/** Utility method to display stored network configuration parameters. These are the configuration
parameters stored in NV memory and are used to initialize the ZNP.
@post znpResult contains the error code, or ZNP_SUCCESS if success.
void getNetworkConfigurationParameters()
    printf("ZNP Configuration Parameters\r\n");
    unsigned char* param;
    param = getConfigurationParameter(ZCD_NV_PANID);
    if (znpResult != 0) return;
    printf("    ZCD_NV_PANID                %04X\r\n", (CONVERT_TO_INT(param[0], param[1])));
    param = getConfigurationParameter(ZCD_NV_CHANLIST);
    if (znpResult != 0) return;
    printf("    ZCD_NV_CHANLIST             %02X %02X %02X %02X\r\n", param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]);
    param = getConfigurationParameter(ZCD_NV_SECURITY_MODE);
    if (znpResult != 0) return;
    printf("    ZCD_NV_SECURITY_MODE        %02X\r\n", param[0]);
    param = getConfigurationParameter(ZCD_NV_PRECFGKEYS_ENABLE);
    if (znpResult != 0) return;
    printf("    ZCD_NV_PRECFGKEYS_ENABLE    %02X\r\n", param[0]);    
    param = getConfigurationParameter(ZCD_NV_PRECFGKEY);
    if (znpResult != 0) return;
    printf("    ZCD_NV_PRECFGKEY            ");    
    printHexBytes(param, ZCD_NV_PRECFGKEY_LEN);
Configure Module RF output power to meet FCC certification limits. This depends on the module
configuration (whether it has a range extender or not) and the region of the world where the module 
is used. The region of the world is set with DIP switches on the LaunchPad.
@param productId an identifier indicating which firmware version is loaded
@param moduleRegion which RF operating region. Only two are currently supported:
- 0x00: US
- 0x01: Europe

@note the method sysSetTxPower() only works with module firmware 2.5.1 and later. If an earlier
firmware is detected then the method will exit.
@pre productId > MINIMUM_BUILD_ID. It may still be invalid, though (e.g. 0x1E, which is not supported)
@note version 2.5.1 release 1 module firmware builds are configured as the following productIds:
- 0x10: No PA/LNA
- 0x11: Not Used
- 0x12: CC2590
- 0x13: CC2591

@note version 2.5.1 release 2 module firmware builds and RF power levels are as follows. 
The first number ("actual") is what is measured over the air.
The second number ("radio") is the value to use when calling sysSetTxPower.
The third number (in hex) is the corresponding PA_table value.
 - 0x20: No PA/LNA / A2530R24A  US:+4 actual/+3radio (0xF5); Europe:+4 actual/+3radio(0xF5)
 - 0x21: No PA/LNA / A2530R24C  US:+4 actual/+3radio (0xF5); Europe:+4 actual/+3radio(0xF5)
 - 0x22: CC2590                 US:+10 actual/+10radio(0xE5); Europe:+10 actual/+10radio(0xE5) Note: will never see in field
 - 0x23: CC2591/A2530E24A       US:+15 actual/+20radio(0xE5); Europe:+8 actual/+14radio(0x95)
 - 0x24: CC2591/A2530E24C       US:+13 actual/+18radio(0xC5); Europe:+8 actual/+14radio(0x95)

@note version 2.4.0 firmware builds have a productId of 0x7E
@see setModuleRfPower() in simple_api.c
static moduleResult_t setModuleRfPower(uint8_t productId, uint16_t moduleRegion)
    printf("productId = %02X, moduleRegion = %04X\r\n", productId, moduleRegion);
    if ((productId == BUILD_ID_FW_2_4_0) || (!(IS_VALID_MODULE_TYPE(productId))))
        printf("Using Default RF Setting\r\n");
        return MODULE_SUCCESS;
    // Module Product Id:                   0xX0, 0xX1, 0xX2, 0xX3, 0xX4
    // US PA_TABLE Settings                 {0xF5, 0xF5, 0xE5, 0xE5, 0xC5};
    // EUROPE PA_TABLE Settings             {0xF5, 0xF5, 0xE5, 0x95, 0x95};
    // But we use the dB setting here for sysSetTxPower()
 uint8_t rfPowerLevelsUS[] =         {3, 3, 10, 20, 18};
 uint8_t rfPowerLevelsEurope[] =     {3, 3, 10,  14,  14};

     // Which table to use
    const uint8_t* rfPowerLevelTable;

    // The name of the operating region
    char* regionName;

    // Now, set which RF Power Level Table to use and region name based on moduleRegion setting
    if (moduleRegion & 0x01) // Only use Least significant bit; ignore others
        regionName = "EU (E U R O P E)";
        rfPowerLevelTable = rfPowerLevelsEurope;
    } else {
        regionName = "US (U S A / C A N A D A)";
        rfPowerLevelTable = rfPowerLevelsUS;

    // Get module name. This is stored in the module's User Description
    uint8_t* moduleName = zmBuf + ZB_READ_CONFIGURATION_START_OF_VALUE_FIELD + 1;

    // Warn the user about using incorrect region setting and tell them how to change it
    printf(" * ANAREN MODULE %s CONFIGURED FOR %s\r\n", moduleName, regionName);
    printf(" * SET SWITCH 1 ON S4 ON FOR US, OFF FOR EUROPE\r\n\r\n");

    // Get the RF power from the lookup table
    uint8_t rfPowerLevel = rfPowerLevelTable[(productId & MODULE_TYPE_MASK)];

    // Now, set the RF power. actualRfPowerLevel will be overwritten with the actual level set
    uint8_t actualRfPowerLevel = 0;
    moduleResult_t result = sysSetTxPower(rfPowerLevel, &actualRfPowerLevel);
    printf("Setting RF Power Level Set to %d; actual level = %d\r\n", rfPowerLevel, actualRfPowerLevel);
    return result;
   // return 0;