int friendFinder(){
  // Receive Buffer
  int rxpos = 0;
  uint8_t rx[1024];

  // Chat Packet
  SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketC2S chat;
  chat.base.opcode = OPCODE_CHAT;

  // Last Ping Time
  uint64_t lastping = 0;

  // Last Time Reception got updated
  uint64_t lastreceptionupdate = 0;
  uint64_t now;

  // Finder Loop
  while(friendFinderRunning) {
    // Acquire Network Lock

    // Ping Server
    now = real_time_now()*1000.0;
    if(now - lastping >= 100) {
      // Update Ping Time
      lastping = now;

      // Prepare Packet
      uint8_t opcode = OPCODE_PING;

      // Send Ping to Server
      send(metasocket, (const char *)&opcode, 1,0);

    // Send Chat Messages
    //  // Send Chat to Server
    //  sceNetInetSend(metasocket, (const char *)&chat, sizeof(chat), 0);

    // Wait for Incoming Data
    int received = recv(metasocket, (char *)(rx + rxpos), sizeof(rx) - rxpos,0);

    // Free Network Lock

    // Received Data
    if(received > 0) {
      // Fix Position
      rxpos += received;

      // Log Incoming Traffic
      //printf("Received %d Bytes of Data from Server\n", received);
      INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Received %d Bytes of Data from Adhoc Server", received);

    // Handle Packets
    if(rxpos > 0) {
      // BSSID Packet
      if(rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C)) {
          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C *)rx;
          // Update BSSID
          parameter.bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac;
          // Change State
          threadStatus = ADHOCCTL_STATE_CONNECTED;
          // Notify Event Handlers
          CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent_Threadsafe_Immediate(eventHandlerUpdate, join32(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0));

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C);

      // Chat Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_CHAT) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C)) {
          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C *)rx;

          // Fix for Idiots that try to troll the "ME" Nametag
          if(strcasecmp((char *)packet->name.data, "ME") == 0) strcpy((char *)packet->name.data, "NOT ME");

          // Add Incoming Chat to HUD
          //printf("Receive chat message %s", packet->base.message);

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C);

      // Connect Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C)) {
          // Log Incoming Peer
          INFO_LOG(SCENET,"Incoming Peer Data...");

          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C *)rx;

          // Add User

          // Update HUD User Count
          // setUserCount(getActivePeerCount()+1);

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C);

      // Disconnect Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_DISCONNECT) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C)) {
          // Log Incoming Peer Delete Request
          INFO_LOG(SCENET,"FriendFinder: Incoming Peer Data Delete Request...");

          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C *)rx;

          // Delete User by IP

          // Update HUD User Count

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C);

      // Scan Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C)) {
          // Log Incoming Network Information
          INFO_LOG(SCENET,"Incoming Group Information...");
          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C *)rx;

          // Allocate Structure Data
          SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * group = (SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo *)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo));

          // Allocated Structure Data
          if(group != NULL)
            // Clear Memory
            memset(group, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo));

            // Link to existing Groups
            group->next = networks;

            // Copy Group Name
            group->group_name = packet->group;

            // Set Group Host
            group->bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac;

            // Link into Group List
            networks = group;

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C);

      // Scan Complete Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN_COMPLETE) {
        // Log Scan Completion
        INFO_LOG(SCENET,"FriendFinder: Incoming Scan complete response...");

        // Change State

        // Notify Event Handlers
        CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent_Threadsafe_Immediate(eventHandlerUpdate,join32(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0));
        //int i = 0; for(; i < ADHOCCTL_MAX_HANDLER; i++)
        //        // Active Handler
        //        if(_event_handler[i] != NULL) _event_handler[i](ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0, _event_args[i]);

        // Move RX Buffer
        memmove(rx, rx + 1, sizeof(rx) - 1);

        // Fix RX Buffer Length
        rxpos -= 1;
    // Original value was 10 ms, I think 100 is just fine

  // Log Shutdown
  INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: End of Friend Finder Thread");

  // Return Success
  return 0;
int friendFinder(){
  // Receive Buffer
  int rxpos = 0;
  uint8_t rx[1024];

  // Chat Packet
  SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketC2S chat;
  chat.base.opcode = OPCODE_CHAT;

  // Last Ping Time
  uint64_t lastping = 0;

  // Last Time Reception got updated
  uint64_t lastreceptionupdate = 0;
  uint64_t now;

  // Log Startup
  INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Begin of Friend Finder Thread");

  // Finder Loop
  while(friendFinderRunning) {
    // Acquire Network Lock

    // Ping Server
    now = real_time_now()*1000.0;
    if(now - lastping >= 100) {
      // Update Ping Time
      lastping = now;

      // Prepare Packet
      uint8_t opcode = OPCODE_PING;

      // Send Ping to Server, may failed with socket error 10054/10053 if someone else with the same IP already connected to AdHoc Server (the server might need to be modified to differentiate MAC instead of IP)
      int iResult = send(metasocket, (const char *)&opcode, 1,0);
	  /*if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
		  ERROR_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Socket Error (%i) when sending OPCODE_PING", errno);
		  //friendFinderRunning = false;

    // Send Chat Messages
    //  // Send Chat to Server
    //  sceNetInetSend(metasocket, (const char *)&chat, sizeof(chat), 0);

    // Wait for Incoming Data
    int received = recv(metasocket, (char *)(rx + rxpos), sizeof(rx) - rxpos,0);

    // Free Network Lock

    // Received Data
    if(received > 0) {
      // Fix Position
      rxpos += received;

      // Log Incoming Traffic
      //printf("Received %d Bytes of Data from Server\n", received);
      INFO_LOG(SCENET, "Received %d Bytes of Data from Adhoc Server", received);

    // Handle Packets
    if(rxpos > 0) {
      // BSSID Packet
      if(rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT_BSSID) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C)) {
          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C *)rx;
          // Update BSSID
          parameter.bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac;
          // Change State
          threadStatus = ADHOCCTL_STATE_CONNECTED;
          // Notify Event Handlers
          CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent_Threadsafe_Immediate(eventHandlerUpdate, join32(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_CONNECT, 0));

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectBSSIDPacketS2C);

      // Chat Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_CHAT) {
		INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: Incoming OPCODE_CHAT");
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C)) {
          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C *)rx;

          // Fix for Idiots that try to troll the "ME" Nametag
          if(strcasecmp((char *)packet->name.data, "ME") == 0) strcpy((char *)packet->name.data, "NOT ME");

          // Add Incoming Chat to HUD
          //printf("Receive chat message %s", packet->base.message);
		  DEBUG_LOG(SCENET, "Received chat message %s", packet->base.message);

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlChatPacketS2C);

      // Connect Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_CONNECT) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C)) {
          // Log Incoming Peer
          INFO_LOG(SCENET,"Incoming Peer Data...");

          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C *)rx;

          // Add User

          // Update HUD User Count
          // setUserCount(getActivePeerCount()+1);

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlConnectPacketS2C);

      // Disconnect Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_DISCONNECT) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C)) {
          // Log Incoming Peer Delete Request
          INFO_LOG(SCENET,"FriendFinder: Incoming Peer Data Delete Request...");

          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C *)rx;

          // Delete User by IP, should delete by MAC since IP can be shared (behind NAT) isn't?

          // Update HUD User Count

          // Move RX Buffer
          memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C));

          // Fix RX Buffer Length
          rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlDisconnectPacketS2C);

      // Scan Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN) {
        // Enough Data available
        if(rxpos >= (int)sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C)) {
          // Log Incoming Network Information
          INFO_LOG(SCENET,"Incoming Group Information...");
          // Cast Packet
          SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C * packet = (SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C *)rx;

		  // Multithreading Lock

		  // It seems AdHoc Server always sent the full group list, so we should reset group list during Scan initialization

		  // Should only add non-existing group (or replace an existing group) to prevent Ford Street Racing from showing a strange game session list
		  /*SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * group = findGroup(&packet->mac);

		  if (group != NULL) {
			  // Copy Group Name
			  group->group_name = packet->group;

			  // Set Group Host
			  group->bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac;
		  else*/ {
			  // Allocate Structure Data
			  SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo * group = (SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo *)malloc(sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo));

			  // Allocated Structure Data
			  if (group != NULL)
				  // Clear Memory, should this be done only when allocating new group?
				  memset(group, 0, sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanInfo));

				  // Link to existing Groups
				  group->next = networks;

				  // Copy Group Name
				  group->group_name = packet->group;

				  // Set Group Host
				  group->bssid.mac_addr = packet->mac;

				  // Link into Group List
				  networks = group;

		  // Multithreading Unlock

		  // Move RX Buffer
		  memmove(rx, rx + sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C), sizeof(rx) - sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C));

		  // Fix RX Buffer Length
		  rxpos -= sizeof(SceNetAdhocctlScanPacketS2C);

      // Scan Complete Packet
      else if(rx[0] == OPCODE_SCAN_COMPLETE) {
        // Log Scan Completion
        INFO_LOG(SCENET,"FriendFinder: Incoming Scan complete response...");

        // Change State

        // Notify Event Handlers
        CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent_Threadsafe_Immediate(eventHandlerUpdate,join32(ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0));
        //int i = 0; for(; i < ADHOCCTL_MAX_HANDLER; i++)
        //        // Active Handler
        //        if(_event_handler[i] != NULL) _event_handler[i](ADHOCCTL_EVENT_SCAN, 0, _event_args[i]);

        // Move RX Buffer
        memmove(rx, rx + 1, sizeof(rx) - 1);

        // Fix RX Buffer Length
        rxpos -= 1;
    // Original value was 10 ms, I think 100 is just fine

  // Groups/Networks should be deallocated isn't?

  // Prevent the games from having trouble to reInitiate Adhoc (the next NetInit -> PdpCreate after NetTerm)

  // Log Shutdown
  INFO_LOG(SCENET, "FriendFinder: End of Friend Finder Thread");

  // Return Success
  return 0;