void cLibsvmSink::fetchConfig()
  filename = getStr("filename");
  SMILE_DBG(3,"filename = '%s'",filename);

  lag = getInt("lag");
  SMILE_DBG(3,"lag = %i",lag);

  append = getInt("append");
  if (append) { SMILE_DBG(3,"append to file is enabled"); }

  timestamp = getInt("timestamp");
  if (append) { SMILE_DBG(3,"printing timestamp attribute (index 1) enabled"); }

  instanceBase = getStr("instanceBase");
  SMILE_DBG(3,"instanceBase = '%s'",instanceBase);

  instanceName = getStr("instanceName");
  SMILE_DBG(3,"instanceName = '%s'",instanceName);
  int i;
  nClasses = getArraySize("class");
  classname = (char**)calloc(1,sizeof(char*)*nClasses);
  for (i=0; i<nClasses; i++) {
    const char *tmp = getStr_f(myvprint("class[%i]",i));
    if (tmp!=NULL) classname[i] = strdup(tmp);

  if (isSet("targetNumAll")) {
    targetNumAll = getInt("targetNumAll");
  if (isSet("targetStrAll")) {
    if (nClasses <=0) COMP_ERR("cannt have 'targetStrAll' option if no class names have been defined using the 'class' option! (inst '%s')",getInstName());
    targetNumAll = getClassIndex(getStr("targetStrAll"));
  nInst = getArraySize("targetNum");
  if (nInst > 0) {
    target = (int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int)*nInst);
    for (i=0; i<nInst; i++) {
      target[i] = getInt_f(myvprint("targetNum[%i]",i));
      if (target[i] < 0) COMP_ERR("invalid class index %i for instance %i (in 'targetNum' option of instance '%s')",target[i],i,getInstName());
  } else {
    nInst = getArraySize("targetStr");
    if (nInst > 0) {
      if (nClasses <=0) COMP_ERR("cannt have 'targetStr' option if no class names have been defined using the 'class' option! (inst '%s')",getInstName());
      target = (int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int)*nInst);
      for (i=0; i<nInst; i++) {
        target[i] = getClassIndex(getStr_f(myvprint("targetStr[%i]",i)));
        if (target[i] < 0) COMP_ERR("invalid class index %i for instance %i (from class '%s' in 'targetStr' option of instance '%s')",target[i],i,getStr_f(myvprint("targetStr[%i]",i)),getInstName());
    } else { nInst = 0; }

int cFunctionalsVecToVec::myConfigureInstance()
  int i,j;

  cComponentManager *_compman = getCompMan();
  if (_compman != NULL) {
    int nTp = _compman->getNtypes();
    nFunctTp = 0;
    for (i=0; i<nTp; i++) {
      const char * tp = _compman->getComponentType(i,1);
      if (tp!=NULL) {
        if (!strncmp(tp,"cFunctional",11)&&strcmp(tp,COMPONENT_NAME_CFUNCTIONALSVECTOVEC)) {
           // find beginning "cFunctional" but not our own type (cFunctinals)
          const char *fn = tp+11;
          if (nFunctTpAlloc == nFunctTp) { // realloc:
            functTp = (char **)crealloc( functTp, sizeof(char*)*(nFunctTpAlloc+N_BLOCK_ALLOC), nFunctTpAlloc );
            functTpI = (int *)crealloc( functTpI, sizeof(int)*(nFunctTpAlloc+N_BLOCK_ALLOC), nFunctTpAlloc );
            functI = (int *)crealloc( functI, sizeof(int)*(nFunctTpAlloc+N_BLOCK_ALLOC), nFunctTpAlloc );
            functN = (int *)crealloc( functN, sizeof(int)*(nFunctTpAlloc+N_BLOCK_ALLOC), nFunctTpAlloc );
            functObj = (cFunctionalComponent **)crealloc( functObj, sizeof(cFunctionalComponent *)*(nFunctTpAlloc+N_BLOCK_ALLOC), nFunctTpAlloc );
            nFunctTpAlloc += N_BLOCK_ALLOC;
          functTp[nFunctTp] = strdup(fn);
          functTpI[nFunctTp] = i;
  SMILE_DBG(2,"(inst '%s') found %i cFunctionalXXXX component types.",getInstName(),nFunctTp);

  // fetch enabled functionals list
  nFunctionalsEnabled = getArraySize("functionalsEnabled");
  nFunctValues = 0;
  requireSorted = 0;
  for (i=0; i<nFunctionalsEnabled; i++) {
    const char *fname = getStr_f(myvprint("functionalsEnabled[%i]",i));
    char *tpname = myvprint("cFunctional%s",fname);
    for (j=0; j<nFunctTp; j++) {
      if (!strcmp(functTp[j],fname)) {
        functI[i] = j;
// TODO: find duplicates in functionalsEnabled Array!!!

    if (j<nFunctTp) {
      // and create corresponding component instances...
        SMILE_DBG(3,"(inst '%s') creating Functional object 'cFunctional%s'.",fname);
        char *_tmp = myvprint("%s.%s",getInstName(),fname);
        cFunctionalComponent * tmp = (cFunctionalComponent *)(_compman->createComponent)(_tmp,tpname);
        if (tmp==NULL) OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        tmp->setComponentEnvironment(_compman, -1, this);
        functN[i] = tmp->getNoutputValues();
        requireSorted += tmp->getRequireSorted();
        nFunctValues += functN[i];
        functObj[i] = tmp;
        //functTp[i]  = strdup(fname);
    } else {
      SMILE_ERR(1,"(inst '%s') Functional object '%s' specified in 'functionalsEnabled' array, however no type 'cFunctional%s' exists!",getInstName(),fname,fname);
      functObj[i] = NULL;
      functN[i] = 0;
      return 0;
      //functTp[i]  = NULL;
  if (requireSorted)
    SMILE_DBG(2,"%i Functional components require sorted data.",requireSorted);

  return cVectorProcessor::myConfigureInstance();

void cArffSink::fetchConfig()
  filename = getStr("filename");
  if (filename == NULL || *filename == 0 || (*filename == '?' && *(filename+1) == 0)) {
    SMILE_IMSG(2, "No filename given, disabling this sink component.");
    disabledSink_ = true;
    errorOnNoOutput_ = 0;

  lag = getInt("lag");
  SMILE_IDBG(3,"lag = %i",lag);

  append = getInt("append");
  if (append) { SMILE_IDBG(3,"append to file is enabled"); }

  printDefaultClassDummyAttribute = getInt("printDefaultClassDummyAttribute");
  if (isSet("frameTime")) timestamp = getInt("frameTime");
  else timestamp = getInt("timestamp");
  if (timestamp) { SMILE_IDBG(3,"printing timestamp attribute enabled"); }

  if (isSet("frameIndex")) number = getInt("frameIndex");
  else number = getInt("number");
  if (number) { SMILE_IDBG(3,"printing instance number (=frame number) attribute enabled"); }

  frameLength = getInt("frameLength");

  relation = getStr("relation");
  SMILE_IDBG(3,"ARFF relation = '%s'",relation);

  instanceBase = getStr("instanceBase");
  SMILE_IDBG(3,"instanceBase = '%s'",instanceBase);

  instanceName = getStr("instanceName");
  SMILE_IDBG(3,"instanceName = '%s'",instanceName);
  int i;
  nClasses = getArraySize("class");
  //printf("nclasses: %i\n", nClasses);
  classname = (char**)calloc(1,sizeof(char*)*nClasses);
  classtype = (char**)calloc(1,sizeof(char*)*nClasses);
  for (i=0; i<nClasses; i++) {
    const char *tmp = getStr_f(myvprint("class[%i].name",i));
    if (tmp!=NULL) classname[i] = strdup(tmp);
    tmp = getStr_f(myvprint("class[%i].type",i));
    if (tmp!=NULL) classtype[i] = strdup(tmp);
    ConfigType * classType = new ConfigType("arffClass");
    classType->setField("name", "name of target", "class");
    classType->setField("type", "numeric, or nominal (= list of classes)", "numeric");
    ct->setField("class","definition of class target attributes (array for multiple targets/classes)", classType, ARRAY_TYPE);

    ConfigType * targetType = new ConfigType("arffTarget");
    targetType->setField("instance", "array containing targets for each instance", 0,ARRAY_TYPE);
    targetType->setField("all", "one common target for all processed instances", 0);

  if (getArraySize("target") != nClasses) {
    SMILE_ERR(1,"number of targets (%i) is != number of class attributes (%i)!",getArraySize("target"),nClasses);
  } else {
    targetall = (char**)calloc(1,sizeof(char*)*nClasses);
    targetinst = (char***)calloc(1,sizeof(char**)*nClasses);
    nInst = -2;
    for (i=0; i<nClasses; i++) {
      char *tmp = myvprint("target[%i].instance",i);
      const char *t = getStr_f(myvprint("target[%i].all",i));
      if (t!=NULL) targetall[i] = strdup(t);
      long ni = getArraySize(tmp);
      if (nInst==-2) nInst = ni; // -1 if no array
      else {
        if (nInst != ni) COMP_ERR("number of instances in target[].instance array is not constant among all targets! %i <> %i",nInst,ni);
      int j;
      if (nInst > 0) {
        targetinst[i] = (char**)calloc(1,sizeof(char*)*nInst);
        for (j=0; j<nInst; j++) {
          t = getStr_f(myvprint("%s[%i]",tmp,j));
          if (t!=NULL) targetinst[i][j] = strdup(t);

  instanceNameFromMetadata = getInt("instanceNameFromMetadata");
  SMILE_IDBG(2,"instanceNameFromMetadata = %i",instanceNameFromMetadata);
  useTargetsFromMetadata = getInt("useTargetsFromMetadata");
  SMILE_IDBG(2,"useTargetsFromMetadata = %i",useTargetsFromMetadata);
  frameTimeAdd= getDouble("frameTimeAdd");
//    ct->setField("target","targets (classes) for each target (class) attribute",targetType,ARRAY_TYPE);