void CMAESOptimizer::process_readpara_settings(cmaes_t& evo) const
    // Termination criteria
    // ====================

    // stopMaxIter
    // -----------
    // maxIterations is a protected member variable of OptimizerRep.
    evo.sp.stopMaxIter = maxIterations;

    // stopTolFun
    // ----------
    // convergenceTolerance is a protected member variable of OptimizerRep.
    evo.sp.stopTolFun = convergenceTolerance;

    // stopMaxFunEvals
    // ---------------
    int stopMaxFunEvals;
    if (getAdvancedIntOption("stopMaxFunEvals", stopMaxFunEvals)) {
        SimTK_VALUECHECK_NONNEG_ALWAYS(stopMaxFunEvals, "stopMaxFunEvals",
        evo.sp.stopMaxFunEvals = stopMaxFunEvals;

    // stopFitness
    // -----------
    double stopFitness;
    if (getAdvancedRealOption("stopFitness", stopFitness)) {
        evo.sp.stStopFitness.flg = 1;
        evo.sp.stStopFitness.val = stopFitness;

    // stopTolFunHist
    // --------------
    double stopTolFunHist;
    if (getAdvancedRealOption("stopTolFunHist", stopTolFunHist)) {
        evo.sp.stopTolFunHist = stopTolFunHist;

    // stopTolX
    // --------
    double stopTolX;
    if (getAdvancedRealOption("stopTolX", stopTolX)) {
        evo.sp.stopTolX = stopTolX;

    // stopTolXFactor
    // --------------
    double stopTolUpXFactor;
    if (getAdvancedRealOption("stopTolUpXFactor", stopTolUpXFactor)) {
        evo.sp.stopTolUpXFactor = stopTolUpXFactor;

    // maxtime
    // =======
    double maxtime;
    if (getAdvancedRealOption("maxTimeFractionForEigendecomposition", maxtime))
        evo.sp.updateCmode.maxtime = maxtime;
    SimTK::Real InteriorPointOptimizer::optimize(  Vector &results ) {

        int n = getOptimizerSystem().getNumParameters();
        int m = getOptimizerSystem().getNumConstraints();

        Index index_style = 0; /* C-style; start counting of rows and column indices at 0 */
        Index nele_hess = 0;
        Index nele_jac = n*m; /* always assume dense */

        // Parameter limits
        Number *x_L = NULL, *x_U = NULL;
        if( getOptimizerSystem().getHasLimits() ) {
           getOptimizerSystem().getParameterLimits( &x_L, &x_U);
        } else {
           x_U = new Number[n];
           x_L = new Number[n];
           for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
              x_U[i] = SimTK::Real(POSITIVE_INF);
              x_L[i] = SimTK::Real(NEGATIVE_INF);

        SimTK::Real *x = &results[0];

        IpoptProblem nlp = CreateIpoptProblem(n, x_L, x_U, m, g_L, g_U, nele_jac, 
                           nele_hess, index_style, objectiveFuncWrapper, constraintFuncWrapper, 
                           gradientFuncWrapper, constraintJacobianWrapper, hessianWrapper);

        // If you want to verify which options are getting set in the optimizer, you can create a file ipopt.opt
        // with "print_user_options yes", and set print_level to (at least 1).  It will then print the options to the screen.
        // sherm 100302: you have to set all of these tolerances to get IpOpt to change
        // its convergence criteria; see OptimalityErrorConvergenceCheck::CheckConvergence().
        // We'll set acceptable tolerances to the same value to disable them.
        AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "tol", convergenceTolerance);
        AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "dual_inf_tol", convergenceTolerance);
        AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "constr_viol_tol", constraintTolerance);
        AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "compl_inf_tol", convergenceTolerance);
        AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "acceptable_tol", convergenceTolerance);
        AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "acceptable_dual_inf_tol", convergenceTolerance);
        AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "acceptable_constr_viol_tol", constraintTolerance);
        AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, "acceptable_compl_inf_tol", convergenceTolerance);

        AddIpoptIntOption(nlp, "max_iter", maxIterations);
        AddIpoptStrOption(nlp, "mu_strategy", "adaptive");
        AddIpoptStrOption(nlp, "hessian_approximation", "limited-memory"); // needs to be limited-memory unless you have explicit hessians
        AddIpoptIntOption(nlp, "limited_memory_max_history", limitedMemoryHistory);
        AddIpoptIntOption(nlp, "print_level", diagnosticsLevel); // default is 4

        int i;
        static const char *advancedRealOptions[] = {
        Real value;
        for(i=0;advancedRealOptions[i];i++) {
                AddIpoptNumOption(nlp, advancedRealOptions[i], value);

        static const std::string advancedStrOptions[] = {"nlp_scaling_method",
        std::string svalue;
        for(i=0;!advancedStrOptions[i].empty();i++) {
            if(getAdvancedStrOption(advancedStrOptions[i], svalue))
                AddIpoptStrOption(nlp, advancedStrOptions[i].c_str(), svalue.c_str());

        static const char*  advancedIntOptions[] = {"quality_function_max_section_steps",
        int ivalue;
        for(i=0;advancedIntOptions[i];i++) {
            if(getAdvancedIntOption(advancedIntOptions[i], ivalue))
                AddIpoptIntOption(nlp, advancedIntOptions[i], ivalue);

        // Only makes sense to do a warm start if this is not the first call to optimize() (since we need 
        // reasonable starting multiplier values)
        bool use_warm_start=false;
        if(getAdvancedBoolOption("warm_start", use_warm_start) && use_warm_start && !firstOptimization) {
            AddIpoptStrOption(nlp, "warm_start_init_point", "yes");
            AddIpoptStrOption(nlp, "warm_start_entire_iterate", "yes");
            //AddIpoptStrOption(nlp, "warm_start_same_structure", "yes"); // couldn't get this one to work

        SimTK::Real obj;

        int status = IpoptSolve(nlp, x, NULL, &obj, mult_g, mult_x_L, mult_x_U, (void *)this );


        // Only delete these if they aren't pointing to existing parameter limits
        if( !getOptimizerSystem().getHasLimits() ) {
           delete [] x_U;
           delete [] x_L;

        if(status == Solved_To_Acceptable_Level) {
            std::cout << "Ipopt: Solved to acceptable level" << std::endl;
        } else if (status != Solve_Succeeded) {
            if( status != NonIpopt_Exception_Thrown) {
                char buf[1024];
                sprintf(buf, "Ipopt: %s (status %d)",applicationReturnStatusToString(status).c_str(),status);
                SimTK_THROW1(SimTK::Exception::OptimizerFailed, SimTK::String(buf));

        firstOptimization = false;
