds; fz_irect ibounds; fz_pixmap *pix = NULL; int w, h; fz_var(pix); fz_bound_page(doc, page, &bounds); zoom = resolution / 72; fz_pre_scale(fz_rotate(&ctm, rotation), zoom, zoom); tbounds = bounds; fz_round_rect(&ibounds, fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm)); /* Make local copies of our width/height */ w = width; h = height; /* If a resolution is specified, check to see whether w/h are * exceeded; if not, unset them. */ if (res_specified) { int t; t = ibounds.x1 - ibounds.x0; if (w && t <= w) w = 0; t = ibounds.y1 - ibounds.y0; if (h && t <= h) h = 0; } /* Now w or h will be 0 unless they need to be enforced. */ if (w || h) { float scalex = w / (tbounds.x1 - tbounds.x0); float scaley = h / (tbounds.y1 - tbounds.y0); fz_matrix scale_mat; if (fit) { if (w == 0) scalex = 1.0f; if (h == 0) scaley = 1.0f; } else { if (w == 0) scalex = scaley; if (h == 0) scaley = scalex; } if (!fit) { if (scalex > scaley) scalex = scaley; else scaley = scalex; } fz_scale(&scale_mat, scalex, scaley); fz_concat(&ctm, &ctm, &scale_mat); tbounds = bounds; fz_transform_rect(&tbounds, &ctm); } fz_round_rect(&ibounds, &tbounds); fz_rect_from_irect(&tbounds, &ibounds); /* TODO: banded rendering and multi-page ppm */ fz_try(ctx) { pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, colorspace, &ibounds); if (savealpha) fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, pix); else fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(ctx, pix, 255); dev = fz_new_draw_device(ctx, pix); if (list) fz_run_display_list(list, dev, &ctm, &tbounds, &cookie); else fz_run_page(doc, page, dev, &ctm, &cookie); fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; if (invert) fz_invert_pixmap(ctx, pix); if (gamma_value != 1) fz_gamma_pixmap(ctx, pix, gamma_value); if (savealpha) fz_unmultiply_pixmap(ctx, pix); if (output) { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, output, pagenum); if (strstr(output, ".pgm") || strstr(output, ".ppm") || strstr(output, ".pnm")) fz_write_pnm(ctx, pix, buf); else if (strstr(output, ".pam")) fz_write_pam(ctx, pix, buf, savealpha); else if (strstr(output, ".png")) fz_write_png(ctx, pix, buf, savealpha); else if (strstr(output, ".pbm")) { fz_bitmap *bit = fz_halftone_pixmap(ctx, pix, NULL); fz_write_pbm(ctx, bit, buf); fz_drop_bitmap(ctx, bit); } /* SumatraPDF: support TGA as output format */ else if (strstr(output, ".tga")) fz_write_tga(ctx, pix, buf, savealpha); } if (showmd5) { unsigned char digest[16]; int i; fz_md5_pixmap(pix, digest); printf(" "); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) printf("%02x", digest[i]); } } fz_always(ctx) { fz_free_device(dev); dev = NULL; fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_free_display_list(ctx, list); fz_free_page(doc, page); fz_rethrow(ctx); } }