bool Character::update(float elapsed) { float distance = speed * elapsed; //Distanz zum nächsten Feld berechnen CL_Point nextField = getNextField(moveDirection); CL_Pointf nextFieldCoordinates = getCoordinates(nextField); float distanceToField = abs(position.x - nextFieldCoordinates.x) + abs(position.y - nextFieldCoordinates.y); //Ist die zurückzulegende Distanz größer als die Distanz zum nächsten Feldmittelpunkt //und ist das Feld frei, so muss eine eventuelle Richtungsänderung geprüft werden while (distance > distanceToField && world->getLevel()->isFreeField(nextField)) { //Zum Feldmittelpunkt bewegen move(distanceToField); distance -= distanceToField; currentField = getIndices(nextFieldCoordinates); //wird für erbende Klassen aufgerufen, um Aktionen auf dem Feldmittelpunkt ausführen zu können onFieldCenter(); //Ist eine Richtungsänderung möglich, dann Richtung ändern if(world->getLevel()->isFreeField(getNextField(newDirection))) moveDirection = newDirection; //Distanz zum nächsten Feld berechnen nextField = getNextField(moveDirection); nextFieldCoordinates = getCoordinates(nextField); distanceToField = abs(position.x - nextFieldCoordinates.x) + abs(position.y - nextFieldCoordinates.y); } //Spielfigur weiterbewegen bzw. Richtung ändern if(world->getLevel()->isFreeField(nextField)) move(distance); else if(world->getLevel()->isFreeField(getNextField(newDirection))) moveDirection = newDirection; animationPos += elapsed * animationSpeed; while (animationPos >= animationLength) animationPos -= animationLength; body.set_frame(getAnimationPos()); return true; }
//Return Current CCamera Direction vec3 CArcBallCamera::getDirection() { vec3 dir = m_origin - getCoordinates(); dir.normalize(); return dir; }
void MainWindow::probeCalibration() { std::cout<<"Probe Calibration"<<std::endl; if (!displayWidget->getImageStack().empty()) { ProbeCalibrationWidget* probeCalibration = new ProbeCalibrationWidget(); if (displayWidget->isImageStackLoaded) probeCalibration->setImageStack(displayWidget->getImageStack()); else probeCalibration->setImage(displayWidget->getImageViewer()->GetInput()); displayWidget->setProbeFlag(true); // get left mouse pressed with high priority Connections->Connect(displayWidget->getQVTKWidget()->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(), vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent, probeCalibration, SLOT(getCoordinates())); probeCalibration->setMainWindow(this); probeCalibration->show(); } else { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage( "No images loaded, </ br> please load an images before calibrate the probe"); errorMessage.exec(); } }
// Probes the 7 points on a delta can be used for off board calibration bool DeltaCalibrationStrategy::probe_delta_points(Gcode *gcode) { // get probe points float t1x, t1y, t2x, t2y, t3x, t3y; std::tie(t1x, t1y, t2x, t2y, t3x, t3y) = getCoordinates(this->probe_radius); // gather probe points float pp[][2] {{t1x, t1y}, {t2x, t2y}, {t3x, t3y}, {0, 0}, {-t1x, -t1y}, {-t2x, -t2y}, {-t3x, -t3y}}; float max_delta= 0; float last_z= NAN; for(auto& i : pp) { int s; if(!zprobe->doProbeAt(s, i[0], i[1])) return false; float z = zprobe->zsteps_to_mm(s); gcode->stream->printf("X:%1.4f Y:%1.4f Z:%1.4f (%d) A:%1.4f B:%1.4f C:%1.4f\n", i[0], i[1], z, s, THEKERNEL->robot->actuators[0]->get_current_position()+z, THEKERNEL->robot->actuators[1]->get_current_position()+z, THEKERNEL->robot->actuators[2]->get_current_position()+z); if(isnan(last_z)) { last_z= z; }else{ max_delta= std::max(max_delta, fabsf(z-last_z)); } } gcode->stream->printf("max delta: %f\n", max_delta); return true; }
void Touch::drawMiddle(Mat &mat) { Point up(getCoordinates().x, getCoordinates().y+2); Point down(getCoordinates().x, getCoordinates().y-2); Point left(getCoordinates().x-2, getCoordinates().y); Point right(getCoordinates().x+2, getCoordinates().y); line(mat, up, down, Scalar(0,0,255,0), 1); line(mat, left, right, Scalar(0,0,255,0), 1); }
int main() { openFileOutput(getFileName()); getNumOfVehicles(file); printCoordinates(getCoordinates(file,3,4),3,4); //getCoordinates(file,3,4); return 0; }
void PrimitiveBox::draw(ImageBase &im) { Coordinate upleft = getCoordinates().front(); Coordinate downright = getCoordinates().back(); Coordinate upright = Coordinate(downright.getX(), upleft.getY()); Coordinate downleft = Coordinate(upleft.getX(), downright.getY()); vector<Coordinate> newCoords; newCoords.push_back(upleft); newCoords.push_back(upright); newCoords.push_back(downright); newCoords.push_back(downleft); PrimitiveBase::setCoordinates(newCoords); PrimitivePolygon::draw(im); }
vec3 CArcBallCamera::getStrafe() { vec3 dir; dir = getCoordinates(); dir.normalize(); dir.cross(getUp()); return dir; }
void Vertex::render(float alpha, Appearance& appearance) { glPointSize(5.0); glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0f); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3fv(getCoordinates()); glEnd(); }
void SBarInfo::getCoordinates(FScanner &sc, bool fullScreenOffsets, SBarInfoCoordinate &x, SBarInfoCoordinate &y) { int tmpX = *x; int tmpY = *y; getCoordinates(sc, fullScreenOffsets, tmpX, tmpY); x = tmpX; y = tmpY; }
//[10] bool GameField::didGainCherry() { auto snakeHead = *(snake.getSnakeBody().rbegin()); auto snakeHeadCoord = snakeHead.getCoordinates(); auto cherryCoord = cherry.getCoordinates(); return (snakeHeadCoord == cherryCoord); }
void GeomData::calculate_CDL() { int i,dom, row; const int* indices = NULL; // elements' coordinates const double* coords[4] = {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}; // vector created over elements' edges int num_edges = 3*(dim-1); double* vectors[6]; for (i=0; i<num_edges; i++) { vectors[i] = new double[dim]; } // indices to automate edge vectors creation int idx[6][2] = {{0,1},{1,2},{2,0},{0,3},{1,3},{2,3}}; // Auxiliary variable int pos = dim+1; int k = 0; for (dom=0; dom<_ndom; dom++) { int nelements = numDomElem[dom]; // loop over domains' elements for (row=0; row<nelements; row++) { getElement(dom,row,indices); // get vertices coordinates for (i=0; i<pos; i++) { getCoordinates(indices[i+pos],coords[i]); } // create edge vectors for (i=0; i<num_edges; i++) { const double* vtx1 = coords[ idx[i][0] ]; const double* vtx2 = coords[ idx[i][1] ]; for (int j=0; j<dim; j++) { (vectors[i])[j] = vtx1[j] - vtx2[j]; } } // vectors lengths summation for (i=0; i<num_edges; i++) { elem_CDL[k] = sqrt( inner_product(vectors[i],vectors[i],dim) ); } // take average lenght elem_CDL[k] /= pos; k++; } } for (i=0; i<num_edges; i++) { delete[] vectors[i]; vectors[i] = 0; } }
geos::geom::MultiPoint* GeoJSONReader::getMultiPoint(Handle<Value> coords) { if (coords->IsArray()) { return geometryFactory->createMultiPoint(*getCoordinates(coords)); } return geometryFactory->createMultiPoint(); }
geos::geom::LineString* GeoJSONReader::getLineString(Handle<Value> coords) { if (coords->IsArray()) { return geometryFactory->createLineString(getCoordinates(coords)); } return geometryFactory->createLineString(); }
// Probes the 7 points on a delta can be used for off board calibration bool DeltaCalibrationStrategy::probe_delta_points(Gcode *gcode) { float bedht= findBed(); if(isnan(bedht)) return false; gcode->stream->printf("initial Bed ht is %f mm\n", bedht); // check probe ht float mm; if(!zprobe->doProbeAt(mm, 0, 0)) return false; float dz = zprobe->getProbeHeight() - mm; gcode->stream->printf("center probe: %1.4f\n", dz); // get probe points float t1x, t1y, t2x, t2y, t3x, t3y; std::tie(t1x, t1y, t2x, t2y, t3x, t3y) = getCoordinates(this->probe_radius); // gather probe points float pp[][2] {{t1x, t1y}, {t2x, t2y}, {t3x, t3y}, {0, 0}, {-t1x, -t1y}, {-t2x, -t2y}, {-t3x, -t3y}}; float max_delta= 0; float last_z= NAN; float start_z; std::tie(std::ignore, std::ignore, start_z)= THEROBOT->get_axis_position(); for(auto& i : pp) { float mm; if(!zprobe->doProbeAt(mm, i[0], i[1])) return false; float z = mm; if(gcode->subcode == 0) { gcode->stream->printf("X:%1.4f Y:%1.4f Z:%1.4f A:%1.4f B:%1.4f C:%1.4f\n", i[0], i[1], z, THEROBOT->actuators[0]->get_current_position()+z, THEROBOT->actuators[1]->get_current_position()+z, THEROBOT->actuators[2]->get_current_position()+z); }else if(gcode->subcode == 1) { // format that can be pasted here gcode->stream->printf("X%1.4f Y%1.4f Z%1.4f\n", i[0], i[1], start_z - z); } if(isnan(last_z)) { last_z= z; }else{ max_delta= std::max(max_delta, fabsf(z-last_z)); } } gcode->stream->printf("max delta: %f\n", max_delta); return true; }
int calculateHeadingHome(PathData home, float* position, float heading){ float waypointPosition[3]; getCoordinates(position[0], position[1], (float*)&waypointPosition); waypointPosition[2] = position[2]; float targetCoordinates[3]; getCoordinates(home.longitude, home.latitude, (float*)&targetCoordinates); targetCoordinates[2] = home.altitude; float waypointDirection[3]; float norm = sqrt(pow(targetCoordinates[0] - waypointPosition[0],2) + pow(targetCoordinates[1] - waypointPosition[1],2) + pow(targetCoordinates[2] - waypointPosition[2],2)); waypointDirection[0] = (targetCoordinates[0] - waypointPosition[0])/norm; waypointDirection[1] = (targetCoordinates[1] - waypointPosition[1])/norm; waypointDirection[2] = (targetCoordinates[2] - waypointPosition[2])/norm; heading = deg2rad(90 - heading);//90 - heading = magnetic heading to cartesian heading float courseAngle = atan2(waypointDirection[1], waypointDirection[0]); //Don't use follow straight path in emergency situations (the gains will give you a heading that will converge over time, but not instantaneously) return (int)(90 - rad2deg(courseAngle)); }
/** * The class constructor. This sets up the UI, adds validators to the * line editors and connects the signal/slot for transmitting the coordinates. */ RotationPointDialog::RotationPointDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { this->ui.setupUi(this); this->ui.xLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this)); this->ui.yLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this)); this->ui.zLineEdit->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(this)); // Gather the coordinates QObject::connect(this->ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(getCoordinates())); }
void pathManagerRuntime(void) { #if DEBUG // char str[16]; // sprintf(&str,"%f",pmData.time); // UART1_SendString(&str); #endif requestGPSInfo(); copyGPSData(); // Update status LED if (led_bright == 0) going_up = true; else if (led_bright == 255) going_up = false; if (going_up) led_bright++; else led_bright--; setLEDBrightness(led_bright); if (returnHome){ interchip_send_buffer.pm_data.targetWaypoint = -1; } else { interchip_send_buffer.pm_data.targetWaypoint = path[currentIndex]->id; } //Check for new uplink command data checkAMData(); float position[3]; float heading; //Get the position of the plane (in meters) getCoordinates(gps_data.longitude,gps_data.latitude,(float*)&position); position[2] = gps_data.altitude; heading = (float)gps_data.heading; if (returnHome || (pathCount - currentIndex < 1 && pathCount >= 0)){ interchip_send_buffer.pm_data.sp_Heading = lastKnownHeadingHome; } else if (followPath && pathCount - currentIndex >= 1 && interchip_send_buffer.pm_data.positionFix > 0) { currentIndex = followWaypoints(path[currentIndex], (float*)position, heading, (int*)&interchip_send_buffer.pm_data.sp_Heading); } if (interchip_send_buffer.pm_data.positionFix >= 1){ lastKnownHeadingHome = calculateHeadingHome(home, (float*)position, heading); } if (getTimeUs() - interchip_last_send_time >= INTERCHIP_SEND_INTERVAL_US){ interchip_last_send_time = getTimeUs(); interchip_send_buffer.pm_data.interchip_error_count = getInterchipErrorCount(); sendInterchipData(); } }
/*public*/ LinearRing * EdgeRing::getRingInternal() { if (ring!=NULL) return ring; getCoordinates(); try { ring=factory->createLinearRing(*ringPts); } catch (const std::exception& e) { // FIXME: print also ringPts std::cerr << "EdgeRing::getRingInternal: " << e.what() << endl; } return ring; }
//Bu fonksiyon char matris alıyor ve içerdeki hücre adresini yerinde onun gerçek değeri atıyor. //Parametreler : //part : hücrenin değeri, ayni zamanda hücrenin değeri getirdikten sonra bu matris içinde saklanılacak //Returned Value (Error Code): //Başarlı oldugunu ya da başarsız olduğunu ve sebebi // 0 : başarsız, çünkü getirelecek hücrenin değeri hala bir formuladır // -1 : bu hücre tablonun dışında ve değer olarak $ verildi // 1 : başarıyla tamamlandı int bringCellValue(char *part){ int i,j; getCoordinates(part,&i,&j); if(*(*(cellsTypes+i)+j) == 'f'){ return 0; // Not calculated yet } if( (i>=Height) || (j>=Width) ) { strcpy(part,"$"); return -1;//Removed Cell } itoa(*(*(evaluated+i)+j), part, 10); // 10 - decimal; return 1; //success }
bool DriverRadarPositioner::isSelected(QPoint p) { QPoint coord = getCoordinates(); if (inPits) { if ((abs(p.x() - coord.x())) <= 13 && (abs(coord.y() - p.y()) <= 10)) return true; if ((p.y() - coord.y() >= 0) && (p.y() - coord.y() <= 16) && (coord.x() - p.x() >= 12) && (coord.x() - p.x() <= 48)) return true; } else if ((abs(p.x() - coord.x())) <= 13 && ((coord.y() - p.y() <= 13) && (p.y() - coord.y() <= 26))) return true; return false; }
/*public*/ LinearRing * EdgeRing::getRingInternal() { if (ring!=NULL) return ring; getCoordinates(); try { ring=factory->createLinearRing(*ringPts); } catch (const geos::util::IllegalArgumentException& e) { #if GEOS_DEBUG // FIXME: print also ringPts std::cerr << "EdgeRing::getRingInternal: " << e.what() << endl; #endif ::geos::ignore_unused_variable_warning(e); } return ring; }
/* * Converts this EdgeString into a new LineString. */ LineString* EdgeString::toLineString() { return factory->createLineString(getCoordinates()); }
bool KNIKinematics::get_position_fk(moveit_msgs::GetPositionFK::Request &req, moveit_msgs::GetPositionFK::Response &res) { std::vector<double> jointAngles, coordinates; if (req.fk_link_names.size() != 1 || req.fk_link_names[0] != "katana_gripper_tool_frame") { ROS_ERROR("The KNI kinematics solver can only solve requests for katana_gripper_tool_frame!"); return false; } // ignoring req.robot_state.multi_dof_joint_state std::vector<int> lookup = makeJointsLookup(; if (lookup.size() == 0) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < joint_names_.size(); i++) { jointAngles.push_back(req.robot_state.joint_state.position[lookup[i]]); } coordinates = getCoordinates(jointAngles); geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose_in, pose_out; pose_in.header.frame_id = "katana_base_frame"; pose_in.header.stamp = ros::Time(0); pose_in.pose.position.x = coordinates[0]; pose_in.pose.position.y = coordinates[1]; pose_in.pose.position.z = coordinates[2]; pose_in.pose.orientation = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromRollPitchYaw(coordinates[3], coordinates[4], coordinates[5]); // The frame_id in the header message is the frame in which // the forward kinematics poses will be returned try { bool success = tf_listener_.waitForTransform(req.header.frame_id, pose_in.header.frame_id, pose_in.header.stamp, ros::Duration(1.0)); if (!success) { ROS_ERROR("Could not get transform"); return false; } tf_listener_.transformPose(req.header.frame_id, pose_in, pose_out); } catch (const tf::TransformException &ex) { ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what()); return false; } res.pose_stamped.push_back(pose_out); res.fk_link_names = req.fk_link_names; res.error_code.val = res.error_code.SUCCESS; return true; }
/*public*/ LineString* EdgeRing::getLineString() { getCoordinates(); return factory->createLineString(*ringPts); }
void Game::play(){ getCoordinates(); }
LinearRing* WKTReader::readLinearRingText(StringTokenizer *tokenizer) { CoordinateSequence *coords = getCoordinates(tokenizer); LinearRing *ret; ret = geometryFactory->createLinearRing(coords); return ret; }
/***** * Name: _XmHTMLAddAreaToMap * Return Type: void * Description: adds the given area specification to the given imagemap * In: * map: XmHTMLImageMap * object: raw area data * Returns: * nothing *****/ void _XmHTMLAddAreaToMap(XmHTMLWidget html, XmHTMLImageMap *map, XmHTMLObject *object) { static mapArea *area; mapArea *tmp; String chPtr; /* sanity */ if(map == NULL || object->attributes == NULL) return; area = (mapArea*)malloc(sizeof(mapArea)); (void)memset(area, 0, sizeof(mapArea)); area->url = _XmHTMLTagGetValue(object->attributes, "href"); area->alt = _XmHTMLTagGetValue(object->attributes, "alt"); area->nohref = _XmHTMLTagCheck(object->attributes, "nohref"); chPtr = _XmHTMLTagGetValue(object->attributes, "shape"); /* get specified coordinates */ area->coords = getCoordinates(object->attributes, &area->ncoords); /* * No shape given, try to figure it out using the number of specified * coordinates */ if(chPtr == NULL) { switch(area->ncoords) { case 0: /* no coords given => default area */ area->shape = MAP_DEFAULT; break; case 3: /* 3 coords => circle */ area->shape = MAP_CIRCLE; break; case 4: /* 4 coords => assume rectangle */ area->shape = MAP_RECT; break; default: /* assume poly */ area->shape = MAP_POLY; } } else { switch(tolower(chPtr[0])) { case 'c': area->shape = MAP_CIRCLE; break; case 'r': area->shape = MAP_RECT; break; case 'p': area->shape = MAP_POLY; break; default: area->shape = MAP_DEFAULT; } free(chPtr); } /* check if all coordinates specs are valid for the given shape */ switch(area->shape) { case MAP_RECT: /* too bad if coords are bad */ if(area->ncoords != 4) { _XmHTMLWarning(__WFUNC__(html, "_XmHTMLAddAreaToImagemap"), XMHTML_MSG_81, area->ncoords, object->line); /* too many coordinates, drop the excessive ones */ if(area->ncoords > 4) area->ncoords = 4; else { /***** * Less than required, do a complex rescan of the * attributes (any sequence of non-digits is considered * a separator). *****/ free(area->coords); area->coords = getComplexCoordinates(object->attributes, &area->ncoords); /* too many coordinates, drop the excessive ones */ if(area->ncoords > 4) area->ncoords = 4; else { String chPtr = _XmHTMLTagGetValue(object->attributes, "coords"); _XmHTMLWarning(__WFUNC__(html, "_XmHTMLAddAreaToImagemap"), XMHTML_MSG_82, chPtr); free(chPtr); deleteArea(area); return; } } } break; case MAP_CIRCLE: /* too bad if coords are bad */ if(area->ncoords != 3) { _XmHTMLWarning(__WFUNC__(html, "_XmHTMLAddAreaToImagemap"), XMHTML_MSG_83, area->ncoords, object->line); deleteArea(area); return; } break; case MAP_POLY: if(!area->coords) { _XmHTMLWarning(__WFUNC__(html, "_XmHTMLAddAreaToImagemap"), XMHTML_MSG_84, area->ncoords, object->line); deleteArea(area); return; } if(area->ncoords % 2) { _XmHTMLWarning(__WFUNC__(html, "_XmHTMLAddAreaToImagemap"), XMHTML_MSG_85, area->ncoords, object->line); area->ncoords--; } area->region = createPoly(area->ncoords, area->coords); break; default: break; } /* gets automagically added to the list of anchors for this widget */ if(!area->nohref) area->anchor = _XmHTMLNewAnchor(html, object); /* add this area to the list of areas for this imagemap */ if(map->areas == NULL) { map->nareas = 1; map->areas = area; return; } for(tmp = map->areas; tmp != NULL && tmp->next != NULL ; tmp = tmp->next); map->nareas++; tmp->next = area; _XmHTMLDebug(10, ("map.c: _XmHTMLAddAreaToMap, stored href %s, map now " "contains %i areas.\n", area->url, map->nareas)); }
char followWaypoints(PathData* current, float* position, float heading, int* setpoint) { static char recompute = 1; static float radius = 5; // get from first waypoint? static Vector current_position, target_position, next_position; PathData* target = current; PathData* next; if (target->next) { next = target->next; } else { next = &home; } getCoordinates(target->longitude, target->latitude, (float*)&target_position); getCoordinates(next->longitude, next->latitude, (float*)&next_position); static Vector current_heading, target_heading; get_direction(&target_position, &next_position, &target_heading); static Circle close, far; static Line tangent, plane; static DubinsPath progress = DUBINS_PATH_C1; if (recompute) { // printf("Recomputing path...\n"); current_position = (Vector) { .x = position[0], .y = position[1], }; float angle = deg2rad(90 - heading); current_heading = (Vector) { .x = cos(angle), .y = sin(angle), }; float d = sqrt(pow(target_position.x - current_position.x, 2) + pow(target_position.y - current_position.y, 2)); if (d < 4*target->radius) { return next->index; } plane = (Line) { .initial = current_position, .direction = current_heading, }; if (belongs_to_half_plane(&plane, &next_position)) { = (Vector) { .x = current_position.x + current->radius*current_heading.y, .y = current_position.y - current->radius*current_heading.x, }; = (Vector) { .x = target_position.x - target->radius*target_heading.y, .y = target_position.y + target->radius*target_heading.x, }; } else { = (Vector) { .x = current_position.x - current->radius*current_heading.y, .y = current_position.y + current->radius*current_heading.x, }; = (Vector) { .x = target_position.x + target->radius*target_heading.y, .y = target_position.y - target->radius*target_heading.x, }; } close.radius = target->radius; far.radius = target->radius; Line tangents[2]; get_tangents(&close, &far, tangents); float d1 = sqrt(pow(tangents[0].initial.x - current_position.x, 2) + pow(tangents[0].initial.y - current_position.y, 2)); float d2 = sqrt(pow(tangents[1].initial.x - current_position.x, 2) + pow(tangents[1].initial.y - current_position.y, 2)); tangent = d1 < d2 ? tangents[0] : tangents[1]; progress = DUBINS_PATH_C1; radius = target->radius; recompute = 0; } plane = (Line) { .initial = tangent.initial, .direction = (Vector) { .x = -tangent.direction.y, .y = tangent.direction.x, }, }; // before crossing first tangent point if (belongs_to_half_plane(&plane, (Vector *)position)) { char direction = current_heading.x*tangent.direction.y - current_heading.y*tangent.direction.x > 0 ? 1 : -1; *setpoint = (int)followOrbit((float *)&, close.radius, direction, position, heading); } else { plane.initial = (Vector) { .x = tangent.initial.x + tangent.direction.x, .y = tangent.initial.y + tangent.direction.y, }; // before crossing second tangent point if (belongs_to_half_plane(&plane, (Vector *)position)) { *setpoint = (int)followStraightPath((float*)&tangent.direction, (float*)&plane.initial, position, heading); } else { plane = (Line) { .initial = target_position, .direction = (Vector) { .x = -target_heading.y, .y = target_heading.x, }, }; // before crossing target waypoint if (belongs_to_half_plane(&plane, (Vector *)position)) { char direction = tangent.direction.x*target_heading.y - tangent.direction.y*target_heading.x > 0 ? 1 : -1; *setpoint = (int)followOrbit((float *)&, far.radius, direction, position, heading); } else { recompute = 1; return next->index; } } } return current->index; } #else char followWaypoints(PathData* currentWaypoint, float* position, float heading, int* sp_Heading){ float waypointPosition[3]; getCoordinates(currentWaypoint->longitude, currentWaypoint->latitude, (float*)&waypointPosition); waypointPosition[2] = currentWaypoint->altitude; if(currentWaypoint->next == NULL){ //Case for this being the last/only way point in the queue, avoid null pointers *sp_Heading = followLastLineSegment(currentWaypoint, position, heading); return currentWaypoint->index; } if(currentWaypoint->next->next == NULL){ //Case for only 2 way points remaining in queue *sp_Heading = followLineSegment(currentWaypoint, position, heading); return currentWaypoint->index; } PathData* targetWaypoint = currentWaypoint->next; float targetCoordinates[3]; getCoordinates(targetWaypoint->longitude, targetWaypoint->latitude, (float*)&targetCoordinates); targetCoordinates[2] = targetWaypoint->altitude; PathData* nextWaypoint = targetWaypoint->next; float nextCoordinates[3]; getCoordinates(nextWaypoint->longitude, nextWaypoint->latitude, (float*)&nextCoordinates); nextCoordinates[2] = nextWaypoint->altitude; float waypointDirection[3]; float norm = sqrt(pow(targetCoordinates[0] - waypointPosition[0],2) + pow(targetCoordinates[1] - waypointPosition[1],2) + pow(targetCoordinates[2] - waypointPosition[2],2)); waypointDirection[0] = (targetCoordinates[0] - waypointPosition[0])/norm; waypointDirection[1] = (targetCoordinates[1] - waypointPosition[1])/norm; waypointDirection[2] = (targetCoordinates[2] - waypointPosition[2])/norm; float nextWaypointDirection[3]; float norm2 = sqrt(pow(nextCoordinates[0] - targetCoordinates[0],2) + pow(nextCoordinates[1] - targetCoordinates[1],2) + pow(nextCoordinates[2] - targetCoordinates[2],2)); nextWaypointDirection[0] = (nextCoordinates[0] - targetCoordinates[0])/norm2; nextWaypointDirection[1] = (nextCoordinates[1] - targetCoordinates[1])/norm2; nextWaypointDirection[2] = (nextCoordinates[2] - targetCoordinates[2])/norm2; float turningAngle = acos(-deg2rad(waypointDirection[0] * nextWaypointDirection[0] + waypointDirection[1] * nextWaypointDirection[1] + waypointDirection[2] * nextWaypointDirection[2])); float tangentFactor = targetWaypoint->radius/tan(turningAngle/2); if (orbitPathStatus == PATH){ float halfPlane[3]; halfPlane[0] = targetCoordinates[0] - tangentFactor * waypointDirection[0]; halfPlane[1] = targetCoordinates[1] - tangentFactor * waypointDirection[1]; halfPlane[2] = targetCoordinates[2] - tangentFactor * waypointDirection[2]; float dotProduct = waypointDirection[0] * (position[0] - halfPlane[0]) + waypointDirection[1] * (position[1] - halfPlane[1]) + waypointDirection[2] * (position[2] - halfPlane[2]); if (dotProduct > 0){ orbitPathStatus = ORBIT; if (targetWaypoint->type == HOLD_WAYPOINT) { inHold = true; } } *sp_Heading = (int)followStraightPath((float*)&waypointDirection, (float*)targetCoordinates, (float*)position, heading); } else{ float halfPlane[3]; halfPlane[0] = targetCoordinates[0] + tangentFactor * nextWaypointDirection[0]; halfPlane[1] = targetCoordinates[1] + tangentFactor * nextWaypointDirection[1]; halfPlane[2] = targetCoordinates[2] + tangentFactor * nextWaypointDirection[2]; char turnDirection = waypointDirection[0] * nextWaypointDirection[1] - waypointDirection[1] * nextWaypointDirection[0]>0?1:-1; float euclideanWaypointDirection = sqrt(pow(nextWaypointDirection[0] - waypointDirection[0],2) + pow(nextWaypointDirection[1] - waypointDirection[1],2) + pow(nextWaypointDirection[2] - waypointDirection[2],2)) * ((nextWaypointDirection[0] - waypointDirection[0]) < 0?-1:1) * ((nextWaypointDirection[1] - waypointDirection[1]) < 0?-1:1) * ((nextWaypointDirection[2] - waypointDirection[2]) < 0?-1:1); float turnCenter[3]; turnCenter[0] = targetCoordinates[0] + (tangentFactor * (nextWaypointDirection[0] - waypointDirection[0])/euclideanWaypointDirection); turnCenter[1] = targetCoordinates[1] + (tangentFactor * (nextWaypointDirection[1] - waypointDirection[1])/euclideanWaypointDirection); turnCenter[2] = targetCoordinates[2] + (tangentFactor * (nextWaypointDirection[2] - waypointDirection[2])/euclideanWaypointDirection); // if target waypoint is a hold waypoint the plane will follow the orbit until the break hold method is called if (inHold == true) { *sp_Heading = (int)followOrbit((float*) &turnCenter, targetWaypoint->radius, turnDirection, (float*)position, heading); return currentWaypoint->index; } float dotProduct = nextWaypointDirection[0] * (position[0] - halfPlane[0]) + nextWaypointDirection[1] * (position[1] - halfPlane[1]) + nextWaypointDirection[2] * (position[2] - halfPlane[2]); if (dotProduct > 0){ orbitPathStatus = PATH; return targetWaypoint->index; } //If two waypoints are parallel to each other (no turns) if (euclideanWaypointDirection == 0){ orbitPathStatus = PATH; return targetWaypoint->index; } *sp_Heading = (int)followOrbit((float*) &turnCenter,targetWaypoint->radius, turnDirection, (float*)position, heading); } return currentWaypoint->index; } #endif int followLineSegment(PathData* currentWaypoint, float* position, float heading){ float waypointPosition[3]; getCoordinates(currentWaypoint->longitude, currentWaypoint->latitude, (float*)&waypointPosition); waypointPosition[2] = currentWaypoint->altitude; PathData* targetWaypoint = currentWaypoint->next; float targetCoordinates[3]; getCoordinates(targetWaypoint->longitude, targetWaypoint->latitude, (float*)&targetCoordinates); targetCoordinates[2] = targetWaypoint->altitude; float waypointDirection[3]; float norm = sqrt(pow(targetCoordinates[0] - waypointPosition[0],2) + pow(targetCoordinates[1] - waypointPosition[1],2) + pow(targetCoordinates[2] - waypointPosition[2],2)); waypointDirection[0] = (targetCoordinates[0] - waypointPosition[0])/norm; waypointDirection[1] = (targetCoordinates[1] - waypointPosition[1])/norm; waypointDirection[2] = (targetCoordinates[2] - waypointPosition[2])/norm; return (int)followStraightPath((float*)&waypointDirection, (float*)targetCoordinates, (float*)position, heading); } int followLastLineSegment(PathData* currentWaypoint, float* position, float heading){ float waypointPosition[3]; waypointPosition[0] = position[0]; waypointPosition[1] = position[1]; waypointPosition[2] = interchip_send_buffer.pm_data.altitude; PathData* targetWaypoint = currentWaypoint; float targetCoordinates[3]; getCoordinates(targetWaypoint->longitude, targetWaypoint->latitude, (float*)&targetCoordinates); targetCoordinates[2] = targetWaypoint->altitude; float waypointDirection[3]; float norm = sqrt(pow(targetCoordinates[0] - waypointPosition[0],2) + pow(targetCoordinates[1] - waypointPosition[1],2) + pow(targetCoordinates[2] - waypointPosition[2],2)); waypointDirection[0] = (targetCoordinates[0] - waypointPosition[0])/norm; waypointDirection[1] = (targetCoordinates[1] - waypointPosition[1])/norm; waypointDirection[2] = (targetCoordinates[2] - waypointPosition[2])/norm; float dotProduct = waypointDirection[0] * (position[0] - targetCoordinates[0]) + waypointDirection[1] * (position[1] - targetCoordinates[1]) + waypointDirection[2] * (position[2] - targetCoordinates[2]); if (dotProduct > 0){ returnHome = 1; } return (int)followStraightPath((float*)&waypointDirection, (float*)targetCoordinates, (float*)position, heading); }
void DriverRadarPositioner::paint(QPainter *p, bool selected) { if (!driverData || driverData->getCarID() < 1) return; LTPackets::EventType eType = EventData::getInstance().getEventType(); if (!excluded && (eType != LTPackets::RACE_EVENT || !driverData->isRetired())) { QPoint point = getCoordinates(); QColor drvColor = ColorsManager::getInstance().getCarColor(driverData->getNumber()); p->setBrush(QBrush(drvColor)); QPen pen(drvColor); if (driverData->getPosition() == 1) { pen.setColor(ColorsManager::getInstance().getDefaultColor(LTPackets::GREEN)); pen.setWidth(3); } if (driverData->isRetired() || qualiOut) { pen.setColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)); pen.setWidth(3); } if (selected) { pen.setColor(ColorsManager::getInstance().getDefaultColor(LTPackets::YELLOW)); pen.setWidth(3); } p->setPen(pen); QPixmap helmet = ImagesFactory::getInstance().getHelmetsFactory().getHelmet(driverData->getNumber(), 24); p->drawPixmap(point.x()-15, point.y()-15, helmet); p->setFont(QFont("Arial", 8, 75)); QString number = SeasonData::getInstance().getDriverShortName(driverData->getDriverName());//QString::number(driverData->getNumber()); p->setBrush(drvColor); if (inPits) // p->drawRoundedRect(point.x()-15, point.y()-8, helmet.width()-4, 14, 4, 4); p->drawRoundedRect(point.x()-16-helmet.width(), point.y(), helmet.width(), 14, 4, 4); else p->drawRoundedRect(point.x()-12, point.y()+15, helmet.width(), 14, 4, 4); p->setPen(ColorsManager::getInstance().getColor(LTPackets::BACKGROUND)); int numX = point.x() - 18 + p->fontMetrics().width(number)/2; int numY = point.y() + 20 + p->fontMetrics().height()/2; // int numX = point.x() - 15 + p->fontMetrics().width(number)/2; // int numY = point.y() - 2 + p->fontMetrics().height()/2; if (inPits) { numX = point.x() - helmet.width() - 22 + p->fontMetrics().width(number)/2; numY = point.y() + 5 + p->fontMetrics().height()/2; } p->drawText(numX, numY, number); // p->setPen(QColor(20, 20, 20)); // QString name = SeasonData::getInstance().getDriverShortName(driverData->getDriverName()); // int numX = point.x() - p->fontMetrics().width(name)/2; // int numY = point.y() + 12 - p->fontMetrics().height()/2; // p->setFont(QFont("Arial", 10, 75)); // p->drawText(numX, numY, name); } }