static int writeGPSChannels(SampleRecord *sampleRecord, size_t currentTicks, GPSConfig *config){
	int rate = SAMPLE_DISABLED;
		size_t sr = config->dateCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->GPS_DateSample.intValue = getDate();
		size_t sr = config->timeCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->GPS_TimeSample.floatValue = getUTCTime();
		//latitude sample rate is a stand-in for position sample rate
		size_t sr = config->latitudeCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->GPS_LatitueSample.floatValue = getLatitude();
				sampleRecord->GPS_LongitudeSample.floatValue = getLongitude();

		size_t sr = config->satellitesCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->GPS_SatellitesSample.intValue = getSatellitesUsedForPosition();

		size_t sr = config->speedCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->GPS_SpeedSample.floatValue = getGPSSpeed() *  0.621371192; //convert to MPH
	return rate;
static int writeTrackChannels(SampleRecord *sampleRecord, size_t currentTicks, TrackConfig *config){
	int rate = SAMPLE_DISABLED;
		size_t sr = config->lapCountCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->Track_LapCountSample.intValue = getLapCount();
		size_t sr = config->splitTimeCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->Track_SplitTimeSample.floatValue = getLastSectorTime(); // getLastSplitTime()->getLastSectorTime() ?-jrwiebe 
		size_t sr = config->lapTimeCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->Track_LapTimeSample.floatValue = getLastLapTime();
		size_t sr = config->distanceCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->Track_DistanceSample.floatValue = getGpsDistance() * 0.621371192; //convert to miles
		size_t sr = config->predTimeCfg.sampleRate;
		if (sr != SAMPLE_DISABLED){
			if ((currentTicks % sr) == 0){
				rate = HIGHER_SAMPLE_RATE(sr, rate);
				sampleRecord->Track_PredTimeSample.floatValue = get_predicted_time(getGPSSpeed());
	return rate;
float getGpsSpeedInMph()
    return getGPSSpeed() * 0.621371192; //convert to MPH
    /* Function to populate TSK Blackboard exif related attributes */
    void extractExifData(ExifData * exifData, TskFile * pFile)
        std::map<ExifTag, TSK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE>::iterator it;
        std::vector<TskBlackboardAttribute> attrs;
        std::string datetime = "";
        int timezone = 0;

        for (it = tagMap.begin(); it != tagMap.end(); ++it)
            ExifEntry * exifEntry = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, it->first);
            char tag_data[256];

            if (exifEntry == NULL)

            if (it->first == EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE ||
                it->first == EXIF_TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE)
                // Check for the EXIF_IFD_GPS image file directory to avoid interoperability value
                ExifIfd ifd = exif_entry_get_ifd(exifEntry);
                if (ifd != EXIF_IFD_GPS)

                exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256);

                float decDegrees = getDecimalDegrees(tag_data);

                char refValue[2];

                if (it->first == EXIF_TAG_GPS_LATITUDE)
                    // Get the latitude reference value; used to determine if positive or negative decimal value
                    ExifEntry * latitudeRef = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, it->first);
                    exif_entry_get_value(latitudeRef, refValue,2);

                    if (strcmp(refValue, "S") == 0)
                        decDegrees *= -1;
                    // Get the longitude reference value; used to determine if positive or negative decimal value
                    ExifEntry * longitudeRef = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, it->first);
                    exif_entry_get_value(longitudeRef, refValue,2);

                    if (strcmp(refValue, "W") == 0)
                        decDegrees *= -1;
                TskBlackboardAttribute attr(it->second, name(), "", decDegrees);
            else if (it->first == EXIF_TAG_GPS_SPEED)
                // Check for the EXIF_IFD_GPS image file directory to avoid interoperability value
                ExifIfd ifd = exif_entry_get_ifd(exifEntry);
                if (ifd != EXIF_IFD_GPS)

                //Get the GPS speed value
                exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256);

                float speed = getGPSSpeed(tag_data);

                char refValue[2];

                //Get the GPS speed reference value
                ExifEntry * speedRef = exif_data_get_entry(exifData, it->first);
                exif_entry_get_value(speedRef, refValue,2);

                //Convert Kilometers per hour to meters per second 
                if (strcmp(refValue, "K") == 0)
                     speed *= 0.277778;
                //Convert Miles per hour to meters per second 
                if (strcmp(refValue, "M") == 0)
                    speed *= 0.44704;
                //Convert Knots to meters per second
                if (strcmp(refValue, "N") == 0)
                    speed *= 0.514444;
                TskBlackboardAttribute attr(it->second, name(), "", speed);
            else if (it->first == EXIF_TAG_DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL) 
                exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256);
                datetime = std::string(tag_data);
            else if(it->first == EXIF_TAG_TIME_ZONE_OFFSET){
                exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256);
                timezone = atoi(tag_data);
                // Get the tag's data
                exif_entry_get_value(exifEntry, tag_data, 256);

                // Add tag data to blackboard
                TskBlackboardAttribute attr(it->second, name(), "", tag_data);
            Poco::DateTime parsedDT;
            int tzd;
            Poco::DateTimeParser::tryParse(datetime, parsedDT, tzd);
            TskBlackboardAttribute attr(TSK_DATETIME, name(), "", (uint64_t)parsedDT.utcTime());
        if(attrs.size() > 0){
            TskBlackboardArtifact art = pFile->createArtifact(TSK_METADATA_EXIF);
            for(size_t i = 0; i < attrs.size(); i++){