//callback method for operations that require a depth image
void depthCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &msg)
  //Load image into OpenCV
  bridge_image_depth = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, msg->encoding);
  std::cout << "bridge_image created" << std::endl;
  cvImage_depth = bridge_image_depth->image;
  std::cout << "cvImage created" << std::endl;
  //set cv_bridge image matrix to output and publish
  getDepthThresholdImage(cvImage_depth, depthThresholdOut);
  std::cout << "got depthThresholdImage" << std::endl;
  bridge_image_depth->image = depthThresholdOut;
  std::cout << "bridge_image->image = depthThresholdOut" << std::endl;
  //printImagePixels(depthThresholdOut, "output depth threshold");
  //std::cout << depthThresholdOut << "\n*****\n" << std::endl;
  //cv::Mat temp;
  //printImageData(depthThresholdOut, "depthThesholdOut");
  if (lastImage.rows > 0) {
    getImageDifference(cvImage_depth, lastImage);
    bridge_image_depth->image = lastImage;
  } else {
    std::cout << "lastImage hasn't been created yet" << std::endl;
  lastImage = cvImage_depth;
  cv::Mat depthThresholdBWOut;
  //getDepthThresholdBWImage(depthThresholdOut, depthThresholdBWOut);
  //depthThresholdBWOut = depthThresholdOut;
  bridge_image->image = depthThresholdBWOut;

  //delete &depthThresholdOut;
  //delete &cvImage;

int opticFlowLK(unsigned char *new_image_buf, unsigned char *old_image_buf, int *p_x, int *p_y, int n_found_points,
                int imW, int imH, int *new_x, int *new_y, int *status, int half_window_size, int max_iterations)
  // A straightforward one-level implementation of Lucas-Kanade.
  // For all points:
  // (1) determine the subpixel neighborhood in the old image
  // (2) get the x- and y- gradients
  // (3) determine the 'G'-matrix [sum(Axx) sum(Axy); sum(Axy) sum(Ayy)], where sum is over the window
  // (4) iterate over taking steps in the image to minimize the error:
  //     [a] get the subpixel neighborhood in the new image
  //     [b] determine the image difference between the two neighborhoods
  //     [c] calculate the 'b'-vector
  //     [d] calculate the additional flow step and possibly terminate the iteration
  int p, subpixel_factor, x, y, it, step_threshold, step_x, step_y, v_x, v_y, Det;
  int b_x, b_y, patch_size, padded_patch_size, error;
  unsigned int ix1, ix2;
  int *I_padded_neighborhood; int *I_neighborhood; int *J_neighborhood;
  int *DX; int *DY; int *ImDiff; int *IDDX; int *IDDY;
  int G[4];
  int error_threshold;

  // set the image width and height
  IMG_WIDTH = imW;
  // spatial resolution of flow is 1 / subpixel_factor
  subpixel_factor = 10;
  // determine patch sizes and initialize neighborhoods
  patch_size = (2 * half_window_size + 1);
  error_threshold = (25 * 25) * (patch_size * patch_size);

  padded_patch_size = (2 * half_window_size + 3);
  I_padded_neighborhood = (int *) malloc(padded_patch_size * padded_patch_size * sizeof(int));
  I_neighborhood = (int *) malloc(patch_size * patch_size * sizeof(int));
  J_neighborhood = (int *) malloc(patch_size * patch_size * sizeof(int));
  if (I_padded_neighborhood == 0 || I_neighborhood == 0 || J_neighborhood == 0) {
    return NO_MEMORY;

  DX = (int *) malloc(patch_size * patch_size * sizeof(int));
  DY = (int *) malloc(patch_size * patch_size * sizeof(int));
  IDDX = (int *) malloc(patch_size * patch_size * sizeof(int));
  IDDY = (int *) malloc(patch_size * patch_size * sizeof(int));
  ImDiff = (int *) malloc(patch_size * patch_size * sizeof(int));
  if (DX == 0 || DY == 0 || ImDiff == 0 || IDDX == 0 || IDDY == 0) {
    return NO_MEMORY;

  for (p = 0; p < n_found_points; p++) {
    // status: point is not yet lost:
    status[p] = 1;

    // We want to be able to take steps in the image of 1 / subpixel_factor:
    p_x[p] *= subpixel_factor;
    p_y[p] *= subpixel_factor;

    // if the pixel is outside the ROI in the image, do not track it:
    if (!(p_x[p] > ((half_window_size + 1) * subpixel_factor) && p_x[p] < (IMG_WIDTH - half_window_size) * subpixel_factor
          && p_y[p] > ((half_window_size + 1) * subpixel_factor) && p_y[p] < (IMG_HEIGHT - half_window_size)*subpixel_factor)) {
      status[p] = 0;

    // (1) determine the subpixel neighborhood in the old image
    // we determine a padded neighborhood with the aim of subsequent gradient processing:
    getSubPixel_gray(I_padded_neighborhood, old_image_buf, p_x[p], p_y[p], half_window_size + 1, subpixel_factor);

    // Also get the original-sized neighborhood
    for (x = 1; x < padded_patch_size - 1; x++) {
      for (y = 1; y < padded_patch_size - 1; y++) {
        ix1 = (y * padded_patch_size + x);
        ix2 = ((y - 1) * patch_size + (x - 1));
        I_neighborhood[ix2] = I_padded_neighborhood[ix1];

    // (2) get the x- and y- gradients
    getGradientPatch(I_padded_neighborhood, DX, DY, half_window_size);

    // (3) determine the 'G'-matrix [sum(Axx) sum(Axy); sum(Axy) sum(Ayy)], where sum is over the window
    error = calculateG(G, DX, DY, half_window_size);
    if (error == NO_MEMORY) { return NO_MEMORY; }

    for (it = 0; it < 4; it++) {
      G[it] /= 255; // to keep values in range
    // calculate G's determinant:
    Det = G[0] * G[3] - G[1] * G[2];
    Det = Det / subpixel_factor; // so that the steps will be expressed in subpixel units
    if (Det < 1) {
      status[p] = 0;

    // (4) iterate over taking steps in the image to minimize the error:
    it = 0;
    step_threshold = 2; // 0.2 as smallest step (L1)
    v_x = 0;
    v_y = 0;
    step_x = step_threshold + 1;
    step_y = step_threshold + 1;

    while (status[p] == 1 && it < max_iterations && (abs(step_x) >= step_threshold || abs(step_y) >= step_threshold)) {
      // if the pixel goes outside the ROI in the image, stop tracking:
      if (!(p_x[p] + v_x > ((half_window_size + 1) * subpixel_factor)
            && p_x[p] + v_x < ((int)IMG_WIDTH - half_window_size) * subpixel_factor
            && p_y[p] + v_y > ((half_window_size + 1) * subpixel_factor)
            && p_y[p] + v_y < ((int)IMG_HEIGHT - half_window_size)*subpixel_factor)) {
        status[p] = 0;

      //     [a] get the subpixel neighborhood in the new image
      // clear J:
      for (x = 0; x < patch_size; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < patch_size; y++) {
          ix2 = (y * patch_size + x);
          J_neighborhood[ix2] = 0;

      getSubPixel_gray(J_neighborhood, new_image_buf, p_x[p] + v_x, p_y[p] + v_y, half_window_size, subpixel_factor);
      //     [b] determine the image difference between the two neighborhoods
      getImageDifference(I_neighborhood, J_neighborhood, ImDiff, patch_size, patch_size);
      error = calculateError(ImDiff, patch_size, patch_size) / 255;

      if (error > error_threshold && it > max_iterations / 2) {
        status[p] = 0;
      multiplyImages(ImDiff, DX, IDDX, patch_size, patch_size);
      b_x = getSumPatch(IDDX, patch_size) / 255;
      b_y = getSumPatch(IDDY, patch_size) / 255;
      //printf("b_x = %d; b_y = %d;\n\r", b_x, b_y);
      //     [d] calculate the additional flow step and possibly terminate the iteration
      step_x = (G[3] * b_x - G[1] * b_y) / Det;
      step_y = (G[0] * b_y - G[2] * b_x) / Det;
      v_x += step_x;
      v_y += step_y; // - (?) since the origin in the image is in the top left of the image, with y positive pointing down
      // next iteration
    } // iteration to find the right window in the new image

    new_x[p] = (p_x[p] + v_x) / subpixel_factor;
    new_y[p] = (p_y[p] + v_y) / subpixel_factor;
    p_x[p] /= subpixel_factor;
    p_y[p] /= subpixel_factor;

  // free all allocated variables:
  free((int *) I_padded_neighborhood);
  free((int *) I_neighborhood);
  free((int *) J_neighborhood);
  free((int *) DX);
  free((int *) DY);
  free((int *) ImDiff);
  free((int *) IDDX);
  free((int *) IDDY);
  // no errors:
  return OK;