static void generate_image(fz_context *ctx, fz_archive *zip, const char *base_uri, fz_html *box, const char *src) { fz_image *img; fz_buffer *buf; char path[2048]; fz_html *flow = box; while (flow->type != BOX_FLOW) flow = flow->up; fz_strlcpy(path, base_uri, sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, "/", sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, src, sizeof path); fz_cleanname(path); fz_try(ctx) { buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path); img = fz_new_image_from_buffer(ctx, buf); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); add_flow_image(ctx, flow, &box->style, img); } fz_catch(ctx) { const char *alt = "[image]"; fz_warn(ctx, "html: cannot add image src='%s'", src); add_flow_word(ctx, flow, &box->style, alt, alt + 7); } }
static fz_outline * epub_parse_ncx_imp(fz_context *ctx, epub_document *doc, fz_xml *node, char *base_uri) { char path[2048]; fz_outline *outline, *head, **tailp; head = NULL; tailp = &head; node = fz_xml_find_down(node, "navPoint"); while (node) { char *text = fz_xml_text(fz_xml_down(fz_xml_find_down(fz_xml_find_down(node, "navLabel"), "text"))); char *content = fz_xml_att(fz_xml_find_down(node, "content"), "src"); if (text && content) { fz_strlcpy(path, base_uri, sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, "/", sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, content, sizeof path); fz_urldecode(path); fz_cleanname(path); *tailp = outline = fz_new_outline(ctx); tailp = &(*tailp)->next; outline->title = fz_strdup(ctx, text); outline->uri = fz_strdup(ctx, path); outline->page = -1; outline->down = epub_parse_ncx_imp(ctx, doc, node, base_uri); } node = fz_xml_find_next(node, "navPoint"); } return head; }
static void xps_rels_for_part(char *buf, char *name, int bufSize) { char *baseName = xps_get_part_base_name(name); fz_strlcpy(buf, name, MIN(baseName - name + 1, bufSize)); fz_strlcat(buf, "_rels/", bufSize); fz_strlcat(buf, baseName, bufSize); fz_strlcat(buf, ".rels", bufSize); }
static void do_info(void) { char buf[256]; int x = canvas_x + 4 * ui.lineheight; int y = canvas_y + 4 * ui.lineheight; int w = canvas_w - 8 * ui.lineheight; int h = 9 * ui.lineheight; glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); { glColor4f(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y + h); glVertex2f(x + w, y); glVertex2f(x + w, y + h); } glEnd(); x += ui.lineheight; y += ui.lineheight + ui.baseline; glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); if (fz_lookup_metadata(ctx, doc, FZ_META_INFO_TITLE, buf, sizeof buf) > 0) y = do_info_line(x, y, "Title", buf); if (fz_lookup_metadata(ctx, doc, FZ_META_INFO_AUTHOR, buf, sizeof buf) > 0) y = do_info_line(x, y, "Author", buf); if (fz_lookup_metadata(ctx, doc, FZ_META_FORMAT, buf, sizeof buf) > 0) y = do_info_line(x, y, "Format", buf); if (fz_lookup_metadata(ctx, doc, FZ_META_ENCRYPTION, buf, sizeof buf) > 0) y = do_info_line(x, y, "Encryption", buf); if (pdf_specifics(ctx, doc)) { if (fz_lookup_metadata(ctx, doc, "info:Creator", buf, sizeof buf) > 0) y = do_info_line(x, y, "PDF Creator", buf); if (fz_lookup_metadata(ctx, doc, "info:Producer", buf, sizeof buf) > 0) y = do_info_line(x, y, "PDF Producer", buf); buf[0] = 0; if (fz_has_permission(ctx, doc, FZ_PERMISSION_PRINT)) fz_strlcat(buf, "print, ", sizeof buf); if (fz_has_permission(ctx, doc, FZ_PERMISSION_COPY)) fz_strlcat(buf, "copy, ", sizeof buf); if (fz_has_permission(ctx, doc, FZ_PERMISSION_EDIT)) fz_strlcat(buf, "edit, ", sizeof buf); if (fz_has_permission(ctx, doc, FZ_PERMISSION_ANNOTATE)) fz_strlcat(buf, "annotate, ", sizeof buf); if (strlen(buf) > 2) buf[strlen(buf)-2] = 0; else fz_strlcat(buf, "none", sizeof buf); y = do_info_line(x, y, "Permissions", buf); } }
static void xps_rels_for_part(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, char *buf, char *name, int buflen) { char *p, *basename; p = strrchr(name, '/'); basename = p ? p + 1 : name; fz_strlcpy(buf, name, buflen); p = strrchr(buf, '/'); if (p) *p = 0; fz_strlcat(buf, "/_rels/", buflen); fz_strlcat(buf, basename, buflen); fz_strlcat(buf, ".rels", buflen); }
static void font_family_name(fz_context *ctx, fz_font *font, char *buf, int size, int is_mono, int is_serif) { const char *name = font_full_name(ctx, font); char *s; fz_strlcpy(buf, name, size); s = strrchr(buf, '-'); if (s) *s = 0; if (is_mono) fz_strlcat(buf, ",monospace", size); else fz_strlcat(buf, is_serif ? ",serif" : ",sans-serif", size); }
static const char * path_from_idref(char *path, fz_xml *manifest, const char *base_uri, const char *idref, int n) { const char *rel_path = rel_path_from_idref(manifest, idref); if (!rel_path) { path[0] = 0; return NULL; } fz_strlcpy(path, base_uri, n); fz_strlcat(path, "/", n); fz_strlcat(path, rel_path, n); return fz_cleanname(fz_urldecode(path)); }
static void format_roman_number(fz_context *ctx, char *buf, int size, int n, const char *sym[3][10], const char *sym_m) { int I = n % 10; int X = (n / 10) % 10; int C = (n / 100) % 10; int M = (n / 1000); fz_strlcpy(buf, "", size); while (M--) fz_strlcat(buf, sym_m, size); fz_strlcat(buf, sym[2][C], size); fz_strlcat(buf, sym[1][X], size); fz_strlcat(buf, sym[0][I], size); fz_strlcat(buf, ". ", size); }
static fz_css_rule * html_load_css(fz_context *ctx, fz_archive *zip, const char *base_uri, fz_css_rule *css, fz_xml *root) { fz_xml *node; fz_buffer *buf; char path[2048]; for (node = root; node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { const char *tag = fz_xml_tag(node); if (tag && !strcmp(tag, "link")) { char *rel = fz_xml_att(node, "rel"); if (rel && !fz_strcasecmp(rel, "stylesheet")) { char *type = fz_xml_att(node, "type"); if ((type && !strcmp(type, "text/css")) || !type) { char *href = fz_xml_att(node, "href"); if (href) { fz_strlcpy(path, base_uri, sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, "/", sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, href, sizeof path); fz_cleanname(path); buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path); fz_write_buffer_byte(ctx, buf, 0); css = fz_parse_css(ctx, css, (char*)buf->data, path); fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); } } } } if (tag && !strcmp(tag, "style")) { char *s = concat_text(ctx, node); css = fz_parse_css(ctx, css, s, "<style>"); fz_free(ctx, s); } if (fz_xml_down(node)) css = html_load_css(ctx, zip, base_uri, css, fz_xml_down(node)); } return css; }
void winerror(pdfapp_t *app, fz_error error) { char msgbuf[160 * 30]; int i; /* TODO: redirect stderr to a log file and display here */ fz_catch(error, "displaying error message to user"); fz_strlcpy(msgbuf, "An error has occurred.\n\n", sizeof msgbuf); for (i = 0; i < fz_get_error_count(); i++) { fz_strlcat(msgbuf, fz_get_error_line(i), sizeof msgbuf); fz_strlcat(msgbuf, "\n", sizeof msgbuf); } MessageBoxA(hwndframe, msgbuf, "MuPDF: Error", MB_ICONERROR); exit(1); }
void xps_resolve_url(char *output, char *base_uri, char *path, int output_size) { char *p = skip_authority(skip_scheme(path)); if (p != path || path[0] == '/') { fz_strlcpy(output, path, output_size); } else { int len = fz_strlcpy(output, base_uri, output_size); if (len == 0 || output[len-1] != '/') fz_strlcat(output, "/", output_size); fz_strlcat(output, path, output_size); } xps_clean_path(output); }
static fz_css_rule * html_load_css(fz_context *ctx, fz_archive *zip, const char *base_uri, fz_css_rule *css, fz_xml *root) { fz_xml *html, *head, *node; fz_buffer *buf; char path[2048]; fz_var(buf); html = fz_xml_find(root, "html"); head = fz_xml_find_down(html, "head"); for (node = fz_xml_down(head); node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "link")) { char *rel = fz_xml_att(node, "rel"); if (rel && !fz_strcasecmp(rel, "stylesheet")) { char *type = fz_xml_att(node, "type"); if ((type && !strcmp(type, "text/css")) || !type) { char *href = fz_xml_att(node, "href"); if (href) { fz_strlcpy(path, base_uri, sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, "/", sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, href, sizeof path); fz_urldecode(path); fz_cleanname(path); buf = NULL; fz_try(ctx) { buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path); fz_write_buffer_byte(ctx, buf, 0); css = fz_parse_css(ctx, css, (char*)buf->data, path); } fz_always(ctx) fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); fz_catch(ctx) fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring stylesheet %s", path); } } }
static void xps_parse_names_imp(xps_named_dest **destsp, xps_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, xml_element *item, char *base_uri, int page) { char tgtbuf[1024]; for (; item; item = xml_next(item)) { if (!strcmp(xml_tag(item), "PageContent") && xml_att(item, "Source") && page == 0) { int i; xps_page *page; xps_absolute_path(tgtbuf, base_uri, xml_att(item, "Source"), sizeof(tgtbuf)); for (page = ctx->first_page, i = 0; page; page = page->next, i++) { if (strcmp(page->name, tgtbuf) != 0) continue; xps_parse_names_imp(destsp, ctx, doc, xml_down(item), base_uri, i + 1); break; } } else if (!strcmp(xml_tag(item), "LinkTarget") && xml_att(item, "Name") && page != 0) { xps_named_dest *dest; fz_strlcpy(tgtbuf, doc->name, sizeof(tgtbuf)); fz_strlcat(tgtbuf, "#", sizeof(tgtbuf)); fz_strlcat(tgtbuf, xml_att(item, "Name"), sizeof(tgtbuf)); dest = xps_new_named_dest(tgtbuf, page); if (!*destsp) *destsp = dest; else { xps_named_dest *next; for (next = *destsp; next->next; next = next->next); next->next = dest; } } else xps_parse_names_imp(destsp, ctx, doc, xml_down(item), base_uri, page); } }
static void fz_emit_error(char what, char *location, char *message) { fz_flush_warnings(); #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "%c %s%s\n", what, location, message); #endif if (error_count < LINE_COUNT) { fz_strlcpy(error_message[error_count], location, LINE_LEN); fz_strlcat(error_message[error_count], message, LINE_LEN); error_count++; } }
static pdf_font_desc * load_cid_font(pdf_document *xref, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *encoding, pdf_obj *to_unicode) { pdf_obj *widths; pdf_obj *descriptor; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL; FT_Face face; int kind; char collection[256]; char *basefont; int i, k, fterr; pdf_obj *obj; int dw; fz_context *ctx = xref->ctx; fz_var(fontdesc); fz_try(ctx) { /* Get font name and CID collection */ basefont = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "BaseFont")); { pdf_obj *cidinfo; char tmpstr[64]; int tmplen; cidinfo = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDSystemInfo"); if (!cidinfo) fz_throw(ctx, "cid font is missing info"); obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Registry"); tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcpy(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); fz_strlcat(collection, "-", sizeof collection); obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Ordering"); tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcat(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); } /* Load font file */ fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx); descriptor = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontDescriptor"); if (!descriptor) fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: missing font descriptor"); pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, collection, basefont); face = fontdesc->font->ft_face; kind = ft_kind(face); /* Encoding */ if (pdf_is_name(encoding)) { if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-H")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 2); else if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-V")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 1, 2); else fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, pdf_to_name(encoding)); } else if (pdf_is_indirect(encoding)) { fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_embedded_cmap(xref, encoding); } else { fz_throw(ctx, "syntaxerror: font missing encoding"); } fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding); pdf_set_font_wmode(ctx, fontdesc, pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding)); if (kind == TRUETYPE) { pdf_obj *cidtogidmap; cidtogidmap = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDToGIDMap"); if (pdf_is_indirect(cidtogidmap)) { fz_buffer *buf; buf = pdf_load_stream(xref, pdf_to_num(cidtogidmap), pdf_to_gen(cidtogidmap)); fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len = (buf->len) / 2; fontdesc->cid_to_gid = fz_malloc_array(ctx, fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len, sizeof(unsigned short)); fontdesc->size += fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len * sizeof(unsigned short); for (i = 0; i < fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len; i++) fontdesc->cid_to_gid[i] = (buf->data[i * 2] << 8) + buf->data[i * 2 + 1]; fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); } /* if truetype font is external, cidtogidmap should not be identity */ /* so we map from cid to unicode and then map that through the (3 1) */ /* unicode cmap to get a glyph id */ else if (fontdesc->font->ft_substitute) { fterr = FT_Select_Charmap(face, ft_encoding_unicode); if (fterr) { fz_throw(ctx, "fonterror: no unicode cmap when emulating CID font: %s", ft_error_string(fterr)); } if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-CNS1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-GB1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan2")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan2-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Korea1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2"); } } pdf_load_to_unicode(xref, fontdesc, NULL, collection, to_unicode); /* Horizontal */ dw = 1000; obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW"); if (obj) dw = pdf_to_int(obj); pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw); widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, n, m; n = pdf_array_len(widths); for (i = 0; i < n; ) { c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i)); obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1); if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { m = pdf_array_len(obj); for (k = 0; k < m; k++) { w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k)); pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = pdf_to_int(obj); w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2)); pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, w); i += 3; } } } pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc); /* Vertical */ if (pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding) == 1) { int dw2y = 880; int dw2w = -1000; obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW2"); if (obj) { dw2y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 0)); dw2w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 1)); } pdf_set_default_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw2y, dw2w); widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W2"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, x, y, n; n = pdf_array_len(widths); for (i = 0; i < n; ) { c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i)); obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1); if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { int m = pdf_array_len(obj); for (k = 0; k * 3 < m; k ++) { w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 0)); x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 1)); y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 2)); pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, x, y, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = pdf_to_int(obj); w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2)); x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 3)); y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 4)); pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, x, y, w); i += 5; } } } pdf_end_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc); } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc); fz_throw(ctx, "cannot load cid font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict)); } return fontdesc; }
fz_font * xps_lookup_font(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, char *base_uri, char *font_uri, char *style_att) { char partname[1024]; char fakename[1024]; char *subfont; int subfontid = 0; xps_part *part; fz_font *font; xps_resolve_url(ctx, doc, partname, base_uri, font_uri, sizeof partname); subfont = strrchr(partname, '#'); if (subfont) { subfontid = atoi(subfont + 1); *subfont = 0; } /* Make a new part name for font with style simulation applied */ fz_strlcpy(fakename, partname, sizeof fakename); if (style_att) { if (!strcmp(style_att, "BoldSimulation")) fz_strlcat(fakename, "#Bold", sizeof fakename); else if (!strcmp(style_att, "ItalicSimulation")) fz_strlcat(fakename, "#Italic", sizeof fakename); else if (!strcmp(style_att, "BoldItalicSimulation")) fz_strlcat(fakename, "#BoldItalic", sizeof fakename); } font = xps_lookup_font_imp(ctx, doc, fakename); if (!font) { fz_buffer *buf = NULL; fz_var(buf); fz_try(ctx) { part = xps_read_part(ctx, doc, partname); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); fz_warn(ctx, "cannot find font resource part '%s'", partname); return NULL; } /* deobfuscate if necessary */ if (strstr(part->name, ".odttf")) xps_deobfuscate_font_resource(ctx, doc, part); if (strstr(part->name, ".ODTTF")) xps_deobfuscate_font_resource(ctx, doc, part); fz_try(ctx) { buf = fz_new_buffer_from_data(ctx, part->data, part->size); /* part->data is now owned by buf */ part->data = NULL; font = fz_new_font_from_buffer(ctx, NULL, buf, subfontid, 1); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); xps_drop_part(ctx, doc, part); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); fz_warn(ctx, "cannot load font resource '%s'", partname); return NULL; } if (style_att) { font->ft_bold = !!strstr(style_att, "Bold"); font->ft_italic = !!strstr(style_att, "Italic"); } xps_select_best_font_encoding(ctx, doc, font); xps_insert_font(ctx, doc, fakename, font); }
static pdf_font_desc * load_cid_font(pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *dict, pdf_obj *encoding, pdf_obj *to_unicode) { pdf_obj *widths; pdf_obj *descriptor; pdf_font_desc *fontdesc = NULL; FT_Face face; int kind; char collection[256]; char *basefont; int i, k, fterr; pdf_obj *obj; int dw; fz_context *ctx = doc->ctx; fz_var(fontdesc); fz_try(ctx) { /* Get font name and CID collection */ basefont = pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "BaseFont")); { pdf_obj *cidinfo; char tmpstr[64]; int tmplen; cidinfo = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDSystemInfo"); if (!cidinfo) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cid font is missing info"); obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Registry"); tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcpy(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); fz_strlcat(collection, "-", sizeof collection); obj = pdf_dict_gets(cidinfo, "Ordering"); tmplen = fz_mini(sizeof tmpstr - 1, pdf_to_str_len(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, pdf_to_str_buf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcat(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); } /* Load font file */ fontdesc = pdf_new_font_desc(ctx); descriptor = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "FontDescriptor"); if (!descriptor) fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: missing font descriptor"); pdf_load_font_descriptor(fontdesc, doc, descriptor, collection, basefont, 1, 1); face = fontdesc->font->ft_face; kind = ft_kind(face); /* Encoding */ if (pdf_is_name(encoding)) { if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-H")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 0, 2); else if (!strcmp(pdf_to_name(encoding), "Identity-V")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_new_identity_cmap(ctx, 1, 2); else fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, pdf_to_name(encoding)); } else if (pdf_is_indirect(encoding)) { fontdesc->encoding = pdf_load_embedded_cmap(doc, encoding); } else { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "syntaxerror: font missing encoding"); } fontdesc->size += pdf_cmap_size(ctx, fontdesc->encoding); pdf_set_font_wmode(ctx, fontdesc, pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding)); if (kind == TRUETYPE || /* cf. */ !strcmp(pdf_to_name(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "Subtype")), "CIDFontType2") || /* cf. */ pdf_is_indirect(pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDToGIDMap"))) { pdf_obj *cidtogidmap; cidtogidmap = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "CIDToGIDMap"); if (pdf_is_indirect(cidtogidmap)) { fz_buffer *buf; buf = pdf_load_stream(doc, pdf_to_num(cidtogidmap), pdf_to_gen(cidtogidmap)); fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len = (buf->len) / 2; fontdesc->cid_to_gid = fz_malloc_array(ctx, fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len, sizeof(unsigned short)); fontdesc->size += fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len * sizeof(unsigned short); for (i = 0; i < fontdesc->cid_to_gid_len; i++) fontdesc->cid_to_gid[i] = (buf->data[i * 2] << 8) + buf->data[i * 2 + 1]; fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); } /* if truetype font is external, cidtogidmap should not be identity */ /* so we map from cid to unicode and then map that through the (3 1) */ /* unicode cmap to get a glyph id */ else if (fontdesc->font->ft_substitute) { fterr = FT_Select_Charmap(face, ft_encoding_unicode); if (fterr) { fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "fonterror: no unicode cmap when emulating CID font: %s", ft_error_string(fterr)); } if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-CNS1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-GB1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan2")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Japan2-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Korea1")) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_load_system_cmap(ctx, "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2"); /* cf. */ else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Identity") && fontdesc->font->ft_file) fontdesc->font->ft_substitute = 0; } } /* cf. */ fz_try(ctx) { pdf_load_to_unicode(doc, fontdesc, NULL, collection, to_unicode); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_warn(ctx, "cannot load ToUnicode CMap"); } /* If we have an identity encoding, we're supposed to use the glyph ids directly. * If we only have a substitute font, that won't work. * Make a last ditch attempt by using * the ToUnicode table if it exists to map via the substitute font's cmap. */ if (strstr(fontdesc->encoding->cmap_name, "Identity-") && fontdesc->font->ft_substitute) { fz_warn(ctx, "non-embedded font using identity encoding: %s", basefont); if (fontdesc->to_unicode && !fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap) fontdesc->to_ttf_cmap = pdf_keep_cmap(ctx, fontdesc->to_unicode); } /* Horizontal */ dw = 1000; obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW"); if (obj) dw = pdf_to_int(obj); pdf_set_default_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw); widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, n, m; n = pdf_array_len(widths); for (i = 0; i < n; ) { c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i)); obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1); if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { m = pdf_array_len(obj); for (k = 0; k < m; k++) { w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k)); pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = pdf_to_int(obj); w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2)); pdf_add_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, w); i += 3; } } } pdf_end_hmtx(ctx, fontdesc); /* Vertical */ if (pdf_cmap_wmode(ctx, fontdesc->encoding) == 1) { int dw2y = 880; int dw2w = -1000; obj = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "DW2"); if (obj) { dw2y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 0)); dw2w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, 1)); } pdf_set_default_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, dw2y, dw2w); widths = pdf_dict_gets(dict, "W2"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, x, y, n; n = pdf_array_len(widths); for (i = 0; i < n; ) { c0 = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i)); obj = pdf_array_get(widths, i + 1); if (pdf_is_array(obj)) { int m = pdf_array_len(obj); for (k = 0; k * 3 < m; k ++) { w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 0)); x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 1)); y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(obj, k * 3 + 2)); pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, x, y, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = pdf_to_int(obj); w = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 2)); x = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 3)); y = pdf_to_int(pdf_array_get(widths, i + 4)); pdf_add_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc, c0, c1, x, y, w); i += 5; } } } pdf_end_vmtx(ctx, fontdesc); } } fz_catch(ctx) { pdf_drop_font(ctx, fontdesc); fz_rethrow_message(ctx, "cannot load cid font (%d %d R)", pdf_to_num(dict), pdf_to_gen(dict)); } return fontdesc; }
void xps_parse_glyphs(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, char *base_uri, xps_resource *dict, fz_xml *root) { fz_device *dev = doc->dev; fz_xml *node; char *fill_uri; char *opacity_mask_uri; char *bidi_level_att; char *fill_att; char *font_size_att; char *font_uri_att; char *origin_x_att; char *origin_y_att; char *is_sideways_att; char *indices_att; char *unicode_att; char *style_att; char *transform_att; char *clip_att; char *opacity_att; char *opacity_mask_att; char *navigate_uri_att; fz_xml *transform_tag = NULL; fz_xml *clip_tag = NULL; fz_xml *fill_tag = NULL; fz_xml *opacity_mask_tag = NULL; char *fill_opacity_att = NULL; xps_part *part; fz_font *font; char partname[1024]; char fakename[1024]; char *subfont; float font_size = 10; int subfontid = 0; int is_sideways = 0; int bidi_level = 0; fz_text *text; fz_rect area; fz_matrix local_ctm = *ctm; /* * Extract attributes and extended attributes. */ bidi_level_att = fz_xml_att(root, "BidiLevel"); fill_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Fill"); font_size_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FontRenderingEmSize"); font_uri_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FontUri"); origin_x_att = fz_xml_att(root, "OriginX"); origin_y_att = fz_xml_att(root, "OriginY"); is_sideways_att = fz_xml_att(root, "IsSideways"); indices_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Indices"); unicode_att = fz_xml_att(root, "UnicodeString"); style_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StyleSimulations"); transform_att = fz_xml_att(root, "RenderTransform"); clip_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Clip"); opacity_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Opacity"); opacity_mask_att = fz_xml_att(root, "OpacityMask"); navigate_uri_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FixedPage.NavigateUri"); for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "Glyphs.RenderTransform")) transform_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "Glyphs.OpacityMask")) opacity_mask_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "Glyphs.Clip")) clip_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "Glyphs.Fill")) fill_tag = fz_xml_down(node); } fill_uri = base_uri; opacity_mask_uri = base_uri; xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &clip_att, &clip_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &fill_att, &fill_tag, &fill_uri); xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &opacity_mask_att, &opacity_mask_tag, &opacity_mask_uri); /* * Check that we have all the necessary information. */ if (!font_size_att || !font_uri_att || !origin_x_att || !origin_y_att) { fz_warn(ctx, "missing attributes in glyphs element"); return; } if (!indices_att && !unicode_att) return; /* nothing to draw */ if (is_sideways_att) is_sideways = !strcmp(is_sideways_att, "true"); if (bidi_level_att) bidi_level = atoi(bidi_level_att); /* * Find and load the font resource */ xps_resolve_url(ctx, doc, partname, base_uri, font_uri_att, sizeof partname); subfont = strrchr(partname, '#'); if (subfont) { subfontid = atoi(subfont + 1); *subfont = 0; } /* Make a new part name for font with style simulation applied */ fz_strlcpy(fakename, partname, sizeof fakename); if (style_att) { if (!strcmp(style_att, "BoldSimulation")) fz_strlcat(fakename, "#Bold", sizeof fakename); else if (!strcmp(style_att, "ItalicSimulation")) fz_strlcat(fakename, "#Italic", sizeof fakename); else if (!strcmp(style_att, "BoldItalicSimulation")) fz_strlcat(fakename, "#BoldItalic", sizeof fakename); } font = xps_lookup_font(ctx, doc, fakename); if (!font) { fz_buffer *buf = NULL; fz_var(buf); fz_try(ctx) { part = xps_read_part(ctx, doc, partname); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); fz_warn(ctx, "cannot find font resource part '%s'", partname); return; } /* deobfuscate if necessary */ if (strstr(part->name, ".odttf")) xps_deobfuscate_font_resource(ctx, doc, part); if (strstr(part->name, ".ODTTF")) xps_deobfuscate_font_resource(ctx, doc, part); fz_try(ctx) { buf = fz_new_buffer_from_data(ctx, part->data, part->size); /* part->data is now owned by buf */ part->data = NULL; font = fz_new_font_from_buffer(ctx, NULL, buf, subfontid, 1); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); xps_drop_part(ctx, doc, part); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_rethrow_if(ctx, FZ_ERROR_TRYLATER); fz_warn(ctx, "cannot load font resource '%s'", partname); return; } if (style_att) { font->ft_bold = !!strstr(style_att, "Bold"); font->ft_italic = !!strstr(style_att, "Italic"); } xps_select_best_font_encoding(ctx, doc, font); xps_insert_font(ctx, doc, fakename, font); }
static fz_error loadcidfont(pdf_fontdesc **fontdescp, pdf_xref *xref, fz_obj *dict, fz_obj *encoding, fz_obj *tounicode) { fz_error error; fz_obj *widths; fz_obj *descriptor; pdf_fontdesc *fontdesc; FT_Face face; fz_bbox bbox; int kind; char collection[256]; char *basefont; int i, k, fterr; fz_obj *obj; int dw; /* Get font name and CID collection */ basefont = fz_toname(fz_dictgets(dict, "BaseFont")); { fz_obj *cidinfo; char tmpstr[64]; int tmplen; cidinfo = fz_dictgets(dict, "CIDSystemInfo"); if (!cidinfo) return fz_throw("cid font is missing info"); obj = fz_dictgets(cidinfo, "Registry"); tmplen = MIN(sizeof tmpstr - 1, fz_tostrlen(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, fz_tostrbuf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcpy(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); fz_strlcat(collection, "-", sizeof collection); obj = fz_dictgets(cidinfo, "Ordering"); tmplen = MIN(sizeof tmpstr - 1, fz_tostrlen(obj)); memcpy(tmpstr, fz_tostrbuf(obj), tmplen); tmpstr[tmplen] = '\0'; fz_strlcat(collection, tmpstr, sizeof collection); } /* Load font file */ fontdesc = pdf_newfontdesc(); pdf_logfont("load cid font (%d %d R) ptr=%p {\n", fz_tonum(dict), fz_togen(dict), fontdesc); pdf_logfont("basefont %s\n", basefont); pdf_logfont("collection %s\n", collection); descriptor = fz_dictgets(dict, "FontDescriptor"); if (descriptor) error = pdf_loadfontdescriptor(fontdesc, xref, descriptor, collection, basefont); else error = fz_throw("syntaxerror: missing font descriptor"); if (error) goto cleanup; face = fontdesc->font->ftface; kind = ftkind(face); bbox.x0 = (face->bbox.xMin * 1000) / face->units_per_EM; bbox.y0 = (face->bbox.yMin * 1000) / face->units_per_EM; bbox.x1 = (face->bbox.xMax * 1000) / face->units_per_EM; bbox.y1 = (face->bbox.yMax * 1000) / face->units_per_EM; pdf_logfont("ft bbox [%d %d %d %d]\n", bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1); if (bbox.x0 == bbox.x1) fz_setfontbbox(fontdesc->font, -1000, -1000, 2000, 2000); else fz_setfontbbox(fontdesc->font, bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1); /* Encoding */ error = fz_okay; if (fz_isname(encoding)) { pdf_logfont("encoding /%s\n", fz_toname(encoding)); if (!strcmp(fz_toname(encoding), "Identity-H")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_newidentitycmap(0, 2); else if (!strcmp(fz_toname(encoding), "Identity-V")) fontdesc->encoding = pdf_newidentitycmap(1, 2); else error = pdf_loadsystemcmap(&fontdesc->encoding, fz_toname(encoding)); } else if (fz_isindirect(encoding)) { pdf_logfont("encoding %d %d R\n", fz_tonum(encoding), fz_togen(encoding)); error = pdf_loadembeddedcmap(&fontdesc->encoding, xref, encoding); } else { error = fz_throw("syntaxerror: font missing encoding"); } if (error) goto cleanup; pdf_setfontwmode(fontdesc, pdf_getwmode(fontdesc->encoding)); pdf_logfont("wmode %d\n", pdf_getwmode(fontdesc->encoding)); if (kind == TRUETYPE) { fz_obj *cidtogidmap; cidtogidmap = fz_dictgets(dict, "CIDToGIDMap"); if (fz_isindirect(cidtogidmap)) { fz_buffer *buf; pdf_logfont("cidtogidmap stream\n"); error = pdf_loadstream(&buf, xref, fz_tonum(cidtogidmap), fz_togen(cidtogidmap)); if (error) goto cleanup; fontdesc->ncidtogid = (buf->len) / 2; fontdesc->cidtogid = fz_malloc(fontdesc->ncidtogid * sizeof(unsigned short)); for (i = 0; i < fontdesc->ncidtogid; i++) fontdesc->cidtogid[i] = (buf->data[i * 2] << 8) + buf->data[i * 2 + 1]; fz_dropbuffer(buf); } /* if truetype font is external, cidtogidmap should not be identity */ /* so we map from cid to unicode and then map that through the (3 1) */ /* unicode cmap to get a glyph id */ else if (fontdesc->font->ftsubstitute) { pdf_logfont("emulate ttf cidfont\n"); fterr = FT_Select_Charmap(face, ft_encoding_unicode); if (fterr) { error = fz_throw("fonterror: no unicode cmap when emulating CID font: %s", ft_errorstring(fterr)); goto cleanup; } if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-CNS1")) error = pdf_loadsystemcmap(&fontdesc->tottfcmap, "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-GB1")) error = pdf_loadsystemcmap(&fontdesc->tottfcmap, "Adobe-GB1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan1")) error = pdf_loadsystemcmap(&fontdesc->tottfcmap, "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Japan2")) error = pdf_loadsystemcmap(&fontdesc->tottfcmap, "Adobe-Japan2-UCS2"); else if (!strcmp(collection, "Adobe-Korea1")) error = pdf_loadsystemcmap(&fontdesc->tottfcmap, "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2"); else error = fz_okay; if (error) { error = fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load system cmap %s", collection); goto cleanup; } } } error = pdf_loadtounicode(fontdesc, xref, nil, collection, tounicode); if (error) goto cleanup; /* Horizontal */ dw = 1000; obj = fz_dictgets(dict, "DW"); if (obj) dw = fz_toint(obj); pdf_setdefaulthmtx(fontdesc, dw); widths = fz_dictgets(dict, "W"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w; for (i = 0; i < fz_arraylen(widths); ) { c0 = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(widths, i)); obj = fz_arrayget(widths, i + 1); if (fz_isarray(obj)) { for (k = 0; k < fz_arraylen(obj); k++) { w = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(obj, k)); pdf_addhmtx(fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = fz_toint(obj); w = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(widths, i + 2)); pdf_addhmtx(fontdesc, c0, c1, w); i += 3; } } } pdf_endhmtx(fontdesc); /* Vertical */ if (pdf_getwmode(fontdesc->encoding) == 1) { int dw2y = 880; int dw2w = -1000; obj = fz_dictgets(dict, "DW2"); if (obj) { dw2y = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(obj, 0)); dw2w = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(obj, 1)); } pdf_setdefaultvmtx(fontdesc, dw2y, dw2w); widths = fz_dictgets(dict, "W2"); if (widths) { int c0, c1, w, x, y; for (i = 0; i < fz_arraylen(widths); ) { c0 = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(widths, i)); obj = fz_arrayget(widths, i + 1); if (fz_isarray(obj)) { for (k = 0; k < fz_arraylen(obj); k += 3) { w = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(obj, k + 0)); x = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(obj, k + 1)); y = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(obj, k + 2)); pdf_addvmtx(fontdesc, c0 + k, c0 + k, x, y, w); } i += 2; } else { c1 = fz_toint(obj); w = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(widths, i + 2)); x = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(widths, i + 3)); y = fz_toint(fz_arrayget(widths, i + 4)); pdf_addvmtx(fontdesc, c0, c1, x, y, w); i += 5; } } } pdf_endvmtx(fontdesc); } pdf_logfont("}\n"); *fontdescp = fontdesc; return fz_okay; cleanup: pdf_dropfont(fontdesc); return fz_rethrow(error, "cannot load cid font (%d %d R)", fz_tonum(dict), fz_togen(dict)); }
char * pdf_parse_file_spec(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_obj *file_spec, pdf_obj *dest) { pdf_obj *filename=NULL; char *path = NULL; char *uri = NULL; char buf[256]; size_t n; if (pdf_is_string(ctx, file_spec)) filename = file_spec; if (pdf_is_dict(ctx, file_spec)) { #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) filename = pdf_dict_get(ctx, file_spec, PDF_NAME_DOS); #else filename = pdf_dict_get(ctx, file_spec, PDF_NAME_Unix); #endif if (!filename) filename = pdf_dict_geta(ctx, file_spec, PDF_NAME_UF, PDF_NAME_F); } if (!pdf_is_string(ctx, filename)) { fz_warn(ctx, "cannot parse file specification"); return NULL; } path = pdf_to_utf8(ctx, filename); #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) if (strcmp(pdf_to_name(ctx, pdf_dict_gets(ctx, file_spec, "FS")), "URL") != 0) { /* move the file name into the expected place and use the expected path separator */ char *c; if (path[0] == '/' && (('A' <= path[1] && path[1] <= 'Z') || ('a' <= path[1] && path[1] <= 'z')) && path[2] == '/') { path[0] = path[1]; path[1] = ':'; } for (c = path; *c; c++) { if (*c == '/') *c = '\\'; } } #endif if (pdf_is_array(ctx, dest)) fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "#page=%d", pdf_to_int(ctx, pdf_array_get(ctx, dest, 0)) + 1); else if (pdf_is_name(ctx, dest)) fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "#%s", pdf_to_name(ctx, dest)); else if (pdf_is_string(ctx, dest)) fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "#%s", pdf_to_str_buf(ctx, dest)); else buf[0] = 0; n = 7 + strlen(path) + strlen(buf) + 1; uri = fz_malloc(ctx, n); fz_strlcpy(uri, "file://", n); fz_strlcat(uri, path, n); fz_strlcat(uri, buf, n); fz_free(ctx, path); return uri; }
static fz_error parseTTF(fz_stream *file, int offset, int index, char *path, pdf_xref *xref) { fz_error err = fz_okay; TT_OFFSET_TABLE ttOffsetTable; TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY tblDir; TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER ttNTHeader; TT_NAME_RECORD ttRecord; char szPSName[MAX_FACENAME] = { 0 }, szTTName[MAX_FACENAME] = { 0 }, szStyle[MAX_FACENAME] = { 0 }; int i, count, tblOffset; fz_seek(file,offset,0); err = safe_read(file, (char *)&ttOffsetTable, sizeof(TT_OFFSET_TABLE)); if (err) return err; // check if this is a TrueType font of version 1.0 or an OpenType font if (BEtoHl(ttOffsetTable.uVersion) != TTC_VERSION1 && ttOffsetTable.uVersion != TTAG_OTTO) return fz_error_make(file->ctx, "fonterror : invalid font version"); // determine the name table's offset by iterating through the offset table count = BEtoHs(ttOffsetTable.uNumOfTables); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { err = safe_read(file, (char *)&tblDir, sizeof(TT_TABLE_DIRECTORY)); if (err) return err; if (!tblDir.uTag || BEtoHl(tblDir.uTag) == TTAG_name) break; } if (count == i || !tblDir.uTag) return fz_error_make(file->ctx, "fonterror : nameless font"); tblOffset = BEtoHl(tblDir.uOffset); // read the 'name' table for record count and offsets fz_seek(file, tblOffset, 0); err = safe_read(file, (char *)&ttNTHeader, sizeof(TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER)); if (err) return err; offset = tblOffset + sizeof(TT_NAME_TABLE_HEADER); tblOffset += BEtoHs(ttNTHeader.uStorageOffset); // read through the strings for PostScript name and font family count = BEtoHs(ttNTHeader.uNRCount); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { short nameId; fz_seek(file, offset + i * sizeof(TT_NAME_RECORD), 0); err = safe_read(file, (char *)&ttRecord, sizeof(TT_NAME_RECORD)); if (err) return err; // ignore non-English strings if (ttRecord.uLanguageID && BEtoHs(ttRecord.uLanguageID) != TT_MS_LANGID_ENGLISH_UNITED_STATES) continue; // ignore names other than font (sub)family and PostScript name nameId = BEtoHs(ttRecord.uNameID); if (TT_NAME_ID_FONT_FAMILY == nameId) err = pdf_read_ttf_string(file, tblOffset, &ttRecord, szTTName, MAX_FACENAME); else if (TT_NAME_ID_FONT_SUBFAMILY == nameId) err = pdf_read_ttf_string(file, tblOffset, &ttRecord, szStyle, MAX_FACENAME); else if (TT_NAME_ID_PS_NAME == nameId) err = pdf_read_ttf_string(file, tblOffset, &ttRecord, szPSName, MAX_FACENAME); if (err) fz_error_handle(file->ctx, err, "ignoring face name decoding fonterror"); } // TODO: is there a better way to distinguish Arial Caps from Arial proper? // cf. if (!strcmp(szPSName, "ArialMT") && (strstr(path, "caps") || strstr(path, "Caps"))) return fz_error_make(file->ctx, "ignore %s, as it can't be distinguished from Arial,Regular", path); if (szPSName[0]) { err = insertmapping(xref->ctx, xref->win_fontlist, szPSName, path, index); if (err) return err; } if (szTTName[0]) { // derive a PostScript-like name and add it, if it's different from the font's // included PostScript name; cf. // append the font's subfamily, unless it's a Regular font if (szStyle[0] && _stricmp(szStyle, "Regular") != 0) { fz_strlcat(szTTName, "-", MAX_FACENAME); fz_strlcat(szTTName, szStyle, MAX_FACENAME); } removespaces(szTTName); // compare the two names before adding this one if (lookupcompare(szTTName, szPSName)) { err = insertmapping(xref->ctx, xref->win_fontlist, szTTName, path, index); if (err) return err; } } return fz_okay; }
void fz_add_css_font_face(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_font_set *set, fz_archive *zip, const char *base_uri, fz_css_property *declaration) { fz_html_font_face *custom; fz_css_property *prop; fz_font *font = NULL; fz_buffer *buf = NULL; int is_bold, is_italic; char path[2048]; const char *family = "serif"; const char *weight = "normal"; const char *style = "normal"; const char *src = NULL; for (prop = declaration; prop; prop = prop->next) { if (!strcmp(prop->name, "font-family")) family = prop->value->data; if (!strcmp(prop->name, "font-weight")) weight = prop->value->data; if (!strcmp(prop->name, "font-style")) style = prop->value->data; if (!strcmp(prop->name, "src")) src = prop->value->data; } if (!src) return; is_bold = is_bold_from_font_weight(weight); is_italic = is_italic_from_font_style(style); fz_strlcpy(path, base_uri, sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, "/", sizeof path); fz_strlcat(path, src, sizeof path); fz_urldecode(path); fz_cleanname(path); for (custom = set->custom; custom; custom = custom->next) if (!strcmp(custom->src, path) && !strcmp(custom->family, family) && custom->is_bold == is_bold && custom->is_italic == is_italic) return; /* already loaded */ printf("epub: @font-face: family='%s' b=%d i=%d src=%s\n", family, is_bold, is_italic, src); fz_var(buf); fz_var(font); fz_try(ctx) { if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path)) buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path); else buf = fz_read_file(ctx, src); font = fz_new_font_from_buffer(ctx, src, buf, 0, 0); fz_add_html_font_face(ctx, set, family, is_bold, is_italic, path, font); } fz_always(ctx) { fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf); fz_drop_font(ctx, font); } fz_catch(ctx) { fz_warn(ctx, "cannot load font-face: %s", src); } }
/* * Read and interleave split parts from files in the directory. */ static xps_part * xps_read_dir_part(xps_context *ctx, char *name) { char buf[2048]; xps_part *part; FILE *file; int count, size, offset, i, n; fz_strlcpy(buf, ctx->directory, sizeof buf); fz_strlcat(buf, name, sizeof buf); /* All in one piece */ file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (file) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); part = xps_new_part(ctx, name, size); fread(part->data, 1, size, file); fclose(file); return part; } /* Count the number of pieces and their total size */ count = 0; size = 0; while (1) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s/[%d].piece", ctx->directory, name, count); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (!file) { sprintf(buf, "%s%s/[%d].last.piece", ctx->directory, name, count); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); } if (!file) break; count ++; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size += ftell(file); fclose(file); } /* Inflate the pieces */ if (count) { part = xps_new_part(ctx, name, size); offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i < count - 1) sprintf(buf, "%s%s/[%d].piece", ctx->directory, name, i); else sprintf(buf, "%s%s/[%d].last.piece", ctx->directory, name, i); file = fopen(buf, "rb"); n = fread(part->data + offset, 1, size - offset, file); offset += n; fclose(file); } return part; } return NULL; }