static gctBOOL ReadSource( IN gcoOS Os, IN gctCONST_STRING FileName, OUT gctSIZE_T * SourceSize, OUT gctSTRING * Source ) { gceSTATUS status; gctFILE file; gctUINT32 count; gctSIZE_T byteRead; gctSTRING source; gcmASSERT(FileName); status = gcoOS_Open(Os, FileName, gcvFILE_READ, &file); if (gcmIS_ERROR(status)) { printf("*ERROR* Failed to open input file: %s\n", FileName); return gcvFALSE; } gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Seek(Os, file, 0, gcvFILE_SEEK_END)); gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_GetPos(Os, file, &count)); status = gcoOS_Allocate(Os, count + 1, (gctPOINTER *) &source); if (!gcmIS_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("*ERROR* Not enough memory\n"); gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Close(Os, file)); return gcvFALSE; } gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_SetPos(Os, file, 0)); status = gcoOS_Read(Os, file, count, source, &byteRead); if (!gcmIS_SUCCESS(status) || byteRead != count) { printf("*ERROR* Failed to open input file: %s\n", FileName); gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Close(Os, file)); return gcvFALSE; } source[count] = '\0'; gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Close(Os, file)); *SourceSize = count; *Source = source; return gcvTRUE; }
static gctBOOL OutputShaderData( IN gcoOS Os, IN gctCONST_STRING FileName, IN gctSIZE_T Size, IN gctCONST_STRING Data ) { gceSTATUS status; gctSTRING dataFileName; gctSIZE_T length; gctFILE file; gcmASSERT(FileName); gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_StrLen(FileName, &length)); length += 6; gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Allocate(Os, length, (gctPOINTER *) &dataFileName)); gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_StrCopySafe(dataFileName, length, FileName)); gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_StrCatSafe(dataFileName, length, ".gcSL")); status = gcoOS_Open(Os, dataFileName, gcvFILE_CREATE, &file); if (gcmIS_ERROR(status)) { gcoOS_Free(Os, dataFileName); printf("*ERROR* Failed to open the data file: %s\n", dataFileName); return gcvFALSE; } gcoOS_Free(Os, dataFileName); gcmASSERT(file); status = gcoOS_Write(Os, file, Size, Data); if (!gcmIS_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("*ERROR* Failed to write the data file: %s\n", dataFileName); goto ErrorExit; } gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Close(Os, file)); return gcvTRUE; ErrorExit: gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Close(Os, file)); return gcvFALSE; }
gceSTATUS gcoPROFILER_Initialize( IN gcoHAL Hal ) { gceSTATUS status = gcvSTATUS_OK; char* fileName; char* filter = gcvNULL; gctSTRING portName; gctINT port; gcsHAL_INTERFACE iface; gcmHEADER(); /* Check if already initialized. */ if (gcPLS.hal->profiler.enable) { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enable++; gcmFOOTER(); return status; } /* Get profile setting. */ iface.command = gcvHAL_GET_PROFILE_SETTING; /* Call the kernel. */ status = gcoOS_DeviceControl(gcvNULL, IOCTL_GCHAL_INTERFACE, &iface, gcmSIZEOF(iface), &iface, gcmSIZEOF(iface)); if (gcmIS_ERROR(status) || !iface.u.GetProfileSetting.enable) { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enable = 0; status = gcvSTATUS_GENERIC_IO; gcmFOOTER(); return status; } gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_ZeroMemory(&gcPLS.hal->profiler, gcmSIZEOF(gcPLS.hal->profiler))); gcoOS_GetEnv(gcvNULL, "VP_COUNTER_FILTER", &filter); /* Enable/Disable specific counters. */ if ((filter != gcvNULL)) { gctSIZE_T bitsLen; gcoOS_StrLen(filter, &bitsLen); if (bitsLen > 2) { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableHal = (filter[2] == '1'); } else { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableHal = gcvTRUE; } if (bitsLen > 3) { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableHW = (filter[3] == '1'); } else { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableHW = gcvTRUE; } if (bitsLen > 8) { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableSH = (filter[8] == '1'); } else { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableSH = gcvTRUE; } } else { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableHal = gcvTRUE; gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableHW = gcvTRUE; gcPLS.hal->profiler.enableSH = gcvTRUE; } gcoOS_GetEnv(gcvNULL, "VPROFILER_OUTPUT", &fileName); gcPLS.hal->profiler.useSocket = gcvFALSE; if (fileName && *fileName != '\0' && *fileName != ' ') { /* Extract port info. */ gcoOS_StrFindReverse(fileName, ':', &portName); if (portName) { gcoOS_StrToInt(portName + 1, &port); if (port > 0) { /*status = gcoOS_Socket(gcvNULL, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, &gcPLS.hal->profiler.sockFd);*/ status = gcoOS_Socket(gcvNULL, 2, 1, 0, &gcPLS.hal->profiler.sockFd); if (gcmIS_SUCCESS(status)) { *portName = '\0'; status = gcoOS_Connect(gcvNULL, gcPLS.hal->profiler.sockFd, fileName, port); *portName = ':'; if (gcmIS_SUCCESS(status)) { gcPLS.hal->profiler.useSocket = gcvTRUE; } } } } } else { fileName = iface.u.GetProfileSetting.fileName; } if (! gcPLS.hal->profiler.useSocket) { status = gcoOS_Open(gcvNULL, fileName, #ifdef gcdNEW_PROFILER_FILE gcvFILE_CREATE, #else gcvFILE_CREATETEXT, #endif &gcPLS.hal->profiler.file); } if (gcmIS_ERROR(status)) { gcPLS.hal->profiler.enable = 0; status = gcvSTATUS_GENERIC_IO; gcmFOOTER(); return status; } gcPLS.hal->profiler.enable = 1; gcoOS_GetTime(&gcPLS.hal->profiler.frameStart); gcPLS.hal->profiler.frameStartTimeusec = gcPLS.hal->profiler.frameStart; gcPLS.hal->profiler.prevVSInstCount = 0; gcPLS.hal->profiler.prevVSBranchInstCount = 0; gcPLS.hal->profiler.prevVSTexInstCount = 0; gcPLS.hal->profiler.prevVSVertexCount = 0; gcPLS.hal->profiler.prevPSInstCount = 0; gcPLS.hal->profiler.prevPSBranchInstCount = 0; gcPLS.hal->profiler.prevPSTexInstCount = 0; gcPLS.hal->profiler.prevPSPixelCount = 0; #if gcdNEW_PROFILER_FILE gcmWRITE_CONST(VPHEADER); gcmWRITE_BUFFER(4, "VP12"); #else gcmWRITE_STRING("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<VProfile>\n"); #endif /* Success. */ gcmFOOTER(); return status; }
/******************************************************************************* ** ** gcoDUMP_Control ** ** Control dumping. ** ** INPUT: ** ** gcoDUMP Dump ** Pointer to a gcoDUMP object. ** ** gctSTRING FileName ** If 'FileName' is not gcvNULL, it points to the filename to be used for ** capturing all data. If 'FileName' is gcvNULL, turn off any current ** capturing. ** ** OUTPUT: ** ** Nothing. */ gceSTATUS gcoDUMP_Control( IN gcoDUMP Dump, IN gctSTRING FileName ) { gceSTATUS status = gcvSTATUS_OK; gcsDUMP_FILE header; gctUINT32 pos; gcmHEADER_ARG("Dump=0x%x FileName=0x%x", Dump, FileName); /* Verify the arguments. */ gcmVERIFY_OBJECT(Dump, gcvOBJ_DUMP); do { if (FileName != gcvNULL) { /* Need to create a new dump file. */ if (Dump->file == gcvNULL) { /* Create the dump file. */ gcmERR_BREAK(gcoOS_Open(gcvNULL, FileName, gcvFILE_CREATE, &Dump->file)); /* Write the file header. */ header.signature = gcvDUMP_FILE_SIGNATURE; header.length = Dump->length = 0; header.frames = Dump->frameCount = 0; gcmERR_BREAK(gcoOS_Write(gcvNULL, Dump->file, sizeof(header), &header)); /* Frame is not yet started. */ Dump->frameStart = 0; } } else { /* Need to close any current dump file. */ if (Dump->file != gcvNULL) { /* Close any open frame. */ if (Dump->frameStart != 0) { gcoDUMP_FrameEnd(Dump); gcoDUMP_FrameBegin(Dump); } /* Get the current position. */ gcmERR_BREAK(gcoOS_GetPos(gcvNULL, Dump->file, &pos)); /* Seek to the beginnnig of the file. */ gcmERR_BREAK(gcoOS_SetPos(gcvNULL, Dump->file, 0)); /* Make sure we have the correct size. */ gcmASSERT(pos == Dump->length + sizeof(header)); /* Update the file header. */ header.signature = gcvDUMP_FILE_SIGNATURE; header.length = Dump->length; header.frames = Dump->frameCount; gcmERR_BREAK(gcoOS_Write(gcvNULL, Dump->file, sizeof(header), &header)); /* Seek to the end of the file. */ gcmERR_BREAK(gcoOS_SetPos(gcvNULL, Dump->file, pos)); /* Close the file. */ gcmERR_BREAK(gcoOS_Close(gcvNULL, Dump->file)); /* Mark the file as closed. */ Dump->file = gcvNULL; } } } while (gcvFALSE); /* Return the status. */ gcmFOOTER(); return status; }
static gcSHADER CompileFile( IN gcoOS Os, IN gctCONST_STRING FileName, IN gcoHAL Hal, IN gctUINT Option, IN gctBOOL DumpLog, IN gctBOOL DumpCompiledShader ) { gceSTATUS status; gctINT shaderType; gctSIZE_T sourceSize; gctSTRING source = gcvNULL; gcSHADER binary; gctSTRING log = gcvNULL; gctSIZE_T bufferSize; gctSTRING buffer; gctSTRING dataFileName = gcvNULL; gctSIZE_T length; gctFILE logFile = gcvNULL; gcmASSERT(FileName); shaderType = GetShaderType(FileName); if (!ReadSource(Os, FileName, &sourceSize, &source)) return gcvNULL; status = gcCompileShader(Hal, shaderType, sourceSize, source, &binary, &log); if (log != gcvNULL) { printf("<LOG>\n"); printf("%s", log); printf("</LOG>\n"); } if (gcmIS_ERROR(status)) { gcmASSERT(binary == gcvNULL); binary = gcvNULL; printf("*ERROR* Failed to compile %s (error: %d)\n", FileName, status); goto Exit; } gcmASSERT(binary != gcvNULL); if (DumpLog) { gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_StrLen(FileName, &length)); length += 5; gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Allocate(Os, length, (gctPOINTER *) &dataFileName)); gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_StrCopySafe(dataFileName, length, FileName)); gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_StrCatSafe(dataFileName, length, ".log")); status = gcoOS_Open(Os, dataFileName, gcvFILE_CREATETEXT, &logFile); if (gcmIS_ERROR(status)) { logFile = gcvNULL; printf("*ERROR* Failed to open the log file: %s\n", dataFileName); } gcoOS_Free(Os, dataFileName); } gcmVERIFY_OK(gcSHADER_SetOptimizationOption(binary, Option)); status = gcOptimizeShader(binary, logFile); if (!gcmIS_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("*ERROR* Failed to optimize %s (error: %d)\n", FileName, status); } if (logFile != gcvNULL) { gcmVERIFY_OK(gcoOS_Close(Os, logFile)); } if (DumpCompiledShader) { status = gcSHADER_Save(binary, gcvNULL, &bufferSize); if (gcmIS_ERROR(status)) { printf("*ERROR* Failed to get the buffer size of the shader\n"); goto Exit; } status = gcoOS_Allocate(Os, bufferSize, (gctPOINTER *) &buffer); if (!gcmIS_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("*ERROR* Not enough memory\n"); goto Exit; } status = gcSHADER_Save(binary, buffer, &bufferSize); if (status != gcvSTATUS_OK) { printf("*ERROR* Failed to get the buffer size of the shader\n"); gcoOS_Free(Os, buffer); goto Exit; } OutputShaderData(Os, FileName, bufferSize, buffer); gcoOS_Free(Os, buffer); } Exit: if (DumpLog && log != gcvNULL) { printf("**************** Compile Log ****************"); printf("%s", log); printf("*********************************************"); } if (log != gcvNULL) gcoOS_Free(Os, log); if (source != gcvNULL) gcoOS_Free(Os, source); return binary; }