void VcfMaterializer::_loadLevels(int rID)

    std::stringstream ssTop, ssBottom;
    ssTop << sequenceName(faiIndex, rID) << "/TOP";
    unsigned idx = 0;
    if (!getIdByName(idx, methFaiIndex, ssTop.str().c_str()))
        throw MasonIOException("Could not find top levels in methylation FASTA.");
    readSequence(currentLevels.forward, methFaiIndex, idx);
    ssBottom << sequenceName(faiIndex, rID) << "/BOT";
    if (!getIdByName(idx, methFaiIndex, ssBottom.str().c_str()))
        throw MasonIOException("Could not find bottom levels in methylation FASTA.");
    readSequence(currentLevels.reverse, methFaiIndex, idx);
    // Append the transcript names for the given record.
    void _appendTranscriptNames(seqan::String<unsigned> & tIDs,  // transcript ids to write out
                                seqan::StringSet<seqan::CharString> & contigNames,
                                seqan::NameStoreCache<seqan::StringSet<seqan::CharString> > & cache,
                                MyGffRecord const & record)

        seqan::CharString groupNames;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(record.tagNames); ++i)
            if (record.tagNames[i] == options.gffGroupBy)
                groupNames = record.tagValues[i];
        if (empty(groupNames))
            return;  // Record has no group names.

        // Write out the ids of the transcripts that the record belongs to as indices in contigNames.
        unsigned idx = 0;
        seqan::StringSet<seqan::CharString> ss;
        strSplit(ss, groupNames, seqan::EqualsChar<','>());
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(ss); ++i)
            if (empty(ss[i]))
            if (!getIdByName(contigNames, ss[i], idx, cache))
                appendValue(tIDs, length(contigNames));
                appendName(contigNames, ss[i], cache);
                appendValue(tIDs, idx);
文件: monsters.cpp 项目: milbradt/TFS
MonsterType* Monsters::getMonsterType(const std::string& name)
	uint32_t mId = getIdByName(name);
	if(mId != 0)
		return getMonsterType(mId);

	return NULL;
MonsterType* Monsters::getMonsterType(const std::string& name)
	uint32_t mId = getIdByName(name);
	if (mId == 0) {
		return nullptr;
	return getMonsterType(mId);
void ProjectSplicedRoi::_updateRanges(seqan::GffRecord const & record,
                                      seqan::Segment<seqan::CharString, seqan::InfixSegment> const & name)
    if (verbosity >= 3)
        std::cerr << "Updating " << name << "\t" << record.beginPos << "\t" << record.endPos << "\n";

    unsigned idx = 0;
    if (getIdByName(groupNames, name, idx, groupNamesCache))
        ranges[idx].i1 = std::min(ranges[idx].i1, (int)record.beginPos);
        ranges[idx].i2 = std::max(ranges[idx].i2, (int)record.endPos);
        idx = length(groupNames);
        appendName(groupNames, name, groupNamesCache);
        appendValue(ranges, TIntPair(record.beginPos, record.endPos));
    void _readFirstRecord(MyGffRecord & record)
        record.rID = record.INVALID_IDX;  // uninitialized

        bool found = false;
        while (!found && !atEnd(gffFileIn))
            readRecord(record, gffFileIn);

            // Translate ref to idx from VCF.
            unsigned idx = 0;
            if (!getIdByName(idx, vcfMat.faiIndex, record.ref))
                throw MasonIOException("Reference name from GFF/GTF not in VCF!");
            record.rID = idx;

            if (empty(options.gffType) || (options.gffType == record.type))
                found = true;
        if (!found)
            record.rID = seqan::maxValue<int>();
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
    double startTime = 0;
    // Parse command line.
    FxFaidxOptions options;
    seqan::ArgumentParser::ParseResult res = parseArgs(options, argc, argv);
    if (res != seqan::ArgumentParser::PARSE_OK)
        return res == seqan::ArgumentParser::PARSE_ERROR;  // 1 on errors, 0 otherwise

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Index I/O
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Load index, create if necessary.
    startTime = sysTime();
    seqan::FaiIndex faiIndex;
    if (load(faiIndex, toCString(options.inFastaPath), toCString(options.inFaiPath)) != 0)
        if (options.verbosity >= 2)
            std::cerr << "Building Index        " << options.inFaiPath << " ...";
        if (buildIndex(toCString(options.inFastaPath), toCString(options.inFaiPath), seqan::Fai()) != 0)
            std::cerr << "Could not build FAI index at " << options.inFaiPath
                      << " for FASTA file " << options.inFastaPath << "\n";
            return 1;
        if (load(faiIndex, toCString(options.inFastaPath), toCString(options.inFaiPath)) != 0)
            std::cerr << "Could not load FAI index we just build.\n";
            return 1;
    if (options.verbosity >= 3)
        std::cerr << "Took " << (startTime - sysTime()) << " s\n";

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Parse and Fetch Regions.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (empty(options.regions))
        return 0;

    // Parse out regions.
    seqan::String<Region> regions;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(options.regions); ++i)
        Region region;
        if (!parseRegion(region, options.regions[i]))
            std::cerr << "Could not parse region " << options.regions[i] << "\n";
            return 1;
        unsigned seqId;
        if (!getIdByName(faiIndex, region.seqName, seqId))
            std::cerr << "Unknown sequence for region " << options.regions[i] << "\n";
            return 1;
        region.seqId = seqId;
        if (region.seqId < 0 || (unsigned)region.seqId >= length(faiIndex.indexEntryStore))
            std::cerr << "Invalid region " << options.regions[i] << "\n";
            return 1;
        appendValue(regions, region);

    // Open output file.
    std::ostream * outPtr = &std::cout;
    std::ofstream outF;
    if (!empty(options.outFastaPath))
        outF.open(toCString(options.outFastaPath), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
        if (!outF.good())
            std::cerr << "Could not open output file " << options.outFastaPath << "\n";
            return 1;

    // Retrieve output infixes and write to result.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(regions); ++i)
        Region const & region = regions[i];
        seqan::CharString id = options.regions[i];
        seqan::CharString seq;
        unsigned beginPos = 0;
        if (region.beginPos > 0)
            beginPos = region.beginPos;
        unsigned endPos = sequenceLength(faiIndex, (unsigned)region.seqId);
        if (region.endPos > 0 && (unsigned)region.endPos < endPos)
            endPos = region.endPos;
        if (beginPos > endPos)
            endPos = beginPos;
        getSequenceInfix(seq, faiIndex, region.seqId, beginPos, endPos);
        if (writeRecord(*outPtr, id, seq, seqan::Fasta()) != 0)
            std::cerr << "Could not write infix for region " << options.regions[i] << " to output.\n";
            return 1;

    return 0;
文件: monsters.cpp 项目: milbradt/TFS
bool Monsters::loadMonster(const std::string& file, const std::string& monsterName, bool reloading/* = false*/)
	if(getIdByName(monsterName) && !reloading)
		std::clog << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Duplicate registered monster with name: " << monsterName << std::endl;
		return true;

	bool monsterLoad, new_mType = true;
	MonsterType* mType = NULL;
		uint32_t id = getIdByName(monsterName);
		if(id != 0)
			mType = getMonsterType(id);
			if(mType != NULL)
				new_mType = false;

		mType = new MonsterType();

	xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str());
		std::clog << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cannot load monster (" << monsterName << ") file (" << file << ")." << std::endl;
		std::clog << getLastXMLError() << std::endl;
		return false;

	monsterLoad = true;
	xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
	if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"monster"))
		std::clog << "[Error - Monsters::loadMonster] Malformed monster (" << monsterName << ") file (" << file << ")." << std::endl;
		return false;

	int32_t intValue;
	std::string strValue;
	if(readXMLString(root, "name", strValue))
		mType->name = strValue;
		monsterLoad = false;

	if(readXMLString(root, "nameDescription", strValue))
		mType->nameDescription = strValue;
		mType->nameDescription = "a " + mType->name;

	if(readXMLString(root, "race", strValue))
		std::string tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue);
		if(tmpStrValue == "venom")
			mType->race = RACE_VENOM;
		else if(tmpStrValue == "blood")
			mType->race = RACE_BLOOD;
		else if(tmpStrValue == "undead")
			mType->race = RACE_UNDEAD;
		else if(tmpStrValue == "fire")
			mType->race = RACE_FIRE;
		else if(tmpStrValue == "energy")
			mType->race = RACE_ENERGY;
			int32_t race = atoi(strValue.c_str());
			if(race < RACE_VENOM || race > RACE_ENERGY)
				SHOW_XML_WARNING("Unknown race type " << strValue);
				mType->race = (RaceType_t)race;

	if(readXMLInteger(root, "experience", intValue))
		mType->experience = intValue;

	if(readXMLInteger(root, "speed", intValue))
		mType->baseSpeed = intValue;

	if(readXMLInteger(root, "manacost", intValue))
		mType->manaCost = intValue;

	if(readXMLString(root, "skull", strValue))
		mType->skull = getSkulls(strValue);

	if(readXMLString(root, "shield", strValue))
		mType->partyShield = getShields(strValue);

	if(readXMLString(root, "emblem", strValue))
		mType->guildEmblem = getEmblems(strValue);

	for(xmlNodePtr p = root->children; p; p = p->next)
		if(p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)

		if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"health"))
			if(!readXMLInteger(p, "max", intValue))
				SHOW_XML_ERROR("Missing health.max");
				monsterLoad = false;

			mType->healthMax = intValue;
			if(!readXMLInteger(p, "now", intValue))
				mType->health = mType->healthMax;
				mType->health = intValue;
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"flags"))
			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(!xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"flag"))
					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "summonable", strValue))
						mType->isSummonable = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "attackable", strValue))
						mType->isAttackable = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "hostile", strValue))
						mType->isHostile = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "illusionable", strValue))
						mType->isIllusionable = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "convinceable", strValue))
						mType->isConvinceable = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "pushable", strValue))
						mType->pushable = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "canpushitems", strValue))
						mType->canPushItems = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "canpushcreatures", strValue))
						mType->canPushCreatures = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "hidename", strValue))
						mType->hideName = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "hidehealth", strValue))
						mType->hideHealth = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "lootmessage", intValue))
						mType->lootMessage = (LootMessage_t)intValue;

					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "staticattack", intValue))
						if(intValue < 0 || intValue > 100)
							SHOW_XML_WARNING("staticattack lower than 0 or greater than 100");
							intValue = 0;

						mType->staticAttackChance = intValue;

					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "lightlevel", intValue))
						mType->lightLevel = intValue;

					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "lightcolor", intValue))
						mType->lightColor = intValue;

					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "targetdistance", intValue))
						if(intValue > Map::maxViewportX)
							SHOW_XML_WARNING("targetdistance greater than maxViewportX");

						mType->targetDistance = std::max(1, intValue);

					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "runonhealth", intValue))
						mType->runAwayHealth = intValue;

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "lureable", strValue))
						mType->isLureable = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "walkable", strValue))
						mType->isWalkable = booleanString(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "skull", strValue))
						mType->skull = getSkulls(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "shield", strValue))
						mType->partyShield = getShields(strValue);

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "emblem", strValue))
						mType->guildEmblem = getEmblems(strValue);

			//if a monster can push creatures, it should not be pushable
			if(mType->canPushCreatures && mType->pushable)
				mType->pushable = false;
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"targetchange"))
			if(readXMLInteger(p, "speed", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "interval", intValue))
				mType->changeTargetSpeed = std::max(1, intValue);
				SHOW_XML_WARNING("Missing targetchange.speed");

			if(readXMLInteger(p, "chance", intValue))
				mType->changeTargetChance = intValue;
				SHOW_XML_WARNING("Missing targetchange.chance");
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"strategy"))
			if(readXMLInteger(p, "attack", intValue)) {}
				//mType->attackStrength = intValue;

			if(readXMLInteger(p, "defense", intValue)) {}
				//mType->defenseStrength = intValue;
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"look"))
			if(readXMLInteger(p, "type", intValue))
				mType->outfit.lookType = intValue;
				if(readXMLInteger(p, "head", intValue))
					mType->outfit.lookHead = intValue;

				if(readXMLInteger(p, "body", intValue))
					mType->outfit.lookBody = intValue;

				if(readXMLInteger(p, "legs", intValue))
					mType->outfit.lookLegs = intValue;

				if(readXMLInteger(p, "feet", intValue))
					mType->outfit.lookFeet = intValue;

				if(readXMLInteger(p, "addons", intValue))
					mType->outfit.lookAddons = intValue;
			else if(readXMLInteger(p, "typeex", intValue))
				mType->outfit.lookTypeEx = intValue;
				SHOW_XML_WARNING("Missing look type/typeex");

			if(readXMLInteger(p, "corpse", intValue))
				mType->lookCorpse = intValue;

			if(readXMLInteger(p, "corpseUniqueId", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "corpseUid", intValue))
				mType->corpseUnique = intValue;

			if(readXMLInteger(p, "corpseActionId", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "corpseAid", intValue))
				mType->corpseAction = intValue;
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"attacks"))
			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(!xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"attack"))
					spellBlock_t sb;
					if(deserializeSpell(tmpNode, sb, monsterName))
						SHOW_XML_WARNING("Cant load spell");
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"defenses"))
			if(readXMLInteger(p, "defense", intValue))
				mType->defense = intValue;

			if(readXMLInteger(p, "armor", intValue))
				mType->armor = intValue;

			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(!xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"defense"))
					spellBlock_t sb;
					if(deserializeSpell(tmpNode, sb, monsterName))
						SHOW_XML_WARNING("Cant load spell");
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"immunities"))
			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(!xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"immunity"))
					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "name", strValue))
						std::string tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(strValue);
						if(tmpStrValue == "physical")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE;
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_PHYSICAL;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "energy")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE;
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_ENERGY;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "fire")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE;
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_FIRE;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "poison" || tmpStrValue == "earth")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE;
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_POISON;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "ice")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE;
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_FREEZING;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "holy")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE;
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DAZZLED;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "death")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE;
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_CURSED;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "drown")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE;
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DROWN;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "lifedrain")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "manadrain")
							mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_MANADRAIN;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "paralyze")
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_PARALYZE;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "outfit")
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_OUTFIT;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "drunk")
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DRUNK;
						else if(tmpStrValue == "invisible")
							mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_INVISIBLE;
							SHOW_XML_WARNING("Unknown immunity name " << strValue);
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "physical", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE;
						//mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_PHYSICAL;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "energy", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE;
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_ENERGY;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "fire", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE;
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_FIRE;
					else if((readXMLString(tmpNode, "poison", strValue) || readXMLString(tmpNode, "earth", strValue))
						&& booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE;
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_POISON;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "drown", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE;
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DROWN;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "ice", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE;
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_FREEZING;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "holy", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE;
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DAZZLED;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "death", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE;
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_CURSED;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "lifedrain", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "manadrain", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "paralyze", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_PARALYZE;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "outfit", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_OUTFIT;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "drunk", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DRUNK;
					else if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "invisible", strValue) && booleanString(strValue))
						mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_INVISIBLE;
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"voices"))
			if(readXMLInteger(p, "speed", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "interval", intValue))
				mType->yellSpeedTicks = intValue;
				SHOW_XML_WARNING("Missing voices.speed");

			if(readXMLInteger(p, "chance", intValue))
				mType->yellChance = intValue;
				SHOW_XML_WARNING("Missing voices.chance");

			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(!xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"voice"))
					voiceBlock_t vb;
					vb.text = "";
					vb.yellText = false;

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "sentence", strValue))
						vb.text = strValue;
						SHOW_XML_WARNING("Missing voice.sentence");

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "yell", strValue))
						vb.yellText = booleanString(strValue);

		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"loot"))
			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(tmpNode->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)

				LootBlock rootBlock;
				if(loadLoot(tmpNode, rootBlock))
					SHOW_XML_WARNING("Cant load loot");
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"elements"))
			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(!xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"element"))
					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "firePercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "energyPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "icePercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "poisonPercent", intValue) || readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "earthPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "holyPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "deathPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "drownPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "physicalPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "lifeDrainPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "manaDrainPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_MANADRAIN] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "healingPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_HEALING] = intValue;
					else if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "undefinedPercent", intValue))
						mType->elementMap[COMBAT_UNDEFINEDDAMAGE] = intValue;
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"summons"))
			if(readXMLInteger(p, "maxSummons", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "max", intValue))
				mType->maxSummons = intValue;

			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(!xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"summon"))
					uint32_t chance = 100, interval = 1000, amount = 1;
					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "speed", intValue) || readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "interval", intValue))
						interval = intValue;

					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "chance", intValue))
						chance = intValue;

					if(readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "amount", intValue) || readXMLInteger(tmpNode, "max", intValue))
						amount = intValue;

					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "name", strValue))
						summonBlock_t sb;
						sb.name = strValue;
						sb.interval = interval;
						sb.chance = chance;
						sb.amount = amount;

						SHOW_XML_WARNING("Missing summon.name");
		else if(!xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"script"))
			for(xmlNodePtr tmpNode = p->children; tmpNode; tmpNode = tmpNode->next)
				if(!xmlStrcmp(tmpNode->name, (const xmlChar*)"event"))
					if(readXMLString(tmpNode, "name", strValue))
						SHOW_XML_WARNING("Missing name for script event");
			SHOW_XML_WARNING("Unknown attribute type - " << p->name);

			delete mType;

		return false;

	static uint32_t id = 0;
		monsterNames[asLowerCaseString(monsterName)] = ++id;
		monsters[id] = mType;

	return true;
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
    if (argc != 7)
        std::cerr << "USAGE: " << argv[0] << " IN.bam IN.bam.bai REF BEGIN END COUNT\n";
        return 1;

    // Open BGZF Stream for reading.
    seqan::Stream<seqan::Bgzf> inStream;
    if (!open(inStream, argv[1], "r"))
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not open " << argv[1] << " for reading.\n";
        return 1;

    // Read BAI index.
    seqan::BamIndex<seqan::Bai> baiIndex;
    if (read(baiIndex, argv[2]) != 0)
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not read BAI index file " << argv[2] << "\n";
        return 1;

    // Setup name store, cache, and BAM I/O context.
    typedef seqan::StringSet<seqan::CharString> TNameStore;
    typedef seqan::NameStoreCache<TNameStore>   TNameStoreCache;
    typedef seqan::BamIOContext<TNameStore>     TBamIOContext;
    TNameStore      nameStore;
    TNameStoreCache nameStoreCache(nameStore);
    TBamIOContext   context(nameStore, nameStoreCache);

    // Read header.
    seqan::BamHeader header;
    if (readRecord(header, context, inStream, seqan::Bam()) != 0)
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not read header from BAM file " << argv[1] << "\n";
        return 1;

    // Translate from reference name to rId.
    int rId = 0;
    if (!getIdByName(nameStore, argv[3], rId, nameStoreCache))
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Reference sequence named " << argv[3] << " not known.\n";
        return 1;

    // Translate BEGIN and END arguments to number, 1-based to 0-based.
    int beginPos = 0, endPos = 0;
    if (!seqan::lexicalCast2(beginPos, argv[4]) || beginPos <= 0)
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Begin position " << argv[4] << " is invalid.\n";
        return 1;
    beginPos -= 1;  // 1-based to 0-based.
    if (!seqan::lexicalCast2(endPos, argv[5]) || endPos <= 0)
        std::cerr << "ERROR: End position " << argv[5] << " is invalid.\n";
        return 1;
    endPos -= 1;  // 1-based to 0-based.

    // Translate number of elements to print to number.
    int num = 0;
    if (!seqan::lexicalCast2(num, argv[6]))
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Count " << argv[6] << " is invalid.\n";
        return 1;

    // Jump the BGZF stream to this position.
    bool hasAlignments = false;
    if (!jumpToRegion(inStream, hasAlignments, context, rId, beginPos, endPos, baiIndex))
        std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not jump to " << argv[3] << ":" << argv[4] << "\n";
        return 1;
    if (!hasAlignments)
        return 0;  // No alignments here.

    // Seek linearly to the selected position.
    seqan::BamAlignmentRecord record;
    int numPrinted = 0;
    while (!atEnd(inStream) && numPrinted < num)
        if (readRecord(record, context, inStream, seqan::Bam()) != 0)
            std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not read record from BAM file.\n";
            return 1;

        // If we are on the next reference or at the end already then we stop.
        if (record.rId == -1 || record.rId > rId || record.pos >= endPos)
        // If we are left of the selected position then we skip this record.
        if (record.pos < beginPos)

        // Otherwise, we print it to the user.
        numPrinted += 1;
        if (write2(std::cout, record, context, seqan::Sam()) != 0)
            std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not write record to stdout.\n";
            return 1;

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
    double startTime = 0;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Parse command line.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    FxSamCoverageOptions options;
    seqan::ArgumentParser::ParseResult res = parseArgs(options, argc, argv);
    if (res != seqan::ArgumentParser::PARSE_OK)
        return res == seqan::ArgumentParser::PARSE_ERROR;  // 1 on errors, 0 otherwise

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Show options.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (options.verbosity >= 1)
        std::cerr << "____OPTIONS___________________________________________________________________\n"
                  << "\n"
                  << "VERBOSITY    " << options.verbosity << "\n"
                  << "GENOME       " << options.inGenomePath << "\n"
                  << "SAM          " << options.inSamPath << "\n"
                  << "OUT          " << options.outPath << "\n"
                  << "WINDOW SIZE  " << options.windowSize << "\n";

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Load Genome FAI Index
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    std::cerr << "\n"
              << "___PREPRATION_____________________________________________________________________\n"
              << "\n"
              << "Indexing GENOME file  " << options.inGenomePath << " ...";
    seqan::FaiIndex faiIndex;
    if (build(faiIndex, toCString(options.inGenomePath)) != 0)
        std::cerr << "Could not build FAI index.\n";
        return 1;
    std::cerr << " OK\n";

    // Prepare bins.
    seqan::String<seqan::String<BinData> > bins;
    resize(bins, numSeqs(faiIndex));

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Compute C+G content 
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    std::cerr << "\n"
              << "___C+G CONTENT COMPUTATION________________________________________________________\n"
              << "\n";

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSeqs(faiIndex); ++i)
        std::cerr << "[" << sequenceName(faiIndex, i) << "] ...";
        unsigned numBins = (sequenceLength(faiIndex, i) + options.windowSize - 1) / options.windowSize;
        resize(bins[i], numBins);
        seqan::Dna5String contigSeq;
        if (readSequence(contigSeq, faiIndex, i) != 0)
            std::cerr << "\nERROR: Could not read sequence " << sequenceName(faiIndex, i) << " from file!\n";
            return 1;

        for (unsigned bin = 0; bin < numBins; ++bin)
            unsigned cgCounter = 0;
            unsigned binSize = 0;
            bins[i][bin].length = options.windowSize;
            if ((bin + 1) * options.windowSize > length(contigSeq))
                bins[i][bin].length = length(contigSeq) - bin * options.windowSize;
            for (unsigned pos = bin * options.windowSize; pos < length(contigSeq) && pos < (bin + 1) * options.windowSize; ++pos, ++binSize)
                cgCounter += (contigSeq[pos] == 'C' || contigSeq[pos] == 'G');
            bins[i][bin].cgContent = 1.0 * cgCounter / binSize;
        std::cerr << "DONE\n";

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Compute Coverage
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    std::cerr << "\n"
              << "___COVERAGE COMPUATATION________________________________________________________\n"
              << "\n"
              << "Computing Coverage...";

    seqan::BamStream bamStream(toCString(options.inSamPath));
    if (!isGood(bamStream))
        std::cerr << "Could not open " << options.inSamPath << "!\n";
        return 1;

    seqan::BamAlignmentRecord record;
    while (!atEnd(bamStream))
        if (readRecord(record, bamStream) != 0)
            std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not read record from BAM file!\n";
            return 1;

        if (hasFlagUnmapped(record) || hasFlagSecondary(record) || record.rId == seqan::BamAlignmentRecord::INVALID_REFID)
            continue;  // Skip these records.

        int contigId = 0;
        seqan::CharString const & contigName = nameStore(bamStream.bamIOContext)[record.rId];
        if (!getIdByName(faiIndex, contigName, contigId))
            std::cerr << "ERROR: Alignment to unknown contig " << contigId << "!\n";
            return 1;
        unsigned binNo = record.pos / options.windowSize;
        bins[contigId][binNo].coverage += 1;

    std::cerr << "DONE\n";

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Write Output
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    std::ostream * out = &std::cout;
    std::ofstream outFile;
    if (options.outPath != "-")
        outFile.open(toCString(options.outPath), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
        if (!outFile.good())
            std::cerr << "ERROR: Could not open output file " << options.outPath << "!\n";
            return 1;
        out = &outFile;

    for (unsigned i = 0, globalBin = 0; i < length(bins); ++i)
        for (unsigned refBin = 0; refBin < length(bins[i]); ++refBin, ++globalBin)
            (*out) << globalBin << '\t'
                   << sequenceName(faiIndex, i) << '\t'
                   << refBin << '\t'
                   << refBin * options.windowSize << '\t'
                   << bins[i][refBin].length << '\t'
                   << bins[i][refBin].coverage << '\t'
                   << bins[i][refBin].cgContent << '\n';

    if (options.verbosity >= 2)
        std::cerr << "Took " << (sysTime() - startTime) << " s\n";

    return 0;
bool Monsters::loadMonster(const std::string& file, const std::string& monster_name, bool reloading /*= false*/)
	MonsterType* mType = nullptr;
	bool new_mType = true;

	if (reloading) {
		uint32_t id = getIdByName(monster_name);
		if (id != 0) {
			mType = getMonsterType(id);
			if (mType != nullptr) {
				new_mType = false;

	if (new_mType) {
		mType = new MonsterType();

	pugi::xml_document doc;
	pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(file.c_str());
	if (!result) {
		if (new_mType) {
			delete mType;
		std::cout << "[Error - Monsters::loadMonster] Failed to load " << file << ": " << result.description() << std::endl;
		return false;

	pugi::xml_node monsterNode = doc.child("monster");
	if (!monsterNode) {
		if (new_mType) {
			delete mType;
		std::cout << "[Error - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing monster node in: " << file << std::endl;
		return false;

	pugi::xml_attribute attr;
	if (!(attr = monsterNode.attribute("name"))) {
		if (new_mType) {
			delete mType;
		std::cout << "[Error - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing name in: " << file << std::endl;
		return false;
	mType->name = attr.as_string();

	if ((attr = monsterNode.attribute("nameDescription"))) {
		mType->nameDescription = attr.as_string();
	} else {
		mType->nameDescription = "a " + mType->name;

	if ((attr = monsterNode.attribute("race"))) {
		std::string tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(attr.as_string());
		uint16_t tmpInt = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());
		if (tmpStrValue == "venom" || tmpInt == 1) {
			mType->race = RACE_VENOM;
		} else if (tmpStrValue == "blood" || tmpInt == 2) {
			mType->race = RACE_BLOOD;
		} else if (tmpStrValue == "undead" || tmpInt == 3) {
			mType->race = RACE_UNDEAD;
		} else if (tmpStrValue == "fire" || tmpInt == 4) {
			mType->race = RACE_FIRE;
		} else if (tmpStrValue == "energy" || tmpInt == 5) {
			mType->race = RACE_ENERGY;
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Unknown race type " << attr.as_string() << ". " << file << std::endl;

	if ((attr = monsterNode.attribute("experience"))) {
		mType->experience = pugi::cast<uint64_t>(attr.value());

	if ((attr = monsterNode.attribute("speed"))) {
		mType->baseSpeed = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());

	if ((attr = monsterNode.attribute("manacost"))) {
		mType->manaCost = pugi::cast<uint32_t>(attr.value());

	if ((attr = monsterNode.attribute("script"))) {
		monsterScriptList[mType] = attr.as_string();

	pugi::xml_node node;
	if ((node = monsterNode.child("health"))) {
		if ((attr = node.attribute("now"))) {
			mType->health = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Error - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing health now. " << file << std::endl;

		if ((attr = node.attribute("max"))) {
			mType->healthMax = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Error - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing health max. " << file << std::endl;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("flags"))) {
		for (pugi::xml_node flagNode = node.first_child(); flagNode; flagNode = flagNode.next_sibling()) {
			attr = flagNode.first_attribute();
			const char* attrName = attr.name();
			if (strcasecmp(attrName, "summonable") == 0) {
				mType->isSummonable = attr.as_bool();
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "attackable") == 0) {
				mType->isAttackable = attr.as_bool();
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "hostile") == 0) {
				mType->isHostile = attr.as_bool();
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "illusionable") == 0) {
				mType->isIllusionable = attr.as_bool();
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "convinceable") == 0) {
				mType->isConvinceable = attr.as_bool();
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "pushable") == 0) {
				mType->pushable = attr.as_bool();
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "canpushitems") == 0) {
				mType->canPushItems = attr.as_bool();
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "canpushcreatures") == 0) {
				mType->canPushCreatures = attr.as_bool();
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "staticattack") == 0) {
				uint32_t staticAttack = pugi::cast<uint32_t>(attr.value());
				if (staticAttack > 100) {
					std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] staticattack greater than 100. " << file << std::endl;
					staticAttack = 100;

				mType->staticAttackChance = staticAttack;
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "lightlevel") == 0) {
				mType->lightLevel = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "lightcolor") == 0) {
				mType->lightColor = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "targetdistance") == 0) {
				mType->targetDistance = std::max<int32_t>(1, pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value()));
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "runonhealth") == 0) {
				mType->runAwayHealth = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if (strcasecmp(attrName, "hidehealth") == 0) {
				mType->hiddenHealth = attr.as_bool();
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Unknown flag attribute: " << attrName << ". " << file << std::endl;

		//if a monster can push creatures,
		// it should not be pushable
		if (mType->canPushCreatures && mType->pushable) {
			mType->pushable = false;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("targetchange"))) {
		if ((attr = node.attribute("speed")) || (attr = node.attribute("interval"))) {
			mType->changeTargetSpeed = std::max<int32_t>(1, pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value()));
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing targetchange speed. " << file << std::endl;

		if ((attr = node.attribute("chance"))) {
			mType->changeTargetChance = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing targetchange chance. " << file << std::endl;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("look"))) {
		if ((attr = node.attribute("type"))) {
			mType->outfit.lookType = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());

			if ((attr = node.attribute("head"))) {
				mType->outfit.lookHead = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());

			if ((attr = node.attribute("body"))) {
				mType->outfit.lookBody = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());

			if ((attr = node.attribute("legs"))) {
				mType->outfit.lookLegs = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());

			if ((attr = node.attribute("feet"))) {
				mType->outfit.lookFeet = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());

			if ((attr = node.attribute("addons"))) {
				mType->outfit.lookAddons = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());
		} else if ((attr = node.attribute("typeex"))) {
			mType->outfit.lookTypeEx = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing look type/typeex. " << file << std::endl;

		if ((attr = node.attribute("mount"))) {
			mType->outfit.lookMount = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());

		if ((attr = node.attribute("corpse"))) {
			mType->lookcorpse = pugi::cast<uint16_t>(attr.value());

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("attacks"))) {
		for (pugi::xml_node attackNode = node.first_child(); attackNode; attackNode = attackNode.next_sibling()) {
			spellBlock_t sb;
			if (deserializeSpell(attackNode, sb, monster_name)) {
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cant load spell. " << file << std::endl;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("defenses"))) {
		if ((attr = node.attribute("defense"))) {
			mType->defense = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());

		if ((attr = node.attribute("armor"))) {
			mType->armor = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());

		for (pugi::xml_node defenseNode = node.first_child(); defenseNode; defenseNode = defenseNode.next_sibling()) {
			spellBlock_t sb;
			if (deserializeSpell(defenseNode, sb, monster_name)) {
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cant load spell. " << file << std::endl;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("immunities"))) {
		for (pugi::xml_node immunityNode = node.first_child(); immunityNode; immunityNode = immunityNode.next_sibling()) {
			if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("name"))) {
				std::string tmpStrValue = asLowerCaseString(attr.as_string());
				if (tmpStrValue == "physical") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_BLEEDING;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "energy") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_ENERGY;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "fire") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_FIRE;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "poison" ||
							tmpStrValue == "earth") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_POISON;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "drown") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DROWN;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "ice") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_FREEZING;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "holy") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DAZZLED;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "death") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_CURSED;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "lifedrain") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "manadrain") {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_MANADRAIN;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "paralyze") {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_PARALYZE;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "outfit") {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_OUTFIT;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "drunk") {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DRUNK;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "invisible" || tmpStrValue == "invisibility") {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_INVISIBLE;
				} else if (tmpStrValue == "bleed") {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_BLEEDING;
				} else {
					std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Unknown immunity name " << attr.as_string() << ". " << file << std::endl;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("physical"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_BLEEDING;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("energy"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_ENERGY;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("fire"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_FIRE;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("poison")) || (attr = immunityNode.attribute("earth"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_POISON;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("drown"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DROWN;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("ice"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_FREEZING;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("holy"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DAZZLED;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("death"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE;
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_CURSED;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("lifedrain"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("manadrain"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->damageImmunities |= COMBAT_MANADRAIN;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("paralyze"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_PARALYZE;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("outfit"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_OUTFIT;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("bleed"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_BLEEDING;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("drunk"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_DRUNK;
			} else if ((attr = immunityNode.attribute("invisible")) || (attr = immunityNode.attribute("invisibility"))) {
				if (attr.as_bool()) {
					mType->conditionImmunities |= CONDITION_INVISIBLE;
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Unknown immunity. " << file << std::endl;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("voices"))) {
		if ((attr = node.attribute("speed")) || (attr = node.attribute("interval"))) {
			mType->yellSpeedTicks = pugi::cast<uint32_t>(attr.value());
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing voices speed. " << file << std::endl;

		if ((attr = node.attribute("chance"))) {
			mType->yellChance = pugi::cast<uint32_t>(attr.value());
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing voices chance. " << file << std::endl;

		for (pugi::xml_node voiceNode = node.first_child(); voiceNode; voiceNode = voiceNode.next_sibling()) {
			voiceBlock_t vb;
			if ((attr = voiceNode.attribute("sentence"))) {
				vb.text = attr.as_string();
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing voice sentence. " << file << std::endl;

			if ((attr = voiceNode.attribute("yell"))) {
				vb.yellText = attr.as_bool();
			} else {
				vb.yellText = false;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("loot"))) {
		for (pugi::xml_node lootNode = node.first_child(); lootNode; lootNode = lootNode.next_sibling()) {
			LootBlock lootBlock;
			if (loadLootItem(lootNode, lootBlock)) {
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Cant load loot. " << file << std::endl;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("elements"))) {
		for (pugi::xml_node elementNode = node.first_child(); elementNode; elementNode = elementNode.next_sibling()) {
			if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("physicalPercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("icePercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("poisonPercent")) || (attr = elementNode.attribute("earthPercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("firePercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("energyPercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("holyPercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("deathPercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("drownPercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("lifedrainPercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else if ((attr = elementNode.attribute("manadrainPercent"))) {
				mType->elementMap[COMBAT_MANADRAIN] = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Unknown element percent. " << file << std::endl;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("summons"))) {
		if ((attr = node.attribute("maxSummons"))) {
			mType->maxSummons = std::min<uint32_t>(pugi::cast<uint32_t>(attr.value()), 100);
		} else {
			std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing summons maxSummons. " << file << std::endl;

		for (pugi::xml_node summonNode = node.first_child(); summonNode; summonNode = summonNode.next_sibling()) {
			int32_t chance = 100;
			int32_t speed = 1000;

			if ((attr = summonNode.attribute("speed")) || (attr = summonNode.attribute("interval"))) {
				speed = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());

			if ((attr = summonNode.attribute("chance"))) {
				chance = pugi::cast<int32_t>(attr.value());

			if ((attr = summonNode.attribute("name"))) {
				summonBlock_t sb;
				sb.name = attr.as_string();
				sb.speed = speed;
				sb.chance = chance;
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing summon name. " << file << std::endl;

	if ((node = monsterNode.child("script"))) {
		for (pugi::xml_node eventNode = node.first_child(); eventNode; eventNode = eventNode.next_sibling()) {
			if ((attr = eventNode.attribute("name"))) {
			} else {
				std::cout << "[Warning - Monsters::loadMonster] Missing name for script event. " << file << std::endl;

	static uint32_t id = 0;
	if (new_mType) {
		std::string lowername = monster_name;

		monsterNames[lowername] = ++id;
		monsters[id] = mType;
	return true;
void VcfMaterializer::_appendToVariants(Variants & variants, seqan::VcfRecord const & vcfRecord)
    // Compute maximal length of alternative.
    unsigned altLength = 0;
    seqan::StringSet<seqan::CharString> alts;
    strSplit(alts, vcfRecord.alt, seqan::EqualsChar<','>());
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(alts); ++i)
        altLength = std::max(altLength, (unsigned)length(alts[i]));

    if (contains(vcfRecord.info, "SVTYPE"))  // Structural Variant
        StructuralVariantRecord svRecord;
        svRecord.rId = vcfRecord.rID;
        svRecord.pos = vcfRecord.beginPos + 1;  // given with shift of -1
        svRecord.haplotype = 0;

        SEQAN_ASSERT_EQ(length(alts), 1u);

        if (contains(vcfRecord.info, "SVTYPE=INS"))  // Insertion
            svRecord.kind = StructuralVariantRecord::INDEL;
            svRecord.size = getSVLen(vcfRecord.info);
            svRecord.seq = suffix(vcfRecord.alt, 1);
        else if (contains(vcfRecord.info, "SVTYPE=DEL"))  // Deletion
            svRecord.kind = StructuralVariantRecord::INDEL;
            svRecord.size = getSVLen(vcfRecord.info);
        else if (contains(vcfRecord.info, "SVTYPE=INV"))  // Inversion
            svRecord.kind = StructuralVariantRecord::INVERSION;
            svRecord.size = getSVLen(vcfRecord.info);
        else if (contains(vcfRecord.info, "SVTYPE=DUP"))  // Duplication
            svRecord.kind = StructuralVariantRecord::DUPLICATION;
            svRecord.size = getSVLen(vcfRecord.info);
            std::pair<seqan::CharString, int> pos = getTargetPos(vcfRecord.info);
            unsigned idx = 0;
            if (!getIdByName(idx, contigNamesCache(context(vcfFileIn)), pos.first))
                SEQAN_FAIL("Unknown sequence %s", toCString(pos.first));
            svRecord.targetRId = idx;
            svRecord.targetPos = pos.second - 1;
        else if (contains(vcfRecord.info, "SVTYPE=BND"))  // Breakend (Must be Translocation)
            SEQAN_FAIL("Unexpected 'SVTYPE=BND' at this place!");
            SEQAN_FAIL("ERROR: Unknown SVTYPE!\n");

        // Split the target variants.
        seqan::DirectionIterator<seqan::CharString const, seqan::Input>::Type inputIter =
                directionIterator(vcfRecord.genotypeInfos[0], seqan::Input());
        seqan::CharString buffer;
        svRecord.haplotype = 0;
        for (; !atEnd(inputIter); ++inputIter)
            if ((*inputIter == '|' || *inputIter == '/'))
                if (!empty(buffer))
                    unsigned idx = std::min(seqan::lexicalCast<unsigned>(buffer), 1u);
                    if (idx != 0u)  // if not == ref
                        appendValue(variants.svRecords, svRecord);
                appendValue(buffer, *inputIter);
        if (!empty(buffer))
            unsigned idx = std::min(seqan::lexicalCast<unsigned>(buffer), 1u);
            if (idx != 0u)  // if not == ref
                appendValue(variants.svRecords, svRecord);
    else if (length(vcfRecord.ref) == 1u && altLength == 1u)  // SNP
        SnpRecord snpRecord;
        snpRecord.rId = vcfRecord.rID;
        snpRecord.pos = vcfRecord.beginPos;

        // Split the alternatives.
        seqan::StringSet<seqan::CharString> alternatives;
        strSplit(alternatives, vcfRecord.alt, seqan::EqualsChar<','>());

        // Split the target variants.
        seqan::DirectionIterator<seqan::CharString const, seqan::Input>::Type inputIter =
                directionIterator(vcfRecord.genotypeInfos[0], seqan::Input());
        seqan::CharString buffer;
        snpRecord.haplotype = 0;
        for (; !atEnd(inputIter); ++inputIter)
            if ((*inputIter == '|' || *inputIter == '/'))
                if (!empty(buffer))
                    unsigned idx = std::min(seqan::lexicalCast<unsigned>(buffer),
                    if (idx != 0u)  // if not == ref
                        SEQAN_ASSERT_NOT(empty(alternatives[idx - 1]));
                        snpRecord.to = alternatives[idx - 1][0];
                        appendValue(variants.snps, snpRecord);
                appendValue(buffer, *inputIter);
        if (!empty(buffer))
            unsigned idx = std::min(seqan::lexicalCast<unsigned>(buffer),
            if (idx != 0u)  // if not == ref
                SEQAN_ASSERT_NOT(empty(alternatives[idx - 1]));
                snpRecord.to = alternatives[idx - 1][0];
                appendValue(variants.snps, snpRecord);
    else  // Small Indel
        SmallIndelRecord smallIndel;
        smallIndel.rId = vcfRecord.rID;
        smallIndel.pos = vcfRecord.beginPos + 1;

        SEQAN_ASSERT_NOT(contains(vcfRecord.alt, ","));  // only one alternative
        SEQAN_ASSERT((length(vcfRecord.alt) == 1u) != (length(vcfRecord.ref) == 1u));  // XOR

        smallIndel.haplotype = 0;
        if (length(vcfRecord.ref) == 1u)  // insertion
            smallIndel.seq = suffix(vcfRecord.alt, 1);
            smallIndel.size = length(smallIndel.seq);
        else  // deletion
            smallIndel.size = -(int)(length(vcfRecord.ref) - 1);

        // Split the target variants.
        seqan::DirectionIterator<seqan::CharString const, seqan::Input>::Type inputIter =
                directionIterator(vcfRecord.genotypeInfos[0], seqan::Input());
        seqan::CharString buffer;
        smallIndel.haplotype = 0;
        for (; !atEnd(inputIter); ++inputIter)
            if ((*inputIter == '|' || *inputIter == '/'))
                if (!empty(buffer))
                    unsigned idx = std::min(seqan::lexicalCast<unsigned>(buffer), 1u);
                    if (idx != 0u)  // if not == ref
                        appendValue(variants.smallIndels, smallIndel);
                appendValue(buffer, *inputIter);
        if (!empty(buffer))
            unsigned idx = std::min(seqan::lexicalCast<unsigned>(buffer), 1u);
            if (idx != 0u)  // if not == ref
                appendValue(variants.smallIndels, smallIndel);
    int run()
        // Intialization
        std::cerr << "__INITIALIZATION_____________________________________________________________\n"
                  << "\n";

        std::cerr << "Opening files...";

            if (!open(seqFileOut, toCString(options.outputFileName)))
                throw MasonIOException("Could not open output file.");

            if (!open(gffFileIn, toCString(options.inputGffFile)))
                throw MasonIOException("Could not open GFF/GTF file.");
        catch (MasonIOException e)
            std::cerr << "\nERROR: " << e.what() << "\n";
            return 1;
        std::cerr << " OK\n";

        // Perform genome simulation.
        std::cerr << "\n__COMPUTING TRANSCRIPTS______________________________________________________\n"
                  << "\n";

        // Read first GFF record.
        MyGffRecord record;
        if (record.rID == seqan::maxValue<int>())
            return 0;  // at end, could not read any, done

        // Transcript names.
        typedef seqan::StringSet<seqan::CharString> TNameStore;
        typedef seqan::NameStoreCache<TNameStore> TNameStoreCache;
        TNameStore transcriptNames;
        TNameStoreCache transcriptNamesCache(transcriptNames);

        // The splicing instructions for the current contig.
        std::vector<SplicingInstruction> splicingInstructions;

        // Materialized sequence.
        seqan::Dna5String seq;
        // Tanscript ids, used as a buffer below.
        seqan::String<unsigned> transcriptIDs;

        // Read GFF/GTF file contig by contig (must be sorted by reference name).  For each contig, we all recors,
        // create simulation instructions and then build the transcripts for each haplotype.
        while (record.rID != seqan::maxValue<int>())  // sentinel, at end
            seqan::CharString refName = record.ref;
            std::cerr << "Splicing for " << refName << " ...";

            // Read GFF records for this contig.
            MyGffRecord firstGffRecord = record;
            while (record.rID == firstGffRecord.rID)
                if (empty(options.gffType) || (record.type == options.gffType))
                    // Make transcript names known to the record.
                    _appendTranscriptNames(transcriptIDs, transcriptNames, transcriptNamesCache, record);
                    // Add the splicing instructions for this record to the list for this contig.
                    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(transcriptIDs); ++i)
                        splicingInstructions.push_back(SplicingInstruction(transcriptIDs[i], record.beginPos,
                                                                           record.endPos, record.strand));

                if (atEnd(gffFileIn))
                    record.rID = seqan::maxValue<int>();

                readRecord(record, gffFileIn);
                // Translate ref to idx from VCF.
                unsigned idx = 0;
                if (!getIdByName(idx, vcfMat.faiIndex, record.ref))
                    throw MasonIOException("Reference name from GFF/GTF not in VCF!");
                record.rID = idx;

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // Process the splicing instructions.
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------

            // First, sort them.
            std::sort(splicingInstructions.begin(), splicingInstructions.end());

            // Materialize all haplotypes of this contig
            int rID = 0, hID = 0;  // reference and haplotype id
            // Get index of the gff record's reference in the VCF file.
            unsigned idx = 0;
            if (!getIdByName(idx, vcfMat.faiIndex, refName))
                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << "Reference from GFF file " << refName << " unknown in FASTA/FAI file.";
                throw MasonIOException(ss.str());
            rID = idx;

            vcfMat.currRID = rID - 1;
            std::vector<SmallVarInfo> varInfos;  // small variants for counting in read alignments
            std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > breakpoints;  // unused/ignored
            while (vcfMat.materializeNext(seq, varInfos, breakpoints, rID, hID))
                std::cerr << " (allele " << (hID + 1) << ")";
                if (rID != (int)idx)
                    break;  // no more haplotypes for this reference
                _performSplicing(splicingInstructions, seq, transcriptNames, hID, vcfMat);

            std::cerr << " DONE.\n";

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // Handle contig switching.
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------

            // Check that the input GFF file is clustered (weaker than sorted) by reference name.
            if (record.rID < firstGffRecord.rID)
                throw MasonIOException("GFF file not sorted or clustered by reference.");
            // Reset transcript names and cache.
            // Flush splicing instructions.

        std::cerr << "\nDone splicing FASTA.\n";

        return 0;