void sendMessage(int msg[4], int to_rank){
    // some ugly switching to accomodate usage of sending messages in one function altogether
    if(to_rank==-1 && msg){
        // send msg to left and right        
            int right = getNextNeighbor(rank, 1);
            MPI_Send(msg, 4, MPI_INT, right, LEADERTAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            int left = getNextNeighbor(rank, -1);
            MPI_Send(msg, 4, MPI_INT, left, LEADERTAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    }else if (msg){
        MPI_Send(msg, 4, MPI_INT, to_rank, LEADERTAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    }else if (!msg && to_rank==-1){
        int win = 1;
        int i = 0;
        for (i=0;i<size;i++){
            if (i!=rank){
                MPI_Send(&win,1,MPI_INT,i,WINNERTAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
/* int  */
void findAllCircle(Edge **C, int **F, int **remain, int *stack, int *sTop,
                   int nNodes, int sink)
    int u = sink; /* 表示当前的顶点 */
    /* bool ret = false;  */
    int *circle, cLen;
    int *preflow;

    // 显示每次消去一环所消耗的时间
    // struct timeval NC_begin;
    // struct timeval NC_end;
    // int NC_count = 0;
    // double time;

    circle = (int *)calloc(nNodes+1, sizeof(int));
    /* cLen = 0; */
    preflow = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
    /* *preflow = INFINITE; */


    // 显示消去一环的时间消耗
    // gettimeofday(&NC_begin, NULL);

    for (;;) {
        while (u != -1) {
            if (contain(stack, *sTop, u) == -1) {
                stack[(*sTop)++] = u;
                u = getFirstNeighbor(remain, nNodes, u);
            } else {
                int v = contain(stack, *sTop, u);
                stack[(*sTop)++] = u;
                cLen = 0;
                while (v < *sTop) 
                    circle[cLen++] = stack[v++];

                /* int i; */
                /* for (i = 0; i < cLen; i++) */
                /*     printf("%d\t", circle[i]); */
                /* printf("\n"); */

                *preflow = INFINITE;
                /* 此处将cLen > 4改为cLen > 3 */
                if (cLen > 3 &&
                    computeWeight(C, F, remain, circle, cLen, preflow) < 0) {
                    /* updateFlow(F, circle, cLen, preflow); */
                    updateFlowRemain(F, remain, circle, cLen, preflow);
                    *sTop = 0;
                    u = circle[0];
                    cLen = 0;
                    // 显示消去一环的时间消耗
                    // NC_count++;
                    // gettimeofday(&NC_end, NULL);
                    // time = (NC_end.tv_sec-NC_begin.tv_sec)*1000000 + NC_end.tv_usec-NC_begin.tv_usec;
                    // printf("%d\t%15.2f\n", NC_count, time);
                    goto labRedo;
                    /* ret = true; */
        if (*sTop != 0) {
            int v = stack[--(*sTop)];
            if (*sTop != 0) {
                u = stack[(*sTop)-1];
                u = getNextNeighbor(remain, nNodes, u, v);
            } else 
                goto labelReturn;
                /* return ret; */
        } else
            goto labelReturn;
            /* return ret; */

    // 显示消去一环的时间消耗
    // gettimeofday(&NC_end, NULL);
    // time = (NC_end.tv_sec-NC_begin.tv_sec)*1000000 + NC_end.tv_usec-NC_begin.tv_usec;
    // printf("end\t%15.2f\n", time);

    /* return ret; */