std::string CMMError::getFullMsg() const { if (getUnderlyingError()) return getMsg() + " [ " + underlying_->getFullMsg() + " ]"; return getMsg(); }
bool CUserService::sendMsgToGroup(const CString& groupNamw, const CString& msg, CString* retMsg) { const CUser& u = CMFCUtil::getActiveDoc()->m_user; Json::Value jsonObj; jsonObj["name"] = Json::Value(CStringUtil::getStdString(groupNamw)); jsonObj["msg"] = Json::Value(CStringUtil::getStdString(msg)); string retStr; if (!this->sendData("/sendMsgToGroup", jsonObj, retStr)) { retMsg->Format(_T("发送失败请检查网络")); return false; } if (this->getCode(retStr) != CODE::SUCCESS) { string t = getMsg(retStr); (*retMsg) = CStringUtil::getCString(t); return false; } CMFCUtil::getActiveDoc()->updateGroupHtml(groupNamw, u.m_userName, msg, false); CMFCUtil::getActiveView()->flushChat(); return true; }
void KNNntpClient::doFetchArticle() { KNRemoteArticle *target = static_cast<KNRemoteArticle *>(job->data()); QCString cmd; sendSignal(TSdownloadArticle); errorPrefix = i18n("Article could not be retrieved.\nThe following error occurred:\n"); progressValue = 100; predictedLines = target->lines()->numberOfLines() + 10; if(target->collection()) { QString groupName = static_cast<KNGroup *>(target->collection())->groupname(); if(currentGroup != groupName) { cmd = "GROUP "; cmd += groupName.utf8(); if(!sendCommandWCheck(cmd, 211)) // 211 n f l s group selected return; currentGroup = groupName; } } if(target->articleNumber() != -1) { cmd.setNum(target->articleNumber()); cmd.prepend("ARTICLE "); } else { cmd = "ARTICLE " + target->messageID()->as7BitString(false); } if(!sendCommandWCheck(cmd, 220)) // 220 n <a> article retrieved - head and body follow { int code = atoi(getCurrentLine()); if(code == 430 || code == 423) // 430 no such article found || 423 no such article number in this group { QString msgId = target->messageID()->as7BitString(false); // strip of '<' and '>' msgId = msgId.mid(1, msgId.length() - 2); job->setErrorString(errorPrefix + getCurrentLine() + i18n("<br><br>The article you requested is not available on your news server." "<br>You could try to get it from <a href=\"\"></a>.") .arg(msgId)); } return; } QStrList msg; if(!getMsg(msg)) return; progressValue = 1000; sendSignal(TSprogressUpdate); target->setContent(&msg); target->parse(); }
void testFielddefs(database* db) { short ret = createTestDataBase(db); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(0 == ret, "createTestDataBase stat = " << ret); if (ret) return; ret = createTestTable(db); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(0 == ret, "createTestTable stat = " << ret); if (ret) return; try { short tableid = 1; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); //Check nullbit const tabledef* td = tb->tableDef(); const fielddef* fd = &td->fieldDefs[1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 0, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 2, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); fd = &td->fieldDefs[8]; //fd8 BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 7, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 2, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); //fielddefs copy test fielddefs& fds = *fielddefs::create(); fds.addAllFields(tb->tableDef()); fd = &fds[1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 0, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 2, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); // Append join field, nullbytes and nullbit specify only append fields. query q;"fd8")); tb->setQuery(&q); fds.addSelectedFields(tb.get()); fd = &fds[(int)fds.size() -1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 0, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 1, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); //One more join q.reset().select(_T("fd2"), _T("fd3"), _T("fd4"), _T("fd5"), _T("fd6")); tb->setQuery(&q); fds.addSelectedFields(tb.get()); fd = &fds[(int)fds.size() -1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 4, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 1, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); //One more join q.reset().select(_T("fd1"), _T("fd2"), _T("fd3"), _T("fd4"), _T("fd5"), _T("fd6"), _T("fd7"), _T("fd8")); tb->setQuery(&q); fds.addSelectedFields(tb.get()); fd = &fds[(int)fds.size() -1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 7, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 1, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); fds.release(); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } }
void testFieldValue(database* db) { try { short tableid = 1; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->clearBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i < tb->tableDef()->fieldCount; ++i) { tb->setFVNull(i, true); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFVNull(i) == true, "Invalid getFVNull i = " << i); tb->setFVNull(i, false); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFVNull(i) == false, "Invalid getFVNull i = " << i); } // field 0 is not nullable short index = 0; tb->setFVNull(index, true); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFVNull(index) == false, "Invalid getFVNull(0) "); tb->setFVNull(index, false); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFVNull(index) == false, "Invalid getFVNull(0) "); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } }
void ClientSocket::BufferToMsg(Message * msg, const char *buffer){ string getMsg(buffer); Json::Reader reader; Json::Value root; if (reader.parse(getMsg, root)) // reader将Json字符串解析到root,root将包含Json里所有子元素 { //std::stringstream strValue; msg->msg_type = root["msg_type"].asInt(); // 访问节点,upload_id = "UP000000" msg->content = root["content"].asString(); // 访问节点,upload_id = "UP000000" string timestr = root["time"].asString(); // 访问节点,upload_id = "UP000000" int a, b, c, d, e, f; sscanf_s(timestr.c_str(), "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f); CTime time(a, b, c, d, e, f); msg->time = time; string from_id = root["FromID"].asString(); sscanf_s(from_id.c_str(), "%ul", &(msg->FromID)); string to_id = root["ToID"].asString(); sscanf_s(to_id.c_str(), "%ul", &(msg->ToID)); msg->myWPragam = root["myWPragam"].asInt(); } /* 实现 */ }
void trayIconActivated(GObject *trayIcon, gpointer window) { if(gtk_status_icon_get_blinking(GTK_STATUS_ICON (trayIcon))==FALSE){ gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(window)); gtk_window_deiconify(GTK_WINDOW(window)); } else{ printf("-------------------[click to create window start]----------------\n"); //if(Msghead != NULL) char ip[20]; strcpy(ip,Msghead->ip); printf("ip:%s\n",ip); char name[20]; strcpy(name,Msghead->name); printf("name:%s\n",name); char msg[1024]; bzero(msg,1024); getMsg(ip,msg); printf("msg:%s\n",msg); if(Msghead == NULL) gtk_status_icon_set_blinking (trayIcon,FALSE); createChatWindow(ip,name,msg); //showMessage(msg.message,p->textViewAll); printf("-------------------[click to create window end ]----------------\n"); } }
void testWriatbleRecordFieldValue(database* db) { try { activeTable tb(db, _T("nulltest")); writableRecord& wr = tb.getWritableRecord(); wr.clear(); for (int i = 1; i < (int)wr.fieldDefs()->size(); ++i) { wr[i].setNull(true); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == true, "Invalid isNull i = " << i); wr[i].setNull(false); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == false, "Invalid isNull i = " << i); } // field 0 is not nullable short index = 0; wr[index].setNull(true); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[index].isNull() == false, "Invalid isNull "); wr[index].setNull(false); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[index].isNull() == false, "Invalid isNull "); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } }
qChat::qChat(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::qChat) { ui->setupUi(this); /* server parameters */ _host = ""; _port = 9999; _nick = getHostname() + QString("@") + QHostInfo::localHostName(); _sock = new QTcpSocket(this); _connecTimer = new QTimer(this); _ws = CLIENT_NOT_AUTHENTICATED; _attempt = 1; tableFormat.setBorder(0); connect(ui->msgEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(sndMsg())); connect(_sock, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(clientAuth())); connect(_sock, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(getMsg())); connect(_sock, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(displayError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); connect(_connecTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(try_connect())); _sock->connectToHost(_host, _port); _connecTimer->setSingleShot(true); }
bool CUserService::searchFriend(const CString& friendName, vector<CString>& friList, CString& retMsg) { Json::Value sendJson; sendJson["name"] = Json::Value(CStringUtil::getStdString(friendName)); string retStr; if (!this->sendData("/user/searchPeo", sendJson, retStr)) { retMsg.Format(_T("发送失败请检查网络")); return false; } if (this->getCode(retStr) != CODE::SUCCESS) { string t = getMsg(retStr); retMsg = CStringUtil::getCString(t); return false; } Json::Value retJson = this->getData(retStr); Json::Value namesJsonArray = retJson["names"]; for (int i = 0; i < namesJsonArray.size(); i++) { CString freNamesData(namesJsonArray[i].asCString()); friList.push_back(freNamesData); } return true; }
/* * Send a customer message. */ void SendCustMsg( const char *srcFile, /* Caller's source file. */ const int srcLine, /* Caller's source line. */ int msgNum, /* Message catalog number. */ ...) { va_list args; char *fmt; char msg_buf[MAXLINE]; char *msg; int saveErrno; saveErrno = errno; fmt = getMsg(msgNum); va_start(args, msgNum); vsnprintf(msg_buf, sizeof (msg_buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); msg = sendMsg(msgNum, msg_buf); if (TraceFlags != NULL) { _Trace(TR_cust, srcFile, srcLine, "Message %d: %s", msgNum, msg); } errno = saveErrno; }
int CMessagePushMgr::Run() { while (m_bEnableRun) { // Wait for event boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(m_mutexCond); boost::system_time const timeout = boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1000); m_cond.timed_wait(lock, timeout); SPushMessage_ptr msg; while (getMsg(msg) && m_bEnableRun) { //通过苹果的APNs服务推送 if (msg->pushway == Push_APNs) { SAPNs_Message apns_msg; apns_msg.userinfo = msg->custom_info; if (!msg->content.empty()) apns_msg.body = msg->content; string msg_js = apns_msg.ToJson(); string token = msg->devicetoken; string account = msg->account; APNs_Push_Message(token, account, msg_js); } else //腾讯信鸽推送 { //IOS手机 if (msg->ttype == Terminal_IOS) { SXG_Message_IOS xg_ios_msg; xg_ios_msg.custom = msg->custom_info; if (!msg->content.empty()) xg_ios_msg.body = msg->content; string msg_js = xg_ios_msg.ToJson(); string account = msg->account; XG_Push_Message(Terminal_IOS, account, msg_js); } else //Android手机 { SXG_Message_Andriod xg_android_msg; xg_android_msg.custom_content = msg->custom_info; if (!msg->content.empty()) xg_android_msg.content = msg->content; string msg_js = xg_android_msg.ToJson(); string account = msg->account; XG_Push_Message(Terminal_Android, account, msg_js); } } } } m_hThreadStopEvent.notify_all(); return 0; }
string Mailman::read() { int len; if((len=(recv(socket_fd,message,MAXDATASIZE,0)))==-1) { /*tcp_log<<"recv error\n";*/ } else message[len]='\0'; return getMsg(); }
Logic::Logic(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { client = new Client(); ship = new Ship(); gals = new QVector<Gals*>(); connect(client,SIGNAL(messageFormed(QString)),this,SLOT(getMsg(QString))); }
int sys_getMsg() { struct Msg* ptr; if (argptr(0, (void*)&ptr, sizeof(*ptr)) < 0) return -1; getMsg(proc->pid, ptr); return 0; }
void loop() { char *msg; if ((msg = getMsg()) != 0) { procMsg(msg); } procBut(); procClock(); }
void testTableStore(database* db) { try { // All null test short tableid = 1; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->clearBuffer(); fields& fds = tb->fields(); fds[(short)0] = 1; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) { fds[i] = _T("123"); fds[i].setNull(true); } tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testStore insert stat = " << tb->stat()); tb->clearBuffer(); fds[(short)0] = 1; tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testStore seek stat = " << tb->stat()); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].isNull() == true, "testStore isNull field num = " << i); // All not null test tb->clearBuffer(table::defaultNull); fds[(short)0] = 2; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) fds[i].setNull(false); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testStore insert stat = " << tb->stat()); tb->clearBuffer(table::defaultNull); fds[(short)0] = 2; tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testStore seek stat = " << tb->stat()); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].isNull() == false, "testStore isNull field num = " << i); //Test Default value __int64 dv = 0; if (i == 5) dv = -1; if (i == 6) dv = -123456; if (i != 10) //ignore timestamp BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].i64() == dv, "testStore defaultValue field num = " << i << " " << fds[i].i64()); } } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } }
bool MainMsg::operator != (const MainMsg& message) const { if((this->Author != message.getAuthor()) || (this->Message != getMsg())) return true; else return false; }
bool UDPdriver::recieve(UDPmsg* msg, __time_t sec, __suseconds_t usec) { struct timeval timeOut; struct timeval* timeOut_param; //ennyit fogunk aludni, amig nem jon semmi timeOut.tv_sec = sec; timeOut.tv_usec = usec; //ha 0-k, akkor blokkolosan varunk if((sec == 0) && (usec == 0)) timeOut_param = NULL; else timeOut_param = &timeOut; //ha van a bufferben uzenet if(recieveBufferCount > 0) { getMsg(msg); return true; } //ha nincs a bufferben, de jott uzenet else if(UDPconn::recieve(recieveBuffer, RECIEVE_BUFFER_SIZE, &recieveBufferCount, timeOut_param)) { recieveBufferNextIndex = 0; getMsg(msg); return true; } //ha nincs a bufferben, es nem is jott uzenet else return false; }
void testUnuseSchema(database* db) { try { db->close(); bool ret = db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, _T("")), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF,TD_OPEN_NORMAL); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(ret == true, "db open stat = " << db->stat()); table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("nulltest"), TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->clearBuffer(); fields& fds = tb->fields(); fds[(short)0] = 1; tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "UnuseSchema seek stat = " << tb->stat()); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].isNull() == true, "UnuseSchema isNull field num = " << i); //open second table table_ptr tb2 = openTable(db, _T("nulltest"), TD_OPEN_NORMAL); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->stat() == 0, "UnuseSchema openTable stat = " << db->stat()); //shared tabledef BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->dbDef()->tableCount() == 1, "tableCount = " << db->dbDef()->tableCount()); tb2->setKeyNum(0); tb2->clearBuffer(table::defaultNull); //default values fields& fds2 = tb2->fields(); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) { bool v = true; int dv = 0; if (i == 0 || i == 5 || i == 6) v = false; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds2[i].isNull() == v, "defaultValue isNull field num = " << i); if (i == 5) dv = -1; if (i == 6) dv = -123456; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds2[i].i() == dv, "defaultValue defaultValue field num = " << i << " " << fds2[i].i()); } fds2[(short)0] = 1; tb2->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb2->stat() == 0, "UnuseSchema seek stat = " << tb2->stat()); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds2.size(); ++i) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds2[i].isNull() == true, "UnuseSchema isNull field num = " << i); db->openTable(_T("abc")); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->stat() == STATUS_TABLE_NOTOPEN, "openTable stat = " << db->stat()); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("testUnuseSchema Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } }
void Client::processPacketReception() { std::vector<char> *data = getMsg(0); ServerOpcodes opcode = getOpcode(data); data->erase(data->begin(), data->begin() + sizeof(ServerOpcodes)); for (int i = 0; i < NB_OPCODES; i++) if (protocols[i].opcode == opcode) (this->*(protocols[i]).protocolFunction)(data); delete (data); }
void testWRStore(database* db) { try { // All null test activeTable tb(db, _T("nulltest")); writableRecord& wr = tb.getWritableRecord(); wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 3; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) { wr[i] = _T("123"); wr[i].setNull(true); }; wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 3; bool ret =; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(ret == true, "testWRStore read "); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == true, "testWRStore isNull field num = " << i); // All not null test wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 4; wr[1] = 2; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) wr[i].setNull(false);; wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 4; ret =; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(ret == true, "testWRStore read"); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == false, "testWRStore isNull field num = " << i); //Test Default value __int64 dv = 0; if (i == 1) dv = 2; if (i == 5) dv = -1; if (i == 6) dv = -123456; if (i != 10) //ignore timestamp BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].i64() == dv, "testWRStore defaultValue field num = " << i << " " << wr[i].i64()); } } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } }
void EReader::processMsgs(void) { m_pClientSocket->onSend(); checkClient(); ibapi::shared_ptr<EMessage> msg = getMsg(); if (!msg.get()) return; const char *pBegin = msg->begin(); while (processMsgsDecoder_.parseAndProcessMsg(pBegin, msg->end()) > 0) { msg = getMsg(); if (!msg.get()) break; pBegin = msg->begin(); } }
void ha(int sig) { int m=getMsg(time); int i; printf("sender pid: %ld msg: %d\n",getpid(),m); message msg; msg.type=par; msg.i=m; if(msgsnd(id,&msg,sizeof(long),0)==-1)perror("msgsnd"); alarm(5); }
//发送各种UDP广播消息 void Widget::sndMsg(MsgType type, QString srvaddr) { QByteArray data; QDataStream out(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QString address = getIP(); /*向要发送的数据中写入信息类型type、用户名(使用getUsr()函数获取), * 其中,type用于接收端区分信息类型,从而可以对不同类型的信息进行 * 不同的处理 */ out << type << getUsr(); switch(type) { case Msg: /* 对于普通的聊天消息Msg,首先判断发送的消息是否为空,如果为空, * 则进行警告;然后向发送的数据中写入本机的IP地址和用户输入的 * 聊天信息文本 */ if(ui->msgTxtEdit->toPlainText() == "") { QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("警告"), tr("发送内容不能为空"), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } out << address << getMsg(); ui->msgBrowser->verticalScrollBar()->setValue( ui->msgBrowser->verticalScrollBar()->maximum()); break; case UsrEnter: //对于新用户加入UsrEnter,只是简单地向数据中写入IP地址 out << address; break; case UsrLeft: //对于用户离开UsrLeft,不需要进行其他操作 break; case FileName: { //对于发送文件名FileName和拒绝接受文件Refuse,这里先不进行处理,稍后添加 int row = ui->usrTblWidget->currentRow(); QString clntaddr = ui->usrTblWidget->item(row, 1)->text(); out << address << clntaddr << fileName; break; } case Refuse: { out << srvaddr; break; } } udpSocket->writeDatagram(data, data.length(), QHostAddress::Broadcast, port); }
void SpyMini::moveIt(){ SOCKET s= getSocket(); char *message; message = getMsg(); if (send(s, message, strlen(message), 0) < 0) { puts("Send failed"); return; } puts("Data Send\n"); }
/* * Error related to a system call. * Write a message with the errno value to the logfile. */ void SysError( const char *srcFile, /* Caller's source file. */ const int srcLine, /* Caller's source line. */ const char *fmt, /* printf() style format. */ ...) { char msg_buf[MAXLINE]; char *msg; char *p, *pe; int saveErrno; saveErrno = errno; /* * Format message and add error number. */ p = msg_buf; pe = p + sizeof (msg_buf) - 1; /* Catalog message. */ snprintf(p, Ptrdiff(pe, p), "%s", getMsg(14082)); p += strlen(p); snprintf(p, Ptrdiff(pe, p), ": "); p += strlen(p); /* The message */ if (fmt != NULL) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(p, Ptrdiff(pe, p), fmt, args); va_end(args); p += strlen(p); } /* Error number */ if (saveErrno != 0) { snprintf(p, Ptrdiff(pe, p), ": "); p += strlen(p); (void) StrFromErrno(saveErrno, p, Ptrdiff(pe, p)); p += strlen(p); } *p = '\0'; msg = sendMsg(14082, msg_buf); errno = 0; /* Already included error number. */ _Trace(TR_err, srcFile, srcLine, "%s", msg); errno = saveErrno; }
int main(void) { int msgId; pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if(pid > 0) { int i; MsgBuf data; msgId = createMsg(KEY); MSG_ID = msgId; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sleep(1); = 1; sprintf(data.text, "Hello [%d]", i); if(msgsnd(msgId, &data, sizeof(MsgBuf), 0) < 0) { perror("msgsnd fail"); exit(-2); } } }else if(pid == 0) { sleep(1); MsgBuf data; msgId = getMsg(KEY); MSG_ID = msgId; while(1) { if(msgrcv(msgId, &data, sizeof(data), 1, 0) < 0) { perror("msgrcv fail"); exit(-2); } printf("data[%s] pid=%d\n", data.text, getpid()); } exit(0); }else { perror("Fork Error"); exit(-2); } }
/* * Fatal error related to a system call. * Write a message with the errno value to the logfile and terminate. */ void _LibFatal( const char *srcFile, /* Caller's source file. */ const int srcLine, /* Caller's source line. */ const char *functionName, /* Name of failing function. */ const char *functionArg) /* Argument to function */ { char msg_buf[MAXLINE]; char *msg; char *p, *pe; int saveErrno; saveErrno = errno; /* * Format message and add error number. */ p = msg_buf; pe = p + sizeof (msg_buf) - 1; snprintf(p, Ptrdiff(pe, p), "%s", getMsg(14080)); p += strlen(p); if (functionArg == NULL) { functionArg = "NULL"; } snprintf(p, Ptrdiff(pe, p), ": %s(%s) called from: %s:%d", functionName, functionArg, srcFile, srcLine); p += strlen(p); if (saveErrno != 0) { snprintf(p, Ptrdiff(pe, p), ": "); p += strlen(p); (void) StrFromErrno(saveErrno, p, Ptrdiff(pe, p)); p += strlen(p); } *p = '\0'; msg = sendMsg(14080, msg_buf); errno = 0; /* Already included error number */ _Trace(TR_err, srcFile, srcLine, "%s", msg); #if !defined(TEST) if (ErrorExitStatus == EXIT_FATAL) { exit(EXIT_FATAL); } _exit(ErrorExitStatus); #else /* !defined(TEST) */ printf("*** _LibFatal() would exit(%d)\n", (ErrorExitStatus != 0) ? ErrorExitStatus : EXIT_FATAL); #endif /* !defined(TEST) */ }
void main() { FILE *forward = fopen("forward.bin","wb+"); FILE *backward = fopen("backward.bin","wb+"); while(1) { struct msg Msg; printf("\t\t\t\t=>:");fflush(stdin); gets(Msg.text); if(cmp(Msg.text,"exit") == 0) exit(0); putMsg(Msg,forward); printf("==>%s",getMsg(backward)); } }