 * Function : getServiceTable
 * Parameters :
 * 	IXML_Node *node ;	XML node information
 *	service_table *out ;	output parameter which will contain the
 *				service list and URL
 *	const char *DefaultURLBase ; Default base URL on which the URL
 *				will be returned.
 * Description : Retrieve service from the table
 * Return : int ;
 * Note :
getServiceTable( IXML_Node * node,
                 service_table * out,
                 const char *DefaultURLBase )
    IXML_Node *root = NULL;
    IXML_Node *URLBase = NULL;

    if( getSubElement( "root", node, &root ) ) {
        if( getSubElement( "URLBase", root, &URLBase ) ) {
            out->URLBase = getElementValue( URLBase );
        } else {
            if( DefaultURLBase ) {
                out->URLBase = ixmlCloneDOMString( DefaultURLBase );
            } else {
                out->URLBase = ixmlCloneDOMString( "" );

        if( ( out->serviceList = getAllServiceList(
            root, out->URLBase, &out->endServiceList ) ) ) {
            return 1;


    return 0;
*	Function :	removeServiceTable
*	Parameters :
*		IXML_Node *node ;	XML node information
*		service_table *in ;	service table from which services will be 
*							removed
*	Description :	This function assumes that services for a particular 
*		root device are placed linearly in the service table, and in the 
*		order in which they are found in the description document
*		all services for this root device are removed from the list
*	Return : int ;
*	Note :
removeServiceTable( IXML_Node * node,
                    service_table * in )
    IXML_Node *root = NULL;
    IXML_Node *currentUDN = NULL;
    DOMString UDN = NULL;
    IXML_NodeList *deviceList = NULL;
    service_info *current_service = NULL;
    service_info *start_search = NULL;
    service_info *prev_service = NULL;
    long unsigned int NumOfDevices = 0lu;
    long unsigned int i = 0lu;

    if( getSubElement( "root", node, &root ) ) {
        current_service = in->serviceList;
        start_search = in->serviceList;
        deviceList =
            ixmlElement_getElementsByTagName( ( IXML_Element * ) root,
                                              "device" );
        if( deviceList != NULL ) {
            NumOfDevices = ixmlNodeList_length( deviceList );
            for( i = 0lu; i < NumOfDevices; i++ ) {
                if( ( start_search )
                    && ( ( getSubElement( "UDN", node, &currentUDN ) )
                         && ( UDN = getElementValue( currentUDN ) ) ) ) {
                    current_service = start_search;
                    /*Services are put in the service table in the order in which they appear in the  */
                    /*description document, therefore we go through the list only once to remove a particular */
                    /*root device */
                    while( ( current_service )
                           && ( strcmp( current_service->UDN, UDN ) ) ) {
                        current_service = current_service->next;
			if( current_service != NULL) 
                        	prev_service = current_service->next;
                    while( ( current_service )
                           && ( !strcmp( current_service->UDN, UDN ) ) ) {
                        if( prev_service ) {
                            prev_service->next = current_service->next;
                        } else {
                            in->serviceList = current_service->next;
                        if( current_service == in->endServiceList )
                            in->endServiceList = prev_service;
                        start_search = current_service->next;
                        freeService( current_service );
                        current_service = start_search;
                    ixmlFreeDOMString( UDN );
                    UDN = NULL;

            ixmlNodeList_free( deviceList );
    return 1;
/** @details
 * Ze zadaneho korenoveho elementu <em>box</em> vytvori prototyp bedny
 * reprezentovane timto elementem. Pokud se pri zpracovani dokumentu
 * vyskytne chyba, zobrazi chybove hlaseni.
 * Zda jde o element se spravnym nazvem se j*z nezkouma, proto
 * by melo byt vzdy drive otestovano pomoci @c canHandle().
 * Predpoklada j*z nacteny zdrojovy obrazek v @c ResourceHandler.
 * @param rootEl korenovy element reprezentujici nacitanou bednu
 * @return Nove vytvoreny prototyp bedny (volajici se stava vlastnikem).
 * @retval 0 Doslo k chybe, bedna nemuze byt vytvoren.
BombicMapObject * BoxResourceHandler::createMapObject(
		const QDomElement & rootEl) {
	QDomElement imgEl;
	if(getSubElement(rootEl, imgEl)) {
		// get attributes
		int x = 0;
		int y = 0;
		int w = 1;
		int h = 1;
		int t = 0; // toplapping
		bool success =
			getAttrsXY(imgEl, x, y) &&
			getIntAttr(imgEl, w, "width", true) &&
			getIntAttr(imgEl, h, "height", true) &&
			getIntAttr(imgEl, t, "toplapping", true);
		if(!success) {
			return 0;
		// get pixmap
		QPixmap pixmap = sourcePixmap().copy(
			x, y, w*CELL_SIZE, (h+t)*CELL_SIZE);

		return new BombicBox(
			rootEl.attribute("name"), pixmap, w, h, t);
	} else {
		return 0;
*	Function :	addServiceTable
*	Parameters :
*		IXML_Node *node ;	XML node information 
*		service_table *in ;	service table that will be initialized with 
*							services
*		const char *DefaultURLBase ; Default base URL on which the URL 
*							will be returned to the service list.
*	Description :	Add Service to the table.
*	Return : int ;
*	Note :
addServiceTable( IXML_Node * node,
                 service_table * in,
                 const char *DefaultURLBase )
    IXML_Node *root = NULL;
    IXML_Node *URLBase = NULL;

    service_info *tempEnd = NULL;

    if( in->URLBase ) {
        free( in->URLBase );
        in->URLBase = NULL;

    if( getSubElement( "root", node, &root ) ) {
        if( getSubElement( "URLBase", root, &URLBase ) ) {
            in->URLBase = getElementValue( URLBase );
        } else {
            if( DefaultURLBase ) {
                in->URLBase = ixmlCloneDOMString( DefaultURLBase );
            } else {
                in->URLBase = ixmlCloneDOMString( "" );

        if( ( in->endServiceList->next =
              getAllServiceList( root, in->URLBase, &tempEnd ) ) ) {
            in->endServiceList = tempEnd;
            return 1;


    return 0;
/** @details
 * Ze zadaneho korenoveho elementu <em>bonus</em> vytvori prototyp bonusu
 * reprezentovaneho timto elementem. Pokud se pri zpracovani dokumentu
 * vyskytne chyba, zobrazi chybove hlaseni.
 * Zda jde o element se spravnym nazvem se j*z nezkouma, proto
 * by melo byt vzdy drive otestovano pomoci @c canHandle().
 * Predpoklada j*z nacteny zdrojovy obrazek v @c ResourceHandler.
 * @param rootEl korenovy element reprezentujici nacitany bonus
 * @return Nove vytvoreny prototyp bonusu (volajici se stava vlastnikem).
 * @retval 0 Doslo k chybe, bonus nemuze byt vytvoren.
BombicMapObject * BonusResourceHandler::createMapObject(
		const QDomElement & rootEl) {
	QDomElement imgEl;
	if(getSubElement(rootEl, imgEl)) {
		// get attributes
		int x = 0;
		int y = 0;
		if(!getAttrsXY(imgEl, x, y)) {
			return 0;
		// get pixmap
		QPixmap pixmap = sourcePixmap().copy(

		return new BombicBonus(
			rootEl.attribute("name"), pixmap);
	} else {
		return 0;
*	Function :	getServiceList
*	Parameters :
*		IXML_Node *node ;	XML node information
*		service_info **end ; service added is returned to the output
*							parameter
*		char * URLBase ;	provides Base URL to resolve relative URL 
*	Description :	Returns pointer to service info after getting the 
*		sub-elements of the service info. 
*	Return : service_info * - pointer to the service info node ;
*	Note :
service_info *
getServiceList( IXML_Node * node,
                service_info ** end,
                char *URLBase )
    IXML_Node *serviceList = NULL;
    IXML_Node *current_service = NULL;
    IXML_Node *UDN = NULL;

    IXML_Node *serviceType = NULL;
    IXML_Node *serviceId = NULL;
    IXML_Node *controlURL = NULL;
    IXML_Node *eventURL = NULL;
    DOMString tempDOMString = NULL;
    service_info *head = NULL;
    service_info *current = NULL;
    service_info *previous = NULL;
    IXML_NodeList *serviceNodeList = NULL;
    int NumOfServices = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int fail = 0;

    if( getSubElement( "UDN", node, &UDN ) &&
        getSubElement( "serviceList", node, &serviceList ) ) {

        serviceNodeList = ixmlElement_getElementsByTagName( ( IXML_Element
                                                              * )
                                                            "service" );

        if( serviceNodeList != NULL ) {
            NumOfServices = ixmlNodeList_length( serviceNodeList );
            for( i = 0; i < NumOfServices; i++ ) {
                current_service = ixmlNodeList_item( serviceNodeList, i );
                fail = 0;

                if( current ) {
                    current->next =
                        ( service_info * )
                        malloc( sizeof( service_info ) );

                    previous = current;
                    current = current->next;
                } else {
                    head =
                        ( service_info * )
                        malloc( sizeof( service_info ) );
                    current = head;

                if( !current ) {
                    freeServiceList( head );
                    return NULL;

                current->next = NULL;
                current->controlURL = NULL;
                current->eventURL = NULL;
                current->serviceType = NULL;
                current->serviceId = NULL;
                current->SCPDURL = NULL;
                current->active = 1;
                current->subscriptionList = NULL;
                current->TotalSubscriptions = 0;

                if( !( current->UDN = getElementValue( UDN ) ) )
                    fail = 1;

                if( ( !getSubElement( "serviceType", current_service,
                                      &serviceType ) ) ||
                    ( !( current->serviceType =
                         getElementValue( serviceType ) ) ) )
                    fail = 1;

                if( ( !getSubElement( "serviceId", current_service,
                                      &serviceId ) ) ||
                    ( !
                      ( current->serviceId =
                        getElementValue( serviceId ) ) ) )
                    fail = 1;

                if( ( !
                      ( getSubElement
                        ( "SCPDURL", current_service, &SCPDURL ) ) )
                    || ( !( tempDOMString = getElementValue( SCPDURL ) ) )
                    ( !
                      ( current->SCPDURL =
                        resolve_rel_url( URLBase, tempDOMString ) ) ) )
                    fail = 1;

                ixmlFreeDOMString( tempDOMString );
                tempDOMString = NULL;

                if( ( !
                      ( getSubElement
                        ( "controlURL", current_service, &controlURL ) ) )
                    ( !( tempDOMString = getElementValue( controlURL ) ) )
                    ( !
                      ( current->controlURL =
                        resolve_rel_url( URLBase, tempDOMString ) ) ) ) {
                    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, GENA, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                        "BAD OR MISSING CONTROL URL" );
                    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, GENA, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                        "CONTROL URL SET TO NULL IN SERVICE INFO" );
                    current->controlURL = NULL;
                    fail = 0;

                ixmlFreeDOMString( tempDOMString );
                tempDOMString = NULL;

                if( ( !
                      ( getSubElement
                        ( "eventSubURL", current_service, &eventURL ) ) )
                    || ( !( tempDOMString = getElementValue( eventURL ) ) )
                    ( !
                      ( current->eventURL =
                        resolve_rel_url( URLBase, tempDOMString ) ) ) ) {
                    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, GENA, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                        "BAD OR MISSING EVENT URL" );
                    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, GENA, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                        "EVENT URL SET TO NULL IN SERVICE INFO" );
                    current->eventURL = NULL;
                    fail = 0;

                ixmlFreeDOMString( tempDOMString );
                tempDOMString = NULL;

                if( fail ) {
                    freeServiceList( current );

                    if( previous )
                        previous->next = NULL;
                        head = NULL;

                    current = previous;


            ixmlNodeList_free( serviceNodeList );

        ( *end ) = current;

        return head;
    } else
        return NULL;
