/*public*/ int NodedSegmentString::getSegmentOctant(unsigned int index) const { if (index >= size() - 1) return -1; return safeOctant(getCoordinate(index), getCoordinate(index+1)); //return Octant::octant(getCoordinate(index), getCoordinate(index+1)); }
// Metoda obliczaj¹ca normê tego wektora double Vect::norm() const { double no = 0; for (int i=0; i<getDimension(); i++) no += getCoordinate(i)*getCoordinate(i); return sqrt(no); }
Envelope::AutoPtr Point::computeEnvelopeInternal() const { if (isEmpty()) { return Envelope::AutoPtr(new Envelope()); } return Envelope::AutoPtr(new Envelope(getCoordinate()->x, getCoordinate()->x, getCoordinate()->y, getCoordinate()->y)); }
//cell seeking void seek(int ***map, int* cell, int i, int j) { int *xy; int count = 0; if (cell[TYPE] == HUMAN) { while (true) { if (count >= 4) { cell[MOVED] = true; return; } else { xy = getCoordinate(HSPEED, i, j); if (map[xy[0]][xy[1]][TYPE] == EMPTY) { cellMove(cell, map[xy[0]][xy[1]]); return; } else if (map[xy[0]][xy[1]][TYPE] == HUMAN) { // cellMove(cell, map[xy[0]][xy[1]]); xy = getCoordinate(HSPEED, i, j); if (map[xy[0]][xy[1]][TYPE] == EMPTY) { int isBorn = random(0, BIRTHRATE); if (isBorn == true) { map[xy[0]][xy[1]][TYPE] = HUMAN; map[xy[0]][xy[1]][AGE] = 0; map[xy[0]][xy[1]][SPEED] = HSPEED; map[xy[0]][xy[1]][MOVED] = true; } cell[MOVED] = true; } return; } } ++count; } } else if (cell[TYPE] == ZOMBIE) { while (true) { if (count >= 4) { cell[MOVED] = true; delete xy; return; } else { xy = getCoordinate(ZSPEED, i, j); if (map[xy[0]][xy[1]][TYPE] == EMPTY) { cellMove(cell, map[xy[0]][xy[1]]); return; } else if (map[xy[0]][xy[1]][TYPE] == HUMAN) { attack(map[xy[0]][xy[1]]); cell[MOVED] = true; return; } ++count; } } } }
bool TeleportCommand::execute(CommandSender *sender, std::string &label, std::vector<std::string> &args) { if (!testPermission(sender)) return true; if ((int)args.size() < 1 || (int)args.size() > 4) { sender->sendTranslation(ChatColor::RED + "%commands.generic.usage", { usageMessage }); return false; } SMPlayer *player; if ((int)args.size() == 1 || (int)args.size() == 3) player = (SMPlayer *)sender; else player = ServerManager::getPlayer(args[0]); if (!player) { sender->sendTranslation(ChatColor::RED + "%commands.generic.player.notFound", {}); return true; } if ((int)args.size() < 3) { SMPlayer *target = ServerManager::getPlayer(args[args.size() - 1]); if (!target) { sender->sendTranslation(ChatColor::RED + "%commands.generic.player.notFound", {}); return true; } player->SMEntity::teleport(target, PlayerTeleportEvent::COMMAND); Command::broadcastCommandTranslation(sender, "commands.tp.success", { player->getDisplayName(), target->getDisplayName() }); } else if (player->getRegion()) { Location playerLocation = player->getLocation(); double x = getCoordinate(sender, playerLocation.getX(), args[args.size() - 3]); double y = getCoordinate(sender, playerLocation.getY(), args[args.size() - 2], 0, 0); double z = getCoordinate(sender, playerLocation.getZ(), args[args.size() - 1]); playerLocation.setX(x); playerLocation.setY(y); playerLocation.setZ(z); player->teleport(playerLocation, PlayerTeleportEvent::COMMAND); Command::broadcastCommandTranslation(sender, "commands.tp.success.coordinates", { player->getDisplayName(), SMUtil::format("%.2f", x), SMUtil::format("%.2f", y), SMUtil::format("%.2f", z) }); } return true; }
geos::geom::CoordinateSequence* GeoJSONReader::getCoordinates(Handle<Value> value) { if (!value->IsArray()) throw "A coordinate sequence must be an instance of Array"; Handle<Array> array = Handle<Array>::Cast(value); uint32_t length = array->Length(); geos::geom::CoordinateSequence* sequence = coordinateSequenceFactory->create(length, 3); try { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { sequence->setAt(getCoordinate(array->Get(i)), (std::size_t)i); } } catch (...) { delete sequence; throw; } return sequence; }
void Friend::newTarget(){ coordinate = getCoordinate(); std::vector<sf::Vector2i> posTargets; if(! friendHandler->isWall(coordinate.x, coordinate.y - 1)){ //top posTargets.push_back(sf::Vector2i(coordinate.x, coordinate.y - 1)); } if(! friendHandler->isWall(coordinate.x, coordinate.y + 1)){ //bot posTargets.push_back(sf::Vector2i(coordinate.x, coordinate.y + 1)); } if(! friendHandler->isWall(coordinate.x - 1, coordinate.y)){ //left posTargets.push_back(sf::Vector2i(coordinate.x - 1, coordinate.y)); } if(! friendHandler->isWall(coordinate.x + 1, coordinate.y)){ //right posTargets.push_back(sf::Vector2i(coordinate.x + 1, coordinate.y)); } int newTarget = rand() % posTargets.size(); target.x = posTargets.at(newTarget).x * GameControl::GRIDSIZE + 16; target.y = posTargets.at(newTarget).y * GameControl::GRIDSIZE + 16; sf::Vector2f tempMovement; tempMovement.x = target.x - position.x; tempMovement.y = target.y - position.y; movement = MathVector::scale( MathVector::normalize(tempMovement) , SPEED); moving = true; }
// Metoda normalizuj¹ca wektor void Vect::normalize() { assert (norm() != 0); double a = norm(); for (int i=0; i<getDimension(); i++) setCoordinate(i, getCoordinate(i)/a); }
double Point::getY() const { if (isEmpty()) { throw util::UnsupportedOperationException("getY called on empty Point\n"); } return getCoordinate()->y; }
Vect& Vect::operator-=(const Vect& p) { assert (getDimension() == p.getDimension()); for (int i=0; i<getDimension(); i++) setCoordinate(i, getCoordinate(i)-p.getCoordinate(i)); return *this; }
/*public*/ void DirectedEdge::setDepth(int position, int newDepth) { if (depth[position]!=-999) { if (depth[position]!=newDepth) throw util::TopologyException("assigned depths do not match", getCoordinate()); //Assert.isTrue(depth[position] == depthVal, "assigned depths do not match at " + getCoordinate()); } depth[position]=newDepth; }
double Vect::norm() const{ double norma = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= getDimension(); i++){ norma+=pow(getCoordinate(i),2); } return(sqrt(norma)); }
void Vect::normalize(){ assert(norm()!=0); double temp=0; double norma = norm(); for(int i = 1; i <= getDimension(); i++){ temp = getCoordinate(i) / norma; setCoordinate(i,temp); } }
Vect& Vect::operator-=(const Vect& p){ assert(getDimension()==p.getDimension()); double temp=0; for(int i = 1; i <= p.getDimension(); i++){ temp = getCoordinate(i); setCoordinate(i,temp-p.getCoordinate(i)); } return *this; }
/*public*/ std::string EdgeEndStar::print() { std::string out="EdgeEndStar: " + getCoordinate().toString()+"\n"; for (EdgeEndStar::iterator it=begin(), itEnd=end(); it!=itEnd; ++it) { EdgeEnd *e=*it; assert(e); out+=e->print(); } return out; }
//cell seeking void seek(int ***map,int* cell, int i,int j) { int ni,nj; int count = 0; if (cell[TYPE] == HUMAN) { while (true) { if (count >= 50) { cell[MOVED] = true; return; } else{ ni = getCoordinate(HSPEED, i, I); nj = getCoordinate(HSPEED, j, J); if (map[ni][nj][TYPE] == EMPTY) { cellMove(cell, map[ni][nj]); return; } } ++count; } } else if (cell[TYPE] == ZOMBIE) { while (true) { if (count >= 50) { cell[MOVED] = true; return; } else { ni = getCoordinate(ZSPEED, i, I); nj = getCoordinate(ZSPEED, j, J); if (map[ni][nj][TYPE] == EMPTY) { cellMove(cell, map[ni][nj]); return; } else if (map[ni][nj][TYPE]== HUMAN) { attack(map[ni][nj]); cell[MOVED] = true; return; } ++count; } } } }
bool HotPixel::addSnappedNode(NodedSegmentString& segStr, size_t segIndex) { const Coordinate& p0 = segStr.getCoordinate(segIndex); const Coordinate& p1 = segStr.getCoordinate(segIndex + 1); if (intersects(p0, p1)) { //cout << "snapped: " << snapPt << endl; segStr.addIntersection(getCoordinate(), segIndex); return true; } return false; }
void Lattice::save_to_file(string filename) { ofstream xyz(filename.c_str()); if(!xyz) assert(0); xyz << _total_atom_num << endl; for(int i=0; i<_total_atom_num; ++i) { xyz << getIsotope(i) << "\t"; vec coord = getCoordinate(i); xyz << coord(0) << "\t" << coord(1) << "\t" << coord(2); xyz << endl; } xyz.close(); }
void Cell::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton){ QPointF second = event->scenePos(); if (second.x() >= sizeOfCube){ second.setX(sizeOfCube - sizeOfCubeDivTen); } else if (second.x() < 0){ second.setX(0); } else if (second.y() >= sizeOfCube){ second.setY(sizeOfCube - sizeOfCubeDivTen); } else if (second.y() < 0){ second.setY(0); } emit getCoordinate(first, second); } }
MolWin::MolWin(QWidget* parent,char* name) :QWidget(parent,name) { QPushButton* quit=new QPushButton("&Quit",this,"quit"); quit->setFont(QFont("Times",18,QFont::Bold)); connect(quit,SIGNAL(clicked()),qApp,SLOT(quit())); QPushButton* incrXRot=new QPushButton("XRot",this,"xrot"); incrXRot->setFont(QFont("Times",18,QFont::Bold)); QPushButton* incrYRot=new QPushButton("YRot",this,"xrot"); incrYRot->setFont(QFont("Times",18,QFont::Bold)); QPushButton* incrZRot=new QPushButton("ZRot",this,"zrot"); incrZRot->setFont(QFont("Times",18,QFont::Bold)); canvas=new MolCanvas(this, "canvas"); connect(incrXRot,SIGNAL(clicked()),canvas,SLOT(increaseXRot())); connect(incrYRot,SIGNAL(clicked()),canvas,SLOT(increaseYRot())); connect(incrZRot,SIGNAL(clicked()),canvas,SLOT(increaseZRot())); Coordinate v[8]; getCoordinate(v,8); for(int i=1;i<8;i++) { Atom* a= new Atom("H",1,1823.0); a->setCoordinate(v[i].x,v[i].y,v[i].z); canvas->addAtom(a); } canvas->setScale(0.2); QGridLayout* grid=new QGridLayout(this,2,2,10); grid->addWidget(quit,0,0); grid->addWidget(canvas,1,1); grid->setColStretch(1,10); QHBoxLayout* box=new QHBoxLayout; box->addWidget(incrXRot); box->addWidget(incrYRot); box->addWidget(incrZRot); grid->addLayout(box,0,1); }
void DungeonLayer::_handleMonsterMoved(EventCustom* event) { auto data = (MonsterMoveData*) event->getUserData(); auto origin = data->getOrigin(); auto destination = data->getDestination(); auto monsterDice = data->getMonsterDice(); this->_moveMonsterSpriteToDestinationRoom( monsterDice->getSprite(), this->_getRoomSpriteForCoordinate(destination->getCoordinate()) ); if (origin->getMonsters().size() > 0 && !_modifiedRooms.contains(origin)) { _modifiedRooms.pushBack(origin); } if (!_modifiedRooms.contains(destination)) { _modifiedRooms.pushBack(destination); } }
bool Point::equalsExact(const Geometry *other, double tolerance) const { if (!isEquivalentClass(other)) { return false; } // assume the isEquivalentClass would return false // if other is not a point assert(dynamic_cast<const Point*>(other)); if ( isEmpty() ) return other->isEmpty(); else if ( other->isEmpty() ) return false; const Coordinate* this_coord = getCoordinate(); const Coordinate* other_coord = other->getCoordinate(); // assume the isEmpty checks above worked :) assert(this_coord && other_coord); return equal(*this_coord, *other_coord, tolerance); }
void GameScene::normalBombHandler(cocos2d::Ref *pSender) { auto manager = GameManager::getInstance(); if(manager->getBombNum()==0) { return; } auto player = manager->getPlayer(); auto coordinate = player->getCoordinate(); auto tile = MapUtil::getInstance()->getMapObjectFromBombVector(MapUtil::getInstance()->getBomb(), coordinate); if(tile&&dynamic_cast<Bomb*>(tile)) { return; } auto bomb = Bomb::create(Bomb::kBombNormal); bomb->setZOrder(0); bomb->setCol(coordinate.x); bomb->setRow(coordinate.y); bomb->setAnchorPoint(Point(0.5f,0.0f)); bomb->setPosition(player->convertCoordinate2Point(coordinate)); GameManager::getInstance()->getMapTileLayer()->addChild(bomb); }
void SaveButton::handleClick(sf::Event event) { //check if the mouseclick is on this button auto leftBound = buttonRectangle.getGlobalBounds().left; auto rightBound = buttonRectangle.getGlobalBounds().left + buttonRectangle.getGlobalBounds().width; auto topBound = buttonRectangle.getGlobalBounds().top; auto bottomBound = buttonRectangle.getGlobalBounds().top + buttonRectangle.getGlobalBounds().height; if ((leftBound <= event.mouseButton.x) && (event.mouseButton.x <= rightBound) && (topBound <= event.mouseButton.y) && (event.mouseButton.y <= bottomBound)) { std::ofstream file; file.open("SavedGame.txt"); if (file.is_open()) { Board b = Board::getInstance(); //get coordinates that have piece , write the coordinate (will be written as an integer), the piece type, and the piece colour //draw all pieces for (Coordinate coordinate = Coordinate::First; coordinate != Coordinate::Last; ++coordinate) { if (b[coordinate].getPiece() != nullptr) { auto piece = b[coordinate].getPiece(); int c = static_cast<int>(piece->getCoordinate()); std::string pieceSymbol = piece->getSymbol(); std::string colour = piece->getIsWhite() ? "White" : "Black"; file << c << "," << pieceSymbol << "," << colour << std::endl; } } file.close(); std::cout << "File saved" << std::endl; } } }
geos::geom::Coordinate GeoJSONReader::getCoordinate(Handle<Value> coords) { return getCoordinate(coords, 1); }
//******************************************************************* // Public Method: //******************************************************************* bool ossimKmlSuperOverlayReader::open() { // const char* MODULE = "ossimKmlSuperOverlayReader::open"; bool result = false; if(isOpen()) { close(); } if (theImageFile.ext().downcase() == "kmz") { result = getTopLevelKmlFileInfo(); if (result == false) { return result; } } else { m_xmlDocument = new ossimXmlDocument(theImageFile); } if ( m_xmlDocument.valid() ) { ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> rootNode = m_xmlDocument->getRoot(); if (rootNode.valid()) { std::vector<ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> > nodes = rootNode->getChildNodes(); result = isKmlSuperOverlayFile(nodes); if (result == false) //let gdal kml handle vector kml file { return result; } ossim_float64 north = 0.0; ossim_float64 south = 0.0; ossim_float64 east = 0.0; ossim_float64 west = 0.0; result = getCoordinate(nodes, north, south, east, west); if (result == false) { return result; } if (!theImageGeometry.valid()) { theImageGeometry = new ossimImageGeometry(0, createDefaultProj(north, south, east, west)); if (theImageGeometry.valid()) { result = true; theImageBound.makeNan(); //if the projection is default or geographic, uses the bounding of the OGR Layer vector<ossimGpt> points; points.push_back(ossimGpt(north, west)); points.push_back(ossimGpt(north, east)); points.push_back(ossimGpt(south, east)); points.push_back(ossimGpt(south, west)); std::vector<ossimDpt> rectTmp; rectTmp.resize(points.size()); for(std::vector<ossimGpt>::size_type index=0; index < points.size(); ++index) { theImageGeometry->worldToLocal(points[(int)index], rectTmp[(int)index]); } ossimDrect rect = ossimDrect(rectTmp[0], rectTmp[1], rectTmp[2], rectTmp[3]); theImageBound = rect; } else { result = false; } } } else { result = false; } } else { result = false; } return result; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- // get Trellis Y coordinate byte Adafruit_Trellis_XY::getTrellisY(byte trellisID) { return getCoordinate(trellisID, 1); }
int Point::compareToSameClass(const Geometry *g) const { const Point* p = dynamic_cast<const Point*>(g); return getCoordinate()->compareTo(*(p->getCoordinate())); }
void Point::apply_ro(CoordinateFilter *filter) const { if (isEmpty()) {return;} filter->filter_ro(getCoordinate()); }
geos::geom::Point* GeoJSONReader::getPoint(Handle<Value> coords) { geos::geom::Coordinate coord = getCoordinate(coords, 0); return geometryFactory->createPoint(coord); }