文件: util.c 项目: elraro/SGDK
LList* insertAllBeforeLList(LList* linkedElement, LList* elements)
    LList* src = getTailLList(elements);
    LList* dst = linkedElement;

    while(src != NULL)
        dst = insertBeforeLList(dst, src->element);
        src = src->prev;

    // return last inserted element
    return dst;
文件: xgm.c 项目: clbr/SGDK
static void XGM_extractSamples(XGM* xgm, VGM* vgm)
    int index;
    LList* sampleXgm;

    // index should be equal to current size + 1
    index = getSizeLList(xgm->samples) + 1;
    sampleXgm = getTailLList(xgm->samples);

    // extract samples
    LList* b = vgm->sampleBanks;
    while(b != NULL)
        SampleBank* sampleBank = b->element;
        LList* s = sampleBank->samples;

        // can't have more than 64 samples in XGM music
        while((s != NULL) && (index < 64))
            XGMSample* sample = XGMSample_createFromVGMSample(sampleBank, s->element);

            // valid sample
            if (sample != NULL)
                sample->index = index++;
                sampleXgm = insertAfterLList(sampleXgm, sample);

            s = s->next;

        // can't extract all samples (XGM music doesn't not support more than 63 samples)
        if ((s != NULL) && (index >= 64))
            if (!silent)
                printf("Error: XGM does not support music with more than 63 samples !\n");
                printf("Input VGM file probably has improper PCM data extraction, try to use another VGM source.\n");

            // interrupt sample extraction

        b = b->next;

    xgm->samples = getHeadLList(sampleXgm);
文件: xgc.c 项目: luciano2000/SGDK
void XGC_shiftSamples(XGM* source, int sft)
    int i;

    if (sft == 0)

    XGMCommand* loopCommand = XGM_getLoopCommand(source);
    XGMCommand* loopPointedCommand = XGM_getLoopPointedCommand(source);

    LList* sampleCommands[sft];
    LList* loopSampleCommands[sft];

    for (i = 0; i < sft; i++)
        sampleCommands[i] = NULL;
        loopSampleCommands[i] = NULL;

    int loopFrameIndex = sft;
    int frameRead = 0;
    int frameWrite = 0;
    LList* com = getTailLList(source->commands);

    while (com != NULL)
        XGMCommand* command = com->element;

        // this is the command pointed by the loop
        if (command == loopPointedCommand)
            loopFrameIndex = 0;

        if (XGMCommand_isPCM(command))
            sampleCommands[frameRead] = insertAfterLList(sampleCommands[frameRead], command);
        else if (XGCCommand_isFrameSize(command))
            frameRead = (frameRead + 1) % sft;
            frameWrite = (frameWrite + 1) % sft;

            // add sample commands stored for this frame
            while (sampleCommands[frameWrite] != NULL)
                // get current sample
                XGMCommand* sampleCommand = sampleCommands[frameWrite]->element;
                // next sample to store
                sampleCommands[frameWrite] = sampleCommands[frameWrite]->prev;

                // insert sample command just before current frame (and bypass it)
                com = insertBeforeLList(com, sampleCommand);
                // store for the loop samples restore
                if (loopFrameIndex < sft)
                    loopSampleCommands[loopFrameIndex] = insertAfterLList(loopSampleCommands[loopFrameIndex], XGCCommand_createFromCommand(sampleCommand));


        com = com->prev;

    // add last remaining samples
    com = source->commands;
    for (i = 0; i < sft; i++)
        while (sampleCommands[i] != NULL)
            insertAfterLList(com, sampleCommands[i]->element);
            // next sample to store
            sampleCommands[i] = sampleCommands[i]->prev;

    com = getTailLList(source->commands);
    // avoid the last command (end or loop)
    if (com != NULL)
        com = com->prev;
    loopFrameIndex = 0;
    while (loopFrameIndex < sft)
        XGMCommand* command = com->element;

        if (XGCCommand_isFrameSize(command))
            // add sample command to previous frame
            while (loopSampleCommands[loopFrameIndex] != NULL)
                XGMCommand* sampleCommand = loopSampleCommands[loopFrameIndex]->element;
                // next sample to store
                loopSampleCommands[loopFrameIndex] = loopSampleCommands[loopFrameIndex]->prev;

                // add sample command to current frame
                insertAfterLList(com, sampleCommand);


        com = com->prev;

    // recompute offset & frame size

    // fix address in loop command
    if ((loopCommand != NULL) && (loopPointedCommand != NULL))
        int offset = loopPointedCommand->offset;

        loopCommand->data[1] = offset >> 0;
        loopCommand->data[2] = offset >> 8;
        loopCommand->data[3] = offset >> 16;