static int g2d_copy_test(struct exynos_device *dev, struct exynos_bo *src, struct exynos_bo *dst, enum e_g2d_buf_type type) { struct g2d_context *ctx; struct g2d_image src_img = {0}, dst_img = {0}; unsigned int src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, img_w, img_h; unsigned long userptr, size; int ret; ctx = g2d_init(dev->fd); if (!ctx) return -EFAULT;[0] = dst->handle; src_x = 0; src_y = 0; dst_x = 0; dst_y = 0; img_w = screen_width; img_h = screen_height; switch (type) { case G2D_IMGBUF_GEM:[0] = src->handle; break; case G2D_IMGBUF_USERPTR: size = img_w * img_h * 4; userptr = (unsigned long)malloc(size); if (!userptr) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate userptr.\n"); return -EFAULT; } src_img.user_ptr[0].userptr = userptr; src_img.user_ptr[0].size = size; break; default: type = G2D_IMGBUF_GEM; break; } printf("copy test with %s.\n", type == G2D_IMGBUF_GEM ? "gem" : "userptr"); src_img.width = img_w; src_img.height = img_h; src_img.stride = src_img.width * 4; src_img.buf_type = type; src_img.color_mode = G2D_COLOR_FMT_ARGB8888 | G2D_ORDER_AXRGB; src_img.color = 0xffff0000; ret = g2d_solid_fill(ctx, &src_img, src_x, src_y, img_w, img_h); if (ret < 0) goto err_free_userptr; dst_img.width = img_w; dst_img.height = img_h; dst_img.stride = dst_img.width * 4; dst_img.buf_type = G2D_IMGBUF_GEM; dst_img.color_mode = G2D_COLOR_FMT_ARGB8888 | G2D_ORDER_AXRGB; ret = g2d_copy(ctx, &src_img, &dst_img, src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, img_w - 4, img_h - 4); if (ret < 0) goto err_free_userptr; g2d_exec(ctx); err_free_userptr: if (type == G2D_IMGBUF_USERPTR) if (userptr) free((void *)userptr); g2d_fini(ctx); return ret; }
static int g2d_checkerboard_test(struct exynos_device *dev, struct exynos_bo *src, struct exynos_bo *dst, enum e_g2d_buf_type type) { struct g2d_context *ctx; struct g2d_image src_img = {0}, dst_img = {0}; unsigned int src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, img_w, img_h; void *checkerboard = NULL; int ret; ctx = g2d_init(dev->fd); if (!ctx) return -EFAULT;[0] = dst->handle; src_x = 0; src_y = 0; dst_x = 0; dst_y = 0; checkerboard = create_checkerboard_pattern(screen_width / 32, screen_height / 32, 32); if (checkerboard == NULL) { ret = -1; goto fail; } img_w = screen_width - (screen_width % 32); img_h = screen_height - (screen_height % 32); switch (type) { case G2D_IMGBUF_GEM: memcpy(src->vaddr, checkerboard, img_w * img_h * 4);[0] = src->handle; break; case G2D_IMGBUF_USERPTR: src_img.user_ptr[0].userptr = (unsigned long)checkerboard; src_img.user_ptr[0].size = img_w * img_h * 4; break; default: ret = -EFAULT; goto fail; } printf("checkerboard test with %s.\n", type == G2D_IMGBUF_GEM ? "gem" : "userptr"); src_img.width = img_w; src_img.height = img_h; src_img.stride = src_img.width * 4; src_img.buf_type = type; src_img.color_mode = G2D_COLOR_FMT_ARGB8888 | G2D_ORDER_AXRGB; dst_img.width = screen_width; dst_img.height = screen_height; dst_img.stride = dst_img.width * 4; dst_img.buf_type = G2D_IMGBUF_GEM; dst_img.color_mode = G2D_COLOR_FMT_ARGB8888 | G2D_ORDER_AXRGB; src_img.color = 0xff000000; ret = g2d_solid_fill(ctx, &dst_img, src_x, src_y, screen_width, screen_height); if (ret < 0) goto fail; ret = g2d_copy(ctx, &src_img, &dst_img, src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, img_w, img_h); if (ret < 0) goto fail; g2d_exec(ctx); fail: free(checkerboard); g2d_fini(ctx); return ret; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_example_enzocamtest_CamView_loadNextFrame(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jobject bitmap) { AndroidBitmapInfo info; int result; if((result = AndroidBitmap_getInfo(env, bitmap, &info)) < 0) { err_msg("AndroidBitmap_getInfo() failed, error=%d", result); return; } if(info.format != ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB_565) { err_msg("Bitmap format is not RGBA_565 !"); return; } char *colors; if((result = AndroidBitmap_lockPixels(env, bitmap, (void*)&colors)) < 0) { err_msg("AndroidBitmap_lockPixels() failed, error=%d", result); } //info_msg("Getting camera frame...\n"); result = cameraGetFrame(usbCam, camData); if (result < 0) { err_msg("Could not get camera frame\n"); } //info_msg("Decoding camera frame...\n"); result = decoderDecodeFrame(mjpgDec, camData, yuvData); if (result < 0) { err_msg("Could not decode MJPG frame\n"); } if(g2d_open(&g2d_handle)) { err_msg("Encoder: g2d_open fail.\n"); return; } int y_size = info.width * info.height; y422_buf->buf_paddr = (unsigned char *)yuvData->pBufOut; y422_buf->buf_vaddr = (unsigned char *)yuvData->vBufOut; g2d_copy(g2d_handle, y420_buf, y422_buf, y_size); g2d_finish(g2d_handle); unsigned char *u_src; unsigned char *u_dst; int i = 0; u_src = y422_buf->buf_vaddr + y_size; u_dst = y420_buf->buf_vaddr + y_size; while (i < info.height) { memcpy(u_dst, u_src, info.width/2); u_dst += info.width/2; u_src += info.width; i++; } //info_msg("Converting frame to RGB565...\n"); g2d_blit(g2d_handle, &y420_surf, &rgb_surf); g2d_finish(g2d_handle); g2d_close(g2d_handle); //info_msg("Copy RGB frame to bitmap...\n"); memcpy(colors, rgb_buf->buf_vaddr, info.width * info.height * 2); AndroidBitmap_unlockPixels(env, bitmap); }