/* copy image section from input to putput, with binning */ int copyImageSection(fitsfile *ifptr, fitsfile *ofptr, int *dims, double *cens, int bin, char *slice, int *status) { void *buf; char card[FLEN_CARD]; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; int numkeys, nkey, bitpix, dtype; int start[2]; int end[2]; int naxis = 2; long nelements; long naxes[2]; long fpixel[2] = {1,1}; buf = getImageToArray(ifptr, dims, cens, bin, slice, start, end, &bitpix, status); if( !buf || *status ){ fits_get_errstatus(*status, tbuf); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not create section for output image: %s\n", tbuf); return *status; } /* get image size and total number of elements */ naxes[0] = (int)((end[0] - start[0] + 1) / bin); naxes[1] = (int)((end[1] - start[1] + 1) / bin); nelements = naxes[0] * naxes[1]; /* convert bitpix to cfitio data type */ switch(bitpix){ case 8: dtype = TBYTE; break; case 16: dtype = TSHORT; break; case -16: dtype = TUSHORT; break; case 32: dtype = TINT; break; case 64: dtype = TLONGLONG; break; case -32: dtype = TFLOAT; break; case -64: dtype = TDOUBLE; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown data type for image section\n"); return -1; } /* this code is modeled after cfitsio/cfileio.c/fits_copy_image_section() */ fits_create_img(ofptr, bitpix, naxis, naxes, status); /* copy all other non-structural keywords from the input to output file */ fits_get_hdrspace(ifptr, &numkeys, NULL, status); for(nkey=4; nkey<=numkeys; nkey++) { fits_read_record(ifptr, nkey, card, status); if (fits_get_keyclass(card) > TYP_CMPRS_KEY){ /* write the record to the output file */ fits_write_record(ofptr, card, status); } } if( *status > 0 ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't copy header from input image to output section"); return(*status); } /* write image to FITS file */ fits_write_pix(ofptr, dtype, fpixel, nelements, buf, status); /* update LTM/TLV values in header */ updateLTM(ifptr, ofptr, (int)((end[0] + start[0]) / 2), (int)((end[1] + start[1]) / 2), (int)(end[0] - start[0] + 1), (int)(end[1] - start[1] + 1), bin, 1); /* free up space */ if( buf ){ free(buf); } /* return status */ return *status; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c, i, j, got, args, jsonlen, istart; int odim1, odim2, blen, pad; int idim1=0, idim2=0, bitpix=0, ncard=0; int verbose=0; size_t totbytes, dlen; char tbuf[SZ_LINE]; char *buf=NULL; char *jsonheader=NULL; char *iname=NULL, *oname=NULL; FILE *ofp=NULL; Optinfo optinfo; #if HAVE_CFITSIO int status = 0; int n; int hdutype; int maxcard, morekeys; int dims[2] = {0, 0}; int block = 1; void *dbuf; double d1, d2, d3, d4; double cens[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; char *s; char *filter=NULL; char *evtlist = DEF_EVTLIST; char card[81]; char s1[BUFLEN], s2[BUFLEN], s3[BUFLEN], s4[BUFLEN]; fitsfile *fptr=NULL, *ofptr=NULL; #elif HAVE_FUNTOOLS char *s=NULL; int dtype; Fun ifun=NULL, tfun=NULL; #endif /* we want the args in the same order in which they arrived, and gnu getopt sometimes changes things without this */ putenv("POSIXLY_CORRECT=true"); /* process switch arguments */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:e:f:s:v")) != -1){ switch(c){ case 'b': #if HAVE_CFITSIO block = atoi(optarg); #else fprintf(stderr, "warning: -b switch only for cfitsio (ignoring)\n"); #endif break; case 'e': #if HAVE_CFITSIO evtlist = optarg; #else fprintf(stderr, "warning: -e switch only for cfitsio (ignoring)\n"); #endif break; case 'f': #if HAVE_CFITSIO filter = optarg; #else fprintf(stderr, "warning: -f switch only for cfitsio (ignoring)\n"); #endif break; case 's': #if HAVE_CFITSIO s = strdup(optarg); if( strlen(s) > BUFLEN ) s[BUFLEN-1] = '\0'; if( sscanf(s, "%[0-9.*] @ %[-0-9.*] , %[0-9.*] @ %[-0-9.*]%n", s1, s2, s3, s4, &n) == 4){ dims[0] = atof(s1); cens[0] = atof(s2); dims[1] = atof(s3); cens[1] = atof(s4); } else if(sscanf(s, "%[-0-9.*] : %[-0-9.*] , %[-0-9.*] : %[-0-9.*]%n", s1, s2, s3, s4, &n) == 4){ d1 = atof(s1); d2 = atof(s2); d3 = atof(s3); d4 = atof(s4); dims[0] = d2 - d1 + 1; cens[0] = dims[0] / 2; dims[1] = d4 - d3 + 1; cens[1] = dims[1] / 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, "warning: unknown arg for -s switch (ignoring)\n"); } if( s ) free(s); #else fprintf(stderr, "warning: -s switch only for cfitsio (ignoring)\n"); #endif break; case 'v': verbose++; break; } } /* check for required arguments */ args = argc - optind; if( args < 2 ){ fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s iname oname\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } iname = argv[optind++]; oname = argv[optind++]; /* optional info */ if( !(optinfo = (Optinfo)calloc(sizeof(OptinfoRec), 1)) ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't allocate optional info rec\n"); exit(1); } /* open the input FITS file */ #if HAVE_CFITSIO fptr = openFITSFile(iname, evtlist, &hdutype, &status); errchk(status); #elif HAVE_FUNTOOLS if( !(ifun = FunOpen(iname, "r", NULL)) ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR could not open input FITS file: %s (%s)\n", iname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #endif /* save the input filename in the png file */ optinfo->fitsname = iname; /* open the output PGN file */ if( !strcmp(oname, "-") || !strcmp(oname, "stdout") ){ ofp = stdout; } else if( !(ofp = fopen(oname, "w")) ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not create output PNG file: %s (%s)\n", oname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #if HAVE_CFITSIO switch(hdutype){ case IMAGE_HDU: // get image array dbuf = getImageToArray(fptr, NULL, NULL, &idim1, &idim2, &bitpix, &status); errchk(status); fits_get_hdrspace(fptr, &maxcard, &morekeys, &status); errchk(status); ofptr = fptr; break; default: ofptr = filterTableToImage(fptr, filter, NULL, dims, cens, block, &status); errchk(status); // get image array dbuf = getImageToArray(ofptr, NULL, NULL, &idim1, &idim2, &bitpix, &status); errchk(status); // get number of keys fits_get_hdrspace(ofptr, &maxcard, &morekeys, &status); errchk(status); break; } #elif HAVE_FUNTOOLS /* copy the input fits header into a FITS image header */ if( !(tfun = (Fun)calloc(1, sizeof(FunRec))) ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not create tfun struct\n"); exit(1); } _FunCopy2ImageHeader(ifun, tfun); /* and save for storage in the png file */ optinfo->fitsheader = (char *)tfun->header->cards; /* get image parameters. its safe to do this before calling image get so long as we don't change bitpix before that call */ FunInfoGet(ifun, FUN_SECT_BITPIX, &bitpix, FUN_SECT_DIM1, &idim1, FUN_SECT_DIM2, &idim2, 0); #endif /* convert FITS header into a json string */ snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "{\"js9Protocol\": %s, ", JS9_PROTOCOL); scat(tbuf, &jsonheader); snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "\"js9Endian\": \"%s\", ", JS9_ENDIAN); scat(tbuf, &jsonheader); snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "\"cardstr\": \""); scat(tbuf, &jsonheader); // concat header cards into a single string #if HAVE_CFITSIO while( ++ncard <= maxcard ){ fits_read_record(ofptr, ncard, card, &status); errchk(status); // change " to ' for(i=0; i<80; i++){ if( card[i] == '"' ){ card[i] = '\''; } } snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "%-80s", card); scat(tbuf, &jsonheader); } #elif HAVE_FUNTOOLS while( (s = FunParamGets(tfun, NULL, ++ncard, NULL, &dtype)) ){ for(i=0; i<80; i++){ if( s[i] == '"' ){ s[i] = '\''; } } scat(s, &jsonheader); if( s ) free(s); } #endif // end with the number of cards snprintf(tbuf, SZ_LINE-1, "\", \"ncard\": %d}", ncard); scat(tbuf, &jsonheader); /* we want the image buffer to start on an 8-byte boundary, so make jsonheader + null byte end on one */ pad = 8 - (strlen(jsonheader) % 8) - 1; for(i=0; i<pad; i++){ strcat(jsonheader, " "); } /* get final length of json header */ jsonlen = strlen(jsonheader); /* total length of the header + null + image we are storing */ blen = ABS(bitpix/8); dlen = (size_t)idim1 * (size_t)idim2 * blen; totbytes = jsonlen + 1 + dlen; /* all of this should now fit into the png image */ /* somewhat arbitrarily, we use idim1 for odim1, and adjust odim2 to fit */ odim1 = idim1; odim2 = (int)(((totbytes + odim1 - 1) / odim1) + (COLOR_CHANNELS-1)) / COLOR_CHANNELS; /* allocate buf to hold json header + null byte + RGB image */ if( !(buf=calloc(COLOR_CHANNELS, odim1 * odim2)) ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't allocate image buf\n"); exit(1); } /* move the json header into the output buffer */ memmove(buf, jsonheader, jsonlen); /* add a null byte to signify end of json header */ buf[jsonlen] = '\0'; /* offset into image buffer where image starts, past header and null byte */ istart = jsonlen + 1; /* debug output */ if( verbose ){ fprintf(stderr, "idim=%d,%d (bitpix=%d jsonlen=%d istart=%d endian=%s) [%ld] -> odim=%d,%d [%d]\n", idim1, idim2, bitpix, jsonlen, istart, JS9_ENDIAN, totbytes, odim1, odim2, odim1 * odim2 * COLOR_CHANNELS); } #if HAVE_CFITSIO /* move the json header into the output buffer */ memmove(&buf[istart], dbuf, dlen); #elif HAVE_FUNTOOLS /* extract and bin the data section into an image buffer */ if( !FunImageGet(ifun, &buf[istart], NULL) ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not FunImageGet: %s\n", iname); exit(1); } #endif /* debugging output to check against javascript input */ if( verbose > 1 ){ fprintf(stderr, "jsonheader: %s\n", jsonheader); for(j=0; j<idim2; j++){ fprintf(stderr, "data #%d: ", j); for(i=0; i<idim1; i++){ switch(bitpix){ case 8: fprintf(stderr, "%d ", *(unsigned char *)(buf + istart + ((j * idim1) + i) * blen)); break; case 16: fprintf(stderr, "%d ", *(short *)(buf + istart + ((j * idim1) + i) * blen)); break; case -16: fprintf(stderr, "%d ", *(unsigned short *)(buf + istart + ((j * idim1) + i) * blen)); break; case 32: fprintf(stderr, "%d ", *(int *)(buf + istart + ((j * idim1) + i) * blen)); break; case -32: fprintf(stderr, "%.3f ", *(float *)(buf + istart + ((j * idim1) + i) * blen)); break; case -64: fprintf(stderr, "%.3f ", *(double *)(buf + istart + ((j * idim1) + i) * blen)); break; } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* might have to swap to preferred endian for png creation */ if( (!strncmp(JS9_ENDIAN, "l", 1) && is_bigendian()) || (!strncmp(JS9_ENDIAN, "b", 1) && !is_bigendian()) ){ swap_data(&buf[istart], idim1 * idim2, bitpix/8); } /* write the PNG file */ got = writePNG(ofp, buf, odim1, odim2, optinfo); /* free up space */ if( buf ) free(buf); if( optinfo ) free(optinfo); if( jsonheader ) free(jsonheader); /* close files */ #if HAVE_CFITSIO status = 0; if( ofptr && (ofptr != fptr) ) closeFITSFile(ofptr, &status); if( fptr ) closeFITSFile(fptr, &status); if( dbuf ) free(dbuf); #elif HAVE_FUNTOOLS if( ifun ) FunClose(ifun); if( tfun ){ FunClose(tfun); free(tfun); } #endif if( ofp) fclose(ofp); /* return the news */ return got; }