/** Remove edges to accepts that can never produce a match long enough to
 * satisfy our min_length and max_offset constraints. */
void pruneUnmatchable(NGWrapper &g, const ReportManager &rm) {
    if (!g.min_length) {

    vector<DepthMinMax> depths = getDistancesFromSOM(g);

    pruneUnmatchable(g, depths, rm, g.accept);
    pruneUnmatchable(g, depths, rm, g.acceptEod);

/** \brief Find the (min, max) length of any match for the given holder. */
DepthMinMax findMatchLengths(const ReportManager &rm, const NGHolder &g) {
    DepthMinMax match_depths;

    vector<DepthMinMax> depths = getDistancesFromSOM(g);

    pair<s32, s32> adj;

    for (auto v : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(g.accept, g)) {
        u32 idx = g[v].index;
        DepthMinMax d = depths[idx]; // copy
        adj = getMinMaxOffsetAdjust(rm, g, v);
        DEBUG_PRINTF("vertex %u: depths=%s, adj=[%d,%d]\n", idx,
                     d.str().c_str(), adj.first, adj.second);
        d.min += adj.first;
        d.max += adj.second;
        match_depths = unionDepthMinMax(match_depths, d);

    for (auto v : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(g.acceptEod, g)) {
        if (v == g.accept) {
        u32 idx = g[v].index;
        DepthMinMax d = depths[idx]; // copy
        adj = getMinMaxOffsetAdjust(rm, g, v);
        DEBUG_PRINTF("vertex %u: depths=%s, adj=[%d,%d]\n", idx,
                     d.str().c_str(), adj.first, adj.second);
        d.min += adj.first;
        d.max += adj.second;
        match_depths = unionDepthMinMax(match_depths, d);

    DEBUG_PRINTF("match_depths=%s\n", match_depths.str().c_str());

    return match_depths;
map<NFAVertex, NFAStateSet> findSquashers(const NGHolder &g, som_type som) {
    map<NFAVertex, NFAStateSet> squash;

    // Number of bits to use for all our masks. If we're a triggered graph,
    // tops have already been assigned, so we don't have to account for them.
    const u32 numStates = num_vertices(g);

    // Build post-dominator tree.
    PostDomTree pdom_tree;
    buildPDomTree(g, pdom_tree);

    // Build list of vertices by state ID and a set of init states.
    vector<NFAVertex> vByIndex(numStates, NFAGraph::null_vertex());
    NFAStateSet initStates(numStates);
    smgb_cache cache(g);

    // Mappings used for SOM mode calculations, otherwise left empty.
    unordered_map<NFAVertex, u32> region_map;
    vector<DepthMinMax> som_depths;
    if (som) {
        region_map = assignRegions(g);
        som_depths = getDistancesFromSOM(g);

    for (auto v : vertices_range(g)) {
        const u32 vert_id = g[v].index;
        DEBUG_PRINTF("vertex %u/%u\n", vert_id, numStates);
        assert(vert_id < numStates);
        vByIndex[vert_id] = v;

        if (is_any_start(v, g) || !in_degree(v, g)) {

    for (u32 i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
        NFAVertex v = vByIndex[i];
        assert(v != NFAGraph::null_vertex());
        const CharReach &cr = g[v].char_reach;

        /* only non-init cyclics can be squashers */
        if (!hasSelfLoop(v, g) || initStates.test(i)) {

        DEBUG_PRINTF("state %u is cyclic\n", i);

        NFAStateSet mask(numStates), succ(numStates), pred(numStates);
        buildSquashMask(mask, g, v, cr, initStates, vByIndex, pdom_tree, som,
                        som_depths, region_map, cache);
        buildSucc(succ, g, v);
        buildPred(pred, g, v);
        const auto &reports = g[v].reports;

        for (size_t j = succ.find_first(); j != succ.npos;
             j = succ.find_next(j)) {
            NFAVertex vj = vByIndex[j];
            NFAStateSet pred2(numStates);
            buildPred(pred2, g, vj);
            if (pred2 == pred) {
                DEBUG_PRINTF("adding the sm from %zu to %u's sm\n", j, i);
                NFAStateSet tmp(numStates);
                buildSquashMask(tmp, g, vj, cr, initStates, vByIndex, pdom_tree,
                                som, som_depths, region_map, cache);
                mask &= tmp;

        for (size_t j = pred.find_first(); j != pred.npos;
             j = pred.find_next(j)) {
            NFAVertex vj = vByIndex[j];
            NFAStateSet succ2(numStates);
            buildSucc(succ2, g, vj);
            /* we can use j as a basis for squashing if its succs are a subset
             * of ours */
            if ((succ2 & ~succ).any()) {

            if (som) {
                /* We cannot use j to add to the squash mask of v if it may
                 * have an earlier start of match offset. ie for us j as a
                 * basis for the squash mask of v we require:
                 * maxSomDist(j) <= minSomDist(v)

                /* ** TODO ** */

                const depth &max_som_dist_j =
                const depth &min_som_dist_v =
                if (max_som_dist_j > min_som_dist_v ||
                    max_som_dist_j.is_infinite()) {
                    /* j can't be used as it may be storing an earlier SOM */

            const CharReach &crv = g[vj].char_reach;

            /* we also require that j's report information be a subset of ours
            bool seen_special = false;
            for (auto w : adjacent_vertices_range(vj, g)) {
                if (is_special(w, g)) {
                    if (!edge(v, w, g).second) {
                        goto next_j;
                    seen_special = true;

            // FIXME: should be subset check?
            if (seen_special && g[vj].reports != reports) {

            /* ok we can use j */
            if ((crv & ~cr).none()) {
                NFAStateSet tmp(numStates);
                buildSquashMask(tmp, g, vj, cr, initStates, vByIndex, pdom_tree,
                                som, som_depths, region_map, cache);
                mask &= tmp;


        mask.set(i); /* never clear ourselves */

        if ((~mask).any()) { // i.e. some bits unset in mask
            DEBUG_PRINTF("%u squashes %zu other states\n", i, (~mask).count());
            squash.emplace(v, mask);

    findDerivedSquashers(g, vByIndex, pdom_tree, initStates, &squash, som,
                         som_depths, region_map, cache);

    clearMutualSquashers(g, vByIndex, squash);

    return squash;