bool GPolyline::pointInrgn(CPoint p) { for (int i = 0; i<pt_num; i++) { CRect rect(pt_arr[i].x - 5, pt_arr[i].y - 5, pt_arr[i].x + 5, pt_arr[i].y + 5); if (rect.PtInRect(p)){ movemode = i; return true; } } if (CRect(point_end.x - 5, point_end.y - 5, point_end.x + 5, point_end.y + 5).PtInRect(p)) { movemode = pt_num; return true; } else if (CRect(getBoundary()).PtInRect(p)) { movemode = -1; return true; } else return false; }
Boundary GUIEdge::getCenteringBoundary() const { Boundary b = getBoundary(); // ensure that vehicles and persons on the side are drawn even if the edge // is outside the view b.grow(10); return b; }
void HTTPRequest::addDefaultHTTPHeaders() { addHeader(HTTPHeader("Host", url.getHost())); if(method != HTTP_METHOD_POST) { return; } if(!headers.contains("content-type")) { if(getFormEncoding() == HTTP_FORM_MULTIPART) { addHeader(HTTPHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=\"" +getBoundary() +"\"")); } else if(getFormEncoding() == HTTP_FORM_URL_ENCODED) { addHeader(HTTPHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")); } } }
bool HTTPRequest::createBody(std::string& result) { if(body.size()) { result = body; } else { if(content_parameters.size()) { if(isPost() && content_parameters.hasFileParameter()) { return content_parameters.toBoundaryString(getBoundary(), result); } else { if(content_parameters.size()) { content_parameters.percentEncode(); result = content_parameters.getQueryString(); } } } } return true; }
void Group::drawBoundary(CDC* cdc) { CRect rect = getBoundary();// 그릴 사각형을 가져온다. CPen m_pen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0));// 그릴 펜의 속성을 지정 CPen *oldpen = cdc->SelectObject(&m_pen); cdc->SelectStockObject(NULL_BRUSH); cdc->Rectangle(rect);// 테두리 사각형 그리고 cdc->SelectStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); CRect box(rect.TopLeft().x - 5, rect.TopLeft().y - 5, rect.TopLeft().x + 5, rect.TopLeft().y + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 왼쪽 위 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.right - 5, - 5, rect.right + 5, + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 오른쪽 위 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.left - 5, rect.bottom - 5, rect.left + 5, rect.bottom + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 왼쪽 아래 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.BottomRight().x - 5, rect.BottomRight().y - 5, rect.BottomRight().x + 5, rect.BottomRight().y + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 오른쪽 아래 사각형 그리고 //노드 데이터 변경 POSITION posNode = NodeData.GetHeadPosition(); while (posNode) { Figure* pObj = (Figure*)NodeData.GetNext(posNode); pObj->draw(cdc); } //차일드 데이터 변경(recursion이 일어남) POSITION posChild = Child.GetHeadPosition(); while (posChild) { Group* pGroup = (Group*)Child.GetNext(posChild); pGroup->drawBoundary(cdc); } cdc->SelectObject(&oldpen); }
void MyLine::drawBoundary(CDC* cdc) { CRect rect = getBoundary();// 그릴 사각형을 가져온다. CPen m_pen(PS_DOT, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0));// 그릴 펜의 속성을 지정 CPen *oldpen = cdc->SelectObject(&m_pen); cdc->SelectStockObject(NULL_BRUSH); cdc->Rectangle(rect);// 테두리 사각형 그리고 cdc->SelectStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); CRect box(rect.TopLeft().x - 5, rect.TopLeft().y - 5, rect.TopLeft().x + 5, rect.TopLeft().y + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 왼쪽 위 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.CenterPoint().x - 5, - 5, rect.CenterPoint().x + 5, + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 위쪽 가운데 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.right - 5, - 5, rect.right + 5, + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 오른쪽 위 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.left - 5, rect.CenterPoint().y - 5, rect.left + 5, rect.CenterPoint().y + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 왼쪽 가운데 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.right - 5, rect.CenterPoint().y - 5, rect.right + 5, rect.CenterPoint().y + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 오른쪽 가운데 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.left - 5, rect.bottom - 5, rect.left + 5, rect.bottom + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 왼쪽 아래 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.CenterPoint().x - 5, rect.bottom - 5, rect.CenterPoint().x + 5, rect.bottom + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 가운데 아래 사각형 그리고 box.SetRect(rect.BottomRight().x - 5, rect.BottomRight().y - 5, rect.BottomRight().x + 5, rect.BottomRight().y + 5); cdc->Rectangle(box);// 오른쪽 아래 사각형 그리고 cdc->SelectObject(&oldpen); }
int getEntries( inStruct Sentries ) { register int x; char *stquery, *tmpq, *tmpStr, *tmpStr1, *tmpPtr; char reqMethod[100]; int msgLength; char contentType[100]; char boundary[MAX_TOKEN]; int i; putenv( "HOME=/" ); if ( getenv( "CONTENT_TYPE" ) != NULL ) { strcpy( contentType, getenv( "CONTENT_TYPE" ) ); } else { strcpy( contentType, "" ); } if ( getenv( "REQUEST_METHOD" ) != NULL ) { strcpy( reqMethod, getenv( "REQUEST_METHOD" ) ); } else { strcpy( reqMethod, "" ); } if ( getenv( "HTTP_COOKIE" ) != NULL ) { strcpy( Sentries->cookieStr, getenv( "HTTP_COOKIE" ) ); } else { strcpy( Sentries->cookieStr, "" ); } if ( strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, "*" ) != NULL || strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, ".." ) != NULL || strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, "?" ) != NULL || strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, "/" ) != NULL || strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, "\\" ) != NULL ) { Sentries->op = -1; return 1; } if ( !strcmp( reqMethod, "POST" ) || !strcmp( reqMethod, "post" ) ) { msgLength = atoi( getenv( "CONTENT_LENGTH" ) ) + 10; stquery = malloc( msgLength ); if ( fread( stquery, 1, msgLength, stdin ) != ( msgLength - 10 ) ) { webErrorExit( "short fread", 0 ); } stquery[msgLength] = '\0'; } else { stquery = malloc( QSIZE ); if ( getenv( "QUERY_STRING" ) != NULL ) { strcpy( stquery, getenv( "QUERY_STRING" ) ); } else { strcpy( stquery, "" ); } } if ( strstr( contentType, "multipart/form-data" ) != NULL ) { i = msgLength - 10; getBoundary( &stquery, boundary ); /*** printf("Boundary:**%s**<BR>\n",boundary);fflush(stdout); ***/ for ( x = 0; *stquery != '\0'; x++ ) { if ( x == MAX_ENTRIES ) { webErrorExit( "MaxEntries Exceeded", x ); } Sentries->m = x; /*** printf("GettingX:%i....\n",x);fflush(stdout); ***/ tmpPtr = stquery; if ( getmultipartword( &Sentries->entries[x], &stquery, boundary, i ) != 0 ) { break; } i -= stquery - tmpPtr; /*** printf("%i:%s=%s<BR>\n",entries[x].size,entries[x].name,entries[x].val);fflush(stdout);***/ } Sentries->m--; } else { /** the following is to take care of the home col. name bad length pb Linux on RedHat7 *******/ fixstr1 = malloc( 10 ); free( fixstr1 ); /******************************************************/ for ( x = 0; stquery[0] != '\0'; x++ ) { if ( x == MAX_ENTRIES ) { webErrorExit( "MaxEntries Exceeded", x ); } Sentries->m = x; Sentries->entries[x].val = malloc( HUGE_STRING ); getword( Sentries->entries[x].val, stquery, '&' ); plustospace( Sentries->entries[x].val ); unescape_url( Sentries->entries[x].val ); char* wd = ( char * ) makeword( Sentries->entries[x].val, '=' ); // JMC cppcheck - leak sprintf( Sentries->entries[x].name, wd ); free( wd ); // JMC cppcheck - leak } } return 0; }
Boundary GUIEdge::getCenteringBoundary() const { Boundary b = getBoundary(); b.grow(20); return b; }
Boundary GUINet::getCenteringBoundary() const { return getBoundary(); }
PView *GMSH_SkinPlugin::execute(PView *v) { int visible = (int)SkinOptions_Number[0].def; int fromMesh = (int)SkinOptions_Number[1].def; int iView = (int)SkinOptions_Number[2].def; // compute boundary of current mesh if(fromMesh){ getBoundaryFromMesh(GModel::current(), visible); return v; } // compute boundary of post-processing data set PView *v1 = getView(iView, v); if(!v1) return v; PViewData *data1 = getPossiblyAdaptiveData(v1); if(data1->hasMultipleMeshes()){ Msg::Error("Skin plugin cannot be applied to multi-mesh views"); return v; } Msg::Info("Extracting boundary from View[%d]", v1->getIndex()); PView *v2 = new PView(); PViewDataList *data2 = getDataList(v2); std::set<ElmData, ElmDataLessThan> skin; ElmDataLessThan::tolerance = CTX::instance()->lc * 1.e-12; int firstNonEmptyStep = data1->getFirstNonEmptyTimeStep(); for(int ent = 0; ent < data1->getNumEntities(firstNonEmptyStep); ent++){ if(visible && data1->skipEntity(firstNonEmptyStep, ent)) continue; for(int ele = 0; ele < data1->getNumElements(firstNonEmptyStep, ent); ele++){ if(data1->skipElement(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele, visible)) continue; int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele); int type = data1->getType(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele); const int (*boundary)[6][4]; int numBoundary = getBoundary(type, &boundary); if(!numBoundary) continue; for(int i = 0; i < numBoundary; i++){ ElmData e(numComp); for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ int nod = (*boundary)[i][j]; if(nod < 0) continue; double x, y, z; data1->getNode(firstNonEmptyStep, ent, ele, nod, x, y, z); e.x.push_back(x); e.y.push_back(y); e.z.push_back(z); } std::set<ElmData, ElmDataLessThan>::iterator it = skin.find(e); if(it == skin.end()){ for(int step = 0; step < data1->getNumTimeSteps(); step++){ if(data1->hasTimeStep(step)){ for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ int nod = (*boundary)[i][j]; if(nod < 0) continue; double v; for(int comp = 0; comp < numComp; comp++){ data1->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, comp, v); e.v.push_back(v); } } } } skin.insert(e); } else skin.erase(it); } } } for(std::set<ElmData, ElmDataLessThan>::iterator it = skin.begin(); it != skin.end(); it++) it->addInView(data2); for(int i = 0; i < data1->getNumTimeSteps(); i++) if(data1->hasTimeStep(i)) data2->Time.push_back(data1->getTime(i)); data2->setName(data1->getName() + "_Skin"); data2->setFileName(data1->getName() + "_Skin.pos"); data2->finalize(); return v2; }
/* Process the content data. Returns < 0 on error == 0 when more data is needed == 1 when data successfully written */ static int processUploadData(HttpQueue *q) { HttpConn *conn; HttpPacket *packet; MprBuf *content; Upload *up; ssize size, dataLen; bool pureData; char *data, *bp, *key; conn = q->conn; up = q->queueData; content = q->first->content; packet = 0; size = mprGetBufLength(content); if (size < up->boundaryLen) { /* Incomplete boundary. Return and get more data */ return 0; } bp = getBoundary(mprGetBufStart(content), size, up->boundary, up->boundaryLen, &pureData); if (bp == 0) { if (up->clientFilename) { /* No signature found yet. probably more data to come. Must handle split boundaries. */ data = mprGetBufStart(content); dataLen = pureData ? size : (size - (up->boundaryLen - 1)); if (dataLen > 0) { if (writeToFile(q, mprGetBufStart(content), dataLen) < 0) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } } mprAdjustBufStart(content, dataLen); return 0; /* Get more data */ } } data = mprGetBufStart(content); dataLen = (bp) ? (bp - data) : mprGetBufLength(content); if (dataLen > 0) { mprAdjustBufStart(content, dataLen); /* This is the CRLF before the boundary */ if (dataLen >= 2 && data[dataLen - 2] == '\r' && data[dataLen - 1] == '\n') { dataLen -= 2; } if (up->clientFilename) { /* Write the last bit of file data and add to the list of files and define environment variables */ if (writeToFile(q, data, dataLen) < 0) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } defineFileFields(q, up); } else { /* Normal string form data variables */ data[dataLen] = '\0'; #if KEEP httpTrace(conn, "request.upload.variables", "context", "'%s':'%s'", up->name, data); #endif key = mprUriDecode(up->name); data = mprUriDecode(data); httpSetParam(conn, key, data); if (packet == 0) { packet = httpCreatePacket(ME_MAX_BUFFER); } if (httpGetPacketLength(packet) > 0) { /* Need to add www-form-urlencoding separators */ mprPutCharToBuf(packet->content, '&'); } else { conn->rx->mimeType = sclone("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } mprPutToBuf(packet->content, "%s=%s", up->name, data); } } if (up->clientFilename) { /* Now have all the data (we've seen the boundary) */ mprCloseFile(up->file); up->file = 0; up->clientFilename = 0; } if (packet) { httpPutPacketToNext(q, packet); } up->contentState = HTTP_UPLOAD_BOUNDARY; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { register int n, k; char rayFileName[14], inputLine[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; bool_t result, exit_on_EOF, to_obs, initialize, crosscoupling, analyze_output, equilibria_only; int Nspect, Nread, Nrequired, checkPoint, *wave_index = NULL; double muz, *S, *chi, *J; FILE *fp_out, *fp_ray, *fp_stokes; XDR xdrs; ActiveSet *as; setOptions(argc, argv); getCPU(0, TIME_START, NULL); SetFPEtraps(); /* --- Read input data and initialize -- -------------- */ readInput(); spectrum.updateJ = FALSE; /* --- Read input data for atmosphere -- -------------- */ getCPU(1, TIME_START, NULL); MULTIatmos(&atmos, &geometry); /* --- Read direction cosine for ray -- -------------- */ if ((fp_ray = fopen(RAY_INPUT_FILE, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(messageStr, "Unable to open inputfile %s", RAY_INPUT_FILE); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); } getLine(fp_ray, COMMENT_CHAR, inputLine, exit_on_EOF=TRUE); Nread = sscanf(inputLine, "%lf", &muz); checkNread(Nread, Nrequired=1, argv[0], checkPoint=1); if (muz <= 0.0 || muz > 1.0) { sprintf(messageStr, "Value of muz = %f does not lie in interval <0.0, 1.0]\n", muz); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); } if (input.StokesMode == FIELD_FREE || input.StokesMode == POLARIZATION_FREE) { input.StokesMode = FULL_STOKES; } /* --- redefine geometry for just this one ray -- -------------- */ atmos.Nrays = geometry.Nrays = 1; geometry.muz[0] = muz; geometry.mux[0] = sqrt(1.0 - SQ(geometry.muz[0])); geometry.muy[0] = 0.0; geometry.wmu[0] = 1.0; if (atmos.Stokes) Bproject(); input.startJ = OLD_J; readAtomicModels(); readMolecularModels(); SortLambda(); getBoundary(&geometry); /* --- Open file with background opacities -- -------------- */ if (atmos.moving || input.StokesMode) { strcpy(input.background_File, "background.ray"); Background(analyze_output=FALSE, equilibria_only=FALSE); } else { Background(analyze_output=FALSE, equilibria_only=TRUE); if ((atmos.fd_background = open(input.background_File, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1) { sprintf(messageStr, "Unable to open inputfile %s", input.background_File); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); } readBRS(); } convertScales(&atmos, &geometry); getProfiles(); initSolution(); initScatter(); getCPU(1, TIME_POLL, "Total initialize"); /* --- Solve radiative transfer equations -- -------------- */ solveSpectrum(FALSE, FALSE); /* --- Write emergent spectrum to output file -- -------------- */ sprintf(rayFileName, "spectrum_%4.2f", muz); if ((fp_out = fopen(rayFileName, "w" )) == NULL) { sprintf(messageStr, "Unable to open output file %s", rayFileName); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); } xdrstdio_create(&xdrs, fp_out, XDR_ENCODE); result = xdr_double(&xdrs, &muz); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) spectrum.I[0], spectrum.Nspect, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); /* --- Read wavelength indices for which chi and S are to be written out for the specified direction -- -------------- */ Nread = fscanf(fp_ray, "%d", &Nspect); checkNread(Nread, 1, argv[0], checkPoint=2); if (Nspect > 0) { wave_index = (int *) malloc(Nspect * sizeof(int)); Nread = 0; while (fscanf(fp_ray, "%d", &wave_index[Nread]) != EOF) Nread++; checkNread(Nread, Nspect, argv[0], checkPoint=3); fclose(fp_ray); chi = (double *) malloc(atmos.Nspace * sizeof(double)); if (atmos.Stokes) S = (double *) malloc(4 * atmos.Nspace * sizeof(double)); else S = (double *) malloc(atmos.Nspace * sizeof(double)); } result = xdr_int(&xdrs, &Nspect); /* --- Go through the list of wavelengths -- -------------- */ if (Nspect > 0 && input.limit_memory) J = (double *) malloc(atmos.Nspace * sizeof(double)); for (n = 0; n < Nspect; n++) { if (wave_index[n] < 0 || wave_index[n] >= spectrum.Nspect) { sprintf(messageStr, "Illegal value of wave_index[n]: %4d\n" "Value has to be between 0 and %4d\n", wave_index[n], spectrum.Nspect); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); continue; } sprintf(messageStr, "Processing n = %4d, lambda = %9.3f [nm]\n", wave_index[n], spectrum.lambda[wave_index[n]]); Error(MESSAGE, NULL, messageStr); as = &[wave_index[n]]; alloc_as(wave_index[n], crosscoupling=FALSE); Opacity(wave_index[n], 0, to_obs=TRUE, initialize=TRUE); readBackground(wave_index[n], 0, to_obs=TRUE); if (input.limit_memory) { readJlambda(wave_index[n], J); } else J = spectrum.J[wave_index[n]]; /* --- Add the continuum opacity and emissivity -- -------------- */ for (k = 0; k < atmos.Nspace; k++) { chi[k] = as->chi[k] + as->chi_c[k]; S[k] = (as->eta[k] + as->eta_c[k] + as->sca_c[k]*J[k]) / chi[k]; } result = xdr_int(&xdrs, &wave_index[n]); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) chi, atmos.Nspace, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) S, atmos.Nspace, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); free_as(wave_index[n], crosscoupling=FALSE); } /* --- If magnetic fields are present -- -------------- */ if (atmos.Stokes || input.backgr_pol) { result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) spectrum.Stokes_Q[0], spectrum.Nspect, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) spectrum.Stokes_U[0], spectrum.Nspect, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) spectrum.Stokes_V[0], spectrum.Nspect, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); } if (Nspect > 0 && input.limit_memory) free(J); xdr_destroy(&xdrs); fclose(fp_out); printTotalCPU(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool_t analyze_output, equilibria_only; int niter, nact; Atom *atom; Molecule *molecule; /* --- Read input data and initialize -- -------------- */ setOptions(argc, argv); getCPU(0, TIME_START, NULL); SetFPEtraps(); readInput(); spectrum.updateJ = TRUE; getCPU(1, TIME_START, NULL); readAtmos(&atmos, &geometry); if (atmos.Stokes) Bproject(); fillMesh(&geometry); readAtomicModels(); readMolecularModels(); SortLambda(); getBoundary(&atmos, &geometry); Background(analyze_output=TRUE, equilibria_only=FALSE); getProfiles(); initSolution(); initScatter(); getCPU(1, TIME_POLL, "Total initialize"); /* --- Solve radiative transfer for active ingredients -- --------- */ Iterate(input.NmaxIter, input.iterLimit); adjustStokesMode(atom); niter = 0; while (niter < input.NmaxScatter) { if (solveSpectrum(FALSE, FALSE) <= input.iterLimit) break; niter++; } /* --- Write output files -- ------------------ */ getCPU(1, TIME_START, NULL); writeInput(); writeAtmos(&atmos); writeGeometry(&geometry); writeSpectrum(&spectrum); writeFlux(FLUX_DOT_OUT); for (nact = 0; nact < atmos.Nactiveatom; nact++) { atom = atmos.activeatoms[nact]; writeAtom(atom); writePopulations(atom); writeRadRate(atom); writeCollisionRate(atom); writeDamping(atom); } for (nact = 0; nact < atmos.Nactivemol; nact++) { molecule = atmos.activemols[nact]; writeMolPops(molecule); } writeOpacity(); getCPU(1, TIME_POLL, "Write output"); printTotalCPU(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { register int k, l, n, la; int Nspace, result, NmaxIter, Ngdelay, Ngorder, Ngperiod, btype[3], inputs[N_INPUTS], nwrite, Nx, Nz; double iterLimit, *lambda, Adamp; stats.printCPU = TRUE; commandline.quiet = FALSE; commandline.logfile = stderr; input.Eddington = FALSE; getCPU(0, TIME_START, NULL); SetFPEtraps(); fpin = fopen("2dinput.dat", "r"); xdrstdio_create(&xdrs, fpin, XDR_DECODE); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) inputs, N_INPUTS, sizeof(int), (xdrproc_t) xdr_int); atmos.angleSet.set = (enum angleset) inputs[0]; if (atmos.angleSet.set == SET_GL) { result = xdr_int(&xdrs, &atmos.angleSet.Ninclination); result = xdr_int(&xdrs, &atmos.angleSet.Nazimuth); } result = xdr_double(&xdrs, &iterLimit); result = xdr_double(&xdrs, &Adamp); Nx = geometry.Nx = inputs[1]; Nz = geometry.Nz = inputs[2]; NmaxIter = inputs[3]; Ngdelay = inputs[4]; Ngorder = inputs[5]; Ngperiod = inputs[6]; Nlambda = inputs[7]; Nspace = atmos.Nspace = geometry.Nx * geometry.Nz; result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) btype, 3, sizeof(int), (xdrproc_t) xdr_int); geometry.hboundary = (enum boundary) btype[0]; for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) geometry.bvalue[n] = (enum boundval) btype[1+n]; /* --- Check the validity of boundary conditions and values -- ---- */ switch (geometry.hboundary) { case FIXED: break; case PERIODIC: break; default: sprintf(messageStr, "Invalid horizontal boundary condition: %d", geometry.hboundary); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); break; } switch (geometry.bvalue[TOP]) { case IRRADIATED: break; case ZERO: break; case THERMALIZED: break; default: sprintf(messageStr, "Invalid boundary value at TOP: %d\n", geometry.bvalue[TOP]); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); break; } switch (geometry.bvalue[BOTTOM]) { case IRRADIATED: break; case ZERO: break; case THERMALIZED: break; default: sprintf(messageStr, "Invalid boundary value at BOTTOM: %d", geometry.bvalue[BOTTOM]); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); break; } /* --- Get increments in x, store and check for monotonicity -- --- */ geometry.dx = (double *) malloc(Nx * sizeof(double)); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) geometry.dx, Nx, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); for (l = 0; l < ((geometry.hboundary == PERIODIC) ? Nx : Nx-1); l++) { geometry.dx[l] *= KM_TO_M; if (geometry.dx[l] <= 0.0) { sprintf(messageStr, "At l = %d:\n x does not increase strictly " "monotonically towards the right", l); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); } } geometry.x = (double *) malloc(Nx * sizeof(double)); geometry.x[0] = 0.0; for (l = 0; l < Nx-1; l++) geometry.x[l+1] = geometry.x[l] + geometry.dx[l]; /* --- Get vertical grid -- -------------- */ geometry.z = (double *) malloc(Nz * sizeof(double)); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) geometry.z, Nz, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); for (k = 0; k < Nz; k++) geometry.z[k] *= KM_TO_M; = (double *) malloc(Nz * sizeof(double)); for (k = 0; k < Nz-1; k++) {[k] = geometry.z[k] - geometry.z[k+1]; if ([k] <= 0.0) { sprintf(messageStr, "At k = %d:\n z does not decrease strictly " "monotonically towards the bottom", k); Error(ERROR_LEVEL_2, argv[0], messageStr); } }[Nz-1] = 0.0; chi = (double *) malloc(Nspace * sizeof(double)); S = (double *) malloc(Nspace * sizeof(double)); Bp = (double *) malloc(Nspace * sizeof(double)); epsilon = (double *) malloc(Nspace * sizeof(double)); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) chi, Nspace, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) Bp, Nspace, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) epsilon, Nspace, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); getBoundary(&atmos, &geometry); getAngleQuadr(&geometry); atmos.Nrays = geometry.Nrays; atmos.wmu = geometry.wmu; fillMesh(&geometry); lambda = (double *) malloc(Nlambda * sizeof(double)); phi = (double *) malloc(Nlambda * sizeof(double)); wlamb = (double *) malloc(Nlambda * sizeof(double)); result = xdr_vector(&xdrs, (char *) lambda, Nlambda, sizeof(double), (xdrproc_t) xdr_double); wlamb[0] = (lambda[1] - lambda[0]); for (la = 1; la < Nlambda-1; la++) wlamb[la] = (lambda[la+1] - lambda[la-1]); wlamb[Nlambda-1] = (lambda[Nlambda-1] - lambda[Nlambda-2]); wphi = 0.0; for (la = 0; la < Nlambda; la++) { phi[la] = Voigt(Adamp, lambda[la], NULL, RYBICKI)/SQRTPI; wphi += wlamb[la]*phi[la]; } wphi = 1.0/wphi; xdr_destroy(&xdrs); fclose(fpin); for (k = 0; k < Nspace; k++) S[k] = Bp[k]; Ng_S = NgInit(Nspace, Ngdelay, Ngorder, Ngperiod, S); Iterate(NmaxIter, iterLimit); nwrite = fwrite(S, sizeof(double), Nspace, stdout); printTotalCPU(); }
static int processContentData(Webs *wp) { WebsUpload *file; WebsBuf *content; ssize size, nbytes; char *data, *bp; content = &wp->input; file = wp->currentFile; size = bufLen(content); if (size < wp->boundaryLen) { /* Incomplete boundary. Return and get more data */ return 0; } if ((bp = getBoundary(wp, content->servp, size)) == 0) { trace(7, "uploadFilter: Got boundary filename %x", wp->clientFilename); if (wp->clientFilename) { /* No signature found yet. probably more data to come. Must handle split boundaries. */ data = content->servp; nbytes = ((int) (content->endp - data)) - (wp->boundaryLen - 1); if (nbytes > 0 && writeToFile(wp, content->servp, nbytes) < 0) { return -1; } websConsumeInput(wp, nbytes); /* Get more data */ return 0; } } data = content->servp; nbytes = (bp) ? (bp - data) : bufLen(content); if (nbytes > 0) { websConsumeInput(wp, nbytes); /* This is the CRLF before the boundary */ if (nbytes >= 2 && data[nbytes - 2] == '\r' && data[nbytes - 1] == '\n') { nbytes -= 2; } if (wp->clientFilename) { /* Write the last bit of file data and add to the list of files and define environment variables */ if (writeToFile(wp, data, nbytes) < 0) { return -1; } hashEnter(wp->files, wp->uploadVar, valueSymbol(file), 0); defineUploadVars(wp); } else { /* Normal string form data variables */ data[nbytes] = '\0'; trace(5, "uploadFilter: form[%s] = %s", wp->uploadVar, data); websDecodeUrl(wp->uploadVar, wp->uploadVar, -1); websDecodeUrl(data, data, -1); websSetVar(wp, wp->uploadVar, data); } } if (wp->clientFilename) { /* Now have all the data (we've seen the boundary) */ close(wp->upfd); wp->upfd = -1; wp->clientFilename = 0; wfree(wp->uploadTmp); wp->uploadTmp = 0; } wp->uploadState = UPLOAD_BOUNDARY; return 0; }
Boundary SUMOSAXAttributes::getInternal(const int attr) const { return getBoundary(attr); }
Boundary GNEConnection::getCenteringBoundary() const { Boundary b = getBoundary(); b.grow(20); return b; }