 * Dump the contents of a packet to stdout.
static void dumpPacket(const unsigned char* packetBuf, const char* srcName,
    const char* dstName)
    const unsigned char* buf = packetBuf;
    char prefix[3];
    u4 length, id;
    u1 flags, cmdSet=0, cmd=0;
    JdwpError error = ERR_NONE;
    bool reply;
    int dataLen;

    length = get4BE(buf+0);
    id = get4BE(buf+4);
    flags = get1(buf+8);
    if ((flags & kJDWPFlagReply) != 0) {
        reply = true;
        error = static_cast<JdwpError>(get2BE(buf+9));
    } else {
        reply = false;
        cmdSet = get1(buf+9);
        cmd = get1(buf+10);

    buf += kJDWPHeaderLen;
    dataLen = length - (buf - packetBuf);

    if (!reply) {
        prefix[0] = srcName[0];
        prefix[1] = '>';
    } else {
        prefix[0] = dstName[0];
        prefix[1] = '<';
    prefix[2] = '\0';

    int min, sec;
    getCurrentTime(&min, &sec);

    if (!reply) {
        printf("%s REQUEST dataLen=%-5u id=0x%08x flags=0x%02x cmd=%d/%d [%02d:%02d]\n",
            prefix, dataLen, id, flags, cmdSet, cmd, min, sec);
        printf("%s   --> %s\n", prefix, getCommandName(cmdSet, cmd));
    } else {
        printf("%s REPLY   dataLen=%-5u id=0x%08x flags=0x%02x err=%d (%s) [%02d:%02d]\n",
            prefix, dataLen, id, flags, error, dvmJdwpErrorStr(error), min,sec);
    if (dataLen > 0)
        printHexDump2(buf, dataLen, prefix);
    printf("%s ----------\n", prefix);
 * Handle a packet.  Returns "false" if we encounter a connection-fatal error.
static bool handlePacket(Peer* pDst, Peer* pSrc)
    const unsigned char* buf = pSrc->inputBuffer;
    u4 length;
    u1 flags;
    int cc;

    length = get4BE(buf+0);
    flags = get1(buf+9);

    assert((int) length <= pSrc->inputCount);

    dumpPacket(buf, pSrc->label, pDst->label);

    cc = write(pDst->sock, buf, length);
    if (cc != (int) length) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed sending packet: %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return false;
    /*printf("*** wrote %d bytes from %c to %c\n",
        cc, pSrc->label[0], pDst->label[0]);*/

    consumeBytes(pSrc, length);
    return true;
void MrwDecoder::parseHeader() {
  const unsigned char* data = mFile->getData(0);
  if (mFile->getSize() < 30)
    ThrowRDE("Not a valid MRW file (size too small)");

  if (!isMRW(mFile))
    ThrowRDE("This isn't actually a MRW file, why are you calling me?");
  data_offset = get4BE(data,4)+8;

  if (!mFile->isValid(data_offset))
    ThrowRDE("MRW: Data offset is invalid");

  // Make sure all values have at least been initialized
  raw_width = raw_height = packed = 0;
  wb_coeffs[0] = wb_coeffs[1] = wb_coeffs[2] = wb_coeffs[3] = NAN;

  uint32 currpos = 8;
  while (currpos < data_offset) {
    uint32 tag = get4BE(data,currpos);
    uint32 len = get4BE(data,currpos+4);
    switch(tag) {
    case 0x505244: // PRD
      raw_height = get2BE(data,currpos+16);
      raw_width = get2BE(data,currpos+18);
      packed = (data[currpos+24] == 12);
    case 0x574247: // WBG
      for(uint32 i=0; i<4; i++)
        wb_coeffs[i] = (float)get2BE(data, currpos+12+i*2);
    case 0x545457: // TTW
      // Base value for offsets needs to be at the beginning of the TIFF block, not the file
      FileMap *f = new FileMap(mFile->getDataWrt(currpos+8), mFile->getSize()-currpos-8);
      if (little == getHostEndianness())
        tiff_meta = new TiffIFDBE(f, 8);
        tiff_meta = new TiffIFD(f, 8);
      delete f;
    currpos += MAX(len+8,1); // MAX(,1) to make sure we make progress
 * Figure out if we have a full packet in the buffer.
static bool haveFullPacket(JdwpNetState* netState)
    long length;

    if (netState->awaitingHandshake)
        return (netState->inputCount >= (int) kMagicHandshakeLen);

    if (netState->inputCount < 4)
        return false;

    length = get4BE(netState->inputBuffer);
    return (netState->inputCount >= length);
 * Figure out if we have a full packet in the buffer.
static bool haveFullPacket(Peer* pPeer)
    long length;

    if (pPeer->awaitingHandshake)
        return (pPeer->inputCount >= kMagicHandshakeLen);

    if (pPeer->inputCount < 4)
        return false;

    length = get4BE(pPeer->inputBuffer);
    return (pPeer->inputCount >= length);
 * "buf" contains a full JDWP packet, possibly with multiple chunks.  We
 * need to process each, accumulate the replies, and ship the whole thing
 * back.
 * Returns "true" if we have a reply.  The reply buffer is newly allocated,
 * and includes the chunk type/length, followed by the data.
 * TODO: we currently assume that the request and reply include a single
 * chunk.  If this becomes inconvenient we will need to adapt.
bool dvmDdmHandlePacket(const u1* buf, int dataLen, u1** pReplyBuf,
    int* pReplyLen)
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    const int kChunkHdrLen = 8;
    ArrayObject* dataArray = NULL;
    bool result = false;

    assert(dataLen >= 0);

     * Prep DdmServer.  We could throw this in gDvm.
    ClassObject* ddmServerClass;
    Method* dispatch;

    ddmServerClass =
        dvmFindClass("Lorg/apache/harmony/dalvik/ddmc/DdmServer;", NULL);
    if (ddmServerClass == NULL) {
        LOGW("Unable to find org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.DdmServer\n");
        goto bail;
    dispatch = dvmFindDirectMethodByDescriptor(ddmServerClass, "dispatch",
    if (dispatch == NULL) {
        LOGW("Unable to find DdmServer.dispatch\n");
        goto bail;

     * Prep Chunk.
    int chunkTypeOff, chunkDataOff, chunkOffsetOff, chunkLengthOff;
    ClassObject* chunkClass;
    chunkClass = dvmFindClass("Lorg/apache/harmony/dalvik/ddmc/Chunk;", NULL);
    if (chunkClass == NULL) {
        LOGW("Unable to find org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.Chunk\n");
        goto bail;
    chunkTypeOff = dvmFindFieldOffset(chunkClass, "type", "I");
    chunkDataOff = dvmFindFieldOffset(chunkClass, "data", "[B");
    chunkOffsetOff = dvmFindFieldOffset(chunkClass, "offset", "I");
    chunkLengthOff = dvmFindFieldOffset(chunkClass, "length", "I");
    if (chunkTypeOff < 0 || chunkDataOff < 0 ||
        chunkOffsetOff < 0 || chunkLengthOff < 0)
        LOGW("Unable to find all chunk fields\n");
        goto bail;

     * The chunk handlers are written in the Java programming language, so
     * we need to convert the buffer to a byte array.
    dataArray = dvmAllocPrimitiveArray('B', dataLen, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
    if (dataArray == NULL) {
        LOGW("array alloc failed (%d)\n", dataLen);
        goto bail;
    memcpy(dataArray->contents, buf, dataLen);

     * Run through and find all chunks.  [Currently just find the first.]
    unsigned int offset, length, type;
    type = get4BE((u1*)dataArray->contents + 0);
    length = get4BE((u1*)dataArray->contents + 4);
    offset = kChunkHdrLen;
    if (offset+length > (unsigned int) dataLen) {
        LOGW("WARNING: bad chunk found (len=%u pktLen=%d)\n", length, dataLen);
        goto bail;

     * Call the handler.
    JValue callRes;
    dvmCallMethod(self, dispatch, NULL, &callRes, type, dataArray, offset,
    if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
        LOGI("Exception thrown by dispatcher for 0x%08x\n", type);
        goto bail;

    Object* chunk;
    ArrayObject* replyData;
    chunk = (Object*) callRes.l;
    if (chunk == NULL)
        goto bail;

     * Pull the pieces out of the chunk.  We copy the results into a
     * newly-allocated buffer that the caller can free.  We don't want to
     * continue using the Chunk object because nothing has a reference to it.
     * (If we do an alloc in here, we need to dvmAddTrackedAlloc it.)
     * We could avoid this by returning type/data/offset/length and having
     * the caller be aware of the object lifetime issues, but that
     * integrates the JDWP code more tightly into the VM, and doesn't work
     * if we have responses for multiple chunks.
     * So we're pretty much stuck with copying data around multiple times.
    type = dvmGetFieldInt(chunk, chunkTypeOff);
    replyData = (ArrayObject*) dvmGetFieldObject(chunk, chunkDataOff);
    offset = dvmGetFieldInt(chunk, chunkOffsetOff);
    length = dvmGetFieldInt(chunk, chunkLengthOff);

    LOGV("DDM reply: type=0x%08x data=%p offset=%d length=%d\n",
        type, replyData, offset, length);

    if (length == 0 || replyData == NULL)
        goto bail;
    if (offset + length > replyData->length) {
        LOGW("WARNING: chunk off=%d len=%d exceeds reply array len %d\n",
            offset, length, replyData->length);
        goto bail;

    u1* reply;
    reply = (u1*) malloc(length + kChunkHdrLen);
    if (reply == NULL) {
        LOGW("malloc %d failed\n", length+kChunkHdrLen);
        goto bail;
    set4BE(reply + 0, type);
    set4BE(reply + 4, length);
    memcpy(reply+kChunkHdrLen, (const u1*)replyData->contents + offset, length);

    *pReplyBuf = reply;
    *pReplyLen = length + kChunkHdrLen;
    result = true;

    LOGV("dvmHandleDdm returning type=%.4s buf=%p len=%d\n",
        (char*) reply, reply, length);

    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) dataArray, NULL);
    return result;