void JointTrajectoryController::getCubicSplineCoefficients(const double start_pos, const double start_vel,
                                                           const double end_pos, const double end_vel,
                                                           const double time, std::vector<double>& coefficients)


  if (time == 0.0)
    coefficients[0] = end_pos;
    coefficients[1] = end_vel;
    coefficients[2] = 0.0;
    coefficients[3] = 0.0;
    double T[4];
    generatePowers(3, time, T);

    coefficients[0] = start_pos;
    coefficients[1] = start_vel;
    coefficients[2] = (-3.0 * start_pos + 3.0 * end_pos - 2.0 * start_vel * T[1] - end_vel * T[1]) / T[2];
    coefficients[3] = (2.0 * start_pos - 2.0 * end_pos + start_vel * T[1] + end_vel * T[1]) / T[3];

void JointTrajectoryController::getQuinticSplineCoefficients(const double start_pos, const double start_vel,
                                                             const double start_acc, const double end_pos,
                                                             const double end_vel, const double end_acc,
                                                             const double time, std::vector<double>& coefficients)


  if (time == 0.0)
    coefficients[0] = end_pos;
    coefficients[1] = end_vel;
    coefficients[2] = 0.5 * end_acc;
    coefficients[3] = 0.0;
    coefficients[4] = 0.0;
    coefficients[5] = 0.0;
    double T[6];
    generatePowers(5, time, T);

    coefficients[0] = start_pos;
    coefficients[1] = start_vel;
    coefficients[2] = 0.5 * start_acc;
    coefficients[3] = (-20.0 * start_pos + 20.0 * end_pos - 3.0 * start_acc * T[2] + end_acc * T[2]
        - 12.0 * start_vel * T[1] - 8.0 * end_vel * T[1]) / (2.0 * T[3]);
    coefficients[4] = (30.0 * start_pos - 30.0 * end_pos + 3.0 * start_acc * T[2] - 2.0 * end_acc * T[2]
        + 16.0 * start_vel * T[1] + 14.0 * end_vel * T[1]) / (2.0 * T[4]);
    coefficients[5] = (-12.0 * start_pos + 12.0 * end_pos - start_acc * T[2] + end_acc * T[2] - 6.0 * start_vel * T[1]
        - 6.0 * end_vel * T[1]) / (2.0 * T[5]);

void JointTrajectoryController::sampleQuinticSpline(const std::vector<double>& coefficients, const double time,
                                                    double& position, double& velocity, double& acceleration)

  // create powers of time:
  double t[6];
  generatePowers(5, time, t);

  position = t[0] * coefficients[0] + t[1] * coefficients[1] + t[2] * coefficients[2] + t[3] * coefficients[3]
      + t[4] * coefficients[4] + t[5] * coefficients[5];

  velocity = t[0] * coefficients[1] + 2.0 * t[1] * coefficients[2] + 3.0 * t[2] * coefficients[3]
      + 4.0 * t[3] * coefficients[4] + 5.0 * t[4] * coefficients[5];

  acceleration = 2.0 * t[0] * coefficients[2] + 6.0 * t[1] * coefficients[3] + 12.0 * t[2] * coefficients[4]
      + 20.0 * t[3] * coefficients[5];

// thread function, per-instance
// interpolates all joints of this instance
static int update(void *arg, const hal_funct_args_t *fa)
    struct inst_data *ip = (struct inst_data *) arg;
    double period = ((double) fa_period(fa)) * 1e-9;

    int i;
    if (segment_completed(ip, period)) {
		// check for a new JointTrajectoryPoint
		void *data;
		ringsize_t size;
		if (record_read(&ip->traj, (const void**)&data, &size) == 0) {

		    // protobuf-decode it
		    pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(data, size);
		    pb_JointTrajectoryPoint rx =  pb_JointTrajectoryPoint_init_zero;
		    if (!pb_decode(&stream, pb_JointTrajectoryPoint_fields, &rx)) {
				rtapi_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR, "%s: pb_decode(JointTrajectoryPoint) failed: '%s'",
					compname, PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
		    } else {
			// decode ok - start a new segment
				double duration = *(ip->duration) = rx.time_from_start - ip->time_from_start;
	            // the very first point in the ringbuffer is not a segment.
	            // therefore we need to "jump" to these initial settings for the
	            // interpolator to calculate the correct path.
	            // for example, a path can start at position, velocity and acceleration
	            // who are non-zero. In a typical ROS message the first point has a
	            // duration of "0.0"
	            if (duration == 0.0) {
	                // set the start positions
	                // or try out to drop this point later on
	                for (i = 0; i < ip->count; i++) {
	                    struct joint *jp = &ip->joints[i];
						*(jp->traj_busy) = true;
	                    *(jp->curr_pos) = *(jp->end_pos) = rx.positions[i];
	                    *(jp->curr_vel) = *(jp->end_vel) = rx.velocities[i];
	                    *(jp->curr_acc) = *(jp->end_acc) = rx.accelerations[i];
	                    jp->coeff[0] = *(jp->end_pos);
	                    jp->coeff[1] = 0.0;
	                    jp->coeff[2] = 0.0;
	                    jp->coeff[3] = 0.0;
	                    jp->coeff[4] = 0.0;
	                    jp->coeff[5] = 0.0;
	                // so when we have read the first point, we need to discard everythin
	                // else and make sure we will read the second point, as to complete the
	                // first segment
	            } else {
				    generatePowers(*(ip->degree), duration, ip->powers);
	                ip->time_from_start =  rx.time_from_start;
	                *(ip->progress) = 0.0;
	                for (i = 0; i < rx.positions_count; i++) {
			            struct joint *jp = &ip->joints[i];
						*(jp->traj_busy) = true;
			            double pos2 = *(jp->end_pos) = rx.positions[i];
			    		double vel2 = *(jp->end_vel) = rx.velocities[i];
			    		double acc2 = *(jp->end_acc) = rx.accelerations[i];
	                    double pos1 = *(jp->curr_pos);
	                    double vel1 = *(jp->curr_vel);
	                    double acc1 = *(jp->curr_acc);
					    switch (*(ip->degree)) {
					    case 1:
							jp->coeff[0] = pos1;
							jp->coeff[1] = (pos2 - pos1) / duration;
							jp->coeff[2] = 0.0;
							jp->coeff[3] = 0.0;
							jp->coeff[4] = 0.0;
							jp->coeff[5] = 0.0;
					    case 3:
							jp->coeff[0] = pos1;
							jp->coeff[1] = vel1;
							jp->coeff[2] = (-3.0*pos1 + 3.0*pos2 - 2.0*vel1*ip->powers[1] - vel2*ip->powers[1]) / ip->powers[2];
							jp->coeff[3] = (2.0*pos1 - 2.0*pos2 + vel1*ip->powers[1] + vel2*ip->powers[1]) / ip->powers[3];
							jp->coeff[4] = 0.0;
							jp->coeff[5] = 0.0;
					    case 5:
							jp->coeff[0] = pos1;
							jp->coeff[1] = vel1;
							jp->coeff[2] = 0.5 * acc1;
							jp->coeff[3] =  (-20.0*pos1 + 20.0*pos2 - 3.0*acc1*ip->powers[2] + acc2*ip->powers[2] -
									 12.0*vel1*ip->powers[1] - 8.0*vel2*ip->powers[1]) / (2.0*ip->powers[3]);
							jp->coeff[4] =  (30.0*pos1 - 30.0*pos2 + 3.0*acc1*ip->powers[2] - 2.0*acc2*ip->powers[2] +
									 16.0*vel1*ip->powers[1] + 14.0*vel2*ip->powers[1]) / (2.0*ip->powers[4]);
							jp->coeff[5] =  (-12.0*pos1 + 12.0*pos2 - acc1*ip->powers[2] + acc2*ip->powers[2] -
									 6.0*vel1*ip->powers[1] - 6.0*vel2*ip->powers[1]) / (2.0*ip->powers[5]);
		    record_shift(&ip->traj);   // consume record
		} else {
	        // segment completed and no new point in ringbuffer
	        for (i = 0; i < ip->count; i++) {
	            struct joint *jp = &ip->joints[i];
				*(jp->traj_busy) = false;
	            jp->coeff[0] = *(jp->end_pos);
	            jp->coeff[1] = 0.0;
	            jp->coeff[2] = 0.0;
	            jp->coeff[3] = 0.0;
	            jp->coeff[4] = 0.0;
	            jp->coeff[5] = 0.0;

    *(ip->progress) += period;

    generatePowers(*(ip->degree), *(ip->progress), ip->pnow);
    for (i = 0; i < ip->count; i++) {
		struct joint *jp = &ip->joints[i];
		interpolate_joint(ip, jp, *(ip->progress), 0);
    return 0;