void PurePursuit::getNextWaypoint()
  int path_size = static_cast<int>(current_waypoints_.size());

  // if waypoints are not given, do nothing.
  if (path_size == 0)
    next_waypoint_number_ = -1;

  // look for the next waypoint.
  for (int i = 0; i < path_size; i++)
    // if search waypoint is the last
    if (i == (path_size - 1))
      ROS_INFO("search waypoint is the last");
      next_waypoint_number_ = i;

    // if there exists an effective waypoint
    if (getPlaneDistance(current_waypoints_.at(i).pose.pose.position, current_pose_.position) > lookahead_distance_)
      next_waypoint_number_ = i;

  // if this program reaches here , it means we lost the waypoint!
  next_waypoint_number_ = -1;
static int getNextWaypoint()
  int path_size = static_cast<int>(_current_waypoints.getSize());
  double lookahead_threshold = getLookAheadThreshold(0);

  // if waypoints are not given, do nothing.
  if (_current_waypoints.isEmpty())
    return -1;

  // look for the next waypoint.
  for(int i = 0; i < path_size; i++)

    //if search waypoint is the last
    if (i == (path_size - 1))
      ROS_INFO("search waypoint is the last");
      return i;

    // if there exists an effective waypoint
    if (getPlaneDistance(_current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(i), _current_pose.pose.position) > lookahead_threshold)
      return i;

  //if this program reaches here , it means we lost the waypoint!
  return -1;
static double calcRadius(geometry_msgs::Point target)
  double radius;
  double denominator = 2 * calcRelativeCoordinate(target, _current_pose.pose).y;
  double numerator = pow(getPlaneDistance(target, _current_pose.pose.position), 2);

  if (denominator != 0)
    radius = numerator / denominator;
    radius = 0;

  //ROS_INFO("radius : %lf", radius);
  return radius;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ofVec3f MousePosOnPlane::getMousePosOnPlane( float _mouseX, float _mouseY, ofVec3f _planeNormal, ofVec3f _pointOnPlane,
						   ofMatrix4x4* _modelViewMatrix, ofMatrix4x4* _projectionMatrix, ofRectangle* _viewPort )
	ofMatrix4x4 modelViewMat;
	ofMatrix4x4 projectionMat;
	GLint viewport[4];
	if( _modelViewMatrix == NULL ) { glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelViewMat.getPtr() ); }
	else { modelViewMat.set( *_modelViewMatrix ); }
	if( _projectionMatrix == NULL ) { glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projectionMat.getPtr() );	 }
	else { projectionMat.set( *_projectionMatrix ); }
	if( _viewPort == NULL )
		glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
		viewport[0] = _viewPort->x;
		viewport[1] = _viewPort->y;
		viewport[2] = _viewPort->width;
		viewport[3] = _viewPort->height;
	float dx, dy, dz = 0.0;
	ofVec3f mouseRayPosition;
	ofVec3f mouseRayVector;
	int ry = viewport[3] - _mouseY - 1;
	gluES::gluUnProject( _mouseX, ry, 0.0,
						modelViewMat.getPtr(), projectionMat.getPtr(), viewport,
						&mouseRayPosition.x, &mouseRayPosition.y, &mouseRayPosition.z);
	gluES::gluUnProject( _mouseX, ry, 1.0,
						modelViewMat.getPtr(), projectionMat.getPtr(), viewport,
						&mouseRayVector.x, &mouseRayVector.y, &mouseRayVector.z);
	mouseRayVector -= mouseRayPosition;
	float planeDistance = getPlaneDistance( &_planeNormal, &_pointOnPlane );
	float tmpDist = rayIntersectPlane( &_planeNormal, planeDistance, &mouseRayPosition, &mouseRayVector );
	return mouseRayPosition + (mouseRayVector * tmpDist);

static double calcCurvature(geometry_msgs::Point target)
  double kappa;
  double denominator = pow(getPlaneDistance(target, _current_pose.pose.position), 2);
  double numerator = 2 * calcRelativeCoordinate(target, _current_pose.pose).y;

  if (denominator != 0)
    kappa = numerator / denominator;
    kappa = 0;

  //ROS_INFO("kappa : %lf", kappa);
  return kappa;

bool PurePursuit::canGetCurvature(double *output_kappa)
  // search next waypoint
  if (next_waypoint_number_ == -1)
    ROS_INFO("lost next waypoint");
    return false;
  // check whether curvature is valid or not
  bool is_valid_curve = false;
  for (const auto &el : current_waypoints_)
    if (getPlaneDistance(el.pose.pose.position, current_pose_.position) > minimum_lookahead_distance_)
      is_valid_curve = true;
  if (!is_valid_curve)
    return false;
  // if is_linear_interpolation_ is false or next waypoint is first or last
  if (!is_linear_interpolation_ || next_waypoint_number_ == 0 ||
      next_waypoint_number_ == (static_cast<int>(current_waypoints_.size() - 1)))
    next_target_position_ = current_waypoints_.at(next_waypoint_number_).pose.pose.position;
    *output_kappa = calcCurvature(next_target_position_);
    return true;

  // linear interpolation and calculate angular velocity
  bool interpolation = interpolateNextTarget(next_waypoint_number_, &next_target_position_);

  if (!interpolation)
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("lost target! ");
    return false;

  // ROS_INFO("next_target : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", next_target.x, next_target.y,next_target.z);

  *output_kappa = calcCurvature(next_target_position_);
  return true;
double PurePursuit::calcCurvature(geometry_msgs::Point target) const
  double kappa;
  double denominator = pow(getPlaneDistance(target, current_pose_.position), 2);
  double numerator = 2 * calcRelativeCoordinate(target, current_pose_).y;

  if (denominator != 0)
    kappa = numerator / denominator;
    if (numerator > 0)
      kappa = KAPPA_MIN_;
      kappa = -KAPPA_MIN_;
  ROS_INFO("kappa : %lf", kappa);
  return kappa;
//linear interpolation of next target
static bool interpolateNextTarget(int next_waypoint,geometry_msgs::Point *next_target)
  double search_radius = getLookAheadThreshold(0);
  geometry_msgs::Point zero_p;
  geometry_msgs::Point end = _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint);
  geometry_msgs::Point start = _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint - 1);

  //let the linear equation be "y = slope * x + intercept"
  double slope = 0;
  double intercept = 0;
  getLinearEquation(start,end,&slope, &intercept);

  //let the center of circle be "(x0,y0)", in my code , the center of circle is vehicle position
  //the distance  "d" between the foot of a perpendicular line and the center of circle is ...
  //    | y0 - slope * x0 - intercept |
  //d = -------------------------------
  //          √( 1 + slope^2)
  double d = getDistanceBetweenLineAndPoint(_current_pose.pose.position,slope,intercept);

  //ROS_INFO("slope : %lf ", slope);
  //ROS_INFO("intercept : %lf ", intercept);
  //ROS_INFO("distance : %lf ", d);

  if (d > search_radius)
    return false;

  //unit vector of point 'start' to point 'end'
  tf::Vector3 v((end.x - start.x), (end.y - start.y), 0);
  tf::Vector3 unit_v = v.normalize();

  //normal unit vectors of v
  tf::Vector3 unit_w1 = rotateUnitVector(unit_v, 90); //rotate to counter clockwise 90 degree
  tf::Vector3 unit_w2 = rotateUnitVector(unit_v, -90); //rotate to counter clockwise 90 degree

  //the foot of a perpendicular line
  geometry_msgs::Point h1;
  h1.x = _current_pose.pose.position.x + d * unit_w1.getX();
  h1.y = _current_pose.pose.position.y + d * unit_w1.getY();
  h1.z = _current_pose.pose.position.z;

  geometry_msgs::Point h2;
  h2.x = _current_pose.pose.position.x + d * unit_w2.getX();
  h2.y = _current_pose.pose.position.y + d * unit_w2.getY();
  h2.z = _current_pose.pose.position.z;

  double error = pow(10, -5); //0.00001

  //ROS_INFO("error : %lf", error);
  //ROS_INFO("whether h1 on line : %lf", h1.y - (slope * h1.x + intercept));
  //ROS_INFO("whether h2 on line : %lf", h2.y - (slope * h2.x + intercept));

  //check which of two foot of a perpendicular line is on the line equation
  geometry_msgs::Point h;
  if (fabs(h1.y - (slope * h1.x + intercept)) < error)
    h = h1;
 //   ROS_INFO("use h1");
  else if (fabs(h2.y - (slope * h2.x + intercept)) < error)
 //   ROS_INFO("use h2");
    h = h2;
    return false;

  //get intersection[s]
  //if there is a intersection
  if (d == search_radius)
    *next_target = h;
    return true;
    //if there are two intersection
    //get intersection in front of vehicle
    double s = sqrt(pow(search_radius, 2) - pow(d, 2));
    geometry_msgs::Point target1;
    target1.x = h.x + s * unit_v.getX();
    target1.y = h.y + s * unit_v.getY();
    target1.z = _current_pose.pose.position.z;

    geometry_msgs::Point target2;
    target2.x = h.x - s * unit_v.getX();
    target2.y = h.y - s * unit_v.getY();
    target2.z = _current_pose.pose.position.z;

    //ROS_INFO("target1 : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", target1.x, target1.y, target1.z);
    //ROS_INFO("target2 : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", target2.x, target2.y, target2.z);
    displayLinePoint(slope, intercept, target1, target2, h); //debug tool

    //check intersection is between end and start
    double interval = getPlaneDistance(end,start);
    if (getPlaneDistance(target1, end) < interval)
      //ROS_INFO("result : target1");
      *next_target = target1;
      return true;
    else if (getPlaneDistance(target2, end) < interval)

      //ROS_INFO("result : target2");
      *next_target = target2;
      return true;
      //ROS_INFO("result : false ");
      return false;
// linear interpolation of next target
bool PurePursuit::interpolateNextTarget(int next_waypoint, geometry_msgs::Point *next_target) const
  constexpr double ERROR = pow(10, -5);  // 0.00001

  int path_size = static_cast<int>(current_waypoints_.size());
  if (next_waypoint == path_size - 1)
    *next_target = current_waypoints_.at(next_waypoint).pose.pose.position;
    return true;
  double search_radius = lookahead_distance_;
  geometry_msgs::Point zero_p;
  geometry_msgs::Point end = current_waypoints_.at(next_waypoint).pose.pose.position;
  geometry_msgs::Point start = current_waypoints_.at(next_waypoint - 1).pose.pose.position;

  // let the linear equation be "ax + by + c = 0"
  // if there are two points (x1,y1) , (x2,y2), a = "y2-y1, b = "(-1) * x2 - x1" ,c = "(-1) * (y2-y1)x1 + (x2-x1)y1"
  double a = 0;
  double b = 0;
  double c = 0;
  double get_linear_flag = getLinearEquation(start, end, &a, &b, &c);
  if (!get_linear_flag)
    return false;

  // let the center of circle be "(x0,y0)", in my code , the center of circle is vehicle position
  // the distance  "d" between the foot of a perpendicular line and the center of circle is ...
  //    | a * x0 + b * y0 + c |
  // d = -------------------------------
  //          √( a~2 + b~2)
  double d = getDistanceBetweenLineAndPoint(current_pose_.position, a, b, c);

  // ROS_INFO("a : %lf ", a);
  // ROS_INFO("b : %lf ", b);
  // ROS_INFO("c : %lf ", c);
  // ROS_INFO("distance : %lf ", d);

  if (d > search_radius)
    return false;

  // unit vector of point 'start' to point 'end'
  tf::Vector3 v((end.x - start.x), (end.y - start.y), 0);
  tf::Vector3 unit_v = v.normalize();

  // normal unit vectors of v
  tf::Vector3 unit_w1 = rotateUnitVector(unit_v, 90);   // rotate to counter clockwise 90 degree
  tf::Vector3 unit_w2 = rotateUnitVector(unit_v, -90);  // rotate to counter clockwise 90 degree

  // the foot of a perpendicular line
  geometry_msgs::Point h1;
  h1.x = current_pose_.position.x + d * unit_w1.getX();
  h1.y = current_pose_.position.y + d * unit_w1.getY();
  h1.z = current_pose_.position.z;

  geometry_msgs::Point h2;
  h2.x = current_pose_.position.x + d * unit_w2.getX();
  h2.y = current_pose_.position.y + d * unit_w2.getY();
  h2.z = current_pose_.position.z;

  // ROS_INFO("error : %lf", error);
  // ROS_INFO("whether h1 on line : %lf", h1.y - (slope * h1.x + intercept));
  // ROS_INFO("whether h2 on line : %lf", h2.y - (slope * h2.x + intercept));

  // check which of two foot of a perpendicular line is on the line equation
  geometry_msgs::Point h;
  if (fabs(a * h1.x + b * h1.y + c) < ERROR)
    h = h1;
    //   ROS_INFO("use h1");
  else if (fabs(a * h2.x + b * h2.y + c) < ERROR)
    //   ROS_INFO("use h2");
    h = h2;
    return false;

  // get intersection[s]
  // if there is a intersection
  if (d == search_radius)
    *next_target = h;
    return true;
    // if there are two intersection
    // get intersection in front of vehicle
    double s = sqrt(pow(search_radius, 2) - pow(d, 2));
    geometry_msgs::Point target1;
    target1.x = h.x + s * unit_v.getX();
    target1.y = h.y + s * unit_v.getY();
    target1.z = current_pose_.position.z;

    geometry_msgs::Point target2;
    target2.x = h.x - s * unit_v.getX();
    target2.y = h.y - s * unit_v.getY();
    target2.z = current_pose_.position.z;

    // ROS_INFO("target1 : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", target1.x, target1.y, target1.z);
    // ROS_INFO("target2 : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", target2.x, target2.y, target2.z);
    // displayLinePoint(a, b, c, target1, target2, h);  // debug tool

    // check intersection is between end and start
    double interval = getPlaneDistance(end, start);
    if (getPlaneDistance(target1, end) < interval)
      // ROS_INFO("result : target1");
      *next_target = target1;
      return true;
    else if (getPlaneDistance(target2, end) < interval)
      // ROS_INFO("result : target2");
      *next_target = target2;
      return true;
      // ROS_INFO("result : false ");
      return false;