文件: getF.c 项目: cran/vegan
SEXP do_getF(SEXP perms, SEXP E, SEXP QR, SEXP QZ, SEXP effects,
	     SEXP first, SEXP isPartial, SEXP isDB)
    int i, j, k, ki, p, nterms = length(effects),
	nperm = nrows(perms), nr = nrows(E), nc = ncols(E),
	FIRST = asInteger(first), PARTIAL = asInteger(isPartial),
	DISTBASED = asInteger(isDB);
    /* check that we got terms */
    if (nterms == 0)
	error("model has no terms to test");
    /* check that permutations matrix has correct number of
     * observations */
    if (ncols(perms) != nr)
	error("\'permutations\' matrix should have %d columns, but it has %d",
	      nr, ncols(perms));
    double ev1, ev0, ev;
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nperm, nterms + 1));
    double *rans = REAL(ans);
    memset(rans, 0, nperm * (nterms + 1) * sizeof(double));
    SEXP Y = PROTECT(duplicate(E));
    double *rY = REAL(Y);
    if (TYPEOF(effects) != INTSXP)
	effects = coerceVector(effects, INTSXP);
    int *term = INTEGER(effects);
    /* pointers and new objects to the QR decomposition */
    double *qr = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(QR, 0));
    int qrank = asInteger(VECTOR_ELT(QR, 1));
    double *qraux = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(QR, 2));
    double *Zqr, *Zqraux;
    int Zqrank;
    if (PARTIAL) {
	Zqrank = asInteger(VECTOR_ELT(QZ, 1));
	Zqraux = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(QZ, 2));
    double *fitted = (double *) R_alloc(nr * nc, sizeof(double));
    /* separate resid needed only in some cases */
    double *resid;
    if (PARTIAL || FIRST)
	resid = (double *) R_alloc(nr * nc, sizeof(double));
    /* work array and variables for QR decomposition */
    double *qty = (double *) R_alloc(nr, sizeof(double));
    double dummy;
    int info, qrkind;

    /* distance-based methods need to transpose data */
    double *transY;
    if (DISTBASED)
	transY = (double *) R_alloc(nr * nr, sizeof(double));

    /* permutation matrix must be duplicated */
    if (TYPEOF(perms) != INTSXP)
	perms = coerceVector(perms, INTSXP);
    SEXP dperms = PROTECT(duplicate(perms));
    int *iperm = INTEGER(dperms);
    /* permutations to zero base */
    for(i = 0; i < nperm * nr; i++)

    /* loop over rows of permutation matrix */
    for (k = 0; k < nperm; k++) {
	/* Y will be permuted data */
	for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
	    ki = iperm[k + nperm * i];
	    for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
		if (DISTBASED)    /* shuffle rows & cols symmetrically */
		    rY[i + nr*j] = REAL(E)[ki + nr * iperm[k + nperm*j]];
		else   /* shuffle rows */
		    rY[i + nr*j] = REAL(E)[ki + nr*j];

	/* Partial model: qr.resid(QZ, Y) with LINPACK */
	if (PARTIAL) {
	    qrkind = RESID;
	    for(i = 0; i < nc; i++)
		F77_CALL(dqrsl)(Zqr, &nr, &nr, &Zqrank, Zqraux, rY + i*nr,
	                        &dummy, qty, &dummy, rY + i*nr, &dummy,
				&qrkind, &info);
	    /* distances need symmetric residuals */
	    if (DISTBASED) {
		transpose(rY, transY, nr, nr);
		qrkind = RESID;
		for(i = 0; i < nc; i++)
		    F77_CALL(dqrsl)(Zqr, &nr, &nr, &Zqrank, Zqraux,
				    transY + i*nr, &dummy, qty, &dummy,
				    rY + i*nr, &dummy, &qrkind, &info);


	/* qr.fitted(QR, Y) + qr.resid(QR, Y) with LINPACK */

	/* If there are effects, we go for all but the full rank first */
	ev0 = 0; /* must be set for later use outside the loop */
	if (nterms > 1) {
	    qrkind = FIT;
	    for (p = 0; p < (nterms - 1); p++) {
		for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
		    F77_CALL(dqrsl)(qr, &nr, &nr, term + p, qraux, rY + i*nr,
				    &dummy, qty, &dummy, &dummy, fitted + i*nr,
				    &qrkind, &info);
		ev = getEV(fitted, nr, nc, DISTBASED);
		rans[k + p*nperm] = ev - ev0;
		ev0 = ev;
	/* Evaluate full-rank model */
	    qrkind = FIT + RESID;
	    qrkind = FIT;
	for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
	    F77_CALL(dqrsl)(qr, &nr, &nr, &qrank, qraux, rY + i*nr, &dummy,
			    qty, &dummy, resid + i*nr, fitted + i*nr,
			    &qrkind, &info);

	/* Eigenvalues: either sum of all or the first If the sum of
	 * all eigenvalues does not change, we have only ev of CCA
	 * component in the first column, and the second column is
	 * rubbish that should be filled in the calling R function
	 * with the correct value. */

	if (FIRST) {
	    if (DISTBASED) { /* needs symmetric matrix */
		transpose(fitted, transY, nr, nr);
		qrkind = FIT;
		for(i = 0; i < nc; i++)
		    F77_CALL(dqrsl)(qr, &nr, &nr, &qrank, qraux,
				    transY + i*nr, &dummy, qty, &dummy,
				    &dummy, fitted + i*nr, &qrkind, &info);
		ev1 = eigenfirst(fitted, nr);
	    } else {
		ev1 = svdfirst(fitted, nr, nc);
		ev1 = ev1 * ev1;
	    rans[k] = ev1;
	} else {
	    rans[k + (nterms - 1) * nperm] =
		getEV(fitted, nr, nc, DISTBASED) - ev0;
	    rans[k + nterms * nperm] = getEV(resid, nr, nc, DISTBASED);

    } /* end permutation loop */

    return ans;
SEXP do_getF(SEXP perms, SEXP E, SEXP QR, SEXP QZ, SEXP first,
	     SEXP isPartial, SEXP isDB)
    int i, j, k, ki,
	nperm = nrows(perms), nr = nrows(E), nc = ncols(E),
	FIRST = asInteger(first), PARTIAL = asInteger(isPartial),
	DISTBASED = asInteger(isDB);
    double ev1;
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nperm, 2));
    double *rans = REAL(ans);
    SEXP Y = PROTECT(duplicate(E));
    double *rY = REAL(Y);
    /* pointers and new objects to the QR decomposition */
    double *qr = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(QR, 0));
    int qrank = asInteger(VECTOR_ELT(QR, 1));
    double *qraux = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(QR, 2));
    double *Zqr, *Zqraux;
    int Zqrank;
    if (PARTIAL) {
	Zqrank = asInteger(VECTOR_ELT(QZ, 1));
	Zqraux = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(QZ, 2));
    double *fitted = (double *) R_alloc(nr * nc, sizeof(double));
    /* separate resid needed only in some cases */
    double *resid;
    if (PARTIAL || FIRST)
	resid = (double *) R_alloc(nr * nc, sizeof(double));
    /* work array and variables for QR decomposition */
    double *qty = (double *) R_alloc(nr, sizeof(double));
    double dummy;
    int info, qrkind;

    /* distance-based methods need to transpose data */
    double *transY;
    if (DISTBASED)
	transY = (double *) R_alloc(nr * nr, sizeof(double));

    /* permutation matrix must be duplicated */
    SEXP dperms = PROTECT(duplicate(perms));
    int *iperm = INTEGER(dperms);
    /* permutations to zero base */
    for(i = 0; i < nperm * nr; i++)

    /* loop over rows of permutation matrix */
    for (k = 0; k < nperm; k++) {
	/* Y will be permuted data */
	for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
	    ki = iperm[k + nperm * i];
	    for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
		if (DISTBASED)    /* shuffle rows & cols symmetrically */
		    rY[i + nr*j] = REAL(E)[ki + nr * iperm[k + nperm*j]];
		else   /* shuffle rows */
		    rY[i + nr*j] = REAL(E)[ki + nr*j];

	/* Partial model: qr.resid(QZ, Y) with LINPACK */
	if (PARTIAL) {
	    qrkind = RESID;
	    for(i = 0; i < nc; i++)
		F77_CALL(dqrsl)(Zqr, &nr, &nr, &Zqrank, Zqraux, rY + i*nr,
	                        &dummy, qty, &dummy, rY + i*nr, &dummy,
				&qrkind, &info);
	    /* distances need symmetric residuals */
	    if (DISTBASED) {
		transpose(rY, transY, nr, nr);
		qrkind = RESID;
		for(i = 0; i < nc; i++)
		    F77_CALL(dqrsl)(Zqr, &nr, &nr, &Zqrank, Zqraux,
				    transY + i*nr, &dummy, qty, &dummy,
				    rY + i*nr, &dummy, &qrkind, &info);


	/* qr.fitted(QR, Y) + qr.resid(QR, Y) with LINPACK */
	    qrkind = FIT + RESID;
	    qrkind = FIT;
	for (i = 0; i < nc; i++)
	    F77_CALL(dqrsl)(qr, &nr, &nr, &qrank, qraux, rY + i*nr, &dummy,
			    qty, &dummy, resid + i*nr, fitted + i*nr,
			    &qrkind, &info);

	/* Eigenvalues: either sum of all or the first If the sum of
	 * all eigenvalues does not change, we have only ev of CCA
	 * component in the first column, and the second column is
	 * rubbish that should be filled in the calling R function
	 * with the correct value. */

	if (FIRST) {
	    if (DISTBASED) { /* needs symmetric matrix */
		transpose(fitted, transY, nr, nr);
		qrkind = FIT;
		for(i = 0; i < nc; i++)
		    F77_CALL(dqrsl)(qr, &nr, &nr, &qrank, qraux,
				    transY + i*nr, &dummy, qty, &dummy,
				    &dummy, fitted + i*nr, &qrkind, &info);
		ev1 = eigenfirst(fitted, nr);
	    } else {
		ev1 = svdfirst(fitted, nr, nc);
		ev1 = ev1 * ev1;
	    rans[k] = ev1;
	} else {
	    rans[k] = getEV(fitted, nr, nc, DISTBASED);
	    rans[k + nperm] = getEV(resid, nr, nc, DISTBASED);

    } /* end permutation loop */

    return ans;