void captureSingleFrame(int) { int num = findUniqueFileName(); XnChar csImageFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; XnChar csDepthFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; XnChar csIRFileName[XN_FILE_MAX_PATH]; getImageFileName(num, csImageFileName); getDepthFileName(num, csDepthFileName); getIRFileName(num, csIRFileName); const ImageMetaData* pImageMD = getImageMetaData(); if (pImageMD != NULL) { xnOSSaveFile(csImageFileName, pImageMD->Data(), pImageMD->DataSize()); } const IRMetaData* pIRMD = getIRMetaData(); if (pIRMD != NULL) { xnOSSaveFile(csIRFileName, pIRMD->Data(), pIRMD->DataSize()); } const DepthMetaData* pDepthMD = getDepthMetaData(); if (pDepthMD != NULL) { xnOSSaveFile(csDepthFileName, pDepthMD->Data(), pDepthMD->DataSize()); } g_Capture.nCapturedFrameUniqueID = num + 1; // displayMessage("Frames saved with ID %d", num); printf("Frames saved with ID %d\n", num); }
void drawColorImage(IntRect* pLocation, IntPair* pPointer, int pointerRed, int pointerGreen, int pointerBlue) { if (g_DrawConfig.Streams.bBackground) TextureMapDraw(&g_texBackground, pLocation); if (g_DrawConfig.Streams.Image.Coloring == IMAGE_OFF) return; if (!isImageOn() && !isIROn()) { drawClosedStream(pLocation, "Image"); return; } const MapMetaData* pImageMD; const XnUInt8* pImage = NULL; if (isImageOn()) { pImageMD = getImageMetaData(); pImage = getImageMetaData()->Data(); } else if (isIROn()) { pImageMD = getIRMetaData(); pImage = (const XnUInt8*)getIRMetaData()->Data(); } else return; if (pImageMD->FrameID() == 0) { return; } const DepthMetaData* pDepthMetaData = getDepthMetaData(); double grayscale16Factor = 1.0; if (pImageMD->PixelFormat() == XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_16_BIT) { int nPixelsCount = pImageMD->XRes()*pImageMD->YRes(); XnUInt16* pPixel = (XnUInt16*)pImage; for (int i = 0; i < nPixelsCount; ++i,++pPixel) { if (*pPixel > g_nMaxGrayscale16Value) g_nMaxGrayscale16Value = *pPixel; } if (g_nMaxGrayscale16Value > 0) { grayscale16Factor = 255.0 / g_nMaxGrayscale16Value; } } for (XnUInt16 nY = pImageMD->YOffset(); nY < pImageMD->YRes() + pImageMD->YOffset(); nY++) { XnUInt8* pTexture = TextureMapGetLine(&g_texImage, nY) + pImageMD->XOffset()*4; if (pImageMD->PixelFormat() == XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422) { YUV422ToRGB888(pImage, pTexture, pImageMD->XRes()*2, g_texImage.Size.X*g_texImage.nBytesPerPixel); pImage += pImageMD->XRes()*2; } else { for (XnUInt16 nX = 0; nX < pImageMD->XRes(); nX++, pTexture+=4) { XnInt32 nDepthIndex = 0; if (pDepthMetaData != NULL) { XnDouble dRealX = (nX + pImageMD->XOffset()) / (XnDouble)pImageMD->FullXRes(); XnDouble dRealY = nY / (XnDouble)pImageMD->FullYRes(); XnUInt32 nDepthX = dRealX * pDepthMetaData->FullXRes() - pDepthMetaData->XOffset(); XnUInt32 nDepthY = dRealY * pDepthMetaData->FullYRes() - pDepthMetaData->YOffset(); if (nDepthX >= pDepthMetaData->XRes() || nDepthY >= pDepthMetaData->YRes()) { nDepthIndex = -1; } else { nDepthIndex = nDepthY*pDepthMetaData->XRes() + nDepthX; } } switch (pImageMD->PixelFormat()) { case XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24: pTexture[0] = pImage[0]; pTexture[1] = pImage[1]; pTexture[2] = pImage[2]; pImage+=3; break; case XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_8_BIT: pTexture[0] = pTexture[1] = pTexture[2] = *pImage; pImage+=1; break; case XN_PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_16_BIT: XnUInt16* p16 = (XnUInt16*)pImage; XnUInt8 textureValue = 0; textureValue = (XnUInt8)((*p16) * grayscale16Factor); pTexture[0] = pTexture[1] = pTexture[2] = textureValue; pImage+=2; break; } // decide if pixel should be lit or not if (g_DrawConfig.Streams.Image.Coloring == DEPTH_MASKED_IMAGE && (pDepthMetaData == NULL || nDepthIndex == -1 || pDepthMetaData->Data()[nDepthIndex] == 0)) { pTexture[3] = 0; } else { pTexture[3] = 255; } } } } if (pPointer != NULL) { TextureMapDrawCursor(&g_texImage, *pPointer, pointerRed, pointerGreen, pointerBlue); } TextureMapUpdate(&g_texImage); TextureMapDraw(&g_texImage, pLocation); }
void drawFrame() { // calculate locations g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uBottom = 0; g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uTop = WIN_SIZE_Y - 1; g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uLeft = 0; g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uRight = WIN_SIZE_X - 1; g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uBottom = 0; g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uTop = WIN_SIZE_Y - 1; g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uLeft = 0; g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uRight = WIN_SIZE_X - 1; if (g_DrawConfig.Streams.ScreenArrangement == SIDE_BY_SIDE) { g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uTop = WIN_SIZE_Y / 2 - 1; g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uRight = WIN_SIZE_X / 2 - 1; g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uTop = WIN_SIZE_Y / 2 - 1; g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uLeft = WIN_SIZE_X / 2; } // Texture map init const DepthMetaData* pDepthMD = getDepthMetaData(); if (isDepthOn()) { g_nMaxDepth = getDepthGenerator()->GetDeviceMaxDepth(); TextureMapInit(&g_texDepth, pDepthMD->FullXRes(), pDepthMD->FullYRes(), 4, pDepthMD->XRes(), pDepthMD->YRes()); fixLocation(&g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation, pDepthMD->FullXRes(), pDepthMD->FullYRes()); } const MapMetaData* pImageMD = NULL; if (isImageOn()) { pImageMD = getImageMetaData(); } else if (isIROn()) { pImageMD = getIRMetaData(); } if (pImageMD != NULL) { TextureMapInit(&g_texImage, pImageMD->FullXRes(), pImageMD->FullYRes(), 4, pImageMD->XRes(), pImageMD->YRes()); fixLocation(&g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation, pImageMD->FullXRes(), pImageMD->FullYRes()); } // check if pointer is over a map bool bOverDepth = (pDepthMD != NULL) && isPointInRect(g_DrawUserInput.Cursor, &g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation); bool bOverImage = (pImageMD != NULL) && isPointInRect(g_DrawUserInput.Cursor, &g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation); bool bDrawDepthPointer = false; bool bDrawImagePointer = false; int imagePointerRed = 255; int imagePointerGreen = 0; int imagePointerBlue = 0; IntPair pointerInDepth; IntPair pointerInImage; if (bOverImage) { pointerInImage.X = (double)(g_DrawUserInput.Cursor.X - g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uLeft) / (g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uRight - g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uLeft + 1) * pImageMD->FullXRes(); pointerInImage.Y = (double)(g_DrawUserInput.Cursor.Y - g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uBottom) / (g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uTop - g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation.uBottom + 1) * pImageMD->FullYRes(); bDrawImagePointer = true; } if (bOverDepth) { pointerInDepth.X = (double)(g_DrawUserInput.Cursor.X - g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uLeft) / (g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uRight - g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uLeft + 1) * pDepthMD->FullXRes(); pointerInDepth.Y = (double)(g_DrawUserInput.Cursor.Y - g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uBottom) / (g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uTop - g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation.uBottom + 1) * pDepthMD->FullYRes(); // make sure we're in cropped area if (pointerInDepth.X >= pDepthMD->XOffset() && pointerInDepth.X < (pDepthMD->XOffset() + pDepthMD->XRes()) && pointerInDepth.Y >= pDepthMD->YOffset() && pointerInDepth.Y < (pDepthMD->YOffset() + pDepthMD->YRes())) { bDrawDepthPointer = true; if (!bOverImage && g_DrawConfig.bShowPointer) { // try to translate depth pixel to image if (getImageCoordinatesForDepthPixel(pointerInDepth.X, pointerInDepth.Y, pointerInImage.X, pointerInImage.Y)) { bDrawImagePointer = true; imagePointerRed = 0; imagePointerGreen = 0; imagePointerBlue = 255; } } } } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); // Setup the opengl env for fixed location view glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0,WIN_SIZE_X,WIN_SIZE_Y,0,-1.0,1.0); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); if (g_DrawConfig.Streams.Depth.Coloring == CYCLIC_RAINBOW_HISTOGRAM || g_DrawConfig.Streams.Depth.Coloring == LINEAR_HISTOGRAM || g_DrawConfig.bShowPointer) calculateHistogram(); drawColorImage(&g_DrawConfig.ImageLocation, bDrawImagePointer ? &pointerInImage : NULL, imagePointerRed, imagePointerGreen, imagePointerBlue); drawDepth(&g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation, bDrawDepthPointer ? &pointerInDepth : NULL); printStatisticsInfo(); printRecordingInfo(); if (g_DrawConfig.bShowPointer) drawPointerMode(bDrawDepthPointer ? &pointerInDepth : NULL); drawUserInput(!bOverDepth && !bOverImage); drawUserMessage(); drawPlaybackSpeed(); if (g_DrawConfig.strErrorState != NULL) drawErrorState(); if (g_DrawConfig.bHelp) drawHelpScreen(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
void drawPointerMode(IntPair* pPointer) { char buf[512] = ""; int nCharWidth = glutBitmapWidth(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, '0'); int nPointerValue = 0; XnDouble dTimestampDivider = 1E6; const DepthMetaData* pDepthMD = getDepthMetaData(); if (pDepthMD != NULL) { // Print the scale black background glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.7); glVertex2i(0, WIN_SIZE_Y); // lower left glVertex2i(WIN_SIZE_X, WIN_SIZE_Y); glVertex2i(WIN_SIZE_X, WIN_SIZE_Y - 135); glVertex2i(0, WIN_SIZE_Y - 135); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); // set a large point size (for the scale) glPointSize(15); // Print the scale data glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (int i = 0; i < pDepthMD->ZRes(); i+=1) { float fNewColor = g_pDepthHist[i]; if ((fNewColor > 0.004) && (fNewColor < 0.996)) { glColor3f(fNewColor, fNewColor, 0); glVertex3f(((i/10)*2), WIN_SIZE_Y - 23, 1); } } glEnd(); // Print the pointer scale data if (pPointer != NULL) { // make sure pointer in on a depth pixel (take in mind cropping might be in place) IntPair pointerInDepth = *pPointer; pointerInDepth.X -= pDepthMD->XOffset(); pointerInDepth.Y -= pDepthMD->YOffset(); if (pointerInDepth.X < (int)pDepthMD->XRes() && pointerInDepth.Y < (int)pDepthMD->YRes()) { nPointerValue = (*pDepthMD)(pointerInDepth.X, pointerInDepth.Y); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glColor3f(1,0,0); glVertex3f(10 + ((nPointerValue/10)*2), WIN_SIZE_Y - 70, 1); glEnd(); } } // Print the scale texts for (int i = 0; i < pDepthMD->ZRes()/10; i+=25) { int xPos = i*2 + 10; // draw a small line in this position glBegin(GL_LINES); glColor3f(0, 1, 0); glVertex2i(xPos, WIN_SIZE_Y - 54); glVertex2i(xPos, WIN_SIZE_Y - 62); glEnd(); // place a label under, and in the middle of, that line. int chars = sprintf(buf, "%d", i); glColor3f(1,0,0); glRasterPos2i(xPos - chars*nCharWidth/2, WIN_SIZE_Y - 40); glPrintString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18,buf); } sprintf(buf, "%s - Frame %4u, Timestamp %.3f", getDepthGenerator()->GetInfo().GetInstanceName(), pDepthMD->FrameID(), (double)pDepthMD->Timestamp()/dTimestampDivider); } const ImageMetaData* pImageMD = getImageMetaData(); if (pImageMD != NULL) { if (buf[0] != '\0') sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " | "); sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%s - Frame %4u, Timestamp %.3f", getImageGenerator()->GetInfo().GetInstanceName(), pImageMD->FrameID(), (double)pImageMD->Timestamp()/dTimestampDivider); } const IRMetaData* pIRMD = getIRMetaData(); if (pIRMD != NULL) { if (buf[0] != '\0') sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " | "); sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%s - Frame %4u, Timestamp %.3f", getIRGenerator()->GetInfo().GetInstanceName(), pIRMD->FrameID(), (double)pIRMD->Timestamp()/dTimestampDivider); } const AudioMetaData* pAudioMD = getAudioMetaData(); if (pAudioMD != NULL) { if (buf[0] != '\0') sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " | "); sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%s - Timestamp %.3f", getAudioGenerator()->GetInfo().GetInstanceName(), (double)pAudioMD->Timestamp()/dTimestampDivider); } int nYLocation = WIN_SIZE_Y - 88; glColor3f(1,0,0); glRasterPos2i(10,nYLocation); glPrintString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, buf); nYLocation -= 26; if (pPointer != NULL && isStatisticsActive()) { XnPixelStatistics* pStatistics = &g_PixelStatistics[pPointer->Y * pDepthMD->XRes() + pPointer->X]; sprintf(buf, "Collected: %3u, Min: %4u Max: %4u Avg: %6.2f StdDev: %6.2f", pStatistics->nCount, pStatistics->nMin, pStatistics->nMax, pStatistics->dAverage, pStatistics->dStdDev); glRasterPos2i(10,nYLocation); glPrintString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, buf); nYLocation -= 26; } if (pPointer != NULL) { // Print the pointer text XnUInt64 nCutOffMin = 0; XnUInt64 nCutOffMax = (pDepthMD != NULL) ? g_nMaxDepth : 0; XnChar sPointerValue[100]; if (nPointerValue != g_nMaxDepth) { sprintf(sPointerValue, "%.1f", (float)nPointerValue/10); } else { sprintf(sPointerValue, "-"); } sprintf(buf, "Pointer Value: %s (X:%d Y:%d) Cutoff: %llu-%llu.", sPointerValue, pPointer->X, pPointer->Y, nCutOffMin, nCutOffMax); glRasterPos2i(10,nYLocation); glPrintString(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18, buf); nYLocation -= 26; } }