/** * Configures the incomplete log image * path. The path is completed in ROI class * that have the indexROI. */ void MetaInfo::setLogImageIncompletePath() { // this->logImageIncompletePath = ".." + LOG_IMAGES + // getPageName().replace(getPageName().size()-4, getPageName().size(), ""); string page = getPageName().replace(getPageName().size()-4, getPageName().size(), ""); string exp = "../experience"; this->logImageIncompletePath = exp + getBookName() + page + page; }
bool CCSocialLikeGate::openInner() { if (canOpen()) { CCSoomlaProfile::getInstance()->like(getProvider(), getPageName()->getCString(), NULL, NULL); return true; } return false; }
main(int argc, char** argv) { char* cp; int npages, ok; struct stat sb; TIFF* tif; float vres, w, h; long pageWidth, pageLength; char sender[80]; char date[80]; struct pageSizeInfo* info; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s file.tif\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } printf("%s:\n", argv[1]); TIFFSetErrorHandler(NULL); TIFFSetWarningHandler(NULL); tif = TIFFOpen(argv[1], "r"); if (tif == NULL) { printf("Could not open (%s).\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } ok = isFAXImage(tif); if (!ok) { printf("Does not look like a facsimile?\n"); exit(0); } if (TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, &cp)) sanitize(sender, cp, sizeof (sender)); else strcpy(sender, "<unknown>"); printf("%11s %s\n", "Sender:", sender); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &pageWidth); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &pageLength); if (TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, &vres)) { short resunit = RESUNIT_NONE; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, &resunit); if (resunit == RESUNIT_CENTIMETER) vres *= 25.4; } else vres = 98; npages = 0; do { npages++; } while (TIFFReadDirectory(tif)); printf("%11s %u\n", "Pages:", npages); if (vres == 98) printf("%11s Normal\n", "Quality:"); else if (vres == 196) printf("%11s Fine\n", "Quality:"); else printf("%11s %.2f lines/inch\n", "Quality:", vres); h = pageLength / (vres < 100 ? 3.85 : 7.7); w = (pageWidth / 204.) * 25.4; info = closestPageSize(w, h); if (info) printf("%11s %s\n", "Page:", getPageName(info)); else printf("%11s %lu by %lu\n", "Page:", pageWidth, pageLength); delPageSize(info); if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_DATETIME, &cp)) { struct stat sb; fstat(TIFFFileno(tif), &sb); strftime(date, sizeof (date), "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime(&sb.st_mtime)); } else sanitize(date, cp, sizeof (date)); printf("%11s %s\n", "Received:", date); exit(0); }
std::string CCatPage::buildContent() const { CTemplateHelper* templateManager = CTemplateHelper::getInstance(); CDBManager* dbManager = CManagers::getInstance()->getDBManager(); std::shared_ptr<CDBRequest> dbRequest(dbManager->createDBRequest()); std::map<std::string, std::string> params; tmpString = ""; const CUser* user = dynamic_cast<const CUser*>(currRequest->getUser()); CConfigHelper* settingsManager = CConfigHelper::getInstance(); const CHTMLTemplate* contentTemplate = templateManager->findTemplate("content"); if(contentTemplate == NULL) return "Missing content template"; const CMenuCategory* currCategory = CMenu::getInstance()->findCategoryByName(getPageName()); if(currCategory == NULL) return "Cant find this category"; if(!user->getIsValid())return "User not valid"; const std::vector<int> threadsId = currCategory->getThreadsId(settingsManager->getIntParamValue("defaulThreadsCnt", 10)); const std::vector<int>* fixedThreadsId = user->getFixedThreads(); tmpString += "<input type='hidden' name='category_id' value='"; tmpString += valueToString(currCategory->getId()); tmpString += "' /> \n"; tmpString += "<input type='hidden' name='return_page' value='"; tmpString += getPageName(); tmpString += "' /> \n" ; tmpString += "<h1>/"; tmpString += htmlspecialchars(currCategory->getName()); tmpString += "/ — "; tmpString += htmlspecialchars(currCategory->getDescription()); tmpString += "</h1> \n"; if(currCategory->getThreadCreationAccessLevel() <= user->getUserType(currCategory->getId())) { tmpString += buildNewThreadForm(getPageName(), currCategory->getId(), user); tmpString += "\n"; } if(currCategory->getPostCreationAccessLevel() <= user->getUserType(currCategory->getId())) { tmpString += buildNewPostForm(getPageName(), user); tmpString += "\n"; } // GLOBAL FIXED THREADS int threadsCnt = 0; int hiddenthreadsCnt = 0; const CDBRequestResult* result = dbRequest->selectRequest(CDBValues("id"),"Threads", "`threadCatId` = "+valueToString(currCategory->getId())+" AND `isFixed` = 1"); if(dbRequest->getIsLastQuerySuccess() && result != NULL && result->getRowsCnt() > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < result->getRowsCnt(); i++) { int threadId = 0; threadId = result->getIntValue(i, 0); const CThread* currThread = new CThread(threadId); if(!currThread->getIsValid() || currThread->getIsHidden()) { if(currThread->getIsHidden()) hiddenthreadsCnt++; delete currThread; continue; } threadsCnt++; tmpString += buildThread(currThread, user); tmpString += "\n"; delete currThread; } } // USER FIXED THREADS for(unsigned int i = 0; i < fixedThreadsId->size(); i++) { const CThread* currThread = new CThread((*fixedThreadsId)[i]); if(!currThread->getIsValid() || currThread->getIsFixed() || currThread->getCatId() != currCategory->getId() || currThread->getIsHidden()) { delete currThread; continue; } threadsCnt++; tmpString += buildThread(currThread, user); tmpString += "\n"; delete currThread; } tmpString += "<br> \n"; // ALL OTHER THREADS int minThreadPosition = INT_MAX; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < threadsId.size(); i++) { const CThread* currThread = new CThread(threadsId[i]); if(currThread->getIsValid() && currThread->getIsHidden() && !currThread->getIsFixed()) hiddenthreadsCnt++; if(!currThread->getIsValid() || user->getIsThreadFixed(threadsId[i]) || currThread->getIsFixed() || currThread->getIsHidden()) { delete currThread; continue; } threadsCnt++; if(currThread->getPosition() < minThreadPosition) minThreadPosition = currThread->getPosition(); tmpString += buildThread(currThread, user); tmpString += "\n"; delete currThread; } tmpString += "<input type='hidden' name='all_threads_cnt' value='"; tmpString += valueToString(currCategory->getAllThreadsCnt() - hiddenthreadsCnt); tmpString += "' /> \n"; tmpString += "<input type='hidden' name='min_thread_pos' value='"; tmpString += valueToString(minThreadPosition); tmpString += "' /> \n"; tmpString += "<input type='hidden' id='thCnt' name='curr_threads_cnt' value='"; tmpString += valueToString(threadsCnt); tmpString += "' /> \n"; params["{LEFTPANEL}"] = buildLeftPanel(user); params["{UPMENU}"] = buildUpperMenu(user); params["{CONTENT}"] = tmpString; return contentTemplate->getHTMLData(¶ms); }
/** * Configures the output file path. */ void MetaInfo::setOutputFilePath() { this->outputFilePath = ".." + BOOKS + getBookName() + METADADOS + SAIDA + getPageName().replace(getPageName().size()-4, getPageName().size(), ".txt"); printf("output file path: %s\n", this->getOutputFilePath().c_str()); }
/** * Configures the low resolution image path. */ void MetaInfo::setLowResolutionImagePath() { this->lowResolutionImagePath = ".." + BOOKS + getBookName() + BAIXA_RESOLUCAO + getPageName(); printf("low path: %s\n", lowResolutionImagePath.c_str()); }
/** * Configures the high resolution image path. */ void MetaInfo::setHighResolutionImagePath() { this->highResolutionImagePath = ".." + BOOKS + getBookName() + ALTA_RESOLUCAO + getPageName(); printf("high path: %s\n", highResolutionImagePath.c_str()); }
/** * Configures the incomplete path * to image cut, this path will be without * the index roi. The path is completed in ROI class * that have the indexROI. * */ void MetaInfo::setHighResolutionImageCutIncompletePath() { this->highResolutionImageCutIncompletePath = ".." + BOOKS + getBookName() + METADADOS + TABELAS_ALTA + getPageName().replace(getPageName().size()-4, getPageName().size(), ""); }