文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
void	removeEmbargo(IonNode *node, uvast neighborNodeNbr)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	PsmAddress	elt;
	PsmAddress	addr;
	Embargo		*embargo;

	for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, node->embargoes); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt))
		addr = sm_list_data(ionwm, elt);
		embargo = (Embargo *) psp(ionwm, addr);
		if (embargo->nodeNbr < neighborNodeNbr)

		if (embargo->nodeNbr > neighborNodeNbr)
			return;	/*	Embargo not found.		*/

		break;		/*	Found the embargo to remove.	*/

	if (elt == 0)
		return;		/*	Embargo not found.		*/

	oK(sm_list_delete(ionwm, elt, NULL, NULL));
	psm_free(ionwm, addr);
void	ionDropVdb()
	PsmPartition	wm = getIonwm();
	char		*ionvdbName = _ionvdbName();
	PsmAddress	vdbAddress;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	char		*stop = NULL;

	if (psm_locate(wm, ionvdbName, &vdbAddress, &elt) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Failed searching for vdb.", NULL);

	if (elt)
		dropVdb(wm, vdbAddress);	/*	Destroy Vdb.	*/
		psm_free(wm, vdbAddress);
		if (psm_uncatlg(wm, ionvdbName) < 0)
			putErrmsg("Failed uncataloging vdb.", NULL);

	oK(_ionvdb(&stop));			/*	Forget old Vdb.	*/
文件: dtpcadmin.c 项目: brnrc/ion-dtn
static void	infoProfile(int tokenCount, char **tokens)
	DtpcVdb		*vdb = getDtpcVdb();
	Profile		*vprofile;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	PsmPartition	wm = getIonwm();
	unsigned int	profileID;

	if (tokenCount != 3)
	profileID = atoi(tokens[2]);
	for (elt = sm_list_first(wm, vdb->profiles); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(wm, elt))
		vprofile = (Profile *) psp(wm, sm_list_data(wm, elt));
		if (vprofile->profileID == profileID)

	if (elt == 0)
		printText("Unknown profile.");

文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
IonNode	*addNode(IonVdb *ionvdb, uvast nodeNbr)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	PsmAddress	addr;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	IonNode		*node;

	addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonNode));
	if (addr == 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't add node.", NULL);
		return NULL;

	node = (IonNode *) psp(ionwm, addr);
	memset((char *) node, 0, sizeof(IonNode));
	node->nodeNbr = nodeNbr;
	elt = sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, ionvdb->nodes, addr, rfx_order_nodes, node);
	if (elt == 0)
		psm_free(ionwm, addr);
		putErrmsg("Can't add node.", NULL);
		return NULL;

	node->embargoes = sm_list_create(ionwm);
	return node;
文件: bpclock.c 项目: b/ION
static void	applyRateControl(Sdr sdr)
	BpVdb		*vdb = getBpVdb();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	Throttle	*throttle;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	VInduct		*induct;
	VOutduct	*outduct;
	long		capacityLimit;

	sdr_begin_xn(sdr);	/*	Just to lock memory.		*/

	/*	Recalculate limit on local bundle generation.		*/


	/*	Enable some bundle acquisition.				*/

	for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, vdb->inducts); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt))
		induct = (VInduct *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt));
		throttle = &(induct->acqThrottle);
		capacityLimit = throttle->nominalRate << 1;
		throttle->capacity += throttle->nominalRate;
		if (throttle->capacity > capacityLimit)
			throttle->capacity = capacityLimit;

		if (throttle->capacity > 0)

	/*	Enable some bundle transmission.			*/

	for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, vdb->outducts); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt))
		outduct = (VOutduct *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt));
		throttle = &(outduct->xmitThrottle);
		capacityLimit = throttle->nominalRate << 1;
		throttle->capacity += throttle->nominalRate;
		if (throttle->capacity > capacityLimit)
			throttle->capacity = capacityLimit;

		if (throttle->capacity > 0)

	sdr_exit_xn(sdr);	/*	Unlock memory.			*/
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
PsmAddress	postProbeEvent(IonNode *node, Embargo *embargo)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	PsmAddress	addr;
	IonProbe	*probe;
	IonVdb		*ionvdb;
	IonNeighbor	*neighbor;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	unsigned int	rtlt;		/*	Round-trip light time.	*/
	int		interval = 6;	/*	Minimum 6-sec interval.	*/
	PsmAddress	elt;
	IonProbe	*pr;

	addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonProbe));
	if (addr == 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't create probe event.", NULL);
		return 0;

	probe = (IonProbe *) psp(ionwm, addr);
	probe->time = getUTCTime();
	probe->destNodeNbr = node->nodeNbr;
	probe->neighborNodeNbr = embargo->nodeNbr;

	/*	Schedule next probe of this embargoed neighbor for the
	 *	time that is the current time plus 2x the round-trip
	 *	light time from the local node to the neighbor (but
	 *	at least 6 seconds).					*/
	ionvdb = getIonVdb();
	neighbor = findNeighbor(ionvdb, embargo->nodeNbr, &nextElt);
	if (neighbor)
		rtlt = (neighbor->owltOutbound + neighbor->owltInbound) << 1;
		if (rtlt > interval)
			interval = rtlt;

	probe->time += interval;
	for (elt = sm_list_last(ionwm, ionvdb->probes); elt;
			elt = sm_list_prev(ionwm, elt))
		pr = (IonProbe *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt));
		if (pr->time <= probe->time)
			return sm_list_insert_after(ionwm, elt, addr);

	return sm_list_insert_first(ionwm, ionvdb->probes, addr);
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
void	rfx_stop()
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	int		i;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmAddress	addr;
	Requisition	*req;

	/*	Safely shut down the ZCO flow control system.		*/

	for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
		for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, vdb->requisitions[i]); elt;
				elt = nextElt)
			nextElt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt);
			addr = sm_list_data(ionwm, elt);
			req = (Requisition *) psp(ionwm, addr);
			psm_free(ionwm, addr);
			sm_list_delete(ionwm, elt, NULL, NULL);


	/*	Stop the rfx clock if necessary.			*/
	if (vdb->clockPid != ERROR)
		sm_TaskKill(vdb->clockPid, SIGTERM);
		while (sm_TaskExists(vdb->clockPid))

		vdb->clockPid = ERROR;
	/*	Wipe out all red-black trees involved in routing,
	 *	for reconstruction on restart.				*/

	sm_rbt_destroy(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
	sm_rbt_destroy(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
	sm_rbt_destroy(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
	vdb->contactIndex = sm_rbt_create(ionwm);
	vdb->rangeIndex = sm_rbt_create(ionwm);
	vdb->timeline = sm_rbt_create(ionwm);
static void	executeList(int tokenCount, char **tokens)
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	PsmAddress	elt;
	PsmAddress	addr;
	char		buffer[RFX_NOTE_LEN];

	if (tokenCount < 2)
		printText("List what?");

	if (strcmp(tokens[1], "contact") == 0)
		for (elt = sm_rbt_first(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex); elt;
				elt = sm_rbt_next(ionwm, elt))
			addr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, elt);
			rfx_print_contact(addr, buffer);


	if (strcmp(tokens[1], "range") == 0)
		for (elt = sm_rbt_first(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex); elt;
				elt = sm_rbt_next(ionwm, elt))
			addr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, elt);
			rfx_print_range(addr, buffer);


文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
char	*rfx_print_range(PsmAddress rxaddr, char *buffer)
	IonRXref	*range;
	char		fromTimeBuffer[TIMESTAMPBUFSZ];
	char		toTimeBuffer[TIMESTAMPBUFSZ];

	range = (IonRXref *) psp(getIonwm(), rxaddr);
	writeTimestampUTC(range->fromTime, fromTimeBuffer);
	writeTimestampUTC(range->toTime, toTimeBuffer);
	isprintf(buffer, RFX_NOTE_LEN, "From %20s to %20s the OWLT from \
node " UVAST_FIELDSPEC " to node " UVAST_FIELDSPEC " is %10u seconds.",
			fromTimeBuffer, toTimeBuffer, range->fromNode,
			range->toNode, range->owlt);
	return buffer;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
char	*rfx_print_contact(PsmAddress cxaddr, char *buffer)
	IonCXref	*contact;
	char		fromTimeBuffer[TIMESTAMPBUFSZ];
	char		toTimeBuffer[TIMESTAMPBUFSZ];

	contact = (IonCXref *) psp(getIonwm(), cxaddr);
	writeTimestampUTC(contact->fromTime, fromTimeBuffer);
	writeTimestampUTC(contact->toTime, toTimeBuffer);
	snprintf(buffer, RFX_NOTE_LEN, "From %20s to %20s the xmit rate from \
node " UVAST_FIELDSPEC " to node " UVAST_FIELDSPEC " is %10lu bytes/sec, \
probability %f.",
			fromTimeBuffer, toTimeBuffer, contact->fromNode,
			contact->toNode, (unsigned long) contact->xmitRate, contact->prob);
	return buffer;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
IonNode	*findNode(IonVdb *ionvdb, uvast nodeNbr, PsmAddress *nextElt)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonNode		arg;
	PsmAddress	elt;

	memset((char *) &arg, 0, sizeof(IonNode));
	arg.nodeNbr = nodeNbr;
	elt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, ionvdb->nodes, rfx_order_nodes, &arg,
	if (elt)
		return (IonNode *) psp(ionwm, sm_rbt_data(ionwm, elt));

	return NULL;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
IonNeighbor	*addNeighbor(IonVdb *ionvdb, uvast nodeNbr)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonNode		*node;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmAddress	addr;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	IonNeighbor	*neighbor;

	node = findNode(ionvdb, nodeNbr, &nextElt);
	if (node == NULL)
		node = addNode(ionvdb, nodeNbr);
		if (node == NULL)
			putErrmsg("Can't add neighboring node.", NULL);
			return NULL;

	addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonNeighbor));
	if (addr == 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't add neighbor.", NULL);
		return NULL;

	neighbor = (IonNeighbor *) psp(ionwm, addr);
	memset((char *) neighbor, 0, sizeof(IonNeighbor));
	neighbor->nodeNbr = nodeNbr;
	neighbor->node = psa(ionwm, node);
	elt = sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, ionvdb->neighbors, addr, rfx_order_neighbors,
	if (elt == 0)
		psm_free(ionwm, addr);
		putErrmsg("Can't add neighbor.", NULL);
		return NULL;

	return neighbor;
文件: dtpcadmin.c 项目: brnrc/ion-dtn
static void	listProfiles(int tokenCount, char **tokens)
	PsmPartition	wm = getIonwm();
	PsmAddress	elt;
	Profile		*vprofile;

	if (tokenCount != 2)

	for (elt = sm_list_first(wm, (getDtpcVdb())->profiles); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(wm, elt))
		vprofile = (Profile *) psp(wm, sm_list_data(wm, elt));
文件: utils.c 项目: BerlaT/cgr-jni
static void	ionDropVdb(char * vdbName)
	PsmPartition	wm = getIonwm();
	char		*ionvdbName = vdbName;
	PsmAddress	vdbAddress;
	PsmAddress	elt;

	if (psm_locate(wm, ionvdbName, &vdbAddress, &elt) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Failed searching for vdb.", NULL);

	if (elt)
		dropVdb(wm, vdbAddress);	/*	Destroy Vdb.	*/
		if (psm_uncatlg(wm, ionvdbName) < 0)
			putErrmsg("Failed uncataloging vdb.", NULL);
		psm_free(wm, vdbAddress);

文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
static void	deleteRange(PsmAddress rxaddr, int conditional)
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb 		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	time_t		currentTime = getUTCTime();
	IonRXref	*rxref;
	Object		obj;
	IonEvent	event;
	IonNeighbor	*neighbor;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;

	rxref = (IonRXref *) psp(ionwm, rxaddr);

	/*	Delete range from non-volatile database.		*/

	if (rxref->rangeElt)		/*	An asserted range.	*/
		if (conditional)	/*	Delete only if imputed.	*/
			return;		/*	Retain asserted range.	*/

		/*	Unconditional deletion; remove range from DB.	*/

		obj = sdr_list_data(sdr, rxref->rangeElt);
		sdr_free(sdr, obj);
		sdr_list_delete(sdr, rxref->rangeElt, NULL, NULL);

	/*	Delete range events from timeline.			*/

	event.ref = rxaddr;
	event.time = rxref->fromTime;
	if (rxref->rangeElt)
		event.type = IonStartAssertedRange;
		event.type = IonStartImputedRange;

	sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
			&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
	event.time = rxref->toTime;
	if (rxref->rangeElt)
		event.type = IonStopAssertedRange;
		event.type = IonStopImputedRange;

	sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
			&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	/*	Apply to current state as necessary.			*/

	if (currentTime >= rxref->fromTime && currentTime <= rxref->toTime)
		if (rxref->fromNode == getOwnNodeNbr())
			neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, rxref->toNode, &nextElt);
			if (neighbor)
				neighbor->owltOutbound = 0;

		if (rxref->toNode == getOwnNodeNbr())
			neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, rxref->fromNode, &nextElt);
			if (neighbor)
				neighbor->owltInbound = 0;

	/*	Delete range from index.				*/

	if (rxref->toTime > currentTime)	/*	Affects routes.	*/
		vdb->lastEditTime = currentTime;

	sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_order_ranges, rxref,
			rfx_erase_data, NULL);
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
Object	rfx_insert_range(time_t fromTime, time_t toTime, uvast fromNode,
		uvast toNode, unsigned int owlt)
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	IonRXref	arg1;
	PsmAddress	rxelt;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmAddress	rxaddr;
	IonRXref	*rxref;
	IonEvent	arg2;
	PsmAddress	prevElt;
	char		rangeIdString[128];
	IonRange	range;
	Object		iondbObj;
	IonDB		iondb;
	Object		obj;
	Object		elt;

	/*	Note that ranges are normally assumed to be symmetrical,
	 *	i.e., the signal propagation time from B to A is normally
	 *	assumed to be the same as the signal propagation time
	 *	from A to B.  For this reason, normally only the A->B
	 *	range (where A is a node number that is less than node
	 *	number B) need be entered; when ranges are applied to
	 *	the IonNeighbor objects in the ION database, the A->B
	 *	range is stored as the OWLT for transmissions from A to
	 *	B and also as the OWLT for transmissions from B to A.
	 *	However, it is possible to insert asymmetric ranges, as
	 *	would apply when the forward and return traffic between
	 *	some pair of nodes travels by different transmission
	 *	paths that introduce different latencies.  When this is
	 *	the case, both the A->B and B->A ranges must be entered.
	 *	The A->B range is initially processed as a symmetric
	 *	range as described above, but when the B->A range is
	 *	subsequently noted it overrides the default OWLT for
	 *	transmissions from B to A.				*/

	CHKZERO(toTime > fromTime);

	/*	Make sure range doesn't overlap with any pre-existing
	 *	ranges.							*/

	memset((char *) &arg1, 0, sizeof(IonRXref));
	arg1.fromNode = fromNode;
	arg1.toNode = toNode;
	arg1.fromTime = fromTime;
	arg1.toTime = toTime;
	arg1.owlt = owlt;
	rxelt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_order_ranges,
			&arg1, &nextElt);
	if (rxelt)	/*	Range is in database already.		*/
		rxaddr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, rxelt);
		rxref = (IonRXref *) psp(ionwm, rxaddr);
		if (rxref->rangeElt == 0)	/*	Imputed.	*/
			/*	The existing range for the same nodes
			 *	and time is merely an imputed range,
			 *	which is being overridden by a non-
			 *	canonical range assertion indicating
			 *	an override of the normal symmetry in
			 *	the owlt between nodes.  Must delete
			 *	that imputed range, together with the
			 *	associated events, after which there
			 *	is no duplication.			*/

			sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_order_ranges,
					&arg1, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
			arg2.ref = rxaddr;
			arg2.time = rxref->fromTime;
			arg2.type = IonStartImputedRange;
			sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
					&arg2, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
			arg2.time = rxref->toTime;
			arg2.type = IonStopImputedRange;
			sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
					&arg2, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
		else	/*	Overriding an asserted range.		*/
			/*	This is an attempt to replace an
			 *	existing asserted range with another
			 *	asserted range, which is prohibited.	*/

			if (rxref->owlt == owlt)
				return rxaddr;	/*	Idempotent.	*/

			isprintf(rangeIdString, sizeof rangeIdString,
					"from %lu, %llu->%llu", fromTime,
					fromNode, toNode);
			writeMemoNote("[?] Range OWLT not revised",
			return 0;

	/*	Check for overlap, which is not allowed.		*/

	if (nextElt)
		prevElt = sm_rbt_prev(ionwm, nextElt);
		rxref = (IonRXref *)
			psp(ionwm, sm_rbt_data(ionwm, nextElt));
		if (fromNode == rxref->fromNode
		&& toNode == rxref->toNode
		&& toTime > rxref->fromTime)
			writeMemoNote("[?] Overlapping range",
			return 0;
		prevElt = sm_rbt_last(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex);

	if (prevElt)
		rxref = (IonRXref *)
			psp(ionwm, sm_rbt_data(ionwm, prevElt));
		if (fromNode == rxref->fromNode
		&& toNode == rxref->toNode
		&& fromTime < rxref->toTime)
			writeMemoNote("[?] Overlapping range",
			return 0;

	/*	Range isn't already in database; okay to add.		*/

	rxaddr = 0;
	range.fromTime = fromTime;
	range.toTime = toTime;
	range.fromNode = fromNode;
	range.toNode = toNode;
	range.owlt = owlt;
	obj = sdr_malloc(sdr, sizeof(IonRange));
	if (obj)
		sdr_write(sdr, obj, (char *) &range, sizeof(IonRange));
		iondbObj = getIonDbObject();
		sdr_read(sdr, (char *) &iondb, iondbObj, sizeof(IonDB));
		elt = sdr_list_insert_last(sdr, iondb.ranges, obj);
		if (elt)
			arg1.rangeElt = elt;
			rxaddr = insertRXref(&arg1);
			if (rxaddr == 0)

	if (sdr_end_xn(sdr) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't insert range.", NULL);
		return 0;

	return rxaddr;
文件: ltpclock.c 项目: b/ION
static int	manageLinks(Sdr sdr, time_t currentTime)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	LtpVdb		*ltpvdb = getLtpVdb();
	IonVdb		*ionvdb = getIonVdb();
	PsmAddress	elt;
	LtpVspan	*vspan;
	Object		obj;
	LtpSpan		span;
	IonNeighbor	*neighbor;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	unsigned long	priorXmitRate;

	for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, ltpvdb->spans); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt))
		vspan = (LtpVspan *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt));

		/*	Finish aggregation as necessary.		*/

		obj = sdr_list_data(sdr, vspan->spanElt);
		sdr_stage(sdr, (char *) &span, obj, sizeof(LtpSpan));
		if (span.lengthOfBufferedBlock > 0)
			sdr_write(sdr, obj, (char *) &span, sizeof(LtpSpan));
			if (span.ageOfBufferedBlock >= span.aggrTimeLimit)

		/*	Find Neighbor object encapsulating the current
		 *	known state of this LTP engine.			*/

		neighbor = findNeighbor(ionvdb, vspan->engineId, &nextElt);
		if (neighbor == NULL)
			neighbor = addNeighbor(ionvdb, vspan->engineId,
			if (neighbor == NULL)
				putErrmsg("Can't update span.", NULL);
				return -1;

		if (neighbor->xmitRate == 0)
			if (vspan->localXmitRate > 0)
				vspan->localXmitRate = 0;
			if (vspan->localXmitRate == 0)
				vspan->localXmitRate = neighbor->xmitRate;

		if (neighbor->fireRate == 0)
			if (vspan->remoteXmitRate > 0)
				priorXmitRate = vspan->remoteXmitRate;
				vspan->remoteXmitRate = 0;
				if (ltpSuspendTimers(vspan, elt, currentTime,
					putErrmsg("Can't manage links.", NULL);
					return -1;
			if (vspan->remoteXmitRate == 0)
				vspan->remoteXmitRate = neighbor->fireRate;
				if (ltpResumeTimers(vspan, elt, currentTime,
					putErrmsg("Can't manage links.", NULL);
					return -1;

		if (neighbor->recvRate == 0)
			vspan->receptionRate = 0;
			vspan->receptionRate = neighbor->recvRate;

		if (neighbor->owltInbound != vspan->owltInbound)
			vspan->owltInbound = neighbor->owltInbound;

		if (neighbor->owltOutbound != vspan->owltOutbound)
			vspan->owltOutbound = neighbor->owltOutbound;

	if (sdr_end_xn(sdr) < 0)
		putErrmsg("ltpclock failed managing links.", NULL);
		return -1;

	return 0;
文件: bpclock.c 项目: b/ION
static int	adjustThrottles()
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb		*ionvdb = getIonVdb();
	BpVdb		*bpvdb = getBpVdb();
	PsmAddress	elt;
	VOutduct	*outduct;
	unsigned long	nodeNbr;
	IonNeighbor	*neighbor;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	int		delta;
	VInduct		*induct;

	/*	Only the LTP induct and outduct throttles can be
	 *	dynamically adjusted in response to changes in data
	 *	rate between the local node and its neighbors, because
	 *	(currently) there is no mechanism for mapping neighbor
	 *	node number to duct name for any other CL protocol.
	 *	For LTP, duct name is LTP engine number which, by
	 *	convention, is identical to BP node number.  For all
	 *	other CL protocols, duct nominal data rate is initially
	 *	set to the protocol's configured nominal data rate and
	 *	is never subsequently modified.
	 *	So, first we find the LTP induct if any.		*/

	for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, bpvdb->inducts); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt))
		induct = (VInduct *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt));
		if (strcmp(induct->protocolName, "ltp") == 0)
			break;	/*	Found the LTP induct.		*/

	if (elt == 0)		/*	No LTP induct; nothing to do.	*/
		return 0;

	/*	Now update all LTP outducts, and the induct as well,
	 *	inferring the existence of Neighbors in the process.	*/

	for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, bpvdb->outducts); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt))
		outduct = (VOutduct *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt));
		if (strcmp(outduct->protocolName, "ltp") != 0)

		nodeNbr = atol(outduct->ductName);
		neighbor = findNeighbor(ionvdb, nodeNbr, &nextElt);
		if (neighbor == NULL)
			neighbor = addNeighbor(ionvdb, nodeNbr, nextElt);
			if (neighbor == NULL)
				putErrmsg("Can't adjust outduct throttle.",
				return -1;

		if (neighbor->xmitRate != neighbor->prevXmitRate)
			if (neighbor->nodeNbr != getOwnNodeNbr())
			/*	We report and clear transmission
			 *	statistics as necessary.  NOTE that
			 *	this procedure is based on the
			 *	assumption that the local node is
			 *	in LTP transmission contact with
			 *	AT MOST ONE neighbor at any time.
			 *	For more complex topologies it will
			 *	need to be redesigned.			*/

				if (neighbor->xmitRate == 0)
					/*	End of xmit contact.	*/
				else if (neighbor->prevXmitRate == 0)
					/*	Start of xmit contact.	*/
			outduct->xmitThrottle.nominalRate = neighbor->xmitRate;
			neighbor->prevXmitRate = neighbor->xmitRate;

		/*	Note that the LTP induct is aggregate; the
		 *	duct's nominal rate is the sum of the rates
		 *	at which all neighbors are expected to be
		 *	transmitting to the local node at any given
		 *	moment.  So we must add the change in rate
		 *	for each known neighbor to the aggregate
		 *	nominal reception rate for the induct.		*/

		if (neighbor->recvRate != neighbor->prevRecvRate)
			if (neighbor->nodeNbr != getOwnNodeNbr())
			/*	We report and clear reception
			 *	statistics as necessary.  NOTE that
			 *	this procedure is based on the
			 *	assumption that the local node is
			 *	in LTP reception contact with
			 *	AT MOST ONE neighbor at any time.
			 *	For more complex topologies it will
			 *	need to be redesigned.			*/

				if (neighbor->recvRate == 0)
					/*	End of recv contact.	*/
				else if (neighbor->prevRecvRate == 0)
					/*	Start of recv contact.	*/
			delta = neighbor->recvRate - neighbor->prevRecvRate;
			induct->acqThrottle.nominalRate += delta;
			neighbor->prevRecvRate = neighbor->recvRate;

	return 0;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
int	rfx_remove_range(time_t fromTime, uvast fromNode, uvast toNode)
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb 		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	IonRXref	arg;
	PsmAddress	rxelt;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmAddress	rxaddr;
	IonRXref	*rxref;

	/*	Note: when the fromTime passed to ionadmin is '*'
	 *	a fromTime of zero is passed to rfx_remove_range,
	 *	where it is interpreted as "all ranges between
	 *	these two nodes".					*/

	memset((char *) &arg, 0, sizeof(IonRXref));
	arg.fromNode = fromNode;
	arg.toNode = toNode;
	if (fromTime)		/*	Not a wild-card deletion.	*/
		arg.fromTime = fromTime;
		rxelt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_order_ranges,
				&arg, &nextElt);
		if (rxelt)	/*	Found it.			*/
			rxaddr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, rxelt);
			deleteRange(rxaddr, 0);
	else		/*	Wild-card deletion, start at time zero.	*/
		while (1)
			/*	Get first remaining range for this
			 *	to/from node pair.			*/

			oK(sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex,
					rfx_order_ranges, &arg, &rxelt));
			if (rxelt == 0)
				break;	/*	No more ranges.		*/

			rxaddr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, rxelt);
			rxref = (IonRXref *) psp(ionwm, rxaddr);
			if (rxref->fromNode > arg.fromNode
			|| rxref->toNode > arg.toNode)
				break;	/*	No more matches.	*/

			deleteRange(rxaddr, 0);

	if (fromNode > toNode)
		/*	This is either an imputed range or else
		 *	a non-canonical range assertion,
		 *	indicating an override of the normal
		 *	symmetry in the owlt between nodes.  The
		 *	reverse range assertion does *not* hold.	*/

		if (sdr_end_xn(sdr) < 0)
			putErrmsg("Can't remove range(s).", NULL);
			return -1;

		return 0;

	/*	Canonical range assertion(s); delete corresponding
	 *	imputed range(s) as well.				*/

	arg.fromNode = toNode;	/*	Reverse direction.		*/
	arg.toNode = fromNode;	/*	Reverse direction.		*/
	if (fromTime)		/*	Not a wild-card deletion.	*/
		arg.fromTime = fromTime;
		rxelt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_order_ranges,
				&arg, &nextElt);
		if (rxelt)	/*	Found it.			*/
			rxaddr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, rxelt);
			deleteRange(rxaddr, 1);
	else		/*	Wild-card deletion, start at time zero.	*/
		while (1)
			/*	Get first remaining range for this
			 *	to/from node pair.			*/

			oK(sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex,
					rfx_order_ranges, &arg, &rxelt));
			if (rxelt == 0)
				break;	/*	No more ranges.		*/

			rxaddr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, rxelt);
			rxref = (IonRXref *) psp(ionwm, rxaddr);
			if (rxref->fromNode > arg.fromNode
			|| rxref->toNode > arg.toNode)
				break;	/*	No more matches.	*/

			deleteRange(rxaddr, 1);

	if (sdr_end_xn(sdr) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't remove range(s).", NULL);
		return -1;

	return 0;
文件: ipnfw.c 项目: b/ION
static int	enqueueToNeighbor(Bundle *bundle, Object bundleObj,
			unsigned long nodeNbr, unsigned long serviceNbr)
	FwdDirective	directive;
	char		*decoration;
	char		stationEid[64];
	IonNode		*stationNode;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmPartition	ionwm;
	PsmAddress	snubElt;
	IonSnub		*snub;

	if (ipn_lookupPlanDirective(nodeNbr, bundle->id.source.c.serviceNbr, 
			bundle->id.source.c.nodeNbr, &directive) == 0)
		return 0;

	/*	The station node is a neighbor.				*/

	decoration = "dtn::";
	decoration = "";
	isprintf(stationEid, sizeof stationEid, "%.5sipn:%lu.%lu", decoration,
			nodeNbr, serviceNbr);

	/*	Is neighbor refusing to be a station for bundles?	*/

	stationNode = findNode(getIonVdb(), nodeNbr, &nextElt);
	if (stationNode)
		ionwm = getIonwm();
		for (snubElt = sm_list_first(ionwm, stationNode->snubs);
				snubElt; snubElt = sm_list_next(ionwm, snubElt))
			snub = (IonSnub *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm,
			if (snub->nodeNbr < nodeNbr)

			if (snub->nodeNbr > nodeNbr)
				break;	/*	Not refusing bundles.	*/

			/*	Neighbor is refusing bundles; give up.	*/

			return 0;

	if (enqueueToDuct(&directive, bundle, bundleObj, stationEid) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't enqueue bundle.", NULL);
		return -1;

	return 0;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
int	rfx_remove_contact(time_t fromTime, uvast fromNode, uvast toNode)
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb 		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	IonCXref	arg;
	PsmAddress	cxelt;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmAddress	cxaddr;
	IonCXref	*cxref;

	/*	Note: when the fromTime passed to ionadmin is '*'
	 *	a fromTime of zero is passed to rfx_remove_contact,
	 *	where it is interpreted as "all contacts between
	 *	these two nodes".					*/

	memset((char *) &arg, 0, sizeof(IonCXref));
	arg.fromNode = fromNode;
	arg.toNode = toNode;
	if (fromTime)		/*	Not a wild-card deletion.	*/
		arg.fromTime = fromTime;
		cxelt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex,
				rfx_order_contacts, &arg, &nextElt);
		if (cxelt)	/*	Found it.			*/
			cxaddr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, cxelt);
	else		/*	Wild-card deletion, start at time zero.	*/
		while (1)
			/*	Get first remaining contact for this
			 *	to/from node pair.			*/

			oK(sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex,
					rfx_order_contacts, &arg, &cxelt));
			if (cxelt == 0)
				break;	/*	No more contacts.	*/

			cxaddr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, cxelt);
			cxref = (IonCXref *) psp(ionwm, cxaddr);
			if (cxref->fromNode > fromNode
			|| cxref->toNode > toNode)
				break;	/*	No more matches.	*/


	if (sdr_end_xn(sdr) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't remove contact(s).", NULL);
		return -1;

	return 0;
static void	executeInfo(int tokenCount, char **tokens)
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	time_t		refTime;
	time_t		timestamp;
	uvast		fromNode;
	uvast		toNode;
	IonCXref	arg1;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	PsmAddress	addr;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	char		buffer[RFX_NOTE_LEN];
	IonRXref	arg2;

	if (tokenCount < 2)
		printText("Information on what?");

	if (tokenCount != 5)

	refTime = _referenceTime(NULL);
	timestamp = readTimestampUTC(tokens[2], refTime);
	fromNode = strtouvast(tokens[3]);
	toNode = strtouvast(tokens[4]);
	if (strcmp(tokens[1], "contact") == 0)
		memset((char *) &arg1, 0, sizeof(IonCXref));
		arg1.fromNode = fromNode;
		arg1.toNode = toNode;
		arg1.fromTime = timestamp;
		elt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex,
				rfx_order_contacts, &arg1, &nextElt);
		if (elt)
			addr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, elt);
			oK(rfx_print_contact(addr, buffer));
			printText("Contact not found in database.");


	if (strcmp(tokens[1], "range") == 0)
		memset((char *) &arg2, 0, sizeof(IonRXref));
		arg2.fromNode = fromNode;
		arg2.toNode = toNode;
		arg2.fromTime = timestamp;
		elt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex,
				rfx_order_ranges, &arg2, &nextElt);
		if (elt)
			addr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, elt);
			oK(rfx_print_range(addr, buffer));
			printText("Range not found in database.");


文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
int	rfx_start()
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	IonVdb		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	Object		iondbObj;
	IonDB		iondb;
	Object		elt;

	iondbObj = getIonDbObject();
	CHKERR(sdr_begin_xn(sdr));	/*	To lock memory.		*/
	sdr_read(sdr, (char *) &iondb, iondbObj, sizeof(IonDB));

	/*	Destroy and re-create volatile contact and range
	 *	databases.  This prevents contact/range duplication
	 *	as a result of adds before starting ION.		*/

	sm_rbt_destroy(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
	sm_rbt_destroy(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_erase_data, NULL);
	vdb->contactIndex = sm_rbt_create(ionwm);
	vdb->rangeIndex = sm_rbt_create(ionwm);

	/*	Load range index for all asserted ranges.  In so
	 *	doing, load the nodes for which ranges are known
	 *	and load events for all predicted changes in range.	*/

	for (elt = sdr_list_first(sdr, iondb.ranges); elt;
			elt = sdr_list_next(sdr, elt))
		if (loadRange(elt) < 0)
			putErrmsg("Can't load range.", NULL);
			return -1;

	/*	Load contact index for all contacts.  In so doing,
	 *	load the nodes for which contacts are planned (as
	 *	necessary) and load events for all planned changes
	 *	in data rate affecting the local node.			*/

	iondbObj = getIonDbObject();
	sdr_read(sdr, (char *) &iondb, iondbObj, sizeof(IonDB));
	for (elt = sdr_list_first(sdr, iondb.contacts); elt;
			elt = sdr_list_next(sdr, elt))
		if (loadContact(elt) < 0)
			putErrmsg("Can't load contact.", NULL);
			return -1;

	/*	Start the rfx clock if necessary.			*/
	if (vdb->clockPid == ERROR || sm_TaskExists(vdb->clockPid) == 0)
		vdb->clockPid = pseudoshell("rfxclock");
	sdr_exit_xn(sdr);	/*	Unlock memory.			*/
	return 0;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
static void	deleteContact(PsmAddress cxaddr)
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb 		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	time_t		currentTime = getUTCTime();
	IonCXref	*cxref;
	Object		obj;
	IonEvent	event;
	IonNeighbor	*neighbor;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;

	cxref = (IonCXref *) psp(ionwm, cxaddr);

	/*	Delete contact events from timeline.			*/

	event.ref = cxaddr;
	if (cxref->startXmit)
		event.time = cxref->startXmit;
		event.type = IonStartXmit;
		sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
				&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	if (cxref->stopXmit)
		event.time = cxref->stopXmit;
		event.type = IonStopXmit;
		sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
				&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	if (cxref->startFire)
		event.time = cxref->startFire;
		event.type = IonStartFire;
		sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
				&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	if (cxref->stopFire)
		event.time = cxref->stopFire;
		event.type = IonStopFire;
		sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
				&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	if (cxref->startRecv)
		event.time = cxref->startRecv;
		event.type = IonStartRecv;
		sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
				&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	if (cxref->stopRecv)
		event.time = cxref->stopRecv;
		event.type = IonStopRecv;
		sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
				&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	if (cxref->purgeTime)
		event.time = cxref->purgeTime;
		event.type = IonPurgeContact;
		sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->timeline, rfx_order_events,
				&event, rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	/*	Apply to current state as necessary.			*/

	if (currentTime >= cxref->startXmit && currentTime <= cxref->stopXmit)
		neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, cxref->toNode, &nextElt);
		if (neighbor)
			neighbor->xmitRate = 0;

	if (currentTime >= cxref->startFire && currentTime <= cxref->stopFire)
		neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, cxref->fromNode, &nextElt);
		if (neighbor)
			neighbor->fireRate = 0;

	if (currentTime >= cxref->startRecv && currentTime <= cxref->stopRecv)
		neighbor = findNeighbor(vdb, cxref->fromNode, &nextElt);
		if (neighbor)
			neighbor->recvRate = 0;

	/*	Delete contact from index.				*/

	if (cxref->toTime > currentTime)	/*	Affects routes.	*/
		vdb->lastEditTime = currentTime;

	sm_rbt_delete(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex, rfx_order_contacts, cxref,
			rfx_erase_data, NULL);

	/*	Delete contact from non-volatile database.		*/

	obj = sdr_list_data(sdr, cxref->contactElt);
	sdr_list_delete(sdr, cxref->contactElt, NULL, NULL);
	sdr_free(sdr, obj);
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
PsmAddress	rfx_insert_contact(time_t fromTime, time_t toTime,
			uvast fromNode, uvast toNode, unsigned int xmitRate,
			float prob)
	Sdr		sdr = getIonsdr();
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb 		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	IonCXref	arg;
	PsmAddress	cxelt;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmAddress	cxaddr;
	IonCXref	*cxref;
	PsmAddress	prevElt;
	char		contactIdString[128];
	IonContact	contact;
	Object		iondbObj;
	IonDB		iondb;
	Object		obj;
	Object		elt;

	CHKZERO(toTime > fromTime);
	CHKZERO(prob > 0.0 && prob <= 1.0);

	/*	Make sure contact doesn't overlap with any pre-existing
	 *	contacts.						*/

	memset((char *) &arg, 0, sizeof(IonCXref));
	arg.fromNode = fromNode;
	arg.toNode = toNode;
	arg.fromTime = fromTime;
	arg.toTime = toTime;
	arg.xmitRate = xmitRate;
	arg.routingObject = 0;
	cxelt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex, rfx_order_contacts, &arg, &nextElt);
	//cxelt = 0;
	if (cxelt)	/*	Contact is in database already.		*/
		cxaddr = sm_rbt_data(ionwm, cxelt);
		cxref = (IonCXref *) psp(ionwm, cxaddr);
		if (cxref->xmitRate == xmitRate)
			return cxaddr;

		isprintf(contactIdString, sizeof contactIdString,
				"at %lu, %llu->%llu", fromTime, fromNode, toNode);
		writeMemoNote("[?] Contact data rate not revised",
		return 0;
	else	/*	Check for overlap, which is not allowed.	*/
		if (nextElt)
			prevElt = sm_rbt_prev(ionwm, nextElt);
			cxref = (IonCXref *)
				psp(ionwm, sm_rbt_data(ionwm, nextElt));
			if (fromNode == cxref->fromNode
			&& toNode == cxref->toNode
			&& toTime > cxref->fromTime)
				writeMemoNote("[?] Overlapping contact",
				return 0;
			prevElt = sm_rbt_last(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex);

		if (prevElt)
			cxref = (IonCXref *)
				psp(ionwm, sm_rbt_data(ionwm, prevElt));
			if (fromNode == cxref->fromNode
			&& toNode == cxref->toNode
			&& fromTime < cxref->toTime)
				writeMemoNote("[?] Overlapping contact",
				return 0;

	/*	Contact isn't already in database; okay to add.		*/

	cxaddr = 0;
	contact.fromTime = fromTime;
	contact.toTime = toTime;
	contact.fromNode = fromNode;
	contact.toNode = toNode;
	contact.xmitRate = xmitRate;
	contact.prob = prob;
	obj = sdr_malloc(sdr, sizeof(IonContact));
	if (obj)
		sdr_write(sdr, obj, (char *) &contact, sizeof(IonContact));
		iondbObj = getIonDbObject();
		sdr_read(sdr, (char *) &iondb, iondbObj, sizeof(IonDB));
 		elt = sdr_list_insert_last(sdr, iondb.contacts, obj);
		if (elt)
			arg.contactElt = elt;
			cxaddr = insertCXref(&arg);
			if (cxaddr == 0)

	if (sdr_end_xn(sdr) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't insert contact.", NULL);
		return 0;

	return cxaddr;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
static PsmAddress	insertCXref(IonCXref *cxref)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb 		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	IonNode		*node;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmAddress	cxaddr;
	Object		iondbObj;
	IonDB		iondb;
	PsmAddress	cxelt;
	PsmAddress	addr;
	IonEvent	*event;
	time_t		currentTime = getUTCTime();

	/*	Load the affected nodes.				*/

	node = findNode(vdb, cxref->toNode, &nextElt);
	if (node == NULL)
		node = addNode(vdb, cxref->toNode);
		if (node == NULL)
			return 0;

	node = findNode(vdb, cxref->fromNode, &nextElt);
	if (node == NULL)
		node = addNode(vdb, cxref->fromNode);
		if (node == NULL)
			return 0;

	/*	Construct the contact index entry.			*/

	cxaddr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonCXref));
	if (cxaddr == 0)
		return 0;

	/*	Compute times of relevant events.			*/

	iondbObj = getIonDbObject();
	sdr_read(getIonsdr(), (char *) &iondb, iondbObj, sizeof(IonDB));
	if (cxref->fromNode == getOwnNodeNbr())
		/*	Be a little slow to start transmission, and
		 *	a little quick to stop, to ensure that
		 *	segments arrive only when neighbor is
		 *	expecting them.					*/

		cxref->startXmit = cxref->fromTime + iondb.maxClockError;
		cxref->stopXmit = cxref->toTime - iondb.maxClockError;

	if (cxref->toNode == getOwnNodeNbr())
		/*	Be a little slow to resume timers, and a
		 *	little quick to suspend them, to minimize the
		 *	chance of premature timeout.			*/

		cxref->startFire = cxref->fromTime + iondb.maxClockError;
		cxref->stopFire = cxref->toTime - iondb.maxClockError;
	else	/*	Not a transmission to the local node.		*/
		cxref->purgeTime = cxref->toTime;

	memcpy((char *) psp(ionwm, cxaddr), (char *) cxref, sizeof(IonCXref));
	cxelt = sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->contactIndex, cxaddr,
			rfx_order_contacts, cxref);
	if (cxelt == 0)
		psm_free(ionwm, cxaddr);
		return 0;

	/*	Insert relevant timeline events.			*/

	if (cxref->startXmit)
		addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
		if (addr == 0)
			return 0;

		event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
		event->time = cxref->startXmit;
		event->type = IonStartXmit;
		event->ref = cxaddr;
		if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events,
				event) == 0)
			psm_free(ionwm, addr);
			return 0;

	if (cxref->stopXmit)
		addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
		if (addr == 0)
			return 0;

		event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
		event->time = cxref->stopXmit;
		event->type = IonStopXmit;
		event->ref = cxaddr;
		if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events,
				event) == 0)
			psm_free(ionwm, addr);
			return 0;

	if (cxref->startFire)
		addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
		if (addr == 0)
			return 0;

		event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
		event->time = cxref->startFire;
		event->type = IonStartFire;
		event->ref = cxaddr;
		if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events,
				event) == 0)
			psm_free(ionwm, addr);
			return 0;

	if (cxref->stopFire)
		addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
		if (addr == 0)
			return 0;

		event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
		event->time = cxref->stopFire;
		event->type = IonStopFire;
		event->ref = cxaddr;
		if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events,
				event) == 0)
			psm_free(ionwm, addr);
			return 0;

	if (cxref->purgeTime)
		addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
		if (addr == 0)
			return 0;

		event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
		event->time = cxref->purgeTime;
		event->type = IonPurgeContact;
		event->ref = cxaddr;
		if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events,
				event) == 0)
			psm_free(ionwm, addr);
			return 0;

	if (cxref->toTime > currentTime)	/*	Affects routes.	*/
		vdb->lastEditTime = currentTime;

	return cxaddr;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
static PsmAddress	insertRXref(IonRXref *rxref)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	IonVdb		*vdb = getIonVdb();
	IonNode		*node;
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	IonRXref	arg;
	PsmAddress	rxaddr;
	PsmAddress	rxelt;
	PsmAddress	addr;
	IonEvent	*event;
	PsmAddress	rxaddr2;
	IonRXref	*rxref2;
	time_t		currentTime = getUTCTime();

	/*	Load the affected nodes.				*/

	node = findNode(vdb, rxref->toNode, &nextElt);
	if (node == NULL)
		node = addNode(vdb, rxref->toNode);
		if (node == NULL)
			return 0;

	node = findNode(vdb, rxref->fromNode, &nextElt);
	if (node == NULL)
		node = addNode(vdb, rxref->fromNode);
		if (node == NULL)
			return 0;

	/*	Construct the range index entry.			*/

	rxaddr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonRXref));
	if (rxaddr == 0)
		return 0;

	memcpy((char *) psp(ionwm, rxaddr), (char *) rxref, sizeof(IonRXref));
	rxelt = sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rxaddr, rfx_order_ranges,
	if (rxelt == 0)
		psm_free(ionwm, rxaddr);
		return 0;

	/*	Insert relevant asserted timeline events.		*/

	addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
	if (addr == 0)
		return 0;

	event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
	event->time = rxref->fromTime;
	event->type = IonStartAssertedRange;
	event->ref = rxaddr;
	if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events, event)
			== 0)
		return 0;

	addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
	if (addr == 0)
		return 0;

	event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
	event->time = rxref->toTime;
	event->type = IonStopAssertedRange;
	event->ref = rxaddr;
	if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events, event)
			== 0)
		return 0;

	if (rxref->toTime > currentTime)	/*	Affects routes.	*/
		vdb->lastEditTime = currentTime;

	if (rxref->fromNode > rxref->toNode)
		/*	This is a non-canonical range assertion,
		 *	indicating an override of the normal
		 *	symmetry in the owlt between nodes.  The
		 *	reverse range assertion does *not* hold.	*/

		return rxaddr;

	/*	This is a canonical range assertion, so we may need
	 *	to insert the imputed (symmetrical) reverse range
	 *	assertion as well.  Is the reverse range already
	 *	asserted?						*/

	arg.fromNode = rxref->toNode;
	arg.toNode = rxref->fromNode;
	arg.fromTime = rxref->fromTime;
	rxelt = sm_rbt_search(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rfx_order_ranges,
			&arg, &nextElt);
	if (rxelt)	/*	Asserted range exists; we're done.	*/
		return rxaddr;

	/*	Reverse range is not asserted, so it must be imputed.
	 *	First, load index entry for the imputed range.		*/

	rxaddr2 = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonRXref));
	if (rxaddr2 == 0)
		return 0;

	rxref2 = (IonRXref *) psp(ionwm, rxaddr2);
	rxref2->fromNode = rxref->toNode;	/*	Reversed.	*/
	rxref2->toNode = rxref->fromNode;	/*	Reversed.	*/
	rxref2->fromTime = rxref->fromTime;
	rxref2->toTime = rxref->toTime;
	rxref2->owlt = rxref->owlt;
	rxref2->rangeElt = 0;		/*	Indicates "imputed".	*/
	memcpy((char *) psp(ionwm, rxaddr2), (char *) rxref2, sizeof(IonRXref));
	rxelt = sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->rangeIndex, rxaddr2, rfx_order_ranges,
	if (rxelt == 0)
		psm_free(ionwm, rxaddr2);
		return 0;

	/*	Then insert relevant imputed timeline events.		*/

	addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
	if (addr == 0)
		return 0;

	event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
	event->time = rxref->fromTime;
	event->type = IonStartImputedRange;
	event->ref = rxaddr2;
	if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events, event)
			== 0)
		psm_free(ionwm, addr);
		return 0;
	addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonEvent));
	if (addr == 0)
		return 0;

	event = (IonEvent *) psp(ionwm, addr);
	event->time = rxref->toTime;
	event->type = IonStopImputedRange;
	event->ref = rxaddr2;
	if (sm_rbt_insert(ionwm, vdb->timeline, addr, rfx_order_events, event)
			== 0)
		psm_free(ionwm, addr);
		return 0;

	return rxaddr;
文件: utils.c 项目: BerlaT/cgr-jni
IonVdb * createIonVdb(char * ionvdbName)
	IonVdb	*vdb = NULL;
	PsmAddress	vdbAddress;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	Sdr		sdr;
	PsmPartition	ionwm;
	IonDB		iondb;
	char * name = ionvdbName;

	/*	Attaching to volatile database.			*/

	ionwm = getIonwm();
	if (psm_locate(ionwm, name, &vdbAddress, &elt) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Failed searching for vdb.", name);
		return NULL;

	if (elt)
		vdb = (IonVdb *) psp(ionwm, vdbAddress);

	if (vdb != NULL)
		return vdb;
	/*	ION volatile database doesn't exist yet.	*/

	sdr = getIonsdr();
	CHKNULL(sdr_begin_xn(sdr));	/*	To lock memory.	*/
	vdbAddress = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(IonVdb));
	if (vdbAddress == 0)
		putErrmsg("No space for volatile database.", name);
		return NULL;

	vdb = (IonVdb *) psp(ionwm, vdbAddress);
	memset((char *) vdb, 0, sizeof(IonVdb));
	if ((vdb->nodes = sm_rbt_create(ionwm)) == 0
			|| (vdb->neighbors = sm_rbt_create(ionwm)) == 0
			|| (vdb->contactIndex = sm_rbt_create(ionwm)) == 0
			|| (vdb->rangeIndex = sm_rbt_create(ionwm)) == 0
			|| (vdb->timeline = sm_rbt_create(ionwm)) == 0
			|| (vdb->probes = sm_list_create(ionwm)) == 0
			|| (vdb->requisitions[0] = sm_list_create(ionwm)) == 0
			|| (vdb->requisitions[1] = sm_list_create(ionwm)) == 0
			|| psm_catlg(ionwm, name, vdbAddress) < 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't initialize volatile database.", name);
		return NULL;

	vdb->clockPid = ERROR;	/*	None yet.		*/
	sdr_read(sdr, (char *) &iondb, getIonDbObject(), sizeof(IonDB));
	vdb->deltaFromUTC = iondb.deltaFromUTC;
	sdr_exit_xn(sdr);	/*	Unlock memory.		*/

	//fprintf(stderr, "ionVdb created: %d\n", getOwnNodeNbr());
	return vdb;
文件: rfx.c 项目: michirod/cgr-jni
int	addEmbargo(IonNode *node, uvast neighborNodeNbr)
	PsmPartition	ionwm = getIonwm();
	PsmAddress	nextElt;
	PsmAddress	elt;
	Embargo		*embargo;
	PsmAddress	addr;

	/*	Find insertion point in embargoes list.			*/

	nextElt = 0;
	for (elt = sm_list_first(ionwm, node->embargoes); elt;
			elt = sm_list_next(ionwm, elt))
		embargo = (Embargo *) psp(ionwm, sm_list_data(ionwm, elt));
		if (embargo->nodeNbr < neighborNodeNbr)

		if (embargo->nodeNbr > neighborNodeNbr)
			nextElt = elt;
			break;	/*	Have found insertion point.	*/

		return 0;	/*	Embargo has already been added.	*/

	addr = psm_zalloc(ionwm, sizeof(Embargo));
	if (addr == 0)
		putErrmsg("Can't add embargo.", NULL);
		return -1;

	if (nextElt)
		elt = sm_list_insert_before(ionwm, nextElt, addr);
		elt = sm_list_insert_last(ionwm, node->embargoes, addr);

	if (elt == 0)
		psm_free(ionwm, addr);
		putErrmsg("Can't add embargo.", NULL);
		return -1;

	embargo = (Embargo *) psp(ionwm, addr);
	embargo->nodeNbr = neighborNodeNbr;
	embargo->probeIsDue = 0;
	postProbeEvent(node, embargo);	/*	Initial probe event.	*/
	return 0;