 * Returns the vanishing point for a group of lines based on the intersections for each pair of lines.
 * Lines with a higher angle difference in between them have a higher weight in the resulting point.
Point RoadDetection::getVanishingPoint(vector<Line> lines, Size frameSize)
	vector<Point> interPoints;
	vector<double> interAngles;

	double interAnglesSum = 0;
	Point vanishPoint = Point(0, 0);

	if (lines.size() <= 0)
		return vanishPoint;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size() - 1; i++)
		for (size_t j = i + 1; j < lines.size(); j++)
			Line l1 = lines[i];
			Line l2 = lines[j];

			Point l1p1 = l1.pt1;
			Point l1p2 = l1.pt2;
			Point l2p1 = l2.pt1;
			Point l2p2 = l2.pt2;

			Point interPoint = getLineIntersection(l1, l2);

			if (interPoint.x > frameSize.width || interPoint.x <= 0 || interPoint.y > frameSize.height || interPoint.y <= 0)

			double interAngle = abs(l1.angle - l2.angle);
			interAnglesSum += interAngle;


	if (interPoints.size() <= 0)
		return vanishPoint;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < interPoints.size(); i++)
		Point interPoint = interPoints[i];
		double interAngle = interAngles[i];
		double weight = interAngle / interAnglesSum;

		vanishPoint.x += cvRound(interPoint.x * weight);
		vanishPoint.y += cvRound(interPoint.y * weight);

	return vanishPoint;
cv::Point2f getVanishPoint(cv::Point2f v0, cv::Point2f v1, cv::Point2f v2, cv::Point2f v3)
    cv::Point2f vp;
    vp = getLineIntersection(v0, v1, v2, v3);
    return vp;
 * General image processing. Returns the original image with objects drawn on top of it.
Mat RoadDetection::processImage()
	Mat rawFrame, tmpFrame, grayFrame, blurredFrame, contoursFrame, houghFrame, sectionFrame;
	Point vanishingPoint;

	vector<Line> houghLines, houghMainLines;
	vector<Point> roadShape;

	int sectionOffset;

	// save a copy of the original frame

	// smooth and remove noise
	GaussianBlur(rawFrame, blurredFrame, Size(BLUR_KERNEL, BLUR_KERNEL), 0, 0);

	// edge detection (canny, inverted)
	Canny(blurredFrame, contoursFrame, CANNY_MIN_THRESH, CANNY_MAX_THRESH);
	threshold(contoursFrame, contoursFrame, 128, 255, THRESH_BINARY);

	// hough transform lines
	houghLines = getHoughLines(contoursFrame, true);

	// vanishing point
	vanishingPoint = getVanishingPoint(houghLines, rawFrame.size());
	sectionOffset = vanishingPoint.y;

	// section frame (below vanishing point)
	sectionFrame = tmpFrame(CvRect(0, vanishingPoint.y, contoursFrame.cols, contoursFrame.rows - vanishingPoint.y));

	// re-apply hough transform to section frame
	houghLines = getHoughLines(sectionFrame, true);

	// shift lines downwards
	houghLines = shiftLines(houghLines, sectionOffset);

	houghLines = getFilteredLines(houghLines);

	// best line matches
	houghMainLines = getMainLines(houghLines);

	if (houghMainLines.size() >= 2)
		Point intersection = getLineIntersection(houghMainLines[0], houghMainLines[1]);

		if (intersection.x > 0 && intersection.y >= 0)
			vanishingPoint = intersection;
			sectionOffset = intersection.y;

		// get road shape
		roadShape = getRoadShape(rawFrame, houghMainLines[0], houghMainLines[1], vanishingPoint);

	// limit lines
	houghLines = getLimitedLines(houghLines, sectionOffset);
	houghMainLines = getLimitedLines(houghMainLines, sectionOffset);

	// drawing process
	drawLines(rawFrame, houghLines, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 0);
	drawLines(rawFrame, houghMainLines, Scalar(20, 125, 255), 2, 0);
	drawRoadShape(rawFrame, roadShape, Scalar(20, 125, 255), 0.4);
	drawCircle(rawFrame, vanishingPoint, Scalar(20, 125, 255), 15, -1, 0);

	return rawFrame;
 * General videos processing. @TODO Make use of previous frames?
Mat RoadDetection::processVideo(Mat rawFrame)
	Mat originalFrame, tmpFrame, grayFrame, blurredFrame, contoursFrame, houghFrame, sectionFrame, drawingFrame;
	Point vanishingPoint;

	vector<Line> houghLines, houghMainLines;
	vector<Point> roadShape;
	vector<Rect> vehicles;

	int sectionOffset;

	// convert to grayscale
	cvtColor(rawFrame, grayFrame, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	equalizeHist(grayFrame, grayFrame);

	// smooth and remove noise
	GaussianBlur(grayFrame, blurredFrame, Size(BLUR_KERNEL, BLUR_KERNEL), 0);

	// edge detection (canny, inverted)
	Canny(blurredFrame, contoursFrame, CANNY_MIN_THRESH, CANNY_MAX_THRESH);
	threshold(contoursFrame, contoursFrame, 128, 255, THRESH_BINARY);

	// hough transform
	houghLines = getHoughLines(contoursFrame, true);

	// vanishing point
	vanishingPoint = getVanishingPoint(houghLines, rawFrame.size());
	sectionOffset = vanishingPoint.y;

	// if we can't find a point, use the one from a previous frame
	if (vanishingPoint.x == 0 && vanishingPoint.y == 0)
		vanishingPoint = previousVanishingPoint;
	// if we can, save it for future use
		previousVanishingPoint = vanishingPoint;

	// section frame (below vanishing point)
	sectionFrame = contoursFrame(CvRect(0, sectionOffset, contoursFrame.cols, contoursFrame.rows - sectionOffset));

	// re-apply hough transform to section frame
	houghLines = getHoughLines(sectionFrame, true);

	// shift lines downwards
	houghLines = shiftLines(houghLines, sectionOffset);

	// best line matches
	houghMainLines = getMainLines(houghLines);

	// update vanishing point according to the new section
	if (houghMainLines.size() >= 2)
		previousLines = houghMainLines;
		houghMainLines = previousLines;

	if (houghMainLines.size() >= 2)
		Point intersection = getLineIntersection(houghMainLines[0], houghMainLines[1]);

		if (intersection.x > 0 && intersection.x < rawFrame.cols && intersection.y > 0 && intersection.y < rawFrame.rows)
			vanishingPoint = intersection;
			sectionOffset = intersection.y;

		// get road shape
		roadShape = getRoadShape(rawFrame, houghMainLines[0], houghMainLines[1], vanishingPoint);

	// limit lines
	houghLines = getLimitedLines(houghLines, sectionOffset);
	houghMainLines = getLimitedLines(houghMainLines, sectionOffset);

	// drawing frame and vehicles
	drawingFrame = rawFrame(CvRect(0, sectionOffset, contoursFrame.cols, contoursFrame.rows - sectionOffset));
	// vehicles = getVehicles(drawingFrame);

	// drawing process
	drawLines(rawFrame, houghLines, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 0);
	drawLines(rawFrame, houghMainLines, Scalar(20, 125, 255), 2, 0);
	drawRoadShape(rawFrame, roadShape, Scalar(20, 125, 255), 0.3);
	drawCircle(rawFrame, vanishingPoint, Scalar(20, 125, 255), 15, -1, 0);
	// drawRects(rawFrame, vehicles, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1, sectionOffset);

	return rawFrame;