QueryData genBrowserPlugins(QueryContext& context) {
  QueryData results;
  std::vector<std::string> bundles;

  // The caller is not requesting a JOIN against users.
  // This is "special" logic for user data-based tables since there is a concept
  // of system-available browser extensions.
  if (context.constraints["uid"].notExistsOrMatches("0")) {
    std::vector<std::string> bundles;
    if (listDirectoriesInDirectory(kBrowserPluginsPath, bundles).ok()) {
      for (const auto& dir : bundles) {
        genBrowserPlugin("0", dir, results);

  // Iterate over each user
  auto users = usersFromContext(context);
  for (const auto& row : users) {
    if (row.count("uid") > 0 && row.count("directory") > 0) {
      std::vector<std::string> bundles;
      auto dir = fs::path(row.at("directory")) / kBrowserPluginsPath;
      if (listDirectoriesInDirectory(dir, bundles).ok()) {
        for (const auto& dir : bundles) {
          genBrowserPlugin(row.at("uid"), dir, results);

  return results;
QueryData genBrowserPlugins(QueryContext& context) {
  QueryData results;
  std::vector<std::string> bundles;

  // Lambda to walk through each browser plugin and process the plist file.
  auto enum_browser_plugins = [&results](const fs::path& path,
                                         const std::string& uid) {
    std::vector<std::string> bundles;
    if (listDirectoriesInDirectory(path, bundles).ok()) {
      for (const auto& dir : bundles) {
        genBrowserPlugin(uid, dir, results, false);

    // Check if the plugin is the 'Disabled' folder.
    std::vector<std::string> disabled_bundles;
    auto dis_path = path / "Disabled Plug-Ins";
    if (listDirectoriesInDirectory(dis_path, disabled_bundles).ok()) {
      for (const auto& disabled_dir : disabled_bundles) {
        genBrowserPlugin(uid, disabled_dir, results, true);

  // The caller is not requesting a JOIN against users. This is "special" logic
  // for user data-based tables since there is a concept of system-available
  // browser extensions.
  if (context.constraints["uid"].notExistsOrMatches("0")) {
    enum_browser_plugins(kBrowserPluginsPath, "0");

  // Iterate over each user
  auto users = usersFromContext(context);
  for (const auto& row : users) {
    if (row.count("uid") > 0 && row.count("directory") > 0) {
      auto dir = fs::path(row.at("directory")) / kBrowserPluginsPath;
      enum_browser_plugins(dir, row.at("uid"));
  return results;
QueryData genBrowserPlugins(QueryContext& context) {
  QueryData results;

  std::vector<std::string> bundles;
  if (listDirectoriesInDirectory(kBrowserPluginsPath, bundles).ok()) {
    for (const auto& dir : bundles) {
      genBrowserPlugin(dir, results);

  auto homes = osquery::getHomeDirectories();
  for (const auto& home : homes) {
    if (listDirectoriesInDirectory(home / kBrowserPluginsPath, bundles).ok()) {
      for (const auto& dir : bundles) {
        genBrowserPlugin(dir, results);

  return results;