文件: sumStats.c 项目: sktu/kentUtils
void doSummaryStatsBed(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up page showing summary stats for track that is in database
 * or that is bed-format custom. */
    struct bed *bedList = NULL;
    struct region *regionList = getRegions(), *region;
    char *regionName = getRegionName();
    long long regionSize = 0, gapTotal = 0, realSize = 0;
    long startTime, midTime, endTime;
    long loadTime = 0, calcTime = 0, freeTime = 0;
    struct covStats *itemCovList = NULL, *blockCovList = NULL, *cov;
    int itemCount = 0;
    struct hTableInfo *hti = getHti(database, curTable, conn);
    int minScore = BIGNUM, maxScore = -BIGNUM;
    long long sumScores = 0;
    boolean hasBlocks = hti->hasBlocks;
    boolean hasScore = (hti->scoreField[0] != 0);
    int fieldCount;

    htmlOpen("%s (%s) Summary Statistics", curTableLabel(), curTable);

    for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
        struct lm *lm = lmInit(64*1024);
        startTime = clock1000();
        bedList = cookedBedList(conn, curTable, region, lm, &fieldCount);
        if (fieldCount < 12)
            hasBlocks = FALSE;
        if (fieldCount < 5)
            hasScore = FALSE;
        midTime = clock1000();
        loadTime += midTime - startTime;

        if (bedList != NULL)
            itemCount += slCount(bedList);
            regionSize += region->end - region->start;
            cov = calcSpanOverRegion(region, bedList);
            slAddHead(&itemCovList, cov);
            if (hasBlocks)
                cov = calcBlocksOverRegion(region, bedList);
                slAddHead(&blockCovList, cov);
            if (hti->scoreField[0] != 0)
                struct bed *bed;
                for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
                    int score = bed->score;
                    if (score < minScore) minScore = score;
                    if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score;
                    sumScores += score;
        endTime = clock1000();
        calcTime += endTime - midTime;
        bedList = NULL;
        freeTime  += clock1000() - endTime;

    regionSize = basesInRegion(regionList, 0);
    gapTotal = gapsInRegion(conn, regionList, 0);
    realSize = regionSize - gapTotal;

    startTime = clock1000();
    numberStatRow("item count", itemCount);
    if (itemCount > 0)
        cov = covStatsSum(itemCovList);
        percentStatRow("item bases", cov->basesCovered, realSize);
        percentStatRow("item total", cov->sumBases, realSize);
        numberStatRow("smallest item", cov->minBases);
        numberStatRow("average item", round((double)cov->sumBases/cov->itemCount));
        numberStatRow("biggest item", cov->maxBases);

    if (hasBlocks && itemCount > 0)
        cov = covStatsSum(blockCovList);
        hPrintf("<TR><TD>block count</TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>");
        printLongWithCommas(stdout, cov->itemCount);
        percentStatRow("block bases", cov->basesCovered, realSize);
        percentStatRow("block total", cov->sumBases, realSize);
        numberStatRow("smallest block", cov->minBases);
        numberStatRow("average block", round((double)cov->sumBases/cov->itemCount));
        numberStatRow("biggest block", cov->maxBases);

    if (hasScore != 0 && itemCount > 0 && sumScores != 0)
        numberStatRow("smallest score", minScore);
        numberStatRow("average score", round((double)sumScores/itemCount));
        numberStatRow("biggest score", maxScore);

    /* Show region and time stats part of stats page. */
    webNewSection("Region and Timing Statistics");
    stringStatRow("region", regionName);
    numberStatRow("bases in region", regionSize);
    numberStatRow("bases in gaps", gapTotal);
    floatStatRow("load time", 0.001*loadTime);
    floatStatRow("calculation time", 0.001*calcTime);
    floatStatRow("free memory time", 0.001*freeTime);
    stringStatRow("filter", (anyFilter() ? "on" : "off"));
    stringStatRow("intersection", (anyIntersection() ? "on" : "off"));
void doSummaryStatsWiggle(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up page showing summary stats for wiggle track. */
// grab the right trackDb for the current table.  The curTrack variable
// has the composite trackDb in it
struct trackDb *track  = hTrackDbForTrack(database, curTable);

char *table = curTable;
struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions();
char *regionName = getRegionName();
long long regionSize = 0;
long long gapTotal = 0;
long startTime = 0, wigFetchTime = 0;
char splitTableOrFileName[HDB_MAX_TABLE_STRING];
struct customTrack *ct = NULL;
boolean isCustom = FALSE;
struct wiggleDataStream *wds = NULL;
unsigned long long valuesMatched = 0;
int regionCount = 0;
int regionsDone = 0;
unsigned span = 0;
char *dataConstraint;
double ll = 0.0;
double ul = 0.0;
boolean hasConstraint = FALSE;
char *table2 = NULL;
boolean fullGenome = FALSE;
boolean statsHeaderDone = FALSE;
boolean gotSome = FALSE;
char *shortLabel = table;
long long statsItemCount = 0;	/*	global accumulators for overall */
int statsSpan = 0;		/*	stats summary on a multiple region */
double statsSumData = 0.0;	/*	output */
double statsSumSquares = 0.0;		/*	"  "	*/
double lowerLimit = INFINITY;		/*	"  "	*/
double upperLimit = -1.0 * INFINITY;	/*	"  "	*/

startTime = clock1000();
if (track != NULL)
     shortLabel = track->shortLabel;

/*	Count the regions, when only one, we can do more stats */
for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)

htmlOpen("%s (%s) Wiggle Summary Statistics", shortLabel, table);

if (anySubtrackMerge(database, curTable))
    hPrintf("<P><EM><B>Note:</B> subtrack merge is currently ignored on this "
	    "page (not implemented yet).  Statistics shown here are only for "
	    "the primary table %s (%s).</EM>", shortLabel, table);

fullGenome = fullGenomeRegion();

WIG_INIT;  /* ct, isCustom, hasConstraint, wds and table2 are set here */

for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
    struct bed *intersectBedList = NULL;
    int operations;


    if (table2)
	intersectBedList = bedTable2(conn, region, table2);

    operations = wigFetchStats;
#if defined(NOT)
    /*	can't do the histogram now, that operation times out	*/
    if (1 == regionCount)
	operations |= wigFetchAscii;

    wds->setChromConstraint(wds, region->chrom);

    if (fullGenome)
	wds->setPositionConstraint(wds, 0, 0);
	wds->setPositionConstraint(wds, region->start, region->end);

    if (hasConstraint)
	wds->setDataConstraint(wds, dataConstraint, ll, ul);

    /* depending on what is coming in on regionList, we may need to be
     * smart about how often we call getData for these custom tracks
     * since that is potentially a large file read each time.
    if (isCustom)
	if (ct->dbTrack)
	    struct sqlConnection *trashConn = hAllocConn(CUSTOM_TRASH);
	    struct trackDb *tdb = findTdbForTable(database, curTrack, table, ctLookupName);
	    span = minSpan(trashConn, splitTableOrFileName, region->chrom,
		region->start, region->end, cart, tdb);
	    wds->setSpanConstraint(wds, span);
	    valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region,
		CUSTOM_TRASH, table2, &intersectBedList,
		    splitTableOrFileName, operations);
	    valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region, NULL,
		table2, &intersectBedList, splitTableOrFileName, operations);

	/*  XXX We need to properly get the smallest span for custom tracks */
	    /*	This is not necessarily the correct answer here	*/
	    if (wds->stats)
		span = wds->stats->span;
		span = 1;
	if (hFindSplitTable(database, region->chrom, table, splitTableOrFileName, sizeof splitTableOrFileName, NULL))
	    span = minSpan(conn, splitTableOrFileName, region->chrom,
		region->start, region->end, cart, track);
	    wds->setSpanConstraint(wds, span);
	    valuesMatched = getWigglePossibleIntersection(wds, region,
		database, table2, &intersectBedList, splitTableOrFileName,
	    if (intersectBedList)
		span = 1;
    /*	when doing multiple regions, we need to print out each result as
     *	it happens to keep the connection open to the browser and
     *	prevent any timeout since this could take a while.
     *	(worst case test is quality track on panTro1)
    if (wds->stats)
	statsItemCount += wds->stats->count;
    if (wds->stats && (regionCount > 1) && (valuesMatched > 0))
	double sumData = wds->stats->mean * wds->stats->count;
	double sumSquares;

	if (wds->stats->count > 1)
	    sumSquares = (wds->stats->variance * (wds->stats->count - 1)) +
		((sumData * sumData)/wds->stats->count);
	    sumSquares = sumData * sumData;

	/*	global accumulators for overall summary	*/
	statsSpan = wds->stats->span;
	statsSumData += sumData;
	statsSumSquares += sumSquares;
	if (wds->stats->lowerLimit < lowerLimit)
	    lowerLimit = wds->stats->lowerLimit;
	if ((wds->stats->lowerLimit + wds->stats->dataRange) > upperLimit)
	    upperLimit = wds->stats->lowerLimit + wds->stats->dataRange;

	if (statsHeaderDone)
	    wds->statsOut(wds, database, "stdout", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
	    wds->statsOut(wds, database, "stdout", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
	    statsHeaderDone = TRUE;
	gotSome = TRUE;
    if ((regionCount > MAX_REGION_DISPLAY) &&
		(regionsDone >= MAX_REGION_DISPLAY))
	hPrintf("<TR><TH ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=12> Can not display more "
	    "than %d regions, <BR> would take too much time </TH></TR>\n",
	break;	/*	exit this for loop	*/
    }	/*for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next) */

if (hasConstraint)
    freeMem(dataConstraint);	/* been cloned into wds */

if (1 == regionCount)
    statsPreamble(wds, regionList->chrom, regionList->start, regionList->end,
	span, valuesMatched, table2);
    /* 3 X TRUE = sort results, html table output, with header,
     *	the FALSE means close the table after printing, no more rows to
     *	come.  The case in the if() statement was already taken care of
     *	in the statsPreamble() printout.  No need to do that again.

    if ( ! ((valuesMatched == 0) && table2) )
	wds->statsOut(wds, database, "stdout", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
    regionSize = basesInRegion(regionList,0);
    gapTotal = gapsInRegion(conn, regionList,0);
    {	/* this is a bit of a kludge here since these printouts are done in the
	 *	library source wigDataStream.c statsOut() function and
	 *	this is a clean up of that.  That function should be
	 *	pulled out of there and made independent and more
	 *	versatile.
    long long realSize;
    double variance;
    double stddev;

    /*	Too expensive to lookup the numbers for thousands of regions */
    regionSize = basesInRegion(regionList,MAX_REGION_DISPLAY);
    gapTotal = gapsInRegion(conn, regionList,MAX_REGION_DISPLAY);
    realSize = regionSize - gapTotal;

    /*	close the table which was left open in the loop above	*/
    if (!gotSome)
	hPrintf("<TR><TH ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=12> No data found matching this request </TH></TR>\n");

    hPrintf("<TR><TH ALIGN=LEFT> SUMMARY: </TH>\n");
    hPrintf("\t<TD> &nbsp; </TD>\n");	/*	chromStart	*/
    hPrintf("\t<TD> &nbsp; </TD>\n");	/*	chromEnd	*/
    hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> ");
    printLongWithCommas(stdout, statsItemCount);
    hPrintf(" </TD>\n" );
    hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %d </TD>\n", statsSpan);
    hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> ");
    printLongWithCommas(stdout, statsItemCount*statsSpan);
    hPrintf("&nbsp;(%.2f%%) </TD>\n",
    hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", lowerLimit);
    hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", upperLimit);
    hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", upperLimit - lowerLimit);
    if (statsItemCount > 0)
	hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", statsSumData/statsItemCount);
	hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> 0.0 </TD>\n");
    stddev = 0.0;
    variance = 0.0;
    if (statsItemCount > 1)
	variance = (statsSumSquares -
	    ((statsSumData * statsSumData)/(double) statsItemCount)) /
		(double) (statsItemCount - 1);
	if (variance > 0.0)
	    stddev = sqrt(variance);
    hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", variance);
    hPrintf("\t<TD ALIGN=RIGHT> %g </TD>\n", stddev);
    wigStatsTableHeading(stdout, TRUE);

#if defined(NOT)
/*	can't do the histogram now, that operation times out	*/
/*	Single region, we can do the histogram	*/
if ((valuesMatched > 1) && (1 == regionCount))
    float *valuesArray = NULL;
    size_t valueCount = 0;
    struct histoResult *histoGramResult;

    /*	convert the ascii data listings to one giant float array 	*/
    valuesArray = wds->asciiToDataArray(wds, valuesMatched, &valueCount);

    /*	histoGram() may return NULL if it doesn't work	*/

    histoGramResult = histoGram(valuesArray, valueCount,
	    NAN, (unsigned) 0, NAN, (float) wds->stats->lowerLimit,
		(float) (wds->stats->lowerLimit + wds->stats->dataRange),
		(struct histoResult *)NULL);

    printHistoGram(histoGramResult, TRUE);	/* TRUE == html output */



wigFetchTime = clock1000() - startTime;
webNewSection("Region and Timing Statistics");
stringStatRow("region", regionName);
numberStatRow("bases in region", regionSize);
numberStatRow("bases in gaps", gapTotal);
floatStatRow("load and calc time", 0.001*wigFetchTime);
stringStatRow("intersection", cartUsualString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable, "off"));
}	/*	void doSummaryStatsWiggle(struct sqlConnection *conn)	*/
文件: bigWig.c 项目: davidhoover/kent
void doSummaryStatsBigWig(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Put up page showing summary stats for bigWig track. */
struct trackDb *track = curTrack;
char *table = curTable;
char *shortLabel = (track == NULL ? table : track->shortLabel);
char *fileName = bigWigFileName(table, conn);
long startTime = clock1000();

htmlOpen("%s (%s) Big Wig Summary Statistics", shortLabel, table);

if (anySubtrackMerge(database, curTable))
    hPrintf("<P><EM><B>Note:</B> subtrack merge is currently ignored on this "
	    "page (not implemented yet).  Statistics shown here are only for "
	    "the primary table %s (%s).</EM>", shortLabel, table);

struct bbiFile *bwf = bigWigFileOpen(fileName);
struct region *region, *regionList = getRegions();
double sumData = 0, sumSquares = 0, minVal = 0, maxVal = 0;
bits64 validCount = 0;

if (!anyFilter() && !anyIntersection())
    for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
	struct bbiSummaryElement sum;
	if (bbiSummaryArrayExtended(bwf, region->chrom, region->start, region->end,
		bigWigIntervalQuery, 1, &sum))
	    if (validCount == 0)
		minVal = sum.minVal;
		maxVal = sum.maxVal;
		if (sum.minVal < minVal)
		    minVal = sum.minVal;
		if (sum.maxVal > maxVal)
		    maxVal = sum.maxVal;
	    sumData += sum.sumData;
	    sumSquares += sum.sumSquares;
	    validCount += sum.validCount;
    double ll, ul;
    enum wigCompare cmp;
    getWigFilter(database, curTable, &cmp, &ll, &ul);
    for (region = regionList; region != NULL; region = region->next)
	struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
	struct bbiInterval *iv, *ivList;
	ivList = intersectedFilteredBbiIntervalsOnRegion(conn, bwf, region, cmp, ll, ul, lm);
	for (iv = ivList; iv != NULL; iv = iv->next)
	    double val = iv->val;
	    double size = iv->end - iv->start;
	    if (validCount == 0)
		minVal = maxVal = val;
		if (val < minVal)
		    minVal = val;
		if (val > maxVal)
		    maxVal = val;
	    sumData += size*val;
	    sumSquares += size*val*val;
	    validCount += size;

floatStatRow("mean", sumData/validCount);
floatStatRow("min", minVal);
floatStatRow("max", maxVal);
floatStatRow("standard deviation", calcStdFromSums(sumData, sumSquares, validCount));
numberStatRow("bases with data", validCount);
long long regionSize = basesInRegion(regionList,0);
long long gapTotal = gapsInRegion(conn, regionList,0);
numberStatRow("bases with sequence", regionSize - gapTotal);
numberStatRow("bases in region", regionSize);
stringStatRow("intersection", cartUsualString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable, "off"));
long wigFetchTime = clock1000() - startTime;
floatStatRow("load and calc time", 0.001*wigFetchTime);
