main (int argc, gchar ** argv)
  GMainLoop *mainloop;

  if (argc != 2) {
    return 1;
  /* Initialize GStreamer (this will parse environment variables and commandline
   * arguments. */
  gst_init (NULL, NULL);

  /* Initialize the GStreamer Editing Services */
  ges_init ();

  /* ... and we start a GMainLoop. GES **REQUIRES** a GMainLoop to be running in
   * order to function properly ! */
  mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);

  ges_asset_request_async (GES_TYPE_URI_CLIP, argv[1], NULL,
      (GAsyncReadyCallback) asset_loaded_cb, mainloop);

  g_main_loop_run (mainloop);
  g_main_loop_unref (mainloop);

  return 0;
main (int argc, char **argv)
  GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL;
  GESTimeline *timeline;
  GESLayer *layer = NULL;
  GstBus *bus = NULL;
  guint i;

  if (argc < 3) {
    g_print ("Usage: %s <output uri> <list of files>\n", argv[0]);
    return -1;

  gst_init (&argc, &argv);
  ges_init ();

  timeline = ges_timeline_new_audio_video ();

  layer = (GESLayer *) ges_simple_layer_new ();
  if (!ges_timeline_add_layer (timeline, layer))
    return -1;

  output_uri = argv[1];
  assetsCount = argc - 2;

  for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
    ges_asset_request_async (GES_TYPE_URI_CLIP, argv[i],
        NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) asset_loaded_cb, mainloop);

  /* In order to view our timeline, let's grab a convenience pipeline to put
   * our timeline in. */
  pipeline = ges_pipeline_new ();

  /* Add the timeline to that pipeline */
  if (!ges_pipeline_add_timeline (pipeline, timeline))
    return -1;

  mainloop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);

  bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (pipeline));
  gst_bus_add_signal_watch (bus);
  g_signal_connect (bus, "message", G_CALLBACK (bus_message_cb), mainloop);

  g_main_loop_run (mainloop);

  return 0;

static void
new_asset_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, NewAssetUData * udata)
  GError *error = NULL;

  GESAsset *asset = ges_asset_request_finish (res, &error);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (udata->layer, "%" GST_PTR_FORMAT " Asset loaded, "
      "setting its asset", udata->clip);

  if (error) {
    GESProject *project = udata->layer->timeline ?
        GES_PROJECT (ges_extractable_get_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE
            (udata->layer->timeline))) : NULL;
    if (project) {
      gchar *possible_id;

      possible_id = ges_project_try_updating_id (project, source, error);
      if (possible_id) {
        ges_asset_request_async (ges_asset_get_extractable_type (source),
            possible_id, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) new_asset_cb, udata);
        g_free (possible_id);

    GST_ERROR ("Asset could not be created for uri %s, error: %s",
        ges_asset_get_id (asset), error->message);

  } else {
    GESProject *project = udata->layer->timeline ?
        GES_PROJECT (ges_extractable_get_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE
            (udata->layer->timeline))) : NULL;
    ges_extractable_set_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE (udata->clip), asset);

    ges_project_add_asset (project, asset);
    ges_layer_add_clip (udata->layer, udata->clip);

  gst_object_unref (asset);
  g_slice_free (NewAssetUData, udata);
ges_base_xml_formatter_add_asset (GESBaseXmlFormatter * self,
    const gchar * id, GType extractable_type, GstStructure * properties,
    const gchar * metadatas, GError ** error)
  PendingAsset *passet;
  GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate *priv = _GET_PRIV (self);

  if (priv->check_only)

  passet = g_slice_new0 (PendingAsset);
  passet->metadatas = g_strdup (metadatas);
  passet->formatter = gst_object_ref (self);
  if (properties)
    passet->properties = gst_structure_copy (properties);

  ges_asset_request_async (extractable_type, id, NULL,
      (GAsyncReadyCallback) new_asset_cb, passet);
  ges_project_add_loading_asset (GES_FORMATTER (self)->project,
      extractable_type, id);
  priv->pending_assets = g_list_prepend (priv->pending_assets, passet);
 * ges_project_create_asset:
 * @project: A #GESProject
 * @id: (allow-none): The id of the asset to create and add to @project
 * @extractable_type: The #GType of the asset to create
 * Create and add a #GESAsset to @project. You should connect to the
 * "asset-added" signal to get the asset when it finally gets added to
 * @project
 * Returns: %TRUE if the asset started to be added %FALSE it was already
 * in the project
ges_project_create_asset (GESProject * project, const gchar * id,
    GType extractable_type)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_PROJECT (project), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (extractable_type, GES_TYPE_EXTRACTABLE),

  if (id == NULL)
    id = g_type_name (extractable_type);

  if (g_hash_table_lookup (project->priv->assets, id) ||
      g_hash_table_lookup (project->priv->loading_assets, id) ||
      g_hash_table_lookup (project->priv->loaded_with_error, id))
    return FALSE;

  /* TODO Add a GCancellable somewhere in our API */
  ges_asset_request_async (extractable_type, id, NULL,
      (GAsyncReadyCallback) new_asset_cb, project);
  ges_project_add_loading_asset (project, extractable_type, id);

  return TRUE;
static void
new_asset_cb (GESAsset * source, GAsyncResult * res, PendingAsset * passet)
  GError *error = NULL;
  gchar *possible_id = NULL;
  GList *tmp, *pendings = NULL;
  GESFormatter *self = passet->formatter;
  const gchar *id = ges_asset_get_id (source);
  GESBaseXmlFormatterPrivate *priv = _GET_PRIV (self);
  GESAsset *asset = ges_asset_request_finish (res, &error);

  if (error) {
    GST_LOG_OBJECT (self, "Error %s creating asset id: %s", error->message, id);

    /* We set the metas on the Asset to give hints to the user */
    if (passet->metadatas)
      ges_meta_container_add_metas_from_string (GES_META_CONTAINER (source),
    if (passet->properties)
      gst_structure_foreach (passet->properties,
          (GstStructureForeachFunc) set_property_foreach, source);

    possible_id = ges_project_try_updating_id (GES_FORMATTER (self)->project,
        source, error);

    if (possible_id == NULL) {
      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "Abandoning creation of asset %s with ID %s"
          "- Error: %s", g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (source)), id,

      pendings = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
      for (tmp = pendings; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
        _free_pending_clip (priv, (PendingClip *) tmp->data);

      _free_pending_asset (priv, passet);
      goto done;

    /* We got a possible ID replacement for that asset, create it, and
     * make sure the assetid_pendingclips will use it */
    ges_asset_request_async (ges_asset_get_extractable_type (source),
        possible_id, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) new_asset_cb, passet);
    ges_project_add_loading_asset (GES_FORMATTER (self)->project,
        ges_asset_get_extractable_type (source), possible_id);

    pendings = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
    if (pendings) {
      g_hash_table_remove (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
      g_hash_table_insert (priv->assetid_pendingclips,
          g_strdup (possible_id), pendings);

      /* pendings should no be freed */
      pendings = NULL;
    goto done;

  /* now that we have the GESAsset, we create the GESClips */
  pendings = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Asset created with ID %s, now creating pending "
      " Clips, nb pendings: %i", id, g_list_length (pendings));
  for (tmp = pendings; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    GList *tmpeffect;
    GESClip *clip;
    PendingClip *pend = (PendingClip *) tmp->data;

    clip =
        _add_object_to_layer (priv, pend->id, pend->layer, asset,
        pend->start, pend->inpoint, pend->duration, pend->track_types,
        pend->metadatas, pend->properties);

    if (clip == NULL)

    _add_children_properties (priv, pend->children_props, clip);
    _add_pending_bindings (priv, pend->pending_bindings, clip);

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Adding %i effect to new object",
        g_list_length (pend->effects));
    for (tmpeffect = pend->effects; tmpeffect; tmpeffect = tmpeffect->next) {
      PendingEffects *peffect = (PendingEffects *) tmpeffect->data;

      /* We keep a ref as _free_pending_effect unrefs it */
      _add_track_element (self, clip, gst_object_ref (peffect->trackelement),
          peffect->track_id, peffect->children_properties, peffect->properties);
    _free_pending_clip (priv, pend);

  /* And now add to the project */
  ges_project_add_asset (self->project, asset);
  gst_object_unref (self);

  _free_pending_asset (priv, passet);

  if (asset)
    gst_object_unref (asset);
  if (possible_id)
    g_free (possible_id);

  if (pendings) {
    g_hash_table_remove (priv->assetid_pendingclips, id);
    g_list_free (pendings);

  if (g_hash_table_size (priv->assetid_pendingclips) == 0 &&
      priv->pending_assets == NULL)
    _loading_done (self);
 * ges_layer_add_clip:
 * @layer: a #GESLayer
 * @clip: (transfer full): the #GESClip to add.
 * Adds the given clip to the layer. Sets the clip's parent, and thus
 * takes ownership of the clip.
 * An clip can only be added to one layer.
 * Calling this method will construct and properly set all the media related
 * elements on @clip. If you need to know when those objects (actually #GESTrackElement)
 * are constructed, you should connect to the container::child-added signal which
 * is emited right after those elements are ready to be used.
 * Returns: TRUE if the clip was properly added to the layer, or FALSE
 * if the @layer refuses to add the clip.
ges_layer_add_clip (GESLayer * layer, GESClip * clip)
  GESAsset *asset;
  GESLayerPrivate *priv;
  GESLayer *current_layer;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_LAYER (layer), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_CLIP (clip), FALSE);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (layer, "adding clip:%p", clip);

  priv = layer->priv;
  current_layer = ges_clip_get_layer (clip);
  if (G_UNLIKELY (current_layer)) {
    GST_WARNING ("Clip %p already belongs to another layer", clip);
    gst_object_unref (current_layer);

    return FALSE;

  asset = ges_extractable_get_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE (clip));
  if (asset == NULL) {
    gchar *id;
    NewAssetUData *mudata = g_slice_new (NewAssetUData);

    mudata->clip = clip;
    mudata->layer = layer;

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (layer, "%" GST_PTR_FORMAT " as no reference to any "
        "assets creating a asset... trying sync", clip);

    id = ges_extractable_get_id (GES_EXTRACTABLE (clip));
    asset = ges_asset_request (G_OBJECT_TYPE (clip), id, NULL);
    if (asset == NULL) {
      GESProject *project = layer->timeline ?
          GES_PROJECT (ges_extractable_get_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE
              (layer->timeline))) : NULL;

      ges_asset_request_async (G_OBJECT_TYPE (clip),
          id, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) new_asset_cb, mudata);

      if (project)
        ges_project_add_loading_asset (project, G_OBJECT_TYPE (clip), id);
      g_free (id);

      GST_LOG_OBJECT (layer, "Object added async");
      return TRUE;
    g_free (id);

    ges_extractable_set_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE (clip), asset);

    g_slice_free (NewAssetUData, mudata);

  gst_object_ref_sink (clip);

  /* Take a reference to the clip and store it stored by start/priority */
  priv->clips_start = g_list_insert_sorted (priv->clips_start, clip,
      (GCompareFunc) element_start_compare);

  /* Inform the clip it's now in this layer */
  ges_clip_set_layer (clip, layer);

  GST_DEBUG ("current clip priority : %d, Height: %d", _PRIORITY (clip),

  /* Set the priority. */
  if (_PRIORITY (clip) > LAYER_HEIGHT) {
        "%p is out of the layer space, setting its priority to "
        "%d, setting it to the maximum priority of the layer: %d", clip,
        _PRIORITY (clip), LAYER_HEIGHT - 1);
    _set_priority0 (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (clip), LAYER_HEIGHT - 1);

  /* If the clip has an acceptable priority, we just let it with its current
   * priority */
  ges_layer_resync_priorities (layer);
  ges_timeline_element_set_timeline (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (clip),

  /* emit 'clip-added' */
  g_signal_emit (layer, ges_layer_signals[OBJECT_ADDED], 0, clip);

  return TRUE;