 * Convert a g_variant to a Scheme return value.
static Scheme_Object *
g_variant_to_scheme_result (GVariant *gv)
  const GVariantType *type;     // The type of the GVariant

  // Special case: Singleton tuple.
  type = g_variant_get_type (gv);
  if ( (g_variant_type_is_tuple (type))
       && (g_variant_n_children (gv) == 1) )
    return g_variant_to_scheme_object (g_variant_get_child_value (gv, 0));

  // Normal case
    return g_variant_to_scheme_object (gv);
} // g_variant_to_scheme_result
 * Create a list of available services.
static Scheme_Object *
loudbus_services (int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
  GDBusProxy *proxy;
  GError *error = NULL; 
  GVariant *result;

  //Build the proxy.
  proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,

  // Check for an error
  if (proxy == NULL)
      if (error != NULL)
          scheme_signal_error ("Could not create proxy because %s", 
        } // if (error != NULL)
      else // if (error == NULL)
	  scheme_signal_error ("Could not create proxy for unknown reasons.");
	} // if (error == NULL)
      return scheme_void;
    } // if (proxy == NULL)

  // Get a list of available services.
  result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy,

  // Check whether an error occurred.
  if (result == NULL)
      if (error != NULL)
	  scheme_signal_error ("Could not list services because: %s",
        } // if (error != NULL)
      else // if (error == NULL)
	  scheme_signal_error ("Could not list services for unknown reason");
        } // if (error == NULL)
      return scheme_void; 
    } // if (error == NULL)
  // Return the created list.
  return g_variant_to_scheme_object (result);
} // loudbus_services
 * Get a list of available objects.
 * TODO:
 *   1. Check that this works at all. (Nope.)
 *   2. Check that this gets the full path.  (Didn't we decide that
 *      you needed to recursively find elements?)
 *   3. Add error checking for the call to g_variant_to_scheme_result.
 *   4. Clean up after yourself.  You've created a proxy.  Get rid of
 *      it so it doesn't sit there clogging memory.  (See loudbus_proxy_free
 *      for details.)
static Scheme_Object *
loudbus_objects (int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
  GDBusProxy *proxy;            // Proxy for connecting to server
  GError *error;                // Potential error
  GVariant *params;             // Parameters to function call
  GVariant *result;             // Result of request for info
  gchar *service;               // Name of the service

  service = scheme_object_to_string (argv[0]);

  // Check parameter
  if (service == NULL)
      scheme_wrong_type ("loudbus-proxy", "string", 0, argc, argv);
    } // if (service == NULL)
  // Create the proxy that we'll use to get information on the service.
  LOG ("Creatign proxy for %s", service);
  proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,

  // Call the function to get the objects.  (This looks wrong.)
  params = g_variant_new("()");
  result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy,

  // Check the result.
  // TODO

  // And we're done.
  return g_variant_to_scheme_object (result);
} // loudbus_objects
 * The kernel of the various mechanisms for calling D-Bus functions.
static Scheme_Object *
dbus_call_kernel (LouDBusProxy *proxy,
                  gchar *dbus_name,
                  gchar *external_name,
                  int argc, 
                  Scheme_Object **argv)
  GDBusMethodInfo *method;
                        // Information on the actual method
  int arity;            // The arity of that method
  GVariant *actuals;    // The actual parameters
  GVariant *gresult;    // The result from the function call as a GVariant
  Scheme_Object *sresult;   
                        // That Scheme result as a Scheme object
  GError *error;        // Possible error from call

  // Grab the method information.
  method = g_dbus_interface_info_lookup_method (proxy->iinfo, dbus_name);
  if (method == NULL)
      scheme_signal_error ("no such method: %s", dbus_name);
    } // if the method is invalid

  // Get the arity
  arity = g_dbus_method_info_num_formals (method);
  if (arity != argc)
      scheme_signal_error ("%s expected %d params, received %d",
                           external_name, arity, argc);
    } // if the arity is incorrect

  // Build the actuals
  actuals = scheme_objects_to_parameter_tuple (external_name,
  if (actuals == NULL)
      scheme_signal_error ("%s: could not convert parameters",
    } // if (actuals == NULL)

  // Call the function.
  error = NULL;
  gresult = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy->proxy,
  if (gresult == NULL)
      if (error != NULL)
          scheme_signal_error ("%s: call failed because %s", 
                               external_name, error->message);
        } // if (error != NULL)
          scheme_signal_error ("%s: call failed for unknown reason", 
        } // if something went wrong, but there's no error
    } // if (gresult == NULL)

  // Convert to Scheme form
  sresult = g_variant_to_scheme_object (gresult);
  if (sresult == NULL)
      scheme_signal_error ("%s: could not convert return values", 
    } // if (sresult == NULL)

  // And we're done.
  return sresult;
} // dbus_call_kernel
 * Convert a GVariant to a Scheme object.  Returns NULL if there's a
 * problem.
static Scheme_Object *
g_variant_to_scheme_object (GVariant *gv)
  const GVariantType *type;     // The type of the GVariant
  const gchar *typestring;      // A string that describes the type
  int i;                        // A counter variable
  int len;                      // Length of arrays and tuples
  Scheme_Object *lst = NULL;    // A list that we build as a result
  Scheme_Object *sval = NULL;   // One value
  Scheme_Object *result = NULL; // One result to return.

  // Special case: We'll treat NULL as void.
  if (gv == NULL)
      return scheme_void;
    } // if (gv == NULL)

  // Get the type
  type = g_variant_get_type (gv);
  typestring = g_variant_get_type_string (gv);

  // ** Handle most of the basic types **

  // Integer
  if (g_variant_type_equal (type, G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT32))
      // We don't refer to any Scheme objects across allocating calls,
      // so no need for GC code.
      int i;
      i = g_variant_get_int32 (gv);
      result = scheme_make_integer (i);
      return result;
    } // if it's an integer

  // Double
  if (g_variant_type_equal (type, G_VARIANT_TYPE_DOUBLE))
      double d;
      d = g_variant_get_double (gv);
      result = scheme_make_double (d);
      return result;
    } // if it's a double

  // String
  if (g_variant_type_equal (type, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING))
      // We don't refer to any Scheme objects across allocating calls,
      // so no need for GC code.
      const gchar *str;
      str = g_variant_get_string (gv, NULL);
      result = scheme_make_locale_string (str);
      return result;
    } // if it's a string

  // ** Handle some special cases **

  // We treat arrays of bytes as bytestrings
  if (g_strcmp0 (typestring, "ay") == 0)
      gsize size;
      guchar *data;
      data = (guchar *) g_variant_get_fixed_array (gv, &size, sizeof (guchar));
      return scheme_make_sized_byte_string ((char *) data, size, 1);
    } // if it's an array of bytes

  // ** Handle the compound types ** 

  // Tuple or Array
  if ( (g_variant_type_is_tuple (type))
       || (g_variant_type_is_array (type)) )
      // Find out how many values to put into the list.
      len = g_variant_n_children (gv);

      // Here, we are referring to stuff across allocating calls, so we
      // need to be careful.
      MZ_GC_DECL_REG (2);
      MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG (0, lst);
      MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG (1, sval);
      MZ_GC_REG ();
      // Start with the empty list.
      lst = scheme_null;

      // Step through the items, right to left, adding them to the list.
      for (i = len-1; i >= 0; i--)
          sval = g_variant_to_scheme_object (g_variant_get_child_value (gv, i));
          lst = scheme_make_pair (sval, lst);
        } // for

          // Okay, we've made it through the list, now we can clean up.
      MZ_GC_UNREG ();
      if ((g_variant_type_is_array (type)))
          //If type is array, convert to vector
          scheme_list_to_vector ((char*)lst);
        }//If array
      // And we're done.
      return lst;

    } // if it's a tuple or an array

  // Unknown.  Give up.
  scheme_signal_error ("Unknown type %s", typestring);
  return scheme_void;
} // g_variant_to_scheme_object
 * Convert a GVariant to a Scheme object.  Returns NULL if there's a
 * problem.
static Scheme_Object *
g_variant_to_scheme_object (GVariant *gv)
  const GVariantType *type;     // The type of the GVariant
  int i;                        // A counter variable
  int len;                      // Length of arrays and tuples
  Scheme_Object *lst = NULL;    // A list that we build as a result
  Scheme_Object *sval = NULL;   // One value
  Scheme_Object *result = NULL; // One result to return.

  // Special case: We'll treat NULL as void.
  if (gv == NULL)
      return scheme_void;
    } // if (gv == NULL)

  // Get the type
  type = g_variant_get_type (gv);

  // ** Handle most of the basic types **

  // Integer
  if (g_variant_type_equal (type, G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT32))
      // We don't refer to any Scheme objects across allocating calls,
      // so no need for GC code.
      int i;
      i = g_variant_get_int32 (gv);
      result = scheme_make_integer (i);
      return result;
    } // if it's an integer

  // String
  if (g_variant_type_equal (type, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING))
      // We don't refer to any Scheme objects across allocating calls,
      // so no need for GC code.
      const gchar *str;
      str = g_variant_get_string (gv, NULL);
      result = scheme_make_locale_string (str);
      return result;
    } // if it's a string

  // ** Handle the compound types ** 

  // Tuple or Array
  if ( (g_variant_type_is_tuple (type))
       || (g_variant_type_is_array (type)) )
      // Find out how many values to put into the list.
      len = g_variant_n_children (gv);

      // Here, we are referring to stuff across allocating calls, so we
      // need to be careful.
      MZ_GC_DECL_REG (2);
      MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG (0, lst);
      MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG (1, sval);
      MZ_GC_REG ();
      // Start with the empty list.
      lst = scheme_null;

      // Step through the items, right to left, adding them to the list.
      for (i = len-1; i >= 0; i--)
          sval = g_variant_to_scheme_object (g_variant_get_child_value (gv, i));
          lst = scheme_make_pair (sval, lst);
        } // for

      // Okay, we've made it through the list, now we can clean up.
      MZ_GC_UNREG ();

      // And we're done.
      return lst;
    } // if it's a tuple or an array

  // Unknown.  Give up.
  return NULL;
} // g_variant_to_scheme_object