void uncNativeTextureTypeProvider::DeserializeTexture( TextureBase *theTexture, PlatformTexture *nativeTex, BlockProvider& inputProvider ) const
    Interface *engineInterface = theTexture->engineInterface;

    // Read the texture native block.
        BlockProvider texImageDataBlock( &inputProvider );


            if ( texImageDataBlock.getBlockID() == CHUNK_STRUCT )
                // Read the meta header first.
                mobile_unc::textureNativeGenericHeader metaHeader;

                texImageDataBlock.read( &metaHeader, sizeof( metaHeader ) );

                // Make sure we got the right platform descriptor.
                if ( metaHeader.platformDescriptor != PLATFORMDESC_UNC_MOBILE )
                    throw RwException( "invalid platform descriptor in uncompressed mobile texture native" );

                // Cast out native texture type.
                NativeTextureMobileUNC *platformTex = (NativeTextureMobileUNC*)nativeTex;

                // Read the format info.
                metaHeader.formatInfo.parse( *theTexture );

                // Read the texture names.
                    char tmpbuf[ sizeof( metaHeader.name ) + 1 ];

                    // Make sure the name buffer is zero terminted.
                    tmpbuf[ sizeof( metaHeader.name ) ] = '\0';

                    // Move over the texture name.
                    memcpy( tmpbuf, metaHeader.name, sizeof( metaHeader.name ) );

                    theTexture->SetName( tmpbuf );

                    // Move over the texture mask name.
                    memcpy( tmpbuf, metaHeader.maskName, sizeof( metaHeader.maskName ) );

                    theTexture->SetMaskName( tmpbuf );
                // Read some advanced properties.
                bool hasAlpha = metaHeader.hasAlpha;

                platformTex->hasAlpha = hasAlpha;
                platformTex->unk2 = metaHeader.unk2;
                platformTex->unk3 = metaHeader.unk3;

                assert( metaHeader.unk1 == false );
                assert( metaHeader.unk2 == 0 );

                // This texture format is very primitive.
                // It supports only RASTER_4444 textures with 16 depth.
                // Everything that this format stores is already storable in the Direct3D 8/9 platform.
                eRasterFormat rasterFormat;
                uint32 depth;
                eColorOrdering colorOrder;

                getUNCRasterFormat( hasAlpha, rasterFormat, colorOrder, depth );

                // Parse all mipmaps.
                // This format is pretty simple.
                uint32 maybeMipmapCount = metaHeader.mipmapCount;

                mipGenLevelGenerator mipLevelGen( metaHeader.width, metaHeader.height );

                if ( !mipLevelGen.isValidLevel() )
                    throw RwException( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " has invalid dimensions" );

                uint32 mipmap_index = 0;
                uint32 remainingTexImageDataSize = metaHeader.imageDataSectionSize;

                while ( true )
                    if ( remainingTexImageDataSize == 0 )

                    if ( mipmap_index >= maybeMipmapCount )

                    bool couldEstablishLevel = true;

                    if ( mipmap_index > 0 )
                        couldEstablishLevel = mipLevelGen.incrementLevel();

                    if ( !couldEstablishLevel )

                    // Create the new mipmap layer.
                    NativeTextureMobileUNC::mipmapLayer newLayer;

                    uint32 width = mipLevelGen.getLevelWidth();
                    uint32 height = mipLevelGen.getLevelHeight();

                    newLayer.layerWidth = width;
                    newLayer.layerHeight = height;

                    // Since we are an uncompressed texture, the layer dimensions equal the raw dimensions.
                    newLayer.width = width;
                    newLayer.height = height;

                    // Calculate the size of this layer.
                    uint32 texRowSize = getUNCRasterDataRowSize( width, depth );

                    uint32 texDataSize = getRasterDataSizeByRowSize( texRowSize, height );

                    // Reduce the texture image data section remainder.
                    if ( remainingTexImageDataSize < texDataSize )
                        throw RwException( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " has an invalid image data stream section size" );

                    remainingTexImageDataSize -= texDataSize;

                    // Store the texels.
                    texImageDataBlock.check_read_ahead( texDataSize );

                    void *texels = engineInterface->PixelAllocate( texDataSize );

                        texImageDataBlock.read( texels, texDataSize );
                    catch( ... )
                        engineInterface->PixelFree( texels );


                    newLayer.texels = texels;
                    newLayer.dataSize = texDataSize;

                    // Store this layer.
                    platformTex->mipmaps.push_back( newLayer );

                    // Increase the mipmap index.

                // We do not want no empty textures.
                if ( mipmap_index == 0 )
                    throw RwException( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " is empty" );

                // Fix filtering mode.
                fixFilteringMode( *theTexture, mipmap_index );

                int warningLevel = engineInterface->GetWarningLevel();

                // Check whether we have any remaining texture image data.
                if ( remainingTexImageDataSize != 0 )
                    if ( warningLevel >= 3 )
                        engineInterface->PushWarning( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " has image data section meta-data" );

                    // Skip the meta-data.
                    texImageDataBlock.skip( remainingTexImageDataSize );

                // We are done!
                throw RwException( "could not find tex image data block in uncompressed mobile texture native" );
        catch( ... )



    // Deserialize extensions.
    engineInterface->DeserializeExtensions( theTexture, inputProvider );
void d3d8NativeTextureTypeProvider::DeserializeTexture( TextureBase *theTexture, PlatformTexture *nativeTex, BlockProvider& inputProvider ) const
    Interface *engineInterface = theTexture->engineInterface;

        BlockProvider texNativeImageStruct( &inputProvider );


            if ( texNativeImageStruct.getBlockID() == CHUNK_STRUCT )
                d3d8::textureMetaHeaderStructGeneric metaHeader;
                texNativeImageStruct.read( &metaHeader, sizeof(metaHeader) );

	            uint32 platform = metaHeader.platformDescriptor;

	            if (platform != PLATFORM_D3D8)
                    throw RwException( "invalid platform type in Direct3D 8 texture reading" );

                // Recast the texture to our native type.
                NativeTextureD3D8 *platformTex = (NativeTextureD3D8*)nativeTex;

                int engineWarningLevel = engineInterface->GetWarningLevel();

                bool engineIgnoreSecureWarnings = engineInterface->GetIgnoreSecureWarnings();

                // Read the texture names.
                    char tmpbuf[ sizeof( metaHeader.name ) + 1 ];

                    // Make sure the name buffer is zero terminted.
                    tmpbuf[ sizeof( metaHeader.name ) ] = '\0';

                    // Move over the texture name.
                    memcpy( tmpbuf, metaHeader.name, sizeof( metaHeader.name ) );

                    theTexture->SetName( tmpbuf );

                    // Move over the texture mask name.
                    memcpy( tmpbuf, metaHeader.maskName, sizeof( metaHeader.maskName ) );

                    theTexture->SetMaskName( tmpbuf );

                // Read texture format.
                texFormatInfo formatInfo = metaHeader.texFormat;

                formatInfo.parse( *theTexture );

                // Deconstruct the format flags.
                bool hasMipmaps = false;    // TODO: actually use this flag.

                readRasterFormatFlags( metaHeader.rasterFormat, platformTex->rasterFormat, platformTex->paletteType, hasMipmaps, platformTex->autoMipmaps );

	            platformTex->hasAlpha = ( metaHeader.hasAlpha != 0 ? true : false );

                uint32 depth = metaHeader.depth;
                uint32 maybeMipmapCount = metaHeader.mipmapCount;

                platformTex->depth = depth;

                platformTex->rasterType = metaHeader.rasterType;

                // Decide about the color order.
                    eColorOrdering colorOrder = COLOR_BGRA;

                    if ( platformTex->paletteType != PALETTE_NONE )
                        colorOrder = COLOR_RGBA;

                    platformTex->colorOrdering = colorOrder;

                // Read compression information.
                    uint32 dxtInfo = metaHeader.dxtCompression;

                    platformTex->dxtCompression = dxtInfo;

                    // If we are compressed, it must be a compression we know about.
                    if ( dxtInfo != 0 )
                        if ( dxtInfo != 1 && dxtInfo != 2 && dxtInfo != 3 && dxtInfo != 4 && dxtInfo != 5 )
                            throw RwException( "invalid Direct3D texture compression format" );

                // Verify raster properties and attempt to fix broken textures.
                // Broken textures travel with mods like San Andreas Retextured.
                // - Verify depth.
                    bool hasInvalidDepth = false;

                    if (platformTex->paletteType == PALETTE_4BIT)
                        if (depth != 4 && depth != 8)
                            hasInvalidDepth = true;
                    else if (platformTex->paletteType == PALETTE_8BIT)
                        if (depth != 8)
                            hasInvalidDepth = true;

                    if (hasInvalidDepth == true)
                        throw RwException( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " has an invalid depth" );

                        // We cannot fix an invalid depth.
                if (platformTex->paletteType != PALETTE_NONE)
                    uint32 reqPalItemCount = getD3DPaletteCount( platformTex->paletteType );

                    uint32 palDepth = Bitmap::getRasterFormatDepth( platformTex->rasterFormat );

                    assert( palDepth != 0 );

                    size_t paletteDataSize = getPaletteDataSize( reqPalItemCount, palDepth );

                    // Check whether we have palette data in the stream.
                    texNativeImageStruct.check_read_ahead( paletteDataSize );

                    void *palData = engineInterface->PixelAllocate( paletteDataSize );

	                    texNativeImageStruct.read( palData, paletteDataSize );
                    catch( ... )
                        engineInterface->PixelFree( palData );


                    // Store the palette.
                    platformTex->palette = palData;
                    platformTex->paletteSize = reqPalItemCount;

                mipGenLevelGenerator mipLevelGen( metaHeader.width, metaHeader.height );

                if ( !mipLevelGen.isValidLevel() )
                    throw RwException( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " has invalid dimensions" );

                uint32 mipmapCount = 0;

                uint32 processedMipmapCount = 0;

                uint32 dxtCompression = platformTex->dxtCompression;

                bool hasDamagedMipmaps = false;

                for (uint32 i = 0; i < maybeMipmapCount; i++)
                    bool couldEstablishLevel = true;

	                if (i > 0)
                        couldEstablishLevel = mipLevelGen.incrementLevel();

                    if (!couldEstablishLevel)

                    // Create a new mipmap layer.
                    NativeTextureD3D8::mipmapLayer newLayer;

                    newLayer.layerWidth = mipLevelGen.getLevelWidth();
                    newLayer.layerHeight = mipLevelGen.getLevelHeight();

                    // Process dimensions.
                    uint32 texWidth = newLayer.layerWidth;
                    uint32 texHeight = newLayer.layerHeight;
		                // DXT compression works on 4x4 blocks,
		                // no smaller values allowed
		                if (dxtCompression != 0)
			                texWidth = ALIGN_SIZE( texWidth, 4u );
                            texHeight = ALIGN_SIZE( texHeight, 4u );

                    newLayer.width = texWidth;
                    newLayer.height = texHeight;

	                uint32 texDataSize = texNativeImageStruct.readUInt32();

                    // We started processing this mipmap.

                    // Verify the data size.
                    bool isValidMipmap = true;
                        uint32 actualDataSize = 0;

                        if (dxtCompression != 0)
                            uint32 texItemCount = ( texWidth * texHeight );

                            actualDataSize = getDXTRasterDataSize(dxtCompression, texItemCount);
                            uint32 rowSize = getD3DRasterDataRowSize( texWidth, depth );

                            actualDataSize = getRasterDataSizeByRowSize( rowSize, texHeight );

                        if (actualDataSize != texDataSize)
                            isValidMipmap = false;

                    if ( !isValidMipmap )
                        // Even the Rockstar games texture generator appeared to have problems with mipmap generation.
                        // This is why textures appear to have the size of zero.

                        if (texDataSize != 0)
                            if ( !engineIgnoreSecureWarnings )
                               engineInterface->PushWarning( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " has damaged mipmaps (ignoring)" );

                            hasDamagedMipmaps = true;

                        // Skip the damaged bytes.
                        if (texDataSize != 0)
                            texNativeImageStruct.skip( texDataSize );

                    // We first have to check whether there is enough data in the stream.
                    // Otherwise we would just flood the memory in case of an error;
                    // that could be abused by exploiters.
                    texNativeImageStruct.check_read_ahead( texDataSize );
                    void *texelData = engineInterface->PixelAllocate( texDataSize );

	                    texNativeImageStruct.read( texelData, texDataSize );
                    catch( ... )
                        engineInterface->PixelFree( texelData );


                    // Store mipmap properties.
	                newLayer.dataSize = texDataSize;

                    // Store the image data pointer.
	                newLayer.texels = texelData;

                    // Put the layer.
                    platformTex->mipmaps.push_back( newLayer );

                if ( mipmapCount == 0 )
                    throw RwException( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " is empty" );

                // mipmapCount can only be smaller than maybeMipmapCount.
                // This is logically true and would be absurd to assert here.

                if ( processedMipmapCount < maybeMipmapCount )
                    // Skip the remaining mipmaps (most likely zero-sized).
                    bool hasSkippedNonZeroSized = false;

                    for ( uint32 n = processedMipmapCount; n < maybeMipmapCount; n++ )
                        uint32 mipSize = texNativeImageStruct.readUInt32();

                        if ( mipSize != 0 )
                            hasSkippedNonZeroSized = true;

                            // Skip the section.
                            texNativeImageStruct.skip( mipSize );

                    if ( !engineIgnoreSecureWarnings && !hasDamagedMipmaps )
                        // Print the debug message.
                        if ( !hasSkippedNonZeroSized )
                            engineInterface->PushWarning( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " has zero sized mipmaps" );
                            engineInterface->PushWarning( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " violates mipmap rules" );

                // Fix filtering mode.
                fixFilteringMode( *theTexture, mipmapCount );

                // - Verify auto mipmap
                    bool hasAutoMipmaps = platformTex->autoMipmaps;

                    if ( hasAutoMipmaps )
                        bool canHaveAutoMipmaps = ( mipmapCount == 1 );

                        if ( !canHaveAutoMipmaps )
                            engineInterface->PushWarning( "texture " + theTexture->GetName() + " has an invalid auto-mipmap flag (fixing)" );

                            platformTex->autoMipmaps = false;
                engineInterface->PushWarning( "failed to find texture native image struct in D3D texture native" );
        catch( ... )



    // Read extensions.
    engineInterface->DeserializeExtensions( theTexture, inputProvider );