Sampler(const std::vector<TypeReaction>& reactions, const std::vector<ProbTable>& xs_container, bool normalize = true) : nreaction(reactions.size()), nenergy(getArraySize(*xs_container.begin())), reactions(reactions) { /* Allocate reaction matrix */ reaction_matrix = new double[(nreaction - 1) * nenergy]; /* Sanity check */ assert(xs_container.size() == reactions.size()); /* Once we separate the reactions from the cross sections, we need to construct the reaction matrix */ for(int nerg = 0 ; nerg < nenergy ; ++nerg) { /* Check if we have to normalize the probabilities */ double total_xs = 0.0; if(normalize) { /* First get the total cross section (of this reactions) at this energy */ for(int nrea = 0 ; nrea < nreaction ; ++nrea) total_xs += getArrayIndex(nerg,xs_container[nrea]); } /* Exclusive scan, to construct the accumulated probability table at this energy */ double partial_sum = 0; for(int nrea = 0 ; nrea < nreaction - 1; ++nrea) { partial_sum += getArrayIndex(nerg,xs_container[nrea]); /* Put the value on the reaction matrix */ if(normalize) reaction_matrix[nerg*(nreaction - 1) + nrea] = partial_sum / total_xs; else reaction_matrix[nerg*(nreaction - 1) + nrea] = partial_sum; } } }
/* Convenience method */ ostream & _TDL_TreeNodeBranch::printArrayIndexes ( ostream & theOstream ) const { if ( getParent() != (_TDL_TreeNodeBranch *) NULL ) getParent() -> printArrayIndexes( theOstream ); if ( getArrayIndex() == _TDL_TreeNode::TOPMOST_ARRAY_INDEX ) theOstream << ". "; else theOstream << getArrayIndex() << " "; return theOstream; }
void StarContainer::loadGame() { openList->clear(); closeList->clear(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < ROLE_NUM ; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0 ;j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { CCString* str = CCString::createWithFormat("%d_index",getArrayIndex( i , j ) ); int index = CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->getIntegerForKey( str->getCString()); if(index <= 0 || index >5) { m_pStars[i][j] = NULL; continue; } m_pStars[i][j] = new Star( index ); CCSprite* sprite = m_pStars[i][j]->GetAvata(); CCMoveTo* moveTo = CCMoveTo::create( 0.7f , m_pStars[i][j]->getPosition( i , j )); CCEaseBounceOut* easeOut = CCEaseBounceOut::create(moveTo); CCCallFunc* callFunc = CCCallFunc::create(this,callfunc_selector(StarContainer::PlayStartAnimOver)); CCActionInterval* intervalAction = CCSequence::create( easeOut , callFunc , NULL ); sprite->runAction(intervalAction); GameMap::GetInstance()->getSpriteBatchBode()->addChild(sprite); } } SavePreStep(); }
MObject getConnectedInNode(const MObject& thisObject, const char *attrName) { MObject result = MObject::kNullObj; MString indexStr, base; int index = -1; if (getArrayIndex(attrName, indexStr, base)) { index = indexStr.asInt(); attrName = base.asChar(); } MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject); MPlug inPlug = depFn.findPlug(attrName); if (index > -1) inPlug = inPlug[index]; MString plugname =; if (!inPlug.isConnected()) return result; MPlugArray connectedPlugs; inPlug.connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false); if (connectedPlugs.length() == 0) return result; return connectedPlugs[0].node(); }
/* Convenience method */ ostream & _TDL_SpawnStatementTreeNode::printArrayIndexes ( ostream & theOstream ) const { const _TDL_SpawnStatementTreeNode * targetTreeNode; /* Top-of-Tree case. */ if ( getArrayIndex() == _TDL_TreeNode::TOPMOST_ARRAY_INDEX ) { theOstream << "[.]"; return theOstream; } /* If we have an array index */ if ( hasArrayIndex() == TRUE ) { theOstream << "["; if ( getParent() != (_TDL_TreeNodeBranch *) NULL ) getParent() -> printArrayIndexes ( theOstream ); theOstream << getArrayIndex() << "]"; return theOstream; } /* Walk up the tree, applying pre-insert With-Do/Iteration constraints */ for ( targetTreeNode = (const _TDL_SpawnStatementTreeNode *) ( getSpawnStatementData() . getSpawnStatementTreeNodeSlist() . getFirstNode() ); targetTreeNode != (const _TDL_SpawnStatementTreeNode *) NULL; targetTreeNode = (const _TDL_SpawnStatementTreeNode *) ( targetTreeNode -> _TDL_Snode::getNextNode() ) ) { if ( targetTreeNode -> hasArrayIndex() == TRUE ) return targetTreeNode -> printArrayIndexes ( theOstream ); } /* IF nothing has an array index, we are obviously a singleton case. */ return theOstream; }
void StarContainer::SearchDelStar(int index,int type) { int x , y , dx , dy , tIndex; x = getArrayX( index ); y = getArrayY( index ); // left dx = x - 1; tIndex = getArrayIndex( dx , y); if( IsInMap( dx , y ) && IsMatchType( m_pStars[dx][y]->GetType() , type ) && IsNotInList(tIndex) ) openList->push_back( tIndex ); // right dx = x + 1; tIndex = getArrayIndex( dx , y); if( IsInMap( dx , y ) && IsMatchType(m_pStars[dx][y]->GetType() , type ) && IsNotInList(tIndex) ) openList->push_back( tIndex ); // top dy = y - 1; tIndex = getArrayIndex( x , dy); if( IsInMap( x , dy ) && IsMatchType(m_pStars[x][dy]->GetType() , type ) && IsNotInList(tIndex) ) openList->push_back( tIndex ); // buttom dy = y + 1; tIndex = getArrayIndex( x , dy); if( IsInMap( x , dy ) && IsMatchType(m_pStars[x][dy]->GetType() , type) && IsNotInList(tIndex) ) openList->push_back( tIndex ); closeList->push_back( index ); if( openList->size() == 0 ) return; index = openList->back(); openList->pop_back(); SearchDelStar(index,type); }
Sampler(const std::vector<TypeReaction>& reactions,const std::vector<ProbTable>& xs_container,const ProbTable& total_xs) : nreaction(reactions.size()), nenergy(getArraySize(*xs_container.begin())), reactions(reactions) { /* Allocate reaction matrix */ reaction_matrix = new double[(nreaction - 1) * nenergy]; /* Sanity check */ assert(xs_container.size() == reactions.size()); assert(getArraySize(total_xs) == nenergy); /* Once we separate the reactions from the cross sections, we need to construct the reaction matrix */ for(int nerg = 0 ; nerg < nenergy ; ++nerg) { /* Exclusive scan, to construct the accumulated probability table at this energy */ double partial_sum = 0.0; for(int nrea = 0 ; nrea < nreaction - 1; ++nrea) { partial_sum += getArrayIndex(nerg,xs_container[nrea]); reaction_matrix[nerg*(nreaction - 1) + nrea] = partial_sum / getArrayIndex(nerg,total_xs); } } }
Sampler(const std::map<TypeReaction,ProbTable>& reaction_map) : nreaction(reaction_map.size()), nenergy(getArraySize(reaction_map.begin()->second)), reactions(nreaction) { /* Allocate reaction matrix */ reaction_matrix = new double[(nreaction - 1) * nenergy]; /* TypeReactions */ typename std::map<TypeReaction,ProbTable>::const_iterator it_rea = reaction_map.begin(); int nrea = 0; /* Cross sections */ std::vector<ProbTable> xs_container(nreaction); for(; it_rea != reaction_map.end() ; ++it_rea) { /* Save the reactions into the reaction container */ reactions[nrea] = (*it_rea).first; /* Save the cross sections */ xs_container[nrea] = (*it_rea).second; /* Count reaction */ nrea++; } /* Once we separate the reactions from the cross sections, we need to construct the reaction matrix */ for(int nerg = 0 ; nerg < nenergy ; ++nerg) { /* First get the total cross section (of this reactions) at this energy */ double total_xs = 0.0; for(nrea = 0 ; nrea < nreaction ; ++nrea) total_xs += getArrayIndex(nerg,xs_container[nrea]); /* Exclusive scan, to construct the accumulated probability table at this energy */ double partial_sum = 0; for(nrea = 0 ; nrea < nreaction - 1; ++nrea) { partial_sum += getArrayIndex(nerg,xs_container[nrea]); reaction_matrix[nerg*(nreaction - 1) + nrea] = partial_sum / total_xs; } } }
void StarContainer::SaveLevel() { //save config for ( int i = 0 ; i < ROLE_NUM ; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0 ;j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { CCString* str = CCString::createWithFormat("%d_index",getArrayIndex( i , j ) ); if(m_pStars[i][j] == NULL) CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->setIntegerForKey( str->getCString(), 0 ); else CCUserDefault::sharedUserDefault()->setIntegerForKey( str->getCString(), m_pStars[i][j]->GetType() ); } } }
int getSymbolSize(symbol_t const *symbol) { if(symbol->type.indirectionCount > 0) { if((symbol->type.constMask & (1 << symbol->type.indirectionCount)) != 0) { dereferencedSymbol_t first = getArrayIndex(symbol->name, 0); if(first.symbol != NULL) { return getSymbolSize(first.symbol) * (symbol->address - first.symbol->address); } } return SIZEOF_PTR; } else if(symbol->type.baseType == BT_CHAR) { return 1; } else if(symbol->type.baseType == BT_INT) { return SIZEOF_INT; } return 0; }
/* Slot to recieve data updates from the base QCaObject and generate integer updates. */ void QEInteger::convertVariant( const QVariant &value, QCaAlarmInfo& alarmInfo, QCaDateTime& timeStamp, const unsigned int& variableIndex ) { if( value.type() == QVariant::List ) { emit integerArrayChanged( integerFormat->formatIntegerArray( value ), alarmInfo, timeStamp, variableIndex ); int ai = getArrayIndex(); if( ai >= 0 && ai < value.toList().count() ) { // Convert this array element as a scalar update. emit integerChanged( integerFormat->formatInteger( value.toList().value( ai ) ), alarmInfo, timeStamp, variableIndex ); } } else { emit integerChanged( integerFormat->formatInteger( value ), alarmInfo, timeStamp, variableIndex ); // A scalar is also an array of one element. // QVariantList array; array.append (value); emit integerArrayChanged( integerFormat->formatIntegerArray( array ), alarmInfo, timeStamp, variableIndex ); } }
/** * Return a handler that maps the python type to a C++ type * @param object :: A pointer to a PyObject that represents the type * @returns A pointer to handler that can be used to instantiate a property */ const PropertyValueHandler & PropertyWithValueFactory::lookup(PyObject *const object) { // Check if object is array. const auto ptype = isArray(object); if (!ptype.empty()) { const PyArrayIndex &arrayIndex = getArrayIndex(); auto ait = arrayIndex.find(ptype); if (ait != arrayIndex.end()) { return *(ait->second); } } // Object is not array, so check primitive types const PyTypeIndex &typeIndex = getTypeIndex(); auto cit = typeIndex.find(object->ob_type); if (cit == typeIndex.end()) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Cannot create PropertyWithValue from Python type " << object->ob_type->tp_name << ". No converter registered in PropertyWithValueFactory."; throw std::invalid_argument(os.str()); } return *(cit->second); }
} dereferencedSymbol_t createString(char const *value) { bool const oldGlobalScope = getGlobalScope(); setGlobalScope(true); int len = strlen(value) + 1; char *interningName; asprintf(&interningName, "__internedString__%s", value); dereferencedSymbol_t deref = getExistingSymbol(interningName, false); symbol_t *tab = deref.symbol; if(tab == &dummy) { tab = createArray(interningName, (varType_t){.indirectionCount = 0, .baseType = BT_CHAR, .constMask = 1}, len); dereferencedSymbol_t data = getArrayIndex(interningName, 0); assert(data.symbol); for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { assemblyOutput(AFC" %d %d", data.symbol->address + i, value[i]); } } free(interningName); setGlobalScope(oldGlobalScope); return getExistingSymbol(interningName, true); } dereferencedSymbol_t getExistingSymbol(char const *name, bool failIfNotFound) { int const maxLevel = getGlobalScope() ? 0 : symbolTable.nestingLevel;
void StarContainer::ClickStar(::cocos2d::CCPoint point) { int x = (point.x - 20) / GameMap::GetInstance()->cellWidth; int y = ( point.y - 140 ) / GameMap::GetInstance()->cellHeight; // begin search star by type openList->clear(); closeList->clear(); if( !IsInMap(x,y) || GameMap::GetInstance()->GetGameState() == WAIT_START) return; switch (GameMap::GetInstance()->GetGameState()) { case NORMAL: { SearchDelStar( getArrayIndex( x , y ) , m_pStars[x][y]->GetType()); if(closeList->size() <= 1) return; canReturn = true; break; } case Use_Item_Lolly: { closeList->push_back( getArrayIndex( x , y ) ); if(GameItemManager::GetInstance()->UseItem(Item_Lolly)) { if(closeList->size() < 1) return; canReturn = true; } else closeList->clear(); GameMap::GetInstance()->SetGameStage(NORMAL); UIManager::GetInstance()->getUIUseItem()->deactivate(); break; } case Use_Item_Candy: { if(m_pStars[x][y] == NULL) return; if(GameItemManager::GetInstance()->UseItem(Item_Candy)) { GameMap::GetInstance()->getSpriteBatchBode()->removeChild( m_pStars[x][y]->GetAvata(),true ); m_pStars[x][y] = new Star( 7 ); m_pStars[x][y]->SetPosition( m_pStars[x][y]->getPosition( x , y)); GameMap::GetInstance()->getSpriteBatchBode()->addChild(m_pStars[x][y]->GetAvata()); } GameMap::GetInstance()->SetGameStage(NORMAL); UIManager::GetInstance()->getUIUseItem()->deactivate(); return; } case Use_Item_Return: { if(canReturn && GameItemManager::GetInstance()->UseItem(Item_Return)) { canReturn = false; GameMap::GetInstance()->UseReturn(); } GameMap::GetInstance()->SetGameStage(NORMAL); UIManager::GetInstance()->getUIUseItem()->deactivate(); return; } case Use_Item_Refresh: { if(GameItemManager::GetInstance()->UseItem(Item_Refresh)) { canReturn = true; GameMap::GetInstance()->UseRefresh(); } GameMap::GetInstance()->SetGameStage(NORMAL); UIManager::GetInstance()->getUIUseItem()->deactivate(); return; } } SavePreStep(); // play click effect sound std::vector<int>::iterator it = closeList->begin(); for( ; it!= closeList->end(); it++ ) { x = getArrayX( *it ); y = getArrayY( *it ); GameMap::GetInstance()->getSpriteBatchBode()->removeChild( m_pStars[x][y]->GetAvata() , true ); m_pStars[x][y]->Die(); delete m_pStars[x][y]; m_pStars[x][y] = NULL; } GameMap::GetInstance()->PopStarSettle( closeList->size() ); // reset x it = closeList->begin(); for( ; it!= closeList->end(); it++ ) { x = getArrayX( *it ); y = getArrayY( *it ); int startIndex = -1; for( int j = 0 ; j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { if(m_pStars[x][j] == NULL) { startIndex = j; break; } } if(startIndex == -1) continue; for( int j = startIndex + 1; j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { Star* mTemp = m_pStars[x][j-1]; m_pStars[x][j-1] = m_pStars[x][j]; m_pStars[x][j] = mTemp; } } // rest y it = closeList->begin(); for( ; it!= closeList->end(); it++ ) { x = getArrayX( *it ); y = getArrayY( *it ); int startIndex = -1; for( int j = 0 ; j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { if(m_pStars[x][j] == NULL) { startIndex = j; break; } } if(startIndex == -1) continue; for( int j = startIndex + 1; j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { Star* mTemp = m_pStars[x][j-1]; m_pStars[x][j-1] = m_pStars[x][j]; m_pStars[x][j] = mTemp; } } // rest x it = closeList->begin(); for( ; it!= closeList->end(); it++ ) { x = getArrayX( *it ); y = getArrayY( *it ); int nullCount = 0; int startIndex = -1; for( int i = 0 ; i < ROLE_NUM ; i++ ) { nullCount = 0; for( int j = 0 ; j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { if( m_pStars[i][j] == NULL ) { startIndex = i; nullCount++; } } if(nullCount == ROLE_NUM) break; } if(nullCount == ROLE_NUM) { for( int i= startIndex + 1 ; i < ROLE_NUM ; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { Star* mTemp = m_pStars[i-1][j]; m_pStars[i-1][j] = m_pStars[i][j]; m_pStars[i][j] = mTemp; } } } } // rest graph for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { for (int j=0;j<10;j++) { if(m_pStars[i][j] != NULL) { CCSprite* sprite = m_pStars[i][j]->GetAvata(); CCMoveTo* moveTo = CCMoveTo::create( MOVE_TIME , m_pStars[i][j]->getPosition( i , j)); CCEaseBounceOut* easeOut = CCEaseBounceOut::create(moveTo); sprite->runAction(easeOut); } } } bool gameOver = true; // check the is no star to destory for( int i = 0 ; i< ROLE_NUM ; i++ ) { for( int j = 0 ; j < ROLE_NUM ; j++ ) { if( m_pStars[i][j] == NULL ) continue; closeList->clear(); SearchDelStar( getArrayIndex( i , j) , m_pStars[i][j]->GetType() ); if (closeList->size() > 1) { gameOver = false; break; } } } // gameOver next stage if(gameOver) GameMap::GetInstance()->CompleteLevel(); }
int elektraSortTopology (KeySet * ks, Key ** array) { if (ks == NULL || array == NULL) return -1; KeySet * done = ksNew (0, KS_END); ksRewind (ks); Key * cur; ssize_t size = ksGetSize (ks); Key * orderCounter = keyNew ("/#", KEY_CASCADING_NAME, KEY_END); elektraArrayIncName (orderCounter); _adjMatrix adjMatrix[size]; int i = 0; int retVal = 1; int depCount = 0; Key ** localArray = elektraMalloc (size * sizeof (Key *)); elektraKsToMemArray (ks, localArray); qsort (localArray, size, sizeof (Key *), topCmpOrder); for (long j = 0; j < size; ++j) { adjMatrix[j].key = localArray[j]; adjMatrix[j].isResolved = 0; adjMatrix[j].deps = elektraCalloc (sizeof (unsigned long) * size); } kdb_octet_t hasOrder = 0; if (keyGetMeta (localArray[0], "order")) hasOrder = 1; unsigned int unresolved = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) { cur = localArray[j]; KeySet * deps = elektraMetaArrayToKS (cur, "dep"); keyDel (ksLookupByName (deps, "dep", KDB_O_POP)); Key * tmpDep; switch (ksGetSize (deps)) { case -1: { // key has no dependencies, give it an order number and add it to list of resolved dependencies keySetMeta (cur, "order", keyBaseName (orderCounter)); elektraArrayIncName (orderCounter); ksAppendKey (done, keyDup (cur)); adjMatrix[j].isResolved = 1; ksDel (deps); break; } case 1: { // only 1 dependency: // test if it's reflexive tmpDep = ksHead (deps); if (!strcmp (keyName (cur), keyString (tmpDep))) { keySetMeta (cur, "order", keyBaseName (orderCounter)); elektraArrayIncName (orderCounter); ksAppendKey (done, keyDup (cur)); adjMatrix[j].isResolved = 1; ksDel (deps); break; } // if not, fallthrough to normal dependency handling } default: { int gotUnresolved = 0; while ((tmpDep = ksNext (deps)) != NULL) { if (!isValidKeyName (keyString (tmpDep))) { // invalid keyname -> ERROR retVal = -1; break; } i = getArrayIndex (tmpDep, adjMatrix, size); if (i == -1) { // key doesn't exist yet but has valid name, ignore it. continue; } else if (i == j) { // reflexiv depencency, do nothing } else { if (!adjMatrix[i].isResolved) { // unresolved dependency adjMatrix[j].deps[i] = 1; ++gotUnresolved; // simple cycle detection if (adjMatrix[i].deps[j]) { retVal = 0; break; } } } } if (gotUnresolved) { adjMatrix[j].isResolved = 0; ++unresolved; // cound unresolved dependencies depCount += gotUnresolved; } ksDel (deps); break; } } if (retVal <= 0) break; } if (retVal <= 0) { // error or cycle: goto cleanup goto TopSortCleanup; } // resolve all dependencies that can be resolved immediately for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) { if (adjMatrix[j].isResolved) depCount -= resolveDep (j, adjMatrix, size); } ssize_t resolved = ksGetSize (done); if (((depCount + resolved) >= size) && (unresolved)) { // more dependencies dependencies than keys: // cycle found ! retVal = 0; goto TopSortCleanup; } if (unresolved) { int found = 1; // we have unresolved dependencies for (int j = 0; j < size + 1; ++j) { // loop until no dependency can be resolved anymore if (j == size) { if (found) { found = 0; j = -1; unresolved = 0; continue; } else break; } if (adjMatrix[j].isResolved) continue; ++unresolved; if (hasOrder) { // resolve by order int ret = resolveDeps (j, adjMatrix, size, done, orderCounter); if (ret == -1) break; j = -1; found = 1; continue; } else { // resolve next possible dependency in keyset if (!hasUnresolvedDependencies (j, adjMatrix, size)) { adjMatrix[j].isResolved = 1; resolveDep (j, adjMatrix, size); keySetMeta (localArray[j], "order", keyBaseName (orderCounter)); elektraArrayIncName (orderCounter); ksAppendKey (done, keyDup (localArray[j])); found = 1; } } } } if (unresolved == 0) { // everything resolved // add dependencies in topological order to array elektraKsToMemArray (ks, array); qsort (array, size, sizeof (Key *), topCmpOrder); retVal = 1; } else { // still unresolved dependencies left: // there must be a cycle somewhere retVal = 0; } TopSortCleanup: ksDel (done); keyDel (orderCounter); elektraFree (localArray); for (ssize_t j = 0; j < size; ++j) { elektraFree (adjMatrix[j].deps); } return retVal; }