// static BOOL LLFontGL::initDefaultFonts(F32 screen_dpi, F32 x_scale, F32 y_scale, const std::string& app_dir, const std::vector<std::string>& xui_paths) { bool succ = true; sVertDPI = (F32)llfloor(screen_dpi * y_scale); sHorizDPI = (F32)llfloor(screen_dpi * x_scale); sScaleX = x_scale; sScaleY = y_scale; sAppDir = app_dir; // Font registry init if (!sFontRegistry) { sFontRegistry = new LLFontRegistry(xui_paths); sFontRegistry->parseFontInfo("fonts.xml"); } else { sFontRegistry->reset(); } // Force standard fonts to get generated up front. // This is primarily for error detection purposes. succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifSmall()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerif()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifBig()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifHuge()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifBold()); succ &= (NULL != getFontMonospace()); succ &= (NULL != getFontExtChar()); return succ; }
// Force standard fonts to get generated up front. // This is primarily for error detection purposes. // Don't do this during initClass because it can be slow and we want to get // the viewer window on screen first. JC // static bool LLFontGL::loadDefaultFonts() { bool succ = true; succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifSmall()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerif()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifBig()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifHuge()); succ &= (NULL != getFontSansSerifBold()); succ &= (NULL != getFontMonospace()); succ &= (NULL != getFontExtChar()); return succ; }
F32 LLFontGL::getEmbeddedCharAdvance(const embedded_data_t* ext_data) const { const LLWString& label = ext_data->mLabel; LLImageGL* ext_image = ext_data->mImage; F32 ext_width = (F32)ext_image->getWidth(); if( !label.empty() ) { ext_width += (EXT_X_BEARING + getFontExtChar()->getWidthF32(label.c_str())) * sScaleX; } return (EXT_X_BEARING * sScaleX) + ext_width; }
S32 LLFontGL::render(const LLWString &wstr, const S32 begin_offset, const F32 x, const F32 y, const LLColor4 &color, const HAlign halign, const VAlign valign, U8 style, const S32 max_chars, S32 max_pixels, F32* right_x, BOOL use_embedded, BOOL use_ellipses) const { if(!sDisplayFont) //do not display texts { return wstr.length() ; } if (wstr.empty()) { return 0; } gGL.getTexUnit(0)->enable(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); S32 scaled_max_pixels = max_pixels == S32_MAX ? S32_MAX : llceil((F32)max_pixels * sScaleX); // Strip off any style bits that are already accounted for by the font. style = style & (~getFontDesc().getStyle()); F32 drop_shadow_strength = 0.f; if (style & (DROP_SHADOW | DROP_SHADOW_SOFT)) { F32 luminance; color.calcHSL(NULL, NULL, &luminance); drop_shadow_strength = clamp_rescale(luminance, 0.35f, 0.6f, 0.f, 1.f); if (luminance < 0.35f) { style = style & ~(DROP_SHADOW | DROP_SHADOW_SOFT); } } gGL.pushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); gGL.translatef(floorf(sCurOrigin.mX*sScaleX), floorf(sCurOrigin.mY*sScaleY), sCurOrigin.mZ); // this code snaps the text origin to a pixel grid to start with F32 pixel_offset_x = llround((F32)sCurOrigin.mX) - (sCurOrigin.mX); F32 pixel_offset_y = llround((F32)sCurOrigin.mY) - (sCurOrigin.mY); gGL.translatef(-pixel_offset_x, -pixel_offset_y, 0.f); LLFastTimer t(LLFastTimer::FTM_RENDER_FONTS); gGL.color4fv( color.mV ); S32 chars_drawn = 0; S32 i; S32 length; if (-1 == max_chars) { length = (S32)wstr.length() - begin_offset; } else { length = llmin((S32)wstr.length() - begin_offset, max_chars ); } F32 cur_x, cur_y, cur_render_x, cur_render_y; // Not guaranteed to be set correctly gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); cur_x = ((F32)x * sScaleX); cur_y = ((F32)y * sScaleY); // Offset y by vertical alignment. switch (valign) { case TOP: cur_y -= mAscender; break; case BOTTOM: cur_y += mDescender; break; case VCENTER: cur_y -= ((mAscender - mDescender)/2.f); break; case BASELINE: // Baseline, do nothing. break; default: break; } switch (halign) { case LEFT: break; case RIGHT: cur_x -= llmin(scaled_max_pixels, llround(getWidthF32(wstr.c_str(), 0, length) * sScaleX)); break; case HCENTER: cur_x -= llmin(scaled_max_pixels, llround(getWidthF32(wstr.c_str(), 0, length) * sScaleX)) / 2; break; default: break; } cur_render_y = cur_y; cur_render_x = cur_x; F32 start_x = cur_x; F32 inv_width = 1.f / mFontBitmapCachep->getBitmapWidth(); F32 inv_height = 1.f / mFontBitmapCachep->getBitmapHeight(); const S32 LAST_CHARACTER = LLFont::LAST_CHAR_FULL; BOOL draw_ellipses = FALSE; if (use_ellipses && halign == LEFT) { // check for too long of a string if (getWidthF32(wstr.c_str(), 0, max_chars) * sScaleX > scaled_max_pixels) { // use four dots for ellipsis width to generate padding const LLWString dots(utf8str_to_wstring(std::string("...."))); scaled_max_pixels = llmax(0, scaled_max_pixels - llround(getWidthF32(dots.c_str()))); draw_ellipses = TRUE; } } // Remember last-used texture to avoid unnecesssary bind calls. LLImageGL *last_bound_texture = NULL; for (i = begin_offset; i < begin_offset + length; i++) { llwchar wch = wstr[i]; // Handle embedded characters first, if they're enabled. // Embedded characters are a hack for notecards const embedded_data_t* ext_data = use_embedded ? getEmbeddedCharData(wch) : NULL; if (ext_data) { LLImageGL* ext_image = ext_data->mImage; const LLWString& label = ext_data->mLabel; F32 ext_height = (F32)ext_image->getHeight() * sScaleY; F32 ext_width = (F32)ext_image->getWidth() * sScaleX; F32 ext_advance = (EXT_X_BEARING * sScaleX) + ext_width; if (!label.empty()) { ext_advance += (EXT_X_BEARING + getFontExtChar()->getWidthF32( label.c_str() )) * sScaleX; } if (start_x + scaled_max_pixels < cur_x + ext_advance) { // Not enough room for this character. break; } if (last_bound_texture != ext_image) { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(ext_image); last_bound_texture = ext_image; } // snap origin to whole screen pixel const F32 ext_x = (F32)llround(cur_render_x + (EXT_X_BEARING * sScaleX)); const F32 ext_y = (F32)llround(cur_render_y + (EXT_Y_BEARING * sScaleY + mAscender - mLineHeight)); LLRectf uv_rect(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f); LLRectf screen_rect(ext_x, ext_y + ext_height, ext_x + ext_width, ext_y); drawGlyph(screen_rect, uv_rect, LLColor4::white, style, drop_shadow_strength); if (!label.empty()) { gGL.pushMatrix(); //glLoadIdentity(); //gGL.translatef(sCurOrigin.mX, sCurOrigin.mY, 0.0f); //glScalef(sScaleX, sScaleY, 1.f); getFontExtChar()->render(label, 0, /*llfloor*/((ext_x + (F32)ext_image->getWidth() + EXT_X_BEARING) / sScaleX), /*llfloor*/(cur_y / sScaleY), color, halign, BASELINE, NORMAL, S32_MAX, S32_MAX, NULL, TRUE ); gGL.popMatrix(); } gGL.color4fv(color.mV); chars_drawn++; cur_x += ext_advance; if (((i + 1) < length) && wstr[i+1]) { cur_x += EXT_KERNING * sScaleX; } cur_render_x = cur_x; } else { if (!hasGlyph(wch)) { addChar(wch); } const LLFontGlyphInfo* fgi= getGlyphInfo(wch); if (!fgi) { llerrs << "Missing Glyph Info" << llendl; break; } // Per-glyph bitmap texture. LLImageGL *image_gl = mFontBitmapCachep->getImageGL(fgi->mBitmapNum); if (last_bound_texture != image_gl) { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(image_gl); last_bound_texture = image_gl; } if ((start_x + scaled_max_pixels) < (cur_x + fgi->mXBearing + fgi->mWidth)) { // Not enough room for this character. break; } // Draw the text at the appropriate location //Specify vertices and texture coordinates LLRectf uv_rect((fgi->mXBitmapOffset) * inv_width, (fgi->mYBitmapOffset + fgi->mHeight + PAD_UVY) * inv_height, (fgi->mXBitmapOffset + fgi->mWidth) * inv_width, (fgi->mYBitmapOffset - PAD_UVY) * inv_height); // snap glyph origin to whole screen pixel LLRectf screen_rect(llround(cur_render_x + (F32)fgi->mXBearing), llround(cur_render_y + (F32)fgi->mYBearing), llround(cur_render_x + (F32)fgi->mXBearing) + (F32)fgi->mWidth, llround(cur_render_y + (F32)fgi->mYBearing) - (F32)fgi->mHeight); drawGlyph(screen_rect, uv_rect, color, style, drop_shadow_strength); chars_drawn++; cur_x += fgi->mXAdvance; cur_y += fgi->mYAdvance; llwchar next_char = wstr[i+1]; if (next_char && (next_char < LAST_CHARACTER)) { // Kern this puppy. if (!hasGlyph(next_char)) { addChar(next_char); } cur_x += getXKerning(wch, next_char); } // Round after kerning. // Must do this to cur_x, not just to cur_render_x, otherwise you // will squish sub-pixel kerned characters too close together. // For example, "CCCCC" looks bad. cur_x = (F32)llfloor(cur_x + 0.5f); //cur_y = (F32)llfloor(cur_y + 0.5f); cur_render_x = cur_x; cur_render_y = cur_y; } } if (right_x) { *right_x = cur_x / sScaleX; } if (style & UNDERLINE) { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.vertex2f(start_x, cur_y - (mDescender)); gGL.vertex2f(cur_x, cur_y - (mDescender)); gGL.end(); } // *FIX: get this working in all alignment cases, etc. if (draw_ellipses) { // recursively render ellipses at end of string // we've already reserved enough room gGL.pushMatrix(); //glLoadIdentity(); //gGL.translatef(sCurOrigin.mX, sCurOrigin.mY, 0.0f); //glScalef(sScaleX, sScaleY, 1.f); renderUTF8(std::string("..."), 0, cur_x / sScaleX, (F32)y, color, LEFT, valign, style, S32_MAX, max_pixels, right_x, FALSE); gGL.popMatrix(); } gGL.popMatrix(); return chars_drawn; }
S32 LLFontGL::render(const LLWString &wstr, S32 begin_offset, F32 x, F32 y, const LLColor4 &color, HAlign halign, VAlign valign, U8 style, ShadowType shadow, S32 max_chars, S32 max_pixels, F32* right_x, BOOL use_embedded, BOOL use_ellipses) const { LLFastTimer _(FTM_RENDER_FONTS); if(!sDisplayFont) //do not display texts { return wstr.length() ; } if (wstr.empty() || !max_pixels) { return 0; } if (max_chars == -1) max_chars = S32_MAX; const S32 max_index = llmin(llmax(max_chars, begin_offset + max_chars), S32(wstr.length())); if (max_index <= 0 || begin_offset >= max_index || max_pixels <= 0) return 0; gGL.getTexUnit(0)->enable(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); S32 scaled_max_pixels = max_pixels == S32_MAX ? S32_MAX : llceil((F32)max_pixels * sScaleX); // Strip off any style bits that are already accounted for by the font. style = style & (~getFontDesc().getStyle()); F32 drop_shadow_strength = 0.f; if (shadow != NO_SHADOW) { F32 luminance; color.calcHSL(NULL, NULL, &luminance); drop_shadow_strength = clamp_rescale(luminance, 0.35f, 0.6f, 0.f, 1.f); if (luminance < 0.35f) { shadow = NO_SHADOW; } } gGL.pushUIMatrix(); gGL.loadUIIdentity(); LLVector2 origin(floorf(sCurOrigin.mX*sScaleX), floorf(sCurOrigin.mY*sScaleY)); // Depth translation, so that floating text appears 'in-world' // and is correctly occluded. gGL.translatef(0.f,0.f,sCurDepth); S32 chars_drawn = 0; S32 i; S32 length = max_index - begin_offset; F32 cur_x, cur_y, cur_render_x, cur_render_y; // Not guaranteed to be set correctly gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); cur_x = ((F32)x * sScaleX) + origin.mV[VX]; cur_y = ((F32)y * sScaleY) + origin.mV[VY]; // Offset y by vertical alignment. // use unscaled font metrics here switch (valign) { case TOP: cur_y -= llceil(mFontFreetype->getAscenderHeight()); break; case BOTTOM: cur_y += llceil(mFontFreetype->getDescenderHeight()); break; case VCENTER: cur_y -= llceil((llceil(mFontFreetype->getAscenderHeight()) - llceil(mFontFreetype->getDescenderHeight())) / 2.f); break; case BASELINE: // Baseline, do nothing. break; default: break; } switch (halign) { case LEFT: break; case RIGHT: cur_x -= llmin(scaled_max_pixels, ll_round(getWidthF32(wstr.c_str(), begin_offset, length) * sScaleX)); break; case HCENTER: cur_x -= llmin(scaled_max_pixels, ll_round(getWidthF32(wstr.c_str(), begin_offset, length) * sScaleX)) / 2; break; default: break; } cur_render_y = cur_y; cur_render_x = cur_x; F32 start_x = (F32)ll_round(cur_x); const LLFontBitmapCache* font_bitmap_cache = mFontFreetype->getFontBitmapCache(); F32 inv_width = 1.f / font_bitmap_cache->getBitmapWidth(); F32 inv_height = 1.f / font_bitmap_cache->getBitmapHeight(); const S32 LAST_CHARACTER = LLFontFreetype::LAST_CHAR_FULL; BOOL draw_ellipses = FALSE; if (use_ellipses && halign == LEFT) { // check for too long of a string S32 string_width = ll_round(getWidthF32(wstr, begin_offset, max_chars) * sScaleX); if (string_width > scaled_max_pixels) { // use four dots for ellipsis width to generate padding const LLWString dots(utf8str_to_wstring(std::string("...."))); scaled_max_pixels = llmax(0, scaled_max_pixels - ll_round(getWidthF32(dots.c_str()))); draw_ellipses = TRUE; } } const LLFontGlyphInfo* next_glyph = NULL; const S32 GLYPH_BATCH_SIZE = 30; static LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a vertices[GLYPH_BATCH_SIZE * 4]); static LLVector2 uvs[GLYPH_BATCH_SIZE * 4]; static LLColor4U colors[GLYPH_BATCH_SIZE * 4]; LLColor4U text_color(color); S32 bitmap_num = -1; S32 glyph_count = 0; for (i = begin_offset; i < begin_offset + length; i++) { llwchar wch = wstr[i]; // Handle embedded characters first, if they're enabled. // Embedded characters are a hack for notecards const embedded_data_t* ext_data = use_embedded ? getEmbeddedCharData(wch) : NULL; if (ext_data) { LLImageGL* ext_image = ext_data->mImage; const LLWString& label = ext_data->mLabel; F32 ext_height = (F32)ext_image->getHeight() * sScaleY; F32 ext_width = (F32)ext_image->getWidth() * sScaleX; F32 ext_advance = (EXT_X_BEARING * sScaleX) + ext_width; if (!label.empty()) { ext_advance += (EXT_X_BEARING + getFontExtChar()->getWidthF32( label.c_str() )) * sScaleX; } if (start_x + scaled_max_pixels < cur_x + ext_advance) { // Not enough room for this character. break; } gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(ext_image); // snap origin to whole screen pixel const F32 ext_x = (F32)ll_round(cur_render_x + (EXT_X_BEARING * sScaleX)); const F32 ext_y = (F32)ll_round(cur_render_y + (EXT_Y_BEARING * sScaleY + mFontFreetype->getAscenderHeight() - mFontFreetype->getLineHeight())); LLRectf uv_rect(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f); LLRectf screen_rect(ext_x, ext_y + ext_height, ext_x + ext_width, ext_y); if (glyph_count > 0) { gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); { gGL.vertexBatchPreTransformed(vertices, uvs, colors, glyph_count * 4); } gGL.end(); glyph_count = 0; } renderQuad(vertices, uvs, colors, screen_rect, uv_rect, LLColor4U::white, 0); //No batching here. It will never happen. gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); { gGL.vertexBatchPreTransformed(vertices, uvs, colors, 4); } gGL.end(); if (!label.empty()) { gGL.pushMatrix(); getFontExtChar()->render(label, 0, /*llfloor*/(ext_x / sScaleX) + ext_image->getWidth() + EXT_X_BEARING - sCurOrigin.mX, /*llfloor*/(cur_render_y / sScaleY) - sCurOrigin.mY, color, halign, BASELINE, UNDERLINE, NO_SHADOW, S32_MAX, S32_MAX, NULL, TRUE ); gGL.popMatrix(); } chars_drawn++; cur_x += ext_advance; if (((i + 1) < length) && wstr[i+1]) { cur_x += EXT_KERNING * sScaleX; } cur_render_x = cur_x; } else { const LLFontGlyphInfo* fgi = next_glyph; next_glyph = NULL; if(!fgi) { fgi = mFontFreetype->getGlyphInfo(wch); } if (!fgi) { LL_ERRS() << "Missing Glyph Info" << LL_ENDL; break; } // Per-glyph bitmap texture. S32 next_bitmap_num = fgi->mBitmapNum; if (next_bitmap_num != bitmap_num) { // Actually draw the queued glyphs before switching their texture; // otherwise the queued glyphs will be taken from wrong textures. if (glyph_count > 0) { gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); { gGL.vertexBatchPreTransformed(vertices, uvs, colors, glyph_count * 4); } gGL.end(); glyph_count = 0; } bitmap_num = next_bitmap_num; LLImageGL *font_image = font_bitmap_cache->getImageGL(bitmap_num); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(font_image); } if ((start_x + scaled_max_pixels) < (cur_x + fgi->mXBearing + fgi->mWidth)) { // Not enough room for this character. break; } // Draw the text at the appropriate location //Specify vertices and texture coordinates LLRectf uv_rect((fgi->mXBitmapOffset) * inv_width, (fgi->mYBitmapOffset + fgi->mHeight + PAD_UVY) * inv_height, (fgi->mXBitmapOffset + fgi->mWidth) * inv_width, (fgi->mYBitmapOffset - PAD_UVY) * inv_height); // snap glyph origin to whole screen pixel LLRectf screen_rect((F32)ll_round(cur_render_x + (F32)fgi->mXBearing), (F32)ll_round(cur_render_y + (F32)fgi->mYBearing), (F32)ll_round(cur_render_x + (F32)fgi->mXBearing) + (F32)fgi->mWidth, (F32)ll_round(cur_render_y + (F32)fgi->mYBearing) - (F32)fgi->mHeight); if (glyph_count >= GLYPH_BATCH_SIZE) { gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); { gGL.vertexBatchPreTransformed(vertices, uvs, colors, glyph_count * 4); } gGL.end(); glyph_count = 0; } drawGlyph(glyph_count, vertices, uvs, colors, screen_rect, uv_rect, text_color, style, shadow, drop_shadow_strength); chars_drawn++; cur_x += fgi->mXAdvance; cur_y += fgi->mYAdvance; llwchar next_char = wstr[i+1]; if (next_char && (next_char < LAST_CHARACTER)) { // Kern this puppy. next_glyph = mFontFreetype->getGlyphInfo(next_char); cur_x += mFontFreetype->getXKerning(fgi, next_glyph); } // Round after kerning. // Must do this to cur_x, not just to cur_render_x, otherwise you // will squish sub-pixel kerned characters too close together. // For example, "CCCCC" looks bad. cur_x = (F32)ll_round(cur_x); //cur_y = (F32)ll_round(cur_y); cur_render_x = cur_x; cur_render_y = cur_y; } } if(glyph_count) { gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); { gGL.vertexBatchPreTransformed(vertices, uvs, colors, glyph_count * 4); } gGL.end(); } if (right_x) { *right_x = (cur_x - origin.mV[VX]) / sScaleX; } if (style & UNDERLINE) { F32 descender = (F32)llfloor(mFontFreetype->getDescenderHeight()); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.vertex2f(start_x, cur_y - descender); gGL.vertex2f(cur_x, cur_y - descender); gGL.end(); } if (draw_ellipses) { // recursively render ellipses at end of string // we've already reserved enough room gGL.pushUIMatrix(); renderUTF8(std::string("..."), 0, (cur_x - origin.mV[VX]) / sScaleX, (F32)y, color, LEFT, valign, style, shadow, S32_MAX, max_pixels, right_x, FALSE); gGL.popUIMatrix(); } gGL.popUIMatrix(); return chars_drawn; }