static bool gdbmiFormatBreakpoint(std::ostream &str,
                                  IDebugBreakpoint *bp,
                                  CIDebugSymbols *symbols  /* = 0 */,
                                  CIDebugDataSpaces *dataSpaces /* = 0 */,
                                  unsigned verbose, std::string *errorMessage)
    enum { BufSize = 512 };
    ULONG flags = 0;
    ULONG id = 0;
    if (SUCCEEDED(bp->GetId(&id)))
        str << ",id=\"" << id << '"';
    HRESULT hr = bp->GetFlags(&flags);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        *errorMessage = msgDebugEngineComFailed("GetFlags", hr);
        return false;
    const bool deferred = (flags & DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DEFERRED) != 0;
    formatGdbmiFlag(str, ",deferred", deferred);
    formatGdbmiFlag(str, ",enabled", (flags & DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED) != 0);
    if (verbose) {
        formatGdbmiFlag(str, ",oneshot", (flags & DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ONE_SHOT) != 0);
        str << ",flags=\"" << flags << '"';
        ULONG threadId = 0;
        if (SUCCEEDED(bp->GetMatchThreadId(&threadId))) // Fails if none set
            str << ",thread=\"" << threadId << '"';
        ULONG passCount = 0;
        if (SUCCEEDED(bp->GetPassCount(&passCount)))
            str << ",passcount=\"" << passCount << '"';
    // Offset: Fails for deferred ones
    if (!deferred) {
        const std::pair<ULONG64, ULONG> memoryRange = breakPointMemoryRange(bp);
        if (memoryRange.first) {
            str << ",address=\"" << std::hex << std::showbase << memoryRange.first
                << std::dec << std::noshowbase << '"';
            // Resolve module to be specified in next run for speed-up.
            if (symbols) {
                const std::string module = moduleNameByOffset(symbols, memoryRange.first);
                if (!module.empty())
                    str << ",module=\"" << module << '"';
            } // symbols
            // Report the memory of watchpoints for comparing bitfields
            if (dataSpaces && memoryRange.second > 0) {
                str << ",size=\"" << memoryRange.second << '"';
                const std::wstring memoryHex = memoryToHexW(dataSpaces, memoryRange.first, memoryRange.second);
                if (!memoryHex.empty())
                    str << ",memory=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(memoryHex) << '"';
        } // Got address
    } // !deferred
    // Expression
    if (verbose > 1) {
        char buf[BufSize];
        if (SUCCEEDED(bp->GetOffsetExpression(buf, BUFSIZ, 0)))
            str << ",expression=\"" << gdbmiStringFormat(buf) << '"';
    return true;
void Thread::formatGDBMI(std::ostream &str) const
    str << "{id=\"" << id << "\",target-id=\"" << systemId << "\",";
    if (!name.empty())
        str << ",name=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(name) << '"';
    if (!state.empty())
        str << ",state=\"" << state << '"';
    str << '}';
std::string gdbmiRegisters(CIDebugRegisters *regs,
                           CIDebugControl *control,
                           bool humanReadable,
                           unsigned flags,
                           std::string *errorMessage)
    if (regs == 0 || control == 0) {
        *errorMessage = "Required interfaces missing for registers dump.";
        return std::string();

    const Registers registers = getRegisters(regs, flags, errorMessage);
    if (registers.empty())
        return std::string();

    std::ostringstream str;
    str << '[';
    if (humanReadable)
        str << '\n';
    const Registers::size_type size = registers.size();
    for (Registers::size_type r = 0; r < size; ++r) {
        const Register &reg = registers.at(r);
        if (r)
            str << ',';
        str << "{number=\"" << r << "\",name=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(reg.name) << '"';
        if (!reg.description.empty())
            str << ",description=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(reg.description) << '"';
        if (reg.subRegister)
            str << ",subregister=\"true\"";
        if (reg.pseudoRegister)
            str << ",pseudoregister=\"true\"";
        str << ",value=\"";
        formatDebugValue(str, reg.value, control);
        str << "\"}";
        if (humanReadable)
            str << '\n';
    str << ']';
    if (humanReadable)
        str << '\n';
    return str.str();
void StackFrame::formatGDBMI(std::ostream &str, unsigned level) const
    str << "frame={level=\"" << level << "\",addr=\"0x"
        << std::hex << address << std::dec << '"';
    if (!function.empty()) {
        // Split into module/function
        const std::wstring::size_type exclPos = function.find('!');
        if (exclPos == std::wstring::npos) {
            str << ",func=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(function) << '"';
        } else {
            const std::wstring module = function.substr(0, exclPos);
            const std::wstring fn = function.substr(exclPos + 1, function.size() - exclPos - 1);
            str << ",func=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(fn)
                << "\",from=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(module) << '"';
    if (!fullPathName.empty()) { // Creator/gdbmi expects 'clean paths'
        std::wstring cleanPath = fullPathName;
        replace(cleanPath, L'\\', L'/');
        str << ",fullname=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(fullPathName)
            << "\",file=\"" << gdbmiWStringFormat(fileName()) << "\",line=\"" << line << '"';
    str << '}';
std::string wStringToGdbmiString(const std::wstring &w)
    std::ostringstream str;
    str << gdbmiWStringFormat(w);
    return str.str();