    Dimension UnitSystem::parseFactor(const std::string& dimension) const {
        std::vector<std::string> dimensionList;
        boost::split(dimensionList , dimension , boost::is_any_of("*"));

        double SIfactor = 1.0;
        for( const auto& x : dimensionList ) {
            auto dim = getDimension( x );

            // all constituing dimension must be compositable. The
            // only exception is if there is the "composite" dimension
            // consists of exactly a single atomic dimension...
            if (dimensionList.size() > 1 && !dim.isCompositable())
                throw std::invalid_argument("Composite dimensions currently cannot require a conversion offset");

            SIfactor *= dim.getSIScaling();
        return Dimension::newComposite( dimension , SIfactor );
文件: util.hpp 项目: G-Node/nix
T convertToSeconds(const std::string &unit, T value) {
    T seconds;
    if (unit == "min") {
        seconds = value * 60;
    } else if (unit == "h") {
        std::string new_unit = "min";
        seconds = convertToSeconds(new_unit, value * 60);
    } else if (unit == "s" || unit == "sec") {
        seconds = value;
    } else if (isScalable(unit, "s")) {
        double scaled = value * getSIScaling(unit, "s");
        seconds = static_cast<T>(std::is_integral<T>::value ? std::round(scaled) : scaled);
    } else {
        std::cerr << "[nix::util::convertToSeconds]";
        std::cerr << " Warning: given unit [" + unit + "] is not supported!" << std::endl;
        seconds = value;
    return seconds;
文件: util.hpp 项目: G-Node/nix
T convertToKelvin(const std::string &unit, T value) {

   if (unit == "°K" || unit == "K") {
       return value;

   double temperature;
   if (unit == "°C" || unit == "C") {
       temperature = value + 273.15;
   } else if (unit == "°F" || unit == "F") {
       temperature = (value - 32) * 5.0/9 + 273.15;
   } else if (isScalable(unit, "K")) {
       temperature = value * getSIScaling(unit, "K");
   } else {

       std::cerr << "[nix::util::convertToKelvin]" << std::endl;
       std::cerr << " Warning: given unit [" + unit + "] is not supported!" << std::endl;
       return value;

   return static_cast<T>(std::is_integral<T>::value ? std::round(temperature) : temperature);