// We use the profile name to create the first part of each event name
// We do so to avoid problems between different instances of the plugin concurrently running
void createEventPrefix(TCHAR *prefixName, size_t maxLen)
	size_t len;
	TCHAR profileName[MAX_PATH+1], *str;

	getAbsoluteProfileName(profileName, MAX_PATH);

	while (str = _tcschr(profileName, _T('\\')))
		*str = _T('/');
	if ((len = _tcslen(profileName)) <= maxLen)
		_tcscpy(prefixName, profileName);
	else {
		str = profileName + len - maxLen / 2;
		mir_sntprintf(prefixName, maxLen / 2, _T("%s"), profileName);
		_tcscat(prefixName, str);
// We use the profile name to create the first part of each event name
// We do so to avoid problems between different instances of the plugin concurrently running
void createEventPrefix(TCHAR *prefixName, size_t maxLen)
	size_t len;
	TCHAR profileName[MAX_PATH + 1], *str;

	getAbsoluteProfileName(profileName, MAX_PATH);

	while (str = _tcschr(profileName, _T('\\')))
		*str = _T('/');
	if ((len = mir_tstrlen(profileName)) <= maxLen)
		_tcsncpy_s(prefixName, maxLen, profileName, _TRUNCATE);
	else {
		str = profileName + len - maxLen / 2;
		_tcsncpy_s(prefixName, (maxLen / 2), profileName, _TRUNCATE);
		mir_tstrcat(prefixName, str);