double chi_squared(int ndf, double chi2) {
// Calculate the chi-squared distribution function
// ndf  = number of degrees of freedom
// chi2 = chi-squared value
// prob = probability of a chi-squared value <= chi2 (i.e. the left-hand
//        tail area)
	return gammad(0.5*chi2, 0.5*ndf);
double ppchi2 ( double p, double v, double g, int *ifault )


    PPCHI2 evaluates the percentage points of the Chi-squared PDF.


    Incorporates the suggested changes in AS R85 (vol.40(1),
    pages 233-5, 1991) which should eliminate the need for the limited
    range for P, though these limits have not been removed
    from the routine.


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    03 November 2010


    Original FORTRAN77 version by Donald Best, DE Roberts.
    C version by John Burkardt.


    Donald Best, DE Roberts,
    Algorithm AS 91:
    The Percentage Points of the Chi-Squared Distribution,
    Applied Statistics,
    Volume 24, Number 3, 1975, pages 385-390.


    Input, double P,  value of the chi-squared cumulative
    probability density function.
    0.000002 <= P <= 0.999998.

    Input, double V, the parameter of the chi-squared probability
    density function.
    0 < V.

    Input, double G, the value of log ( Gamma ( V / 2 ) ).

    Output, int *IFAULT, is nonzero if an error occurred.
    0, no error.
    1, P is outside the legal range.
    2, V is not positive.
    3, an error occurred in GAMMAD.
    4, the result is probably as accurate as the machine will allow.

    Output, double PPCHI2, the value of the chi-squared random
    deviate with the property that the probability that a chi-squared random
    deviate with parameter V is less than or equal to PPCHI2 is P.
  double a;
  double aa = 0.6931471806;
  double b;
  double c;
  double c1 = 0.01;
  double c2 = 0.222222;
  double c3 = 0.32;
  double c4 = 0.4;
  double c5 = 1.24;
  double c6 = 2.2;
  double c7 = 4.67;
  double c8 = 6.66;
  double c9 = 6.73;
  double c10 = 13.32;
  double c11 = 60.0;
  double c12 = 70.0;
  double c13 = 84.0;
  double c14 = 105.0;
  double c15 = 120.0;
  double c16 = 127.0;
  double c17 = 140.0;
  double c18 = 175.0;
  double c19 = 210.0;
  double c20 = 252.0;
  double c21 = 264.0;
  double c22 = 294.0;
  double c23 = 346.0;
  double c24 = 420.0;
  double c25 = 462.0;
  double c26 = 606.0;
  double c27 = 672.0;
  double c28 = 707.0;
  double c29 = 735.0;
  double c30 = 889.0;
  double c31 = 932.0;
  double c32 = 966.0;
  double c33 = 1141.0;
  double c34 = 1182.0;
  double c35 = 1278.0;
  double c36 = 1740.0;
  double c37 = 2520.0;
  double c38 = 5040.0;
  double ch;
  double e = 0.5E-06;
  int i;
  int if1;
  int maxit = 20;
  double pmax = 0.999998;
  double pmin = 0.000002;
  double p1;
  double p2;
  double q;
  double s1;
  double s2;
  double s3;
  double s4;
  double s5;
  double s6;
  double t;
  double value;
  double x;
  double xx;
  Test arguments and initialize.
  value = - 1.0;

  if ( p < pmin || pmax < p )
    *ifault = 1;
    return value;

  if ( v <= 0.0 )
    *ifault = 2;
    return value;

  *ifault = 0;
  xx = 0.5 * v;
  c = xx - 1.0;
  Starting approximation for small chi-squared
  if ( v < - c5 * log ( p ) )
    ch = pow ( p * xx * exp ( g + xx * aa ), 1.0 / xx );

    if ( ch < e )
      value = ch;
      return value;
  Starting approximation for V less than or equal to 0.32
  else if ( v <= c3 )
    ch = c4;
    a = log ( 1.0 - p );

    for ( ; ; )
      q = ch;
      p1 = 1.0 + ch * ( c7 + ch );
      p2 = ch * (c9 + ch * ( c8 + ch ) );

      t = - 0.5 + (c7 + 2.0 * ch ) / p1 - ( c9 + ch * ( c10 + 
        3.0 * ch ) ) / p2;

      ch = ch - ( 1.0 - exp ( a + g + 0.5 * ch + c * aa ) * p2 / p1) / t;

      if ( r8_abs ( q / ch - 1.0 ) <= c1 )
  Call to algorithm AS 111 - note that P has been tested above.
  AS 241 could be used as an alternative.
    x = ppnd ( p, ifault );
  Starting approximation using Wilson and Hilferty estimate
    p1 = c2 / v;
    ch = v * pow ( x * sqrt ( p1 ) + 1.0 - p1, 3 );
  Starting approximation for P tending to 1.
    if ( c6 * v + 6.0 < ch )
      ch = - 2.0 * ( log ( 1.0 - p ) - c * log ( 0.5 * ch ) + g );
  Call to algorithm AS 239 and calculation of seven term
  Taylor series
  for ( i = 1; i <= maxit; i++ )
    q = ch;
    p1 = 0.5 * ch;
    p2 = p - gammad ( p1, xx, &if1 );

    if ( if1 != 0 )
      *ifault = 3;
      return value;

    t = p2 * exp ( xx * aa + g + p1 - c * log ( ch ) );
    b = t / ch;
    a = 0.5 * t - b * c;
    s1 = ( c19 + a * ( c17 + a * ( c14 + a * ( c13 + a * ( c12 + 
      c11 * a ))))) / c24;
    s2 = ( c24 + a * ( c29 + a * ( c32 + a * ( c33 + c35 * a )))) / c37;
    s3 = ( c19 + a * ( c25 + a * ( c28 + c31 * a ))) / c37;
    s4 = ( c20 + a * ( c27 + c34 * a) + c * ( c22 + a * ( c30 + c36 * a ))) / c38;
    s5 = ( c13 + c21 * a + c * ( c18 + c26 * a )) / c37;
    s6 = ( c15 + c * ( c23 + c16 * c )) / c38;
    ch = ch + t * ( 1.0 + 0.5 * t * s1 - b * c * ( s1 - b * 
      ( s2 - b * ( s3 - b * ( s4 - b * ( s5 - b * s6 ))))));

    if ( e < abs ( q / ch - 1.0 ) )
       value = ch;
       return value;

 *ifault = 4;
 value = ch;

  return value;