int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    std::string root;
    bool skipOptions = false;

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        std::string arg = argv[i];
        if (!skipOptions && arg[0]=='-') {
            if (arg == "--") {
                skipOptions = true;
            } else if (arg=="-d") {
                if (i < argc)
                  data_url = argv[i];
        } else {
            if (root.empty()) {
                root = arg;
            } else {
                root = "";

    if (root.empty()) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <path> -d data_url" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    std::ifstream fileIndex(root + "/" + "fileIndex");
    std::string line;

    FolderInfo rootInfo;
    while (std::getline(fileIndex, line))
        FolderInfo *parent = &rootInfo;

        unsigned int pos = 0;
        unsigned int next_pos;
        while ((next_pos = line.find('/', pos)) < line.size()) {
            auto &sub = parent->subfolders[line.substr(pos, next_pos - pos)];
            if (!sub) sub = std::make_shared<FolderInfo>();
            parent = sub.get();
            pos = next_pos + 1;
        parent->subfolders[line.substr(pos)]; //make sure it exists;
    gererateRecursisively(&rootInfo, root, "");
    return 0;
void gererateRecursisively(FolderInfo *folder, const std::string &root, const std::string &path, const std::string &rel = "") {
    std::ofstream myfile;
    std::string filename = root + "/" + path + "index.html";
    if (!myfile) {
        std::cerr << "Error generating " << filename << std::endl;

    std::string data_path = data_url ? std::string(data_url) : (rel + "../data");

    unsigned int pos = root.rfind('/', root.size()-2);
    std::string project = pos < root.size() ? root.substr(pos+1) : root;
    std::string breadcrumb = path;
    std::string parent;

    pos = path.rfind('/', path.size()-2);
    if (pos < path.size()) {
        breadcrumb = path.substr(pos+1);

        unsigned int next_pos;
        while (pos > 0 && (next_pos = path.rfind('/', pos-1)) < path.size()) {
            if (pos != next_pos +1) {
                parent += "../";
                breadcrumb = "<a href='" +parent +"'>" + path.substr(next_pos + 1, pos - next_pos - 1) + "</a>/" + breadcrumb;
            pos = next_pos;
        if (pos > 1) {
            parent += "../";
            breadcrumb = "<a href='" +parent +"'>" + path.substr(0, pos) + "</a>/" + breadcrumb;
    breadcrumb = "<a href='../" +parent +"'>" + project + "</a>/" + breadcrumb;

    myfile << "<!doctype html>\n"
           "<head><title>Index of " << path << " - Woboq Code Browser</title>"
           "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" << data_path << "/indexstyle.css\"/>\n";
    myfile << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" << data_path << "/jquery/jquery.min.js\"></script>\n";
    myfile << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" << data_path << "/jquery/jquery-ui.min.js\"></script>\n";
    myfile << "<script>var path = '"<< path <<"'; var root_path = '"<< rel <<"'; var project='"<< project <<"'; </script>\n"
           "<script src='" << data_path << "/indexscript.js'></script>\n"
    myfile << "<h1><a href='http://code.woboq.org'>Woboq Code Browser</a></h1>\n";
    myfile << "<p><input id='searchline' placeholder='Search for a file'  type='text'/></p>\n";
    myfile << "<h2> Index of <em>" << breadcrumb << "</em></h2>\n";
    myfile << "<hr/><table id='tree'>\n";

    //if (!path.empty())
        myfile << " <tr><td class='parent'>    <a href='../'>../</a></td></tr>\n";

    for (auto it : folder->subfolders) {
        const std::string &name = it.first;
        if (it.second) {
            gererateRecursisively(it.second.get(), root, path+name+"/", rel + "../");
            myfile << "<tr><td class='folder'><a href='"<< name <<"/' class='opener' data-path='" << path << name << "'>[+]</a> "
                   "<a href='" << name << "/'>" << name << "/</a></td></tr>\n";
        } else {
            myfile << "<tr><td class='file'>    <a href='" << name << ".html'>"
                   << name
                   << "</a></td></tr>\n";

    char timebuf[80];
    auto now = std::time(0);
    auto tm = std::localtime(&now);
    std::strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%Y-%b-%d", tm);

    myfile << "</table>"
           "<hr/><p id='footer'>\n"
           "Generated on <em>" << timebuf << "</em>";

    auto it = project_map.lower_bound(path);
    if (it != project_map.end() && std::equal(it->first.begin(), it->first.end(), path.c_str())) {
        myfile << " from project " << it->first;
        if (!it->second.empty()) {
            myfile <<" revision <em>" << it->second << "</em>";
    myfile << "<br />Powered by <a href='http://woboq.com'><img alt='Woboq' src='http://code.woboq.org/woboq-16.png' width='41' height='16' /></a> <a href='http://code.woboq.org'>Code Browser</a> "
           CODEBROWSER_VERSION "\n</p>\n</body></html>\n";
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    std::string root;
    bool skipOptions = false;

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        std::string arg = argv[i];
        if (!skipOptions && arg[0]=='-') {
            if (arg == "--") {
                skipOptions = true;
            } else if (arg=="-d") {
                if (i < argc)
                    data_url = argv[i];
            } else if (arg=="-p") {
                if (i < argc) {
                    std::string s = argv[i];
                    auto colonPos = s.find(':');
                    if (colonPos >= s.size()) {
                        std::cerr << "fail to parse project option : " << s << std::endl;
                    auto secondColonPos = s.find(':', colonPos+1);
                    if (secondColonPos < s.size()) {
                        project_map[s.substr(0, colonPos)] = s.substr(secondColonPos + 1);
            } else if (arg=="-e") {
                // ignore -e XXX  for compatibility with the generator project definitions
        } else {
            if (root.empty()) {
                root = arg;
            } else {
                root = "";

    if (root.empty()) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <path> [-d data_url] [-p project_definition]" << std::endl;
        return -1;
    std::ifstream fileIndex(root + "/" + "fileIndex");
    std::string line;

    FolderInfo rootInfo;
    while (std::getline(fileIndex, line))
        FolderInfo *parent = &rootInfo;

        unsigned int pos = 0;
        unsigned int next_pos;
        while ((next_pos = line.find('/', pos)) < line.size()) {
            auto &sub = parent->subfolders[line.substr(pos, next_pos - pos)];
            if (!sub) sub = std::make_shared<FolderInfo>();
            parent = sub.get();
            pos = next_pos + 1;
        parent->subfolders[line.substr(pos)]; //make sure it exists;
    gererateRecursisively(&rootInfo, root, "");
    return 0;