bool Socket::listen() const { if (!is_valid()) { return false; } int listen_return = ::listen (_sd, SOMAXCONN); //This is defined as 5 in winsock.h, and 0x7FFFFFFF in winsock2.h. //linux 128//MAXCONNECTIONS =1 if (listen_return == -1) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::listen" ); return false; } return true; }
void test_initDriverDataDispatcherList_add_too_much_dispatchers(void) { init_driverDataDispatcherList(); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(isThereAnyError()); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, getDriverDataDispatcherCount()); // Add a first dispatcher DriverDataDispatcher* dispacher = addLocalDriverDataDispatcher(); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(isThereAnyError()); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, getDriverDataDispatcherCount()); // TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(dispacher, getDriverDataDispatcherByIndex(0)); // Add a second dispatcher dispacher = addLocalDriverDataDispatcher(); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(isThereAnyError()); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, getDriverDataDispatcherCount()); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(dispacher, getDriverDataDispatcherByIndex(1)); dispacher = addLocalDriverDataDispatcher(); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(TOO_MUCH_DRIVER_DATA_DISPATCHER, getLastError()); }
bool Socket::reconnect() { if ( _sd != INVALID_SOCKET ) { return true; } if( !create() ) return false; int status = ::connect ( _sd, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&_sockaddr), sizeof ( _sockaddr ) ); if ( status == SOCKET_ERROR ) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::connect" ); return false; } return true; }
bool Socket::setHostname ( const std::string& host ) { if (isalpha(host.c_str()[0])) { // host address is a name struct hostent *he = NULL; if ((he = gethostbyname( host.c_str() )) == 0) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::setHostname"); return false; } _sockaddr.sin_addr = *((in_addr *) he->h_addr); } else { _sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host.c_str()); } return true; }
int Socket::sendto ( const char* data, unsigned int size, bool sendcompletebuffer) { int sentbytes = 0; int i; do { i = ::sendto(_sd, data, size, 0, (const struct sockaddr*) &_sockaddr, sizeof( _sockaddr ) ); if (i <= 0) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::sendto"); osCleanup(); return i; } sentbytes += i; } while ( (sentbytes < (int) size) && (sendcompletebuffer == true)); return i; }
/* * Write to an open file in storage. Will write all of the bytes in the * buffer or pass back an error. * * If not successful *ppszError will set to point to an error string, * on success it will be set to NULL. */ void storageWrite(char** ppszError, int handle, char* buffer, long length) { long bytesWritten; *ppszError = NULL; bytesWritten = pcsl_file_write((void *)handle, (unsigned char*)buffer, length); REPORT_INFO2(LC_CORE, "storageWrite on fd %d res = %ld\n", handle, bytesWritten); if (-1 == bytesWritten) { *ppszError = getLastError("storageWrite()"); return; } if (bytesWritten != length) { *ppszError = "storage full"; return; } }
/* * Close a opened by storage_open. Does no block. * * If not successful *ppszError will set to point to an error string, * on success it will be set to NULL. */ void storageClose(char** ppszError, int handle) { int status; *ppszError = NULL; status = pcsl_file_close((void *)handle); REPORT_INFO2(LC_CORE, "storageClose on file_desc %d returns %d\n", handle, status); if (status < 0) { *ppszError = getLastError("storageClose()"); } /* File is successfully closed, decrement the count */ if (midpDecResourceCount(RSC_TYPE_FILE, 1) == 0) { REPORT_INFO(LC_CORE, "FILE: resource" " limit update error"); } }
Socket *ServerSocket::accept() { Socket *handleSocket = NULL; struct sockaddr_in addr; int len = sizeof(addr); int fd = ::accept(_socketHandle, (struct sockaddr *) & addr, (socklen_t*) & len); if (fd >= 0) { handleSocket = new Socket(); handleSocket->setUp(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr); } else { int error = getLastError(); if (error != EAGAIN) { SYS_LOG(ERROR, "%s(%d)", strerror(error), error); } } return handleSocket; }
Net::Error Net::bind(NetSocket socket, U16 port) { S32 error; sockaddr_in socketAddress; dMemset((char *)&socketAddress, 0, sizeof(socketAddress)); socketAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; // It's entirely possible that there are two NIC cards. // We let the user specify which one the server runs on. // thanks to [TPG]P1aGu3 for the name const char* serverIP = Con::getVariable( "pref::Net::BindAddress" ); // serverIP is guaranteed to be non-0. AssertFatal( serverIP, "serverIP is NULL!" ); if( serverIP[0] != '\0' ) { // we're not empty socketAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( serverIP ); if( socketAddress.sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_NONE ) { Con::printf( "Binding server port to %s", serverIP ); } else { Con::warnf( ConsoleLogEntry::General, "inet_addr() failed for %s while binding!", serverIP ); socketAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } } else { Con::printf( "Binding server port to default IP" ); socketAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } socketAddress.sin_port = htons(port); error = ::bind(socket, (sockaddr *) &socketAddress, sizeof(socketAddress)); if(!error) return NoError; return getLastError(); }
AdbConReply* AdbConnection::send(wxString op, wxString param, bool send_only){ int timeouts = 0; AdbConReply* r; while(max_timeouts>timeouts++){ r = send_layer1(op, param, send_only); if(m_cb->abort()) break; if(r==NULL) continue; // timeout if(!op.StartsWith(wxT("LOGOUT"))&&(r->code==rLOGIN_FIRST||r->code==rINVALID_SESSION)){ if(remaining_auth_attempts<=0){ AERROR(wxT("Invalid session.")); return NULL; } remaining_auth_attempts--; if(login()) return send(op, param, send_only); return NULL; } return r; } ALOG(getLastError()); return NULL; }
Error X86Compiler::_newStack(BaseMem* mem, uint32_t size, uint32_t alignment, const char* name) noexcept { if (size == 0) return kErrorInvalidArgument; if (alignment > 64) alignment = 64; VarInfo vi = { kInvalidVar, 0, kInvalidReg , kInvalidReg, 0, "" }; VarData* vd = _newVd(vi, name); if (vd == nullptr) { static_cast<X86Mem*>(mem)->reset(); return getLastError(); } vd->_size = size; vd->_isStack = true; vd->_alignment = static_cast<uint8_t>(alignment); static_cast<X86Mem*>(mem)->_init(kMemTypeStackIndex, vd->getId(), 0, 0); return kErrorOk; }
bool Socket::bind ( const unsigned short port ) { if (!is_valid()) { return false; } _sockaddr.sin_family = _family; _sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //listen to all _sockaddr.sin_port = htons( port ); int bind_return = ::bind(_sd, (sockaddr*)(&_sockaddr), sizeof(_sockaddr)); if ( bind_return == -1 ) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::bind" ); return false; } return true; }
PRL_RESULT Task_MigrateCtSource::migrateStoppedCt() { PRL_RESULT nRetCode = PRL_ERR_SUCCESS; int i; QList<QPair<QFileInfo, QString> > dList; QList<QPair<QFileInfo, QString> > fList; if ( !(m_nReservedFlags & PVM_DONT_COPY_VM) ) /* get full directories and files lists for migration */ if ((nRetCode = GetEntryLists(m_sVmHomePath, dList, fList)) != PRL_ERR_SUCCESS) return nRetCode; if (PRL_FAILED(nRetCode = SendStartRequest())) return nRetCode; /* calculate total transaction size */ for (i = 0; i < fList.size(); ++i) m_nTotalSize +=; m_pSender = SmartPtr<CVmFileListCopySender>(new CVmFileListCopySenderClient(m_pIoClient)); m_pVmCopySource = SmartPtr<CVmFileListCopySource>( new CVmFileListCopySource( m_pSender.getImpl(), m_pVmConfig->getVmIdentification()->getVmUuid(), m_sVmHomePath, m_nTotalSize, getLastError(), m_nTimeout)); m_pVmCopySource->SetRequest(getRequestPackage()); m_pVmCopySource->SetVmDirectoryUuid(m_sVzDirUuid); m_pVmCopySource->SetProgressNotifySender(NotifyClientsWithProgress); nRetCode = m_pVmCopySource->Copy(dList, fList); if (PRL_FAILED(nRetCode)) WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "Error occurred while migration with code [%#x][%s]", nRetCode, PRL_RESULT_TO_STRING(nRetCode)); return nRetCode; }
bool Socket::accept ( Socket& new_socket ) const { if (!is_valid()) { return false; } socklen_t addr_length = sizeof( _sockaddr ); new_socket._sd = ::accept(_sd, const_cast<sockaddr*>( (const sockaddr*) &_sockaddr), &addr_length ); #ifdef TARGET_WINDOWS if (new_socket._sd == INVALID_SOCKET) #else if (new_socket._sd <= 0) #endif { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::accept" ); return false; } return true; }
void GhostManager::flushScopeAlwaysObjects() { scopeAlwaysList.sort(); SortableVector<AddListEntry>::iterator i; for(i = scopeAlwaysList.begin(); i != scopeAlwaysList.end(); i++) { if(!manager->registerObject((*i).obj)) { if(!getLastError()[0]) setLastError("Invalid packet."); return; } cleanupGroup->addObject((*i).obj); if((*i).obj->netFlags.test(SimNetObject::PolledGhost)) owner->getEventManager()->addPolledObject((*i).obj); } scopeAlwaysList.clear(); CSDelegate *delegate = (CSDelegate *) manager->findObject(SimCSDelegateId); if(delegate) delegate->onGhostAlwaysDone(getOwner()); }
int Socket::send ( const char* data, const unsigned int len ) { fd_set set_w, set_e; struct timeval tv; int result; if (!is_valid()) { return 0; } // fill with new data tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&set_w); FD_ZERO(&set_e); FD_SET(_sd, &set_w); FD_SET(_sd, &set_e); result = select(FD_SETSIZE, &set_w, NULL, &set_e, &tv); if (result < 0) { XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - select failed"); _sd = INVALID_SOCKET; return 0; } int status = ::send(_sd, data, len, 0 ); if (status == -1) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::send"); XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - failed to send data"); _sd = INVALID_SOCKET; } return status; }
SFR_RetCode SequenceFileReader::getPosition(Int64& pos) { QRLogger::log(CAT_SQL_HDFS_SEQ_FILE_READER, LL_DEBUG, "SequenceFileReader::getPosition(%ld) called.", pos); if (initJNIEnv() != JOI_OK) return SFR_ERROR_GETPOS_EXCEPTION; // long getPosition(); tsRecentJMFromJNI = JavaMethods_[JM_GETPOS].jm_full_name; Int64 result = jenv_->CallLongMethod(javaObj_, JavaMethods_[JM_GETPOS].methodID); if (result == -1) { logError(CAT_SQL_HDFS_SEQ_FILE_READER, "SequenceFileReader::getPosition()", getLastError()); jenv_->PopLocalFrame(NULL); return SFR_ERROR_GETPOS_EXCEPTION; } pos = result; jenv_->PopLocalFrame(NULL); return SFR_OK; }
const int socketer::accetper() { //int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen); int acceptfd = accept(fd_, (struct sockaddr*)NULL, NULL); // printf("accept socket error: %s(errno: %d)",strerror(errno),errno); //continue; printf("listfd=%d,clinetfd=%d\n",fd_,acceptfd); if (acceptfd >= 0) { setNonBlock(acceptfd); // handleSocket = new Socket(); // handleSocket->setUp(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr); } else { int error = getLastError(); if (error != EAGAIN) { printf("accept socket error: %s(errno: %d)",strerror(errno),errno); } } //setNonBlock(acceptfd); return acceptfd; }
Int32 HdfsClient::hdfsRead(const char* data, Int64 len, HDFS_Client_RetCode &hdfsClientRetcode) { QRLogger::log(CAT_SQL_HDFS, LL_DEBUG, "HdfsClient::hdfsWrite(%ld) called.", len); if (initJNIEnv() != JOI_OK) { hdfsClientRetcode = HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HDFS_READ_EXCEPTION; return 0; } jobject j_buf = jenv_->NewDirectByteBuffer((BYTE *)data, len); if (j_buf == NULL) { GetCliGlobals()->setJniErrorStr(getErrorText(HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HDFS_READ_PARAM)); jenv_->PopLocalFrame(NULL); return HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HDFS_READ_PARAM; } if (hdfsStats_ != NULL) hdfsStats_->getHdfsTimer().start(); tsRecentJMFromJNI = JavaMethods_[JM_HDFS_READ].jm_full_name; jint bytesRead = 0; bytesRead = jenv_->CallIntMethod(javaObj_, JavaMethods_[JM_HDFS_READ].methodID, j_buf); if (hdfsStats_ != NULL) { hdfsStats_->incMaxHdfsIOTime(hdfsStats_->getHdfsTimer().stop()); hdfsStats_->incHdfsCalls(); } if (jenv_->ExceptionCheck()) { getExceptionDetails(); logError(CAT_SQL_HDFS, __FILE__, __LINE__); logError(CAT_SQL_HDFS, "HdfsClient::hdfsRead()", getLastError()); jenv_->PopLocalFrame(NULL); hdfsClientRetcode = HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HDFS_READ_EXCEPTION; return 0; } jenv_->PopLocalFrame(NULL); hdfsClientRetcode = HDFS_CLIENT_OK; return bytesRead; }
Task_MigrateCtTarget::Task_MigrateCtTarget( const QObject *parent, const SmartPtr<CDspDispConnection> &pDispConnection, CDispToDispCommandPtr pCmd, const SmartPtr<IOPackage> &p) : CDspTaskHelper(pDispConnection->getUserSession(), p), Task_DispToDispConnHelper(getLastError()), m_pParent(parent), m_pCheckDispConnection(pDispConnection), m_pCheckPackage(p), m_cDstHostInfo(CDspService::instance()->getHostInfo()->data()), m_pOpaqueLock(NULL), m_nSteps(0), m_nBundlePermissions(0), m_nConfigPermissions(0) { CVmMigrateCheckPreconditionsCommand * pCheckCmd = CDispToDispProtoSerializer::CastToDispToDispCommand<CVmMigrateCheckPreconditionsCommand>(pCmd); m_hConnHandle = pDispConnection->GetConnectionHandle(); m_nMigrationFlags = pCheckCmd->GetMigrationFlags(); m_nReservedFlags = pCheckCmd->GetReservedFlags(); m_nVersion = pCheckCmd->GetVersion(); m_sVmConfig = pCheckCmd->GetVmConfig(); m_nPrevVmState = pCheckCmd->GetVmPrevState(); m_sVmDirPath = pCheckCmd->GetTargetVmHomePath(); m_sSrcHostInfo = pCheckCmd->GetSourceHostHardwareInfo(); /* initialize all vars from pCheckCmd - after exit from constructor package buffer will invalid */ bool bConnected = QObject::connect( &CDspService::instance()->getIOServer(), SIGNAL(onClientDisconnected(IOSender::Handle)), SLOT(clientDisconnected(IOSender::Handle)), Qt::DirectConnection); PRL_ASSERT(bConnected); }
/* * Read from an open file in storage, returning the number of bytes read or * -1 for the end of the file. May read less than the length of the buffer. * * If not successful *ppszError will set to point to an error string, * on success it will be set to NULL. */ long storageRead(char** ppszError, int handle, char* buffer, long length) { long bytesRead; *ppszError = NULL; if (0 == length) { return 0; } bytesRead = pcsl_file_read((void *)handle, (unsigned char*)buffer, length); REPORT_INFO2(LC_CORE, "storageRead on fd %d res = %ld\n", handle, bytesRead); if (-1 == bytesRead) { *ppszError = getLastError("storageRead()"); } else if (0 == bytesRead) { /* end of file in java is -1 */ bytesRead = -1; } return bytesRead; }
int SSLSocket::checkSSL(int ret) { if(!ssl) { return -1; } if(ret <= 0) { /* inspired by boost.asio (asio/ssl/detail/impl/engine.ipp, function engine::perform) and the SSL_get_error doc at <>. */ auto err = SSL_get_error(ssl, ret); switch(err) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: // Fallthrough - YaSSL doesn't for example return an openssl compatible error on recv fail case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: // Fallthrough case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: return -1; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: throw SocketException(STRING(CONNECTION_CLOSED)); case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: { auto sys_err = ERR_get_error(); if(sys_err == 0) { if(ret == 0) { dcdebug("TLS error: call ret = %d, SSL_get_error = %d, ERR_get_error = %d\n", ret, err, sys_err); throw SSLSocketException(STRING(CONNECTION_CLOSED)); } sys_err = getLastError(); } throw SSLSocketException(sys_err); } default: /* don't bother getting error messages from the codes because 1) there is some additional management necessary (eg SSL_load_error_strings) and 2) openssl error codes aren't shown to the end user; they only hit standard output in debug builds. */ dcdebug("TLS error: call ret = %d, SSL_get_error = %d, ERR_get_error = %d\n", ret, err, ERR_get_error()); throw SSLSocketException(STRING(TLS_ERROR)); } } return ret; }
KMError VPoll::wait(uint32_t wait_ms) { #ifdef KUMA_OS_WIN int num_revts = WSAPoll(&poll_fds_[0], poll_fds_.size(), wait_ms); #else int num_revts = poll(&poll_fds_[0], (nfds_t)poll_fds_.size(), wait_ms); #endif if (-1 == num_revts) { if(EINTR == errno) { errno = 0; } else { KUMA_ERRTRACE("VPoll::wait, err="<<getLastError()); } return KMError::INVALID_STATE; } // copy poll fds since event handler may unregister fd PollFdVector poll_fds = poll_fds_; int idx = 0; int last_idx = int(poll_fds.size() - 1); while(num_revts > 0 && idx <= last_idx) { if(poll_fds[idx].revents) { --num_revts; if(poll_fds[idx].fd < poll_items_.size()) { auto &item = poll_items_[poll_fds[idx].fd]; auto revents = get_kuma_events(poll_fds[idx].revents); revents &=; if (revents && item.cb) { item.cb(revents, nullptr, 0); } } } ++idx; } return KMError::NOERR; }
int Socket::receive ( char* data, const unsigned int buffersize, const unsigned int minpacketsize ) const { unsigned int receivedsize = 0; int status = 0; if ( !is_valid() ) { return 0; } while ( (receivedsize <= minpacketsize) && (receivedsize < buffersize) ) { status = ::recv(_sd, data+receivedsize, (buffersize - receivedsize), 0 ); if ( status == SOCKET_ERROR ) { int lasterror = getLastError(); #if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS) if ( lasterror != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) errormessage( lasterror, "Socket::receive" ); #else if ( lasterror != EAGAIN && lasterror != EWOULDBLOCK ) errormessage( lasterror, "Socket::receive" ); #endif return status; } receivedsize += status; if (receivedsize >= minpacketsize) break; } return receivedsize; }
bool TcpSocket::updateRecv() { // Buffering into recv buffer int result = _recvBuf->receive(_handle); if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) { int err = getLastError(); if (err != ERR_WOULD_BLOCK) return error("UpdateRecv", err); } else if (result == 0) { return error("Disconnected", ERR_CONN_RESET); } // At this point, all the bytes underlying API could read has been read and got WOULD_BLOCK state bool ok = _listener && _listener->onRecv(this); // It's listeners job to examine & consume (pop-front) buffer if (!ok || !_connected) return false; return true; }
Error X86Compiler::_newVar(Var* var, uint32_t vType, const char* name) noexcept { ASMJIT_ASSERT(vType < kX86VarTypeCount); vType = _targetVarMapping[vType]; ASMJIT_ASSERT(vType != kInvalidVar); // The assertion won't be compiled in release build, however, we want to check // this anyway. if (vType == kInvalidVar) { static_cast<X86Var*>(var)->reset(); return kErrorInvalidArgument; } const VarInfo& vInfo = _x86VarInfo[vType]; VarData* vd = _newVd(vInfo, name); if (vd == nullptr) { static_cast<X86Var*>(var)->reset(); return getLastError(); } var->_init_packed_op_sz_w0_id(Operand::kTypeVar, vInfo.getSize(), vInfo.getRegType() << 8, vd->getId()); var->_vreg.vType = vType; return kErrorOk; }
int Socket::receive ( char* data, const unsigned int buffersize, const unsigned int minpacketsize ) const { unsigned int receivedsize = 0; if ( !is_valid() ) { return 0; } while ( (receivedsize <= minpacketsize) && (receivedsize < buffersize) ) { int status = ::recv(_sd, data+receivedsize, (buffersize - receivedsize), 0 ); if ( status == SOCKET_ERROR ) { errormessage( getLastError(), "Socket::receive" ); return status; } receivedsize += status; } return receivedsize; }
HDFS_Client_RetCode HdfsClient::getHiveTableMaxModificationTs( Int64& maxModificationTs, const char * tableDirPaths, int levelDeep) { QRLogger::log(CAT_SQL_HBASE, LL_DEBUG, "Enter HDFSClient_JNI::getHiveTableMaxModificationTs(%s) called.",tableDirPaths); if (initJNIEnv() != JOI_OK) return HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HIVE_TBL_MAX_MODIFICATION_TS_PARAM; if (getInstance() == NULL) return HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HIVE_TBL_MAX_MODIFICATION_TS_PARAM; jstring js_tableDirPaths = jenv_->NewStringUTF(tableDirPaths); if (js_tableDirPaths == NULL) { GetCliGlobals()->setJniErrorStr(getErrorText(HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HIVE_TBL_MAX_MODIFICATION_TS_PARAM)); jenv_->PopLocalFrame(NULL); return HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HIVE_TBL_MAX_MODIFICATION_TS_PARAM; } jint jlevelDeep = levelDeep; tsRecentJMFromJNI = JavaMethods_[JM_HIVE_TBL_MAX_MODIFICATION_TS].jm_full_name; jlong jresult = jenv_->CallStaticLongMethod(javaClass_, JavaMethods_[JM_HIVE_TBL_MAX_MODIFICATION_TS].methodID, js_tableDirPaths, jlevelDeep); jenv_->DeleteLocalRef(js_tableDirPaths); if (jenv_->ExceptionCheck()) { getExceptionDetails(jenv_); logError(CAT_SQL_HBASE, __FILE__, __LINE__); logError(CAT_SQL_HBASE, "HDFSClientI::getHiveTableMaxModificationTs()", getLastError()); jenv_->PopLocalFrame(NULL); return HDFS_CLIENT_ERROR_HIVE_TBL_MAX_MODIFICATION_TS_EXCEPTION; } QRLogger::log(CAT_SQL_HBASE, LL_DEBUG, "Exit HDFSClient_JNI::getHiveTableMaxModificationTs() called."); maxModificationTs = jresult; jenv_->PopLocalFrame(NULL); return HDFS_CLIENT_OK; }
req::ptr<File> HttpStreamWrapper::open(const String& filename, const String& mode, int options, const req::ptr<StreamContext>& context) { if (RuntimeOption::ServerHttpSafeMode && !is_cli_mode()) { return nullptr; } if (strncmp(, "http://", sizeof("http://") - 1) && strncmp(, "https://", sizeof("https://") - 1)) { return nullptr; } Array headers; String method = s_GET; String post_data = null_string; String proxy_host; String proxy_user; String proxy_pass; int proxy_port = -1; int max_redirs = 20; int timeout = -1; bool ignore_errors = false; if (context && !context->getOptions().isNull() && !context->getOptions()[s_http].isNull()) { Array opts = context->getOptions()[s_http].toArray(); if (opts.exists(s_method)) { method = opts[s_method].toString(); } if (opts.exists(s_header)) { Array lines; if (opts[s_header].isString()) { lines = StringUtil::Explode( opts[s_header].toString(), "\r\n").toArray(); } else if (opts[s_header].isArray()) { lines = opts[s_header]; } for (ArrayIter it(lines); it; ++it) { Array parts = StringUtil::Explode( it.second().toString(), ":", 2).toArray(); headers.set(parts.rvalAt(0), parts.rvalAt(1)); } } if (opts.exists(s_user_agent) && !headers.exists(s_User_Agent)) { headers.set(s_User_Agent, opts[s_user_agent]); } if (opts.exists(s_max_redirects)) { max_redirs = opts[s_max_redirects].toInt64(); } if (opts.exists(s_timeout)) { timeout = opts[s_timeout].toInt64(); } if (opts.exists(s_ignore_errors)) { ignore_errors = opts[s_ignore_errors].toBoolean(); } if (opts.exists(s_proxy)) { Variant host = f_parse_url(opts[s_proxy].toString(), k_PHP_URL_HOST); Variant port = f_parse_url(opts[s_proxy].toString(), k_PHP_URL_PORT); if (!same(host, false) && !same(port, false)) { proxy_host = host.toString(); proxy_port = port.toInt64(); Variant user = f_parse_url(opts[s_proxy].toString(), k_PHP_URL_USER); Variant pass = f_parse_url(opts[s_proxy].toString(), k_PHP_URL_PASS); if (!same(user, false) && !same(pass, false)) { proxy_user = user.toString(); proxy_pass = pass.toString(); } } } post_data = opts[s_content].toString(); } if (!headers.exists(s_User_Agent)) { auto default_user_agent = ThreadInfo::s_threadInfo.getNoCheck() ->m_reqInjectionData.getUserAgent(); if (!default_user_agent.empty()) { headers.set(s_User_Agent, default_user_agent); } } auto file = req::make<UrlFile>(, headers, post_data, max_redirs, timeout, ignore_errors); file->setStreamContext(context); file->setProxy(proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass); bool ret = file->open(filename, mode); if (!ret) { raise_warning("Failed to open %s (%s)",, file->getLastError().c_str()); return nullptr; } return file; }
PRL_RESULT Task_GetBackupTreeSource::prepareTask() { PRL_RESULT ret = PRL_ERR_SUCCESS; try { if ((m_nFlags & (PBT_BACKUP_ID | PBT_CHAIN)) && m_sUuid.isEmpty()) { WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "A backup UUID must be specified to get information " "on a single backup or backup chain."); throw PRL_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if ((m_nFlags & PBT_BACKUP_ID) && (m_nFlags & PBT_CHAIN)) { WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "The PBT_BACKUP_ID and PBT_CHAIN flags are mutually exclusive."); throw PRL_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } } catch (PRL_RESULT code) { getLastError()->setEventCode(code); ret = code; WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "An error occurred while preparing to get the backup tree [%#x][%s]", code, PRL_RESULT_TO_STRING(code)); } return ret; }