int initForcings(SEXP flist) {

    SEXP Tvec, Fvec, Ivec, initforc;
    int i, j, isForcing = 0;
    init_func_type  *initforcings;
    initforc = getListElement(flist, "ModelForc");
    if (!isNull(initforc)) {
      Tvec = getListElement(flist, "tmat");
      Fvec = getListElement(flist, "fmat");
      Ivec = getListElement(flist, "imat");
      nforc = LENGTH(Ivec)-2; /* nforc, fvec, ivec = globals */

      i = LENGTH(Fvec);
      fvec = (double *) R_alloc((int) i, sizeof(double));
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++) fvec[j] = REAL(Fvec)[j];

      tvec = (double *) R_alloc((int) i, sizeof(double));
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++) tvec[j] = REAL(Tvec)[j];

      i = LENGTH (Ivec)-1; /* last element: the interpolation method...*/
      ivec = (int *) R_alloc(i, sizeof(int));
      for (j = 0; j < i; j++) ivec[j] = INTEGER(Ivec)[j];

      fmethod = INTEGER(Ivec)[i];
      initforcings = (init_func_type *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(initforc);
      isForcing = 1;
R_Calldata buildRCallSpheres(SEXP R_param,SEXP R_cond) {
  int nprotect=0;
  R_Calldata d = Calloc(1,R_Calldata_s);

  d->call = R_NilValue;
  PROTECT(d->fname = getListElement( R_cond, "rdist")); ++nprotect;
  PROTECT(d->rho   = getListElement( R_cond, "rho"  )); ++nprotect;
  PROTECT(d->args  = getListElement( R_param,"radii")); ++nprotect;
  PROTECT(d->label = getListElement( R_cond, "label"));  ++nprotect;

  /* radii distribution */
  const char *ftype = CHAR(STRING_ELT(d->fname, 0));
  if ( !std::strcmp( ftype, "rlnorm") ||
       !std::strcmp( ftype, "rbeta" ) ||
       !std::strcmp( ftype, "rgamma") ||
       !std::strcmp( ftype, "runif" ) ||
       !std::strcmp( ftype, "const" ))
  } else {
    PROTECT(d->call = getCall(d->fname,d->args,d->rho)); ++nprotect;
  d->nprotect = nprotect;
  d->isPerfect = asLogical(getListElement( R_cond, "perfect" ));
  return d;
/* get the number of parameters of the whole network (continuous case). */
SEXP nparams_gnet(SEXP graph, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, node_params = 0, *res = NULL, *debuglevel = LOGICAL(debug);
SEXP result, nodes = R_NilValue, temp = getListElement(graph, "nodes");

  /* allocate and initialize the result. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
  res = INTEGER(result);
  res[0] = 0;

  if (*debuglevel > 0)
    nodes = getAttrib(temp, R_NamesSymbol);

  /* add one parameter for each regressor, which means one for each
   * parent for each node plus the intercept. */
  for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(temp); i++) {

    node_params = LENGTH(getListElement(VECTOR_ELT(temp, i), "parents")) + 1;

    if (*debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* node %s has %d parameter(s).\n", NODE(i), node_params);

    /* update the return value. */
    res[0] += node_params;




SEXP helloworld(SEXP A_in, SEXP B_in, SEXP exogvar) {
    printf("Hello World\n");

    int nProtected = 0;
    SEXP retval;
    PROTECT(retval = allocVector(REALSXP,2));
    A = REAL(A_in)[0];
    B = INTEGER(B_in)[0];
    AA = REAL(getListElement(exogvar,"A"))[0];
    BB = INTEGER(getListElement(exogvar,"B"))[0];

    printf("A/B = %f\n",A/B);
    printf("BB/AA = %3f\n",BB/AA);

    REAL(retval)[0] = A/B;
    REAL(retval)[1] = BB/AA;

    SEXP dim;
    PROTECT(dim = allocVector(INTSXP,2));
    INTEGER(dim)[0] = 2;
    INTEGER(dim)[1] = 1;
    setAttrib(retval, R_DimSymbol, dim);

double intrinsic_glm_logmarg(SEXP hyperparams, int pmodel, double W,
		       double loglik_mle, double logdet_Iintercept, int Laplace ) {
  double a, b, s, r, v, theta,n, logmarglik, p;

  a = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "alpha"))[0];
  b = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "beta"))[0];
  s = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "s"))[0];
  r = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "r"))[0];
  n = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "n"))[0];

  p = (double) pmodel;

  v = (n + p + 1.0)/(p + 1);
  theta = (n + p + 1.0)/n;

  logmarglik =   loglik_mle + M_LN_SQRT_2PI - 0.5* logdet_Iintercept;
  if (p >= 1.0) {
    logmarglik +=   lbeta((a + p) / 2.0, b / 2.0)
      + log(HyperTwo(b/2.0, r, (a + b + p)/2.0, (s+W)/(2.0*v), 1.0 - theta))
      -.5*p*log(v) -.5*W/v
      - lbeta(a / 2.0, b / 2.0)
      - log(HyperTwo(b/2.0, r, (a + b)/2.0, s/(2.0*v), 1.0 - theta));

SEXP r_make_dt_obj_cont(SEXP cache, SEXP r_ic, SEXP r_br) {
    SEXP info = getListElement(cache, "info");
    neq = INTEGER(getListElement(info, "ny"))[0],
    np  = INTEGER(getListElement(info, "np"))[0];
    /* Initial conditions and branches functions */
    DtIcFun ic = (DtIcFun) R_ExternalPtrAddr(r_ic);
    DtBrFun br = (DtBrFun) R_ExternalPtrAddr(r_br);

    /* Return object */
    dt_obj_cont *obj;
    SEXP extPtr;

    obj = (dt_obj_cont *)Calloc(1, dt_obj_cont);
    obj->neq  = neq;
    obj->n_out = LENGTH(getListElement(cache, "len"));
    obj->np   = np;
    obj->root = INTEGER(getListElement(cache, "root"))[0];

    obj->ic = ic;
    obj->br = br;

    /* Set up storage */
    obj->init = (double *)Calloc(obj->n_out * neq, double);
    obj->base = (double *)Calloc(obj->n_out * neq, double);
    obj->lq   = (double *)Calloc(obj->n_out,       double);

    /* Set up tips and internal branches */
    dt_cont_setup_tips(obj, cache);
    dt_cont_setup_internal(obj, cache);

    extPtr = R_MakeExternalPtr(obj, R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
    R_RegisterCFinalizer(extPtr, dt_obj_cont_finalize);
    return extPtr;
double intrinsic_glm_shrinkage(SEXP hyperparams, int pmodel, double W, int Laplace ) {
  double a, b, s, r, v, theta, n, p, u, shrinkage;

  a = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "alpha"))[0];
  b = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "beta"))[0];
  s = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "s"))[0];
  r = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "r"))[0];
  n = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "n"))[0];

  p = (double) pmodel;
  v = (n + p + 1.0)/(p + 1);
  theta = (n + p + 1.0)/n;

  shrinkage = 1.0;
  if (p >= 1.0) {
     u = exp(-log(v)
             + lbeta((a + p) / 2.0 + 1.0, b / 2.0)
             + log(HyperTwo(b/2.0, r, (a +b+p)/2.0 + 1.0, (s+W)/(2.0*v), 1.0-theta))
             - lbeta((a+p) / 2.0, b/2.0)
             - log(HyperTwo(b/2.0, r, (a + p+ b)/2.0, (s+W)/(2.0*v), 1.0 - theta)));
    shrinkage = 1.0 - u;

SEXP influence(SEXP mqr, SEXP do_coef, SEXP e, SEXP stol)
    SEXP qr = getListElement(mqr, "qr"), qraux = getListElement(mqr, "qraux");
    int n = nrows(qr), k = asInteger(getListElement(mqr, "rank"));
    int docoef = asLogical(do_coef);
    double tol = asReal(stol);

    SEXP hat = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    double *rh = REAL(hat);
    SEXP coefficients;
    if(docoef) coefficients = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, n, k));
    else coefficients = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 0));
    SEXP sigma = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, n));
    F77_CALL(lminfl)(REAL(qr), &n, &n, &k, &docoef, REAL(qraux),
		     REAL(e), rh, REAL(coefficients), REAL(sigma), &tol);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (rh[i] > 1. - tol) rh[i] = 1.;
    SEXP ans = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, docoef ? 4 : 3));
    SEXP nm = allocVector(STRSXP, docoef ? 4 : 3);
    setAttrib(ans, R_NamesSymbol, nm);
    int m = 0;
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, m, hat);
    SET_STRING_ELT(nm, m++, mkChar("hat"));
    if (docoef) {
	SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, m, coefficients);
	SET_STRING_ELT(nm, m++, mkChar("coefficients"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, m, sigma);
    SET_STRING_ELT(nm, m++, mkChar("sigma"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, m, e);
    SET_STRING_ELT(nm, m, mkChar("wt.res"));
    return ans;
STGM::Spheres convert_C_Spheres(SEXP R_spheres) {
  SEXP R_tmp, R_ctr;
  int id=0,
  STGM::Spheres spheres;

  double r=0;
  int interior=1;
  const char *label = "N";
  for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
      PROTECT(R_tmp = VECTOR_ELT(R_spheres,i));
      PROTECT(R_ctr = AS_NUMERIC( getListElement( R_tmp, "center")));
      id = asInteger (AS_INTEGER( getListElement( R_tmp, "id")));
      r = asReal(getListElement( R_tmp, "r"));

      if(!isNull(getAttrib(R_tmp, install("label"))))
        label = translateChar(asChar(getAttrib(R_tmp, install("label"))));

      if(!isNull(getAttrib(R_tmp, install("interior"))))
       interior = asLogical(getAttrib(R_tmp, install("interior")));


  return spheres;
/* get the number of parameters of the whole network (discrete case). */
SEXP nparams_dnet(SEXP graph, SEXP data, SEXP real, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, j = 0, nnodes = 0;
int *index = NULL, *r = LOGICAL(real), *debuglevel = LOGICAL(debug);
double node_params = 0;
double *res = NULL, *nlevels = NULL;
SEXP nodes, node_data, parents, try, result;

  /* get nodes' number and data. */
  node_data = getListElement(graph, "nodes");
  nodes = getAttrib(node_data, R_NamesSymbol);
  nnodes = LENGTH(node_data);

  /* get the level count for each node. */
  nlevels = alloc1dreal(nnodes);
  for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++)
    nlevels[i] = NLEVELS2(data, i);

  /* allocate and initialize the return value. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
  res = REAL(result);
  res[0] = 0;

  /* for each node... */
  for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

    /* reset the parameter counter. */
    node_params = 1;

    /* match the parents of the node. */
    parents = getListElement(VECTOR_ELT(node_data, i), "parents");
    PROTECT(try = match(nodes, parents, 0));
    index = INTEGER(try);

    /* compute the number of configurations. */
    for (j = 0; j < LENGTH(try); j++)
      node_params *= nlevels[index[j] - 1];


    /* multiply by the number of free parameters. */
    if (*r > 0)
      node_params *= nlevels[i] - 1;
      node_params *= nlevels[i];

    if (*debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* node %s has %.0lf parameter(s).\n", NODE(i), node_params);

    /* update the return value. */
    res[0] += node_params;



  return result;

/* get the number of parameters of the whole network (mixed case, also handles
 * discrete and Gaussian networks). */
SEXP nparams_cgnet(SEXP graph, SEXP data, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, j = 0, nnodes = 0, debuglevel = isTRUE(debug);
int *nlevels = NULL, *index = NULL, ngp = 0;
double nconfig = 0, node_params = 0, all_params = 0;
SEXP nodes = R_NilValue, node_data, parents, temp;

  /* get nodes' number and data. */
  node_data = getListElement(graph, "nodes");
  nnodes = length(node_data);
  nodes = getAttrib(node_data, R_NamesSymbol);
  /* cache the number of levels of each variables (zero = continuous). */
  nlevels = Calloc1D(nnodes, sizeof(int));
  for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

    temp = VECTOR_ELT(data, i);
    if (TYPEOF(temp) == INTSXP)
      nlevels[i] = NLEVELS(temp);


  for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

    /* extract the parents of the node and match them. */
    parents = getListElement(VECTOR_ELT(node_data, i), "parents");
    PROTECT(temp = match(nodes, parents, 0));
    index = INTEGER(temp);

    /* compute the number of regressors and of configurations. */
    for (j = 0, ngp = 0, nconfig = 1; j < length(parents); j++) {

      if (nlevels[index[j] - 1] == 0)
        nconfig *= nlevels[index[j] - 1];

    /* compute the overall number of parameters as regressors plus intercept
     * times configurations. */
    node_params = nconfig * (nlevels[i] == 0 ? ngp + 1 : nlevels[i] - 1);

    if (debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* node %s has %.0lf parameter(s).\n", NODE(i), node_params);

    /* update the return value. */
    all_params += node_params;




  return ScalarReal(all_params);

/* compute the number of parameters of the model. */
SEXP fitted_nparams(SEXP bn, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, j = 0, node_params = 0, nnodes = LENGTH(bn);
int *res = NULL, *debuglevel = LOGICAL(debug);
SEXP result, nodes = R_NilValue, node_data, temp;

  /* allocate, dereference and initialize the return value. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
  res = INTEGER(result);
  res[0] = 0;

  if (*debuglevel > 0)
    nodes = getAttrib(bn, R_NamesSymbol);

  for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) {

    /* get the node's data. */
    node_data = VECTOR_ELT(bn, i);
    /* get its probability distribution (if discrete). */
    temp = getListElement(node_data, "prob");

    if (!isNull(temp)) {

      /* reset the parameters' counter for this node. */
      node_params = 1;
      /* get the dimensions of the conditional probability table. */
      temp = getAttrib(temp, R_DimSymbol);
      /* compute the number of parameters. */
      for (j = 1; j < LENGTH(temp); j++)
        node_params *= INTEGER(temp)[j];

      node_params *= INTEGER(temp)[0] - 1;

    else {

      /* this is a continuous node, so it's a lot easier. */
      node_params = LENGTH(getListElement(node_data, "coefficients"));


    if (*debuglevel > 0)
      Rprintf("* node %s has %d parameter(s).\n", NODE(i), node_params);

    res[0] += node_params;



  return result;

文件: Graph.cpp 项目: cran/SGCS
void Graph::setNodelist(SEXP preGraph)
  std::vector<std::vector<int> > prepNodelist;
  VectsxpToVector(getListElement(preGraph,"edges"), prepNodelist);
  if(dbg) Rprintf("Restoring given edges...");
	for(int i=0;i<(int) prepNodelist.size();i++)
	par = REAL(getListElement(preGraph,"parameters"))[0];
  given = 1;
	if(dbg) Rprintf("ok. ");
// used with glm_*.c   
void SetModel1(SEXP Rfit, SEXP Rmodel_m, 
	       SEXP beta, SEXP se, SEXP modelspace,
	       SEXP deviance, SEXP R2, SEXP Q, SEXP Rintercept, int m) {
	SET_ELEMENT(beta, m, getListElement(getListElement(Rfit, "fit"),"coefficients"));
	SET_ELEMENT(se, m, getListElement(getListElement(Rfit, "fit"),"se"));
	SET_ELEMENT(modelspace, m, Rmodel_m);

	REAL(R2)[m] = NA_REAL;
	REAL(deviance)[m] = REAL(getListElement(getListElement(Rfit, "fit"),"deviance"))[0];
	REAL(Q)[m] = REAL(getListElement(getListElement(Rfit, "lpy"),"Q"))[0];
	REAL(Rintercept)[m] = REAL(getListElement(getListElement(Rfit, "lpy"),"intercept"))[0];
void OMVIdistance::setParameters(SEXP params){
	int indelmethod = INTEGER(getListElement(params, "indelmethod"))[0];
		indelCalc= new VaryingIndelCalculator(REAL(getListElement(params, "indels")));
	}else if(indelmethod==1){
		indelCalc= new OMlocIndelCalculator(REAL(getListElement(params, "timecost"))[0]*maxscost, REAL(getListElement(params, "localcost"))[0], this->scost, this->alphasize);
	} else {
		indelCalc= new OMlocIndelCalculatorMin(REAL(getListElement(params, "timecost"))[0]*maxscost, REAL(getListElement(params, "localcost"))[0], this->scost, this->alphasize);
	//timecost = REAL(getListElement(params, "timecost"))[0]*maxscost;
	//localcost = REAL(getListElement(params, "localcost"))[0];
文件: ardblas.c 项目: rforge/gcb
static void unpackVector(SEXP dv, int * out_len, double ** out_ptr)
	SEXP len, d_ptr;

	len = getListElement(dv, "length");
	if(isNull(len) || (asInteger(len) <= 0))
		error("ardblas: unpackVector: improperly formatted gpu vector");
	*out_len = asInteger(len);

	d_ptr = getListElement(dv, "device.pointer");
	if(isNull(d_ptr) || !R_ExternalPtrAddr(d_ptr))
		error("ardblas: unpackVector: improperly formatted gpu vector");
	*out_ptr = R_ExternalPtrAddr(d_ptr);
/* Dirichlet posterior probabilities (covers BDe and K2 scores). */
double dirichlet_node(SEXP target, SEXP x, SEXP data, SEXP iss, SEXP prior,
    SEXP beta, SEXP experimental, int sparse, int debuglevel) {

char *t = (char *)CHAR(STRING_ELT(target, 0));
double prob = 0, prior_prob = 0;
SEXP nodes, node_t, data_t, exp_data, parents, parent_vars, config;

  /* get the node cached information. */
  nodes = getListElement(x, "nodes");
  node_t = getListElement(nodes, t);
  /* get the parents of the node. */
  parents = getListElement(node_t, "parents");
  /* extract the node's column from the data frame. */
  data_t = c_dataframe_column(data, target, TRUE, FALSE);
  /* extract the list of eperimental data. */
  exp_data = c_dataframe_column(experimental, target, TRUE, FALSE);
  /* compute the prior probability component for the node. */
  prior_prob = graph_prior_prob(prior, target, node_t, beta, debuglevel);

  if (length(parents) == 0) {

    prob = dpost(data_t, iss, exp_data);

  else {

    /* generate the configurations of the parents. */
    PROTECT(parent_vars = c_dataframe_column(data, parents, FALSE, FALSE));
    PROTECT(config = c_configurations(parent_vars, TRUE, !sparse));
    /* compute the marginal likelihood. */
    prob = cdpost(data_t, config, iss, exp_data);



  if (debuglevel > 0) {

    Rprintf("  > (log)prior probability is %lf.\n", prior_prob);
    Rprintf("  > (log)posterior density is %lf.\n", prob);


  /* add the (log)prior to the marginal (log)likelihood to get the (log)posterior. */
  prob += prior_prob;

  return prob;

/* get the number of parameters of a single node (discrete case). */
SEXP nparams_dnode(SEXP graph, SEXP node, SEXP data, SEXP real) {

int i = 0, j = 0, length_nodes = 0, *r = LOGICAL(real);
double  *nlevels = NULL;
SEXP temp, names, result;

  /* get the entry for the parents of the node.*/
  temp = getListElement(graph, "nodes");
  temp = getListElement(temp, (char *)CHAR(STRING_ELT(node, 0)));
  temp = getListElement(temp, "parents");

  /* get the column names from the data set and the length of the
       relevant vectors. */
  names = getAttrib(data, R_NamesSymbol);
  length_nodes = LENGTH(temp);

  /* allocate and initialize the result. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
  nlevels = REAL(result);
  *nlevels = 1;

  /* sum (multiply, actually) up the levels. */
  for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(names); i++) {

    for (j = 0; j < length_nodes; j++) {

      /* this is a parent. */
      if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i)), CHAR(STRING_ELT(temp, j)))) {

        *nlevels *= NLEVELS2(data, i);



    /* this is the node. */
    if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i)), CHAR(STRING_ELT(node, 0)))) {

      *nlevels *= NLEVELS2(data, i) - 1 * (*r);




return result;

double testBF_prior_glm_logmarg(SEXP hyperparams, int pmodel, double W,
                             double loglik_mle, double logdet_Iintercept,
                             int Laplace ) {
    double g, logmarglik, loglik_null, z;

    g = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "g"))[0];

    loglik_null = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "loglik_null"))[0];

    // pmodel is 0 for null model
    z = -2.0*(loglik_mle - loglik_null);
    logmarglik = - 0.5* (((double) pmodel)*(log(1.0 + g))  + z*g/(1.0 + g));
//    Rprintf("z = %lf  p = %d \n", z, pmodel );
/* return the size of the arc set. */
SEXP num_arcs(SEXP bn) {

int i = 0, is_fitted = 0, *res = NULL;
char *element = NULL;
SEXP nodes, node_data, temp, result;

  /* get to the nodes' data. */
  nodes = getListElement(bn, "nodes");
  /* check whether this is a "bn.fit" or "bn" object. */
  is_fitted = isNull(nodes);
  /* set the parameters for the object structure. */
  if (is_fitted) {

    nodes = bn;
    element = "parents";

  else {

   element = "nbr";


  /* allocate and initialize the result. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
  res = INTEGER(result);
  *res = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(nodes); i++) {

    /* get the parents/children of this node. */
    node_data = VECTOR_ELT(nodes, i);

    temp = getListElement(node_data, element);

    *res += LENGTH(temp);


  /* summing up the neighbours counts each arc twice, dedeuplicate. */
  if (!is_fitted)
    *res /= 2;


  return result;

/* build the arc set out of a "bn.fit" object. */
SEXP fit2arcs(SEXP bn) {

int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, narcs = 0;
SEXP labels, node_data, children, result;

  /* get the nodes' labels. */
  labels = getAttrib(bn, R_NamesSymbol);

  /* first pass: count the number of arcs. */
  for (i = 0; i <  LENGTH(bn); i++) {

    /* get the node's data. */
    node_data = VECTOR_ELT(bn, i);
    /* count its children. */
    narcs += LENGTH(getListElement(node_data, "children"));


  /* allocate the arc set. */
  PROTECT(result = allocMatrix(STRSXP, narcs, 2));
  /* set the column names. */

  /* second pass: initialize the return value. */
  for (i = 0; i <  LENGTH(bn); i++) {

    /* get the node's data. */
    node_data = VECTOR_ELT(bn, i);
    /* get its children. */
    children = getListElement(node_data, "children");

    for (j = 0; j < LENGTH(children); j++) {

      /* set the labels of the nodes incident on the arc. */
      SET_STRING_ELT(result, k, STRING_ELT(labels, i));
      SET_STRING_ELT(result, k + narcs, STRING_ELT(children, j));
      /* go to the next arc. */




  return result;

static void getRSLRADispOption( SEXP OPTS ) {
  SEXP str_value_sexp;
  if (TYPEOF((str_value_sexp = getListElement(OPTS, "disp"))) == STRSXP) {
    Log::str2DispLevel(CHAR(STRING_ELT(str_value_sexp, 0)));    
static void getRSLRAMethodOption( OptimizationOptions *popt, SEXP OPTS ) {
  SEXP str_val_sexp;

  if (TYPEOF((str_val_sexp = getListElement(OPTS, "method"))) == STRSXP) {
    popt->str2Method(CHAR(STRING_ELT(str_val_sexp, 0)));
/* get the number of parameters of a single node (continuous case). */
SEXP nparams_gnode(SEXP graph, SEXP node) {

char *name = (char *)CHAR(STRING_ELT(node, 0));
SEXP temp, result;

  temp = getListElement(graph, "nodes");
  temp = getListElement(temp, name);
  temp = getListElement(temp, "parents");

  PROTECT(result = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
  INT(result) = LENGTH(temp) + 1;

  return result;

/* predict the value of a gaussian node without parents. */
SEXP gpred(SEXP fitted, SEXP data, SEXP debug) {

int i = 0, *ndata = INTEGER(data), *debuglevel = LOGICAL(debug);
double *mean = NULL, *res = NULL;
SEXP result;

  /* get the (only) coefficient of the linear regression. */
  mean = REAL(getListElement(fitted, "coefficients"));

  /* allocate and initialize the return value. */
  PROTECT(result = allocVector(REALSXP, *ndata));
  res = REAL(result);

  /* copy the mean in the return value. */
  for (i = 0; i < *ndata; i++)
    res[i] = *mean;

  if (*debuglevel > 0) {

    Rprintf("  > prediction for all observations is %lf.\n", *mean);



  return result;

double graph_prior_prob(SEXP prior, SEXP target, SEXP cache, SEXP beta,
    int debuglevel) {

double *b = NULL, prob = 0;
const char *pr = NULL;
SEXP parents, children;

  /* check which prior should be computed, and use the uniform one
   * if none is specified.*/
  if (prior ==  R_NilValue)
    return 0;
    pr = CHAR(STRING_ELT(prior, 0));

  /* match the label of the prior. */
  if (strcmp(pr, "uniform") == 0) {

    /* constant prior, log(1) = 0 for backward compatibility. */
    prob = 0;

  else if (strcmp(pr, "vsp") == 0) {

    parents = getListElement(cache, "parents");

    /* variable selection prior, each arc has independent beta probability
     * fo inclusion. */
    b = REAL(beta);
    prob = length(parents) * log(*b / (1 - *b));

  else if (strcmp(pr, "cs") == 0) {

    parents = getListElement(cache, "parents");
    children = getListElement(cache, "children");

    /* completed prior from Castelo and Siebes. */
    if (beta == R_NilValue)
      prob = 0;
      prob = castelo_prior(beta, target, parents, children, debuglevel);


  return prob;

文件: glm_lpy.c 项目: sophielee1/BAS
SEXP glm_FitModel(SEXP RX, SEXP RY, SEXP Rmodel_m,  //input data
		  SEXP Roffset, SEXP Rweights, glmstptr * glmfamily, SEXP Rcontrol,
		  SEXP Rlaplace,  betapriorptr * betapriorfamily) { //parameters
  int nprotected = 0;
  int *model_m = INTEGER(Rmodel_m);
  int pmodel = LENGTH(Rmodel_m);
	//subset the data and call the model fitting function
  int n = INTEGER(getAttrib(RX,R_DimSymbol))[0];
  double *X = REAL(RX);

  SEXP RXnow=PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, n , pmodel)); nprotected++;
  double *Xwork = REAL(RXnow);
  for (int j=0; j < pmodel; j++) { //subsetting matrix
      int model_m_j = model_m[j];
      memcpy(Xwork + j * n, X + model_m_j*n, sizeof(double)*n);
  SEXP glm_fit = PROTECT(glm_bas(RXnow, RY, glmfamily, Roffset, Rweights, Rcontrol));
    //extract mu and coef and evaluate the function
  SEXP Rmu = PROTECT(duplicate(getListElement(glm_fit, "mu"))); nprotected++;
  SEXP Rcoef = PROTECT(duplicate(getListElement(glm_fit, "coefficients")));nprotected++;
  SEXP RXnow_noIntercept=PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, n , pmodel-1)); nprotected++;
  if (pmodel > 1) {
    double *Xwork_noIntercept = REAL(RXnow_noIntercept);
    memcpy(Xwork_noIntercept, Xwork + n, sizeof(double)*n*(pmodel-1));

  SEXP Rlpy = PROTECT(gglm_lpy(RXnow_noIntercept, RY, Rcoef, Rmu,
			       glmfamily, betapriorfamily,  Rlaplace));
  SEXP ANS = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2)); nprotected++;
  SEXP ANS_names = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, 2)); nprotected++;
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 0, glm_fit);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 0, mkChar("fit"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 1, mkChar("lpy"));

  setAttrib(ANS, R_NamesSymbol, ANS_names);

double IC_glm_logmarg(SEXP hyperparams, int pmodel, double W,
		       double loglik_mle, double logdet_Iintercept, int Laplace ) {
  double penalty, logmarglik;

  penalty = REAL(getListElement(hyperparams, "penalty"))[0];
  logmarglik =   loglik_mle - .5*penalty*pmodel;
文件: scsr.c 项目: akshayka/scs
scs_int getIntFromListWithDefault(SEXP list, const char *str, scs_int def) {
    SEXP val = getListElement(list, str);
    if (val == R_NilValue) {
        return def;
    val = coerceVector(val, INTSXP);
    return INTEGER(val)[0];
SEXP graph_prior_prob(SEXP prior, SEXP target, SEXP cache, SEXP beta,
                      SEXP debug) {

    double *b = NULL;
    const char *pr = CHAR(STRING_ELT(prior, 0));
    SEXP prob, parents, children;

    /* allocate the return value. */
    PROTECT(prob = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));

    /* match the label of the prior. */
    if (strcmp(pr, "uniform") == 0) {

        /* constant prior, log(1) = 0 for backward compatibility. */
        NUM(prob) = 0;

    else if (strcmp(pr, "vsp") == 0) {

        parents = getListElement(cache, "parents");

        /* variable selection prior, each arc has independent beta probability
         * fo inclusion. */
        b = REAL(beta);
        NUM(prob) = LENGTH(parents) * log(*b / (1 - *b));

    else if (strcmp(pr, "cs") == 0) {

        parents = getListElement(cache, "parents");
        children = getListElement(cache, "children");

        /* completed prior from Castelo and Siebes. */
        if (beta == R_NilValue)
            NUM(prob) = 0;
            NUM(prob) = castelo_prior(beta, target, parents, children, debug);



    return prob;